yarr-0.9.1: Yet another array library

Safe HaskellNone




Dataflow (fusion operations)


Basic fusion

class Fusion r fr l => DefaultFusion r fr l | r -> fr whereSource

This class abstracts pair of array types, which could be (preferably should be) mapped (fused) one to another. Injective version of Fusion class.


  • r - source array representation. It determines result representation.
  • fr (fused repr) - result (fused) array representation. Result array isn't indeed presented in memory, finally it should be computed or Loaded to Manifest representation.
  • l - load type, common for source and fused arrays

All functions are already defined, using non-injective versions from Fusion class.

The class doesn't have vector counterpart, it's role play top-level functions from Data.Yarr.Repr.Separate module.




:: (USource r l sh a, USource fr l sh b) 
=> (a -> b)

Element mapper function

-> UArray r l sh a

Source array

-> UArray fr l sh b

Result array

O(1) Pure element mapping.

Main basic "map" in Yarr.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource fr l sh b) 
=> (a -> IO b)

Monadic element mapper function

-> UArray r l sh a

Source array

-> UArray fr l sh b

Result array

O(1) Monadic element mapping.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource r l sh b, USource fr l sh c) 
=> (a -> b -> c)

Pure element zipper function

-> UArray r l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray fr l sh c

Fused result array

O(1) Zipping 2 arrays of the same type indexes and shapes.


 let productArr = dzip2 (*) arr1 arr2



:: (USource r l sh a, USource r l sh b, USource fr l sh c) 
=> (a -> b -> IO c)

Monadic element zipper function

-> UArray r l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray fr l sh c

Result array

O(1) Monadic version of dzip2 function.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource r l sh b, USource r l sh c, USource fr l sh d) 
=> (a -> b -> c -> d)

Pure element zipper function

-> UArray r l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray r l sh c

3rd source array

-> UArray fr l sh d

Result array

O(1) Zipping 3 arrays of the same type indexes and shapes.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource r l sh b, USource r l sh c, USource fr l sh d) 
=> (a -> b -> c -> IO d)

Monadic element zipper function

-> UArray r l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray r l sh c

3rd source array

-> UArray fr l sh d

Fused result array

O(1) Monadic version of dzip3 function.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource fr l sh b, Arity n, n ~ S n0) 
=> Fun n a b

Wrapped function positionally accepts elements from source arrays and emits element for fused array

-> VecList n (UArray r l sh a)

Source arrays

-> UArray fr l sh b

Result array

O(1) Generalized element zipping with pure function. Zipper function is wrapped in Fun for injectivity.



:: (USource r l sh a, USource fr l sh b, Arity n, n ~ S n0) 
=> Fun n a (IO b)

Wrapped monadic zipper

-> VecList n (UArray r l sh a)

Source arrays

-> UArray fr l sh b

Result array

O(1) Monadic version of dzip function.

Delayed flow and zipping shortcuts



:: (USource r1 l sh a, DefaultFusion r1 D l, USource D l sh a, USource r2 l sh b, DefaultFusion r2 D l, USource D l sh b, USource D l sh c, DefaultFusion D D l) 
=> (a -> b -> c)

Pure zipping function

-> UArray r1 l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r2 l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray D l sh c

Fused result array

O(1) Generalized zipping of 2 arrays.

Main basic "zipWith" in Yarr.

Although sighature of this function has extremely big predicate, it is more permissible than dzip2 counterpart, because source arrays shouldn't be of the same type.

Implemented by means of delay function (source arrays are simply delayed before zipping).



:: (USource r1 l sh a, DefaultFusion r1 D l, USource D l sh a, USource r2 l sh b, DefaultFusion r2 D l, USource D l sh b, USource r3 l sh c, DefaultFusion r3 D l, USource D l sh c, USource D l sh d, DefaultFusion D D l) 
=> (a -> b -> c -> d)

Pure zipping function

-> UArray r1 l sh a

1st source array

-> UArray r2 l sh b

2nd source array

-> UArray r3 l sh c

3rd source array

-> UArray D l sh d

Result array

O(1) Generalized zipping of 3 arrays, which shouldn't be of the same representation type.

data D Source

Delayed representation is a wrapper for arbitrary indexing function.

UArray D L sh a instance holds linear getter ((Int -> IO a)), and UArray D SH sh a - shaped, "true" (sh -> IO a) index, respectively.

Delayed arrays are most common recipients for fusion operations.


DefaultFusion D D SH 
DefaultFusion D D L 
DefaultFusion FS D L 
DefaultFusion F D L 
DefaultFusion MB D L 
DefaultFusion B D L 
Fusion r D SH 
Fusion r D L 
Shape sh => USource D SH sh a 
Shape sh => USource D L sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D SH sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D L sh a 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D SH sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D SH sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D L sh v e 
(DefaultFusion r D l, Fusion (SE r) D l) => DefaultFusion (SE r) D l 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D SH sh a) 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D L sh a) 

delay :: (USource r l sh a, USource D l sh a, Fusion r D l) => UArray r l sh a -> UArray D l sh aSource

Load type preserving wrapping arbirtary array into Delayed representation.

Vector fusion

data SE r Source

SEparate meta array representation. Internally SEparate arrays hold vector of it's slices (so, slices is just getter for them).

Mostly useful for:

  • Separate in memory manifest Foreign arrays ("Unboxed" arrays in vector/repa libraries terms).
  • Element-wise vector array fusion (see group of dmapElems functions).


(DefaultFusion r D l, Fusion (SE r) D l) => DefaultFusion (SE r) D l 
(UTarget tr tl sh e, Vector v e) => UVecTarget (SE tr) tr tl sh v e 
(USource r l sh e, Vector v e) => UVecSource (SE r) r l sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, Storable e) => UVecSource (SE F) F L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, NFData e) => UVecSource (SE MB) MB L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, NFData e) => UVecSource (SE B) B L sh v e 
(Regular r l sh e, Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular (SE r) r l sh v e 
(BlockShape sh, Vector v e, UVecTarget tr tslr tl sh v2 e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad (SE CV) CV CVL tr tslr tl sh v v2 e 
(BlockShape sh, Vector v e, UVecTarget tr tslr tl sh v2 e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad (SE CV) CV CVL tr tslr tl sh v v2 e 
(UTarget tr tl sh e, Vector v e) => UTarget (SE tr) tl sh (v e) 
(USource r l sh e, Vector v e) => USource (SE r) l sh (v e) 
(Regular r l sh e, Vector v e) => Regular (SE r) l sh (v e) 
(Manifest r mr l sh e, Vector v e) => Manifest (SE r) (SE mr) l sh (v e) 
(NFData (UArray r l sh e), Shape sh, Vector v e) => NFData (UArray (SE r) l sh (v e)) 



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v2 b, Dim v ~ Dim v2) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> b)

Vector of mapper functions

-> UArray r l sh (v a)

Source array of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v2 b)

Fused array

O(1) Injective element-wise fusion (mapping).


 let domainHSVImage =
         dmapElems (vl_3 (* 360) (* 100) (* 100))

Also, used internally to define mapElems function.



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v2 b, Dim v ~ Dim v2) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> IO b)

Elemen-wise vector of monadic mappers

-> UArray r l sh (v a)

Source array of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v2 b)

Result array

O(1) Monadic vesion of dmapElems function.



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, VecRegular r slr l sh v b, USource slr l sh b, USource fslr l sh c, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v c) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> b -> c)


-> UArray r l sh (v a) 
-> UArray r l sh (v b) 
-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v c) 



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, VecRegular r slr l sh v b, USource slr l sh b, USource fslr l sh c, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v c) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> b -> IO c)


-> UArray r l sh (v a) 
-> UArray r l sh (v b) 
-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v c) 



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, VecRegular r slr l sh v b, USource slr l sh b, VecRegular r slr l sh v c, USource slr l sh c, USource fslr l sh d, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v d) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> b -> c -> d)


-> UArray r l sh (v a) 
-> UArray r l sh (v b) 
-> UArray r l sh (v c) 
-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v d) 



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, VecRegular r slr l sh v b, USource slr l sh b, VecRegular r slr l sh v c, USource slr l sh c, USource fslr l sh d, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v d) 
=> VecList (Dim v) (a -> b -> c -> IO d)


-> UArray r l sh (v a) 
-> UArray r l sh (v b) 
-> UArray r l sh (v c) 
-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v d) 



:: (Vector v2 b, Arity m, m ~ S m0, VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l) 
=> VecList (Dim v2) (Fun m a b)

Vector of wrapped m-ary element-wise zippers

-> VecList m (UArray r l sh (v a))

Vector of source arrays of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v2 b)

Fused result array

O(1) Generalized element-wise zipping of several arrays of vectors.



:: (Vector v2 b, Arity m, m ~ S m0, VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l) 
=> VecList (Dim v2) (Fun m a (IO b))

Vector of wrapped m-ary element-wise monadic zippers

-> VecList m (UArray r l sh (v a))

Vector of source arrays of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v2 b)

Result array

O(1) Generalized monadic element-wise zipping of several arrays of vectors

High level shortcuts



:: (USource r l sh a, Shape sh') 
=> (sh -> sh')

Function to produce result extent from source extent.

-> ((sh -> IO a) -> sh' -> IO b)

Function to produce elements of result array. Passed a lookup function to get elements of the source.

-> UArray r l sh a

Source array itself

-> UArray D SH sh' b

Result array

O(1) Function from repa.



:: (Vector v a, USource r l sh (v a), USource fr l sh b, DefaultFusion r fr l) 
=> Fn (Dim v) a b

Unwrapped n-ary zipper function

-> UArray r l sh (v a)

Source array of vectors

-> UArray fr l sh b

Result array

O(1) Function for in-place zipping vector elements.

Always true:

zipElems f arr == dzip (Fun f) (slices arr)


let φs = zipElems (flip atan2) coords



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v b) 
=> (a -> b)

Mapper function for all elements

-> UArray r l sh (v a)

Source array of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v b)

Fused array of vectors

O(1) Maps elements of vectors in array uniformly. Don't confuse with dmapElems, which accepts a vector of mapper for each slice.

Typical use case -- type conversion:

 let floatImage :: UArray F Dim2 Float
     floatImage = mapElems fromIntegral word8Image



:: (VecRegular r slr l sh v a, USource slr l sh a, USource fslr l sh b, DefaultFusion slr fslr l, Vector v b) 
=> (a -> IO b)

Monadic mapper for all vector elements

-> UArray r l sh (v a)

Source array of vectors

-> UArray (SE fslr) l sh (v b)

Fused array of vectors

O(1) Monadic version of mapElems function. Don't confuse with dmapElemsM.


let domained = mapElemsM (clampM 0.0 1.0) floatImage