xml-enumerator- Pure-Haskell utilities for dealing with XML with the enumerator package. (deprecated)

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered



Enumeratees to render XML Events. Unlike libxml-enumerator and expat-enumerator, this module does not provide IO and ST variants, since the underlying rendering operations are pure functions.



renderBuilder :: Monad m => RenderSettings -> Enumeratee Event Builder m bSource

Render a stream of Events into a stream of Builders. Builders are from the blaze-builder package, and allow the create of optimally sized ByteStrings with minimal buffer copying.

renderBytes :: MonadIO m => RenderSettings -> Enumeratee Event ByteString m bSource

Render a stream of Events into a stream of ByteStrings. This function wraps around renderBuilder and builderToByteString, so it produces optimally sized ByteStrings with minimal buffer copying.

The output is UTF8 encoded.

renderText :: MonadIO m => RenderSettings -> Enumeratee Event Text m bSource

Render a stream of Events into a stream of ByteStrings. This function wraps around renderBuilder, builderToByteString and renderBytes, so it produces optimally sized ByteStrings with minimal buffer copying.

def :: Default a => a

The default value for this type.

prettify :: Monad m => Enumeratee Event Event m aSource

Convert a stream of Events into a prettified one, adding extra whitespace. Note that this can change the meaning of your XML.