yam-web-0.3.3: Yam Web

Safe HaskellNone





mkServe :: HasServer api context => Proxy api -> Proxy context -> Context context -> Proxy c -> c -> [Middleware] -> ServerT api (App c) -> Application Source #

mkServe' :: (HasServer api context, HasServer api' context) => (Server api -> Server api') -> Proxy api' -> Proxy api -> Proxy context -> Context context -> Proxy c -> c -> [Middleware] -> ServerT api (App c) -> Application Source #

ask :: Monad m => ReaderT * r m r #

Fetch the value of the environment.

type AppM c = ReaderT (Request, c) Source #

type App c = AppM c Handler Source #

mkServeWithSwagger :: (HasSwagger api, HasServer api context) => Proxy api -> Proxy context -> Context context -> Proxy c -> c -> [Middleware] -> SwaggerConfig -> ServerT api (App c) -> Application Source #

runServer :: (HasSwagger api, HasServer api '[YamSettings]) => YamSettings -> Proxy api -> ServerT api Yam -> IO () Source #

Orphan instances

MonadUnliftIO Handler Source # 


askUnliftIO :: Handler (UnliftIO Handler) #

withRunInIO :: ((forall a. Handler a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> Handler b #