Synopsis |
The event stream
Constructors | EventNone | | EventStreamStart | | EventStreamEnd | | EventDocumentStart | | EventDocumentEnd | | EventAlias | | EventScalar !ByteString !Tag !Style | | EventSequenceStart | | EventSequenceEnd | | EventMappingStart | | EventMappingEnd | |
| Instances | |
Constructors | Any | | Plain | | SingleQuoted | | DoubleQuoted | | Literal | | Folded | |
| Instances | |
Constructors | StrTag | | FloatTag | | NullTag | | BoolTag | | SetTag | | IntTag | | SeqTag | | MapTag | | UriTag String | | NoTag | |
| Instances | |
Constructors | YamlParserException | | | YamlEmitterException | | | YamlOutOfMemory | | YamlInvalidEventStreamBeginning [Event] | | YamlInvalidEventStreamEnd [Event] | | YamlPrematureEventStreamEnd | | YamlNonScalarKey | | YamlInvalidStartingEvent Event | | YamlFileNotFound FilePath | | YamlOtherException SomeException | | YamlStringException String | |
| Instances | |
| Methods | with :: (forall b'. (a -> IO b') -> IO b') -> (a -> m b) -> m b | Source |
| | Instances | |
Higher level functions
Produced by Haddock version 2.6.1 |