xmonad-contrib-0.11: Third party extensions for xmonad

Safe HaskellNone




This is a pure layout modifier that will let you move and resize windows with the keyboard in any layout.



You can use this module with the following in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs:

 import XMonad.Layout.WindowArranger
 myLayout = layoutHook defaultConfig
 main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = windowArrange myLayout }


 main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = windowArrangeAll myLayout }

For more detailed instructions on editing the layoutHook see:


You may also want to define some key binding to move or resize windows. These are good defaults:

        , ((modm .|. controlMask              , xK_s    ), sendMessage  Arrange         )
        , ((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_s    ), sendMessage  DeArrange       )
        , ((modm .|. controlMask              , xK_Left ), sendMessage (MoveLeft      1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask              , xK_Right), sendMessage (MoveRight     1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask              , xK_Down ), sendMessage (MoveDown      1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask              , xK_Up   ), sendMessage (MoveUp        1))
        , ((modm                 .|. shiftMask, xK_Left ), sendMessage (IncreaseLeft  1))
        , ((modm                 .|. shiftMask, xK_Right), sendMessage (IncreaseRight 1))
        , ((modm                 .|. shiftMask, xK_Down ), sendMessage (IncreaseDown  1))
        , ((modm                 .|. shiftMask, xK_Up   ), sendMessage (IncreaseUp    1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Left ), sendMessage (DecreaseLeft  1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Right), sendMessage (DecreaseRight 1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Down ), sendMessage (DecreaseDown  1))
        , ((modm .|. controlMask .|. shiftMask, xK_Up   ), sendMessage (DecreaseUp    1))

For detailed instructions on editing your key bindings, see XMonad.Doc.Extending.

windowArrange :: l a -> ModifiedLayout WindowArranger l aSource

A layout modifier to float the windows in a workspace

windowArrangeAll :: l a -> ModifiedLayout WindowArranger l aSource

A layout modifier to float all the windows in a workspace

memberFromList :: (b -> c) -> (c -> a -> Bool) -> a -> [b] -> [b]Source

Given a function to be applied to each member of ta list, and a function to check a condition by processing this transformed member with something, you get the first member that satisfy the condition, or an empty list.

listFromList :: (b -> c) -> (c -> [a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> [b] -> [b]Source

Given a function to be applied to each member of a list, and a function to check a condition by processing this transformed member with the members of a list, you get the list of members that satisfy the condition.

diff :: Eq a => ([a], [a]) -> ([a], [a])Source

Get the list of elements to be deleted and the list of elements to be added to the first list in order to get the second list.