{- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2018-2019 Serokell <https://serokell.io>
 - SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-partial-type-signatures #-}

module Xrefcheck.Verify
    ( -- * General verification
      VerifyResult (..)
    , verifyOk
    , verifyErrors
    , verifying

    , WithReferenceLoc (..)

      -- * Cross-references validation
    , VerifyError (..)
    , verifyRepo
    , checkExternalResource
    ) where

import Control.Concurrent.Async (forConcurrently, withAsync)
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError (..))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Metrics (damerauLevenshteinNorm)
import Fmt (Buildable (..), blockListF', listF, (+|), (|+))
import qualified GHC.Exts as Exts
import Network.HTTP.Client (HttpException (..), HttpExceptionContent (..), responseStatus)
import Network.HTTP.Req (GET (..), HEAD (..), HttpException (..), NoReqBody (..), defaultHttpConfig,
                         ignoreResponse, parseUrl, req, runReq)
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (Status, statusCode, statusMessage)
import System.Console.Pretty (Style (..), style)
import System.Directory (canonicalizePath, doesDirectoryExist, doesFileExist)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory, (</>))
import qualified System.FilePath.Glob as Glob
import Time (RatioNat, Second, Time (..), ms, threadDelay, timeout)

import Xrefcheck.Config
import Xrefcheck.Core
import Xrefcheck.Progress
import Xrefcheck.System

{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use uncurry" :: Text) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Use 'runExceptT' from Universum" :: Text) #-}

-- General verification

newtype VerifyResult e = VerifyResult [e]
    deriving (Show, Functor)

deriving instance Semigroup (VerifyResult e)
deriving instance Monoid (VerifyResult e)

instance Buildable e => Buildable (VerifyResult e) where
    build vr = case verifyErrors vr of
        Nothing   -> "ok"
        Just errs -> listF errs

verifyOk :: VerifyResult e -> Bool
verifyOk (VerifyResult errors) = null errors

verifyErrors :: VerifyResult e -> Maybe (NonEmpty e)
verifyErrors (VerifyResult errors) = nonEmpty errors

verifying :: Monad m => ExceptT e m () -> m (VerifyResult e)
verifying (ExceptT action) = fmap toVerifyRes action

toVerifyRes :: Either e () -> VerifyResult e
toVerifyRes = VerifyResult . either one (\() -> [])

-- Cross-references validation

data WithReferenceLoc a = WithReferenceLoc
    { wrlFile      :: FilePath
    , wrlReference :: Reference
    , wrlItem      :: a

instance Buildable a => Buildable (WithReferenceLoc a) where
    build WithReferenceLoc{..} =
        "In file " +| style Faint (style Bold wrlFile) |+ "\nbad " +| wrlReference |+ "\n"
        +| wrlItem |+ "\n\n"

data VerifyError
    = FileDoesNotExist FilePath
    | AnchorDoesNotExist Text [Anchor]
    | AmbiguousAnchorRef FilePath Text (NonEmpty Anchor)
    | ExternalResourceInvalidUri
    | ExternalResourceUnavailable Status
    | ExternalResourceSomeError Text
    deriving (Show)

instance Buildable VerifyError where
    build = \case
        FileDoesNotExist file ->
            "⛀  File does not exist:\n   " +| file |+ "\n"
        AnchorDoesNotExist anchor similar ->
            "⛀  Anchor '" +| anchor |+ "' is not present" +|
            anchorHints similar
        AmbiguousAnchorRef file anchor fileAnchors ->
            "⛀  Ambiguous reference to anchor '" +| anchor |+ "'\n   " +|
            "In file " +| file |+ "\n   " +|
            "Similar anchors are:\n" +|
                blockListF' "    -" build fileAnchors |+ "" +|
            "   Use of such anchors is discouraged because referenced object\n\
            \   can change silently whereas the document containing it evolves.\n"
        ExternalResourceInvalidUri ->
            "⛂  Bad url (expected 'http' or 'https')\n"
        ExternalResourceUnavailable status ->
            "⛂  Resource unavailable (" +| statusCode status |+ " " +|
            decodeUtf8 @Text (statusMessage status) |+ ")\n"
        ExternalResourceSomeError err ->
            "⛂  " +| build err |+ "\n\n"
        anchorHints = \case
            []  -> "\n"
            [h] -> ",\n   did you mean " +| h |+ "?\n"
            hs  -> ", did you mean:\n" +| blockListF' "    -" build hs

    :: Rewrite
    -> VerifyConfig
    -> VerifyMode
    -> FilePath
    -> RepoInfo
    -> IO (VerifyResult $ WithReferenceLoc VerifyError)
verifyRepo rw config@VerifyConfig{..} mode root repoInfo'@(RepoInfo repoInfo) = do
    let toScan = do
          (file, fileInfo) <- M.toList repoInfo
          guard . not $ any ((`isPrefixOf` file) . (root </>)) vcNotScanned
          ref <- _fiReferences fileInfo
          return (file, ref)

    progressRef <- newIORef $ initVerifyProgress (map snd toScan)

    withAsync (printer progressRef) $ \_ ->
        fmap fold . forConcurrently toScan $ \(file, ref) ->
            verifyReference config mode progressRef repoInfo' root file ref
    printer progressRef = forever $ do
        readIORef progressRef >>= reprintAnalyseProgress rw mode
        threadDelay (ms 100)

shouldCheckLocType :: VerifyMode -> LocationType -> Bool
shouldCheckLocType mode locType
    | isExternal locType = shouldCheckExternal mode
    | isLocal locType = shouldCheckLocal mode
    | otherwise = False

