{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}

-- | Bind media keys for Spotify using @dbus@.
module XMonad.Util.Spotify ( -- * default keybindings
                           -- * media control in the 'X' monad
                           , audioPrev
                           , audioNext
                           , audioPlayPause
                           ) where

import           Control.Arrow                (first)
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import qualified Data.Map                     as M
import           DBus
import           DBus.Client
import           Graphics.X11.ExtraTypes.XF86
import           Graphics.X11.Types

-- | Given your keymaps, add the media keybindings. Currently they are set up
-- for Spotify.
mediaKeys :: MonadIO m => M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (m ()) -> M.Map (KeyMask, KeySym) (m ())
mediaKeys = M.union mediaKeyMap
    where mediaKeyMap = M.fromList mediaKeyList

mediaKeyList :: MonadIO m => [((KeyMask, KeySym), m ())]
mediaKeyList = go <$> [ (xF86XK_AudioNext, audioNext)
                      , (xF86XK_AudioPrev, audioPrev)
                      , (xF86XK_AudioPlay, audioPlayPause)
    where go = first (0 ,)

spIO :: String -> IO ()
spIO str =  do
    client <- connectSession
    _ <- call_ client (methodCall (objectPath_ "/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2") (interfaceName_ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player") (memberName_ str))
        { methodCallDestination = Just (busName_ "org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify") }
    disconnect client

-- | Helper function for use with dbus
sp :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
sp = liftIO . spIO

-- | Action in the 'X' monad to go to next
audioNext :: MonadIO m => m ()
audioNext = sp "Next"

-- | Action in the 'X' monad to go the previous
audioPrev :: MonadIO m => m ()
audioPrev = sp "Previous"

-- | Action in the 'X' monad to play/pause
audioPlayPause :: MonadIO m => m ()
audioPlayPause = sp "PlayPause"