xmonad-contrib-0.9.1: Third party extensions for xmonad

MaintainerClemens Fruhwirth <clemens@endorphin.org>




GridSelect displays items(e.g. the opened windows) in a 2D grid and lets the user select from it with the cursor/hjkl keys or the mouse.



You can use this module with the following in your ~/.xmonad/xmonad.hs:

    import XMonad.Actions.GridSelect

Then add a keybinding, e.g.

    , ((modm, xK_g), goToSelected defaultGSConfig)

This module also supports displaying arbitrary information in a grid and letting the user select from it. E.g. to spawn an application from a given list, you can use the following:

   , ((modm, xK_s), spawnSelected defaultGSConfig ["xterm","gmplayer","gvim"])


Using a common GSConfig

It is possible to bind a gsconfig at top-level in your configuration. Like so:

 -- the top of your config
 {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
 import XMonad
 gsconfig1 = defaultGSConfig { gs_cellheight = 30, gs_cellWidth = 100 }

An example where buildDefaultGSConfig is used instead of defaultGSConfig in order to specify a custom colorizer is gsconfig2 (found in XMonad.Actions.GridSelect):

 gsconfig2 colorizer = (buildDefaultGSConfig colorizer) { gs_cellheight = 30, gs_cellWidth = 100 }
 -- | A green monochrome colorizer based on window class
 greenColorizer = colorRangeFromClassName
                      black            -- lowest inactive bg
                      (0x70,0xFF,0x70) -- highest inactive bg
                      black            -- active bg
                      white            -- inactive fg
                      white            -- active fg
   where black = minBound
         white = maxBound

Then you can bind to:

     ,((modm, xK_g), goToSelected  $ gsconfig2 myWinColorizer)
     ,((modm, xK_p), spawnSelected $ spawnSelected defaultColorizer)

Custom keybindings

Adding more keybindings for gridselect to listen to is similar:

At the top of your config:

 {-# LANGAUGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
 import XMonad
 import qualified Data.Map as M

Then define gsconfig3 which may be used in exactly the same manner as gsconfig1:

 gsconfig3 = defaultGSConfig
    { gs_cellheight = 30
    , gs_cellwidth = 100
    , gs_navigate = M.unions
            ,gs_navigate                               -- get the default navigation bindings
                $ defaultGSConfig `asTypeOf` gsconfig3 -- needed to fix an ambiguous type variable
   where addPair (a,b) (x,y) = (a+x,b+y)
         nethackKeys = M.map addPair $ M.fromList
         -- jump back to the center with the spacebar, regardless of the current position.
         reset = M.singleton (0,xK_space) (const (0,0))


defaultGSConfig :: HasColorizer a => GSConfig aSource

A basic configuration for gridselect, with the colorizer chosen based on the type.

If you want to replace the gs_colorizer field, use buildDefaultGSConfig instead, to avoid ambiguous type variables.

buildDefaultGSConfig :: (a -> Bool -> X (String, String)) -> GSConfig aSource

Builds a default gs config from a colorizer function.

Variations on gridselect

gridselect :: GSConfig a -> [(String, a)] -> X (Maybe a)Source

Brings up a 2D grid of elements in the center of the screen, and one can select an element with cursors keys. The selected element is returned.

gridselectWindow :: GSConfig Window -> X (Maybe Window)Source

Like gridSelect but with the current windows and their titles as elements

withSelectedWindow :: (Window -> X ()) -> GSConfig Window -> X ()Source

Brings up a 2D grid of windows in the center of the screen, and one can select a window with cursors keys. The selected window is then passed to a callback function.

bringSelected :: GSConfig Window -> X ()Source

Brings selected window to the current workspace.

goToSelected :: GSConfig Window -> X ()Source

Switches to selected window's workspace and focuses that window.

spawnSelected :: GSConfig String -> [String] -> X ()Source

Select an application to spawn from a given list

runSelectedAction :: GSConfig (X ()) -> [(String, X ())] -> X ()Source

Select an action and run it in the X monad


class HasColorizer a whereSource

That is fromClassName if you are selecting a Window, or defaultColorizer if you are selecting a String. The catch-all instance HasColorizer a uses the focusedBorderColor and normalBorderColor colors.

fromClassName :: Window -> Bool -> X (String, String)Source

Colorize a window depending on it's className.

stringColorizer :: String -> Bool -> X (String, String)Source

Default colorizer for Strings



:: (Word8, Word8, Word8)

Beginning of the color range

-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)

End of the color range

-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)

Background of the active window

-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)

Inactive text color

-> (Word8, Word8, Word8)

Active text color

-> Window 
-> Bool 
-> X (String, String) 

A colorizer that picks a color inside a range, and depending on the window's class.


Selecting a workspace:

Selecting a window by title: