xmonad-contrib-bluetilebranch- Third party extensions for xmonadSource codeContentsIndex
MaintainerNicolas Pouillard <nicolas.pouillard@gmail.com>

Turns your workspaces into a more topic oriented system.

This module allows to organize your workspaces on a precise topic basis. So instead of having a workspace called work you can setup one workspace per task. Here we call these workspaces, topics. The great thing with topics is that one can attach a directory that makes sense to each particular topic. One can also attach an action which will be triggered when switching to a topic that does not have any windows in it. So you can attach your mail client to the mail topic, some terminals in the right directory to the xmonad topic... This package also provides a nice way to display your topics in an historical way using a custom pprWindowSet function. You can also easily switch to recents topics using this history of last focused topics.

Here is an example of configuration using TopicSpace:

 -- The list of all topics/workspaces of your xmonad configuration.
 -- The order is important, new topics must be inserted
 -- at the end of the list if you want hot-restarting
 -- to work.
 myTopics :: [Topic]
 myTopics =
   [ "dashboard" -- the first one
   , "admin", "build", "cleaning", "conf", "darcs", "haskell", "irc"
   , "mail", "movie", "music", "talk", "text", "tools", "web", "xmonad"
   , "yi", "documents", "twitter", "pdf"
  myTopicConfig :: TopicConfig
  myTopicConfig = TopicConfig
    { topicDirs = M.fromList $
        [ ("conf", "w/conf")
        , ("dashboard", "Desktop")
        , ("yi", "w/dev-haskell/yi")
        , ("darcs", "w/dev-haskell/darcs")
        , ("haskell", "w/dev-haskell")
        , ("xmonad", "w/dev-haskell/xmonad")
        , ("tools", "w/tools")
        , ("movie", "Movies")
        , ("talk", "w/talks")
        , ("music", "Music")
        , ("documents", "w/documents")
        , ("pdf", "w/documents")
    , defaultTopicAction = const $ spawnShell >*> 3
    , defaultTopic = "dashboard"
    , maxTopicHistory = 10
    , topicActions = M.fromList $
        [ ("conf",       spawnShell >> spawnShellIn "wd/ertai/private")
        , ("darcs",      spawnShell >*> 3)
        , ("yi",         spawnShell >*> 3)
        , ("haskell",    spawnShell >*> 2 >>
                         spawnShellIn "wd/dev-haskell/ghc")
        , ("xmonad",     spawnShellIn "wd/x11-wm/xmonad" >>
                         spawnShellIn "wd/x11-wm/xmonad/contrib" >>
                         spawnShellIn "wd/x11-wm/xmonad/utils" >>
                         spawnShellIn ".xmonad" >>
                         spawnShellIn ".xmonad")
        , ("mail",       mailAction)
        , ("irc",        ssh somewhere)
        , ("admin",      ssh somewhere >>
                         ssh nowhere)
        , ("dashboard",  spawnShell)
        , ("twitter",    spawnShell)
        , ("web",        spawn browserCmd)
        , ("movie",      spawnShell)
        , ("documents",  spawnShell >*> 2 >>
                         spawnShellIn "Documents" >*> 2)
        , ("pdf",        spawn pdfViewerCmd)
  -- extend your keybindings
  myKeys =
    [ ((modMask              , xK_n     ), spawnShell) -- %! Launch terminal
    , ((modMask              , xK_a     ), currentTopicAction myTopicConfig)
    , ((modMask              , xK_g     ), promptedGoto)
    , ((modMask .|. shiftMask, xK_g     ), promptedShift)
    [ ((modMask, k), switchNthLastFocused defaultTopic i)
    | (i, k) <- zip [1..] workspaceKeys]
  spawnShell :: X ()
  spawnShell = currentTopicDir myTopicConfig >>= spawnShellIn
  spawnShellIn :: Dir -> X ()
  spawnShellIn dir = spawn $ "urxvt '(cd ''" ++ dir ++ "'' && " ++ myShell ++ " )'"
  goto :: Topic -> X ()
  goto = switchTopic myTopicConfig
  promptedGoto :: X ()
  promptedGoto = workspacePrompt myXPConfig goto
  promptedShift :: X ()
  promptedShift = workspacePrompt myXPConfig $ windows . W.shift
  myConfig = do
      checkTopicConfig myTopics myTopicConfig
      myLogHook <- makeMyLogHook
      return $ defaultConfig
           { borderWidth = 1 -- Width of the window border in pixels.
           , workspaces = myTopics
           , layoutHook = myModifiers myLayouts
           , manageHook = myManageHook
           , logHook = myLogHook
           , handleEventHook = myHandleEventHook
           , terminal = myTerminal -- The preferred terminal program.
           , normalBorderColor = "#3f3c6d"
           , focusedBorderColor = "#4f66ff"
           , XMonad.modMask = mod1Mask
           , keys = myKeys
           , mouseBindings = myMouseBindings
  main :: IO ()
  main = xmonad =<< myConfig
type Topic = WorkspaceId
type Dir = FilePath
data TopicConfig = TopicConfig {
topicDirs :: Map Topic Dir
topicActions :: Map Topic (X ())
defaultTopicAction :: Topic -> X ()
defaultTopic :: Topic
maxTopicHistory :: Int
getLastFocusedTopics :: X [String]
setLastFocusedTopic :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> (Topic -> Bool) -> X ()
pprWindowSet :: TopicConfig -> PP -> X String
topicActionWithPrompt :: XPConfig -> TopicConfig -> X ()
topicAction :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> X ()
currentTopicAction :: TopicConfig -> X ()
switchTopic :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> X ()
switchNthLastFocused :: TopicConfig -> Int -> X ()
currentTopicDir :: TopicConfig -> X String
checkTopicConfig :: [Topic] -> TopicConfig -> IO ()
(>*>) :: Monad m => m a -> Int -> m ()
type Topic = WorkspaceIdSource
Topic is just an alias for WorkspaceId
type Dir = FilePathSource
Dir is just an alias for FilePath but should points to a directory.
data TopicConfig Source
Here is the topic space configuration area.
topicDirs :: Map Topic DirThis mapping associate a directory to each topic.
topicActions :: Map Topic (X ())This mapping associate an action to trigger when switching to a given topic which workspace is empty.
defaultTopicAction :: Topic -> X ()This is the default topic action.
defaultTopic :: TopicThis is the default topic.
maxTopicHistory :: IntThis setups the maximum depth of topic history, usually 10 is a good default since we can bind all of them using numeric keypad.
getLastFocusedTopics :: X [String]Source
Returns the list of last focused workspaces the empty list otherwise. This function rely on a reserved property namely _XMONAD_LAST_FOCUSED_WORKSPACES.
setLastFocusedTopic :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> (Topic -> Bool) -> X ()Source
Given a TopicConfig, the last focused topic, and a predicate that will select topics that one want to keep, this function will set the property of last focused topics.
pprWindowSet :: TopicConfig -> PP -> X StringSource
This function is a variant of pprWindowSet which takes a topic configuration and a pretty-printing record PP. It will show the list of topics sorted historically and highlighting topics with urgent windows.
topicActionWithPrompt :: XPConfig -> TopicConfig -> X ()Source
Given a prompt configuration and a topic configuration, triggers the action associated with the topic given in prompt.
topicAction :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> X ()Source
Given a configuration and a topic, triggers the action associated with the given topic.
currentTopicAction :: TopicConfig -> X ()Source
Trigger the action associated with the current topic.
switchTopic :: TopicConfig -> Topic -> X ()Source
Switch to the given topic.
switchNthLastFocused :: TopicConfig -> Int -> X ()Source
Switch to the Nth last focused topic or failback to the defaultTopic.
currentTopicDir :: TopicConfig -> X StringSource
Returns the directory associated with current topic returns the empty string otherwise.
checkTopicConfig :: [Topic] -> TopicConfig -> IO ()Source
Check the given topic configuration for duplicates topics or undefined topics.
(>*>) :: Monad m => m a -> Int -> m ()Source
An alias for flip replicateM_
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