    :: VerifyConfig
    -> VerifyMode
    -> IORef VerifyProgress
    -> RepoInfo
    -> FilePath
    -> FilePath
    -> Reference
    -> IO (VerifyResult $ WithReferenceLoc VerifyError)
verifyReference config@VerifyConfig{..} mode progressRef (RepoInfo repoInfo)
                root fileWithReference ref@Reference{..} = do

    let locType = locationType rLink

    if shouldCheckLocType mode locType
    then do
        res <- case locType of
            LocalLoc    -> checkRef rAnchor fileWithReference
            RelativeLoc -> checkRef rAnchor
                          (takeDirectory fileWithReference
                            </> toString (canonizeLocalRef rLink))
            AbsoluteLoc -> checkRef rAnchor (root <> toString rLink)
            ExternalLoc -> checkExternalResource config rLink
            OtherLoc    -> verifying pass

        let moveProgress =
                incProgress .
                (if verifyOk res then id else incProgressErrors)

        atomicModifyIORef' progressRef $ \VerifyProgress{..} ->
            ( if isExternal locType
              then VerifyProgress{ vrExternal = moveProgress vrExternal, .. }
              else VerifyProgress{ vrLocal = moveProgress vrLocal, .. }
            , ()
        return $ fmap (WithReferenceLoc fileWithReference ref) res
    else return mempty
    checkRef mAnchor referredFile = verifying $ do
        checkReferredFileExists referredFile
        case M.lookup referredFile repoInfo of
            Nothing -> pass  -- no support for such file, can do nothing
            Just referredFileInfo ->
                whenJust mAnchor $ checkAnchor referredFile (_fiAnchors referredFileInfo)

    checkReferredFileExists file = do
        let fileExists = readingSystem $ doesFileExist file
        let dirExists = readingSystem $ doesDirectoryExist file

        let cfile = readingSystem $ canonicalizePath file
        let isVirtual = or
                [ Glob.match pat cfile
                | virtualFile <- vcVirtualFiles
                , let pat = bindGlobPattern root virtualFile ]

        unless (fileExists || dirExists || isVirtual) $
            throwError (FileDoesNotExist file)

    checkAnchor file fileAnchors anchor = do
        checkAnchorReferenceAmbiguity file fileAnchors anchor
        checkDeduplicatedAnchorReference file fileAnchors anchor
        checkAnchorExists fileAnchors anchor

    -- Detect a case when original file contains two identical anchors, github
    -- has added a suffix to the duplicate, and now the original is referrenced -
    -- such links are pretty fragile and we discourage their use despite
    -- they are in fact unambiguous.
    checkAnchorReferenceAmbiguity file fileAnchors anchor = do
        let similarAnchors = filter ((== anchor) . aName) fileAnchors
        when (length similarAnchors > 1) $
            throwError $ AmbiguousAnchorRef file anchor (Exts.fromList similarAnchors)

    -- Similar to the previous one, but for the case when we reference the
    -- renamed duplicate.
    checkDeduplicatedAnchorReference file fileAnchors anchor =
        whenJust (stripAnchorDupNo anchor) $ \origAnchor ->
            checkAnchorReferenceAmbiguity file fileAnchors origAnchor

    checkAnchorExists givenAnchors anchor =
        case find ((== anchor) . aName) givenAnchors of
            Just _ -> pass
            Nothing ->
                let isSimilar = (>= vcAnchorSimilarityThreshold)
                    similarAnchors =
                        filter (isSimilar . realToFrac . damerauLevenshteinNorm anchor . aName)
                in throwError $ AnchorDoesNotExist anchor similarAnchors

checkExternalResource :: VerifyConfig
                      -> Text
                      -> IO (VerifyResult VerifyError)
checkExternalResource VerifyConfig{..} link
    | doesReferLocalhost = return mempty
    | otherwise = fmap toVerifyRes $ do
        makeRequest HEAD 0.3 >>= \case
            Right () -> return $ Right ()
            Left   _ -> makeRequest GET 0.7
    doesReferLocalhost = any (`T.isInfixOf` link) ["://localhost", "://"]

    makeRequest :: _ => method -> RatioNat -> IO (Either VerifyError ())
    makeRequest method timeoutFrac = runExceptT $ do
        parsedUrl <- parseUrl (encodeUtf8 link)
                   & maybe (throwError ExternalResourceInvalidUri) pure
        let reqLink = case parsedUrl of
                Left (url, option) ->
                    runReq defaultHttpConfig $
                    req method url NoReqBody ignoreResponse option
                Right (url, option) ->
                    runReq defaultHttpConfig $
                    req method url NoReqBody ignoreResponse option

        let maxTime = Time @Second $ unTime vcExternalRefCheckTimeout * timeoutFrac

        mres <- liftIO (timeout maxTime $ void reqLink)
                `catch` (either throwError (\() -> return (Just ())) . interpretErrors)
        maybe (throwError $ ExternalResourceSomeError "Response timeout") pure mres

    isAllowedErrorCode = or . sequence
        -- We have to stay conservative - if some URL can be accessed under
        -- some circumstances, we should do our best to report it as fine.
        [ (403 ==)  -- unauthorized access
        , (405 ==)  -- method mismatch

    interpretErrors = \case
        JsonHttpException _ -> error "External link JSON parse exception"
        VanillaHttpException err -> case err of
            InvalidUrlException{} -> error "External link URL invalid exception"
            HttpExceptionRequest _ exc -> case exc of
                StatusCodeException resp _
                    | isAllowedErrorCode (statusCode $ responseStatus resp) -> Right ()
                    | otherwise -> Left $ ExternalResourceUnavailable (responseStatus resp)
                other -> Left . ExternalResourceSomeError $ show other