yarr-0.9.2: Yet another array library

Safe HaskellNone




Delayed source

data D Source

Delayed representation is a wrapper for arbitrary indexing function.

UArray D L sh a instance holds linear getter ((Int -> IO a)), and UArray D SH sh a - shaped, "true" (sh -> IO a) index, respectively.

Delayed arrays are most common recipients for fusion operations.


DefaultFusion D D SH 
DefaultFusion D D L 
DefaultFusion FS D L 
DefaultFusion F D L 
DefaultFusion MB D L 
DefaultFusion B D L 
Fusion r D SH 
Fusion r D L 
Shape sh => USource D SH sh a 
Shape sh => USource D L sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D SH sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D L sh a 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D SH sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D SH sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D L sh v e 
(DefaultFusion r D l, Fusion (SE r) D l) => DefaultFusion (SE r) D l 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D SH sh a) 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D L sh a) 

Delayed target

data DT Source

In opposite to Delayed (source) Delayed Target holds abstract writing function: (sh -> a -> IO ()). It may be used to perform arbitrarily tricky things, because no one obliges you to indeed write an element inside wrapped function.


Shape sh => UTarget DT SH sh a 
Shape sh => Regular DT SH sh a 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray DT SH sh a) 

There are also LinearDelayed, ShapeDelayed and ShapeDelayedTarget UArray family constructors, which aren't presented in the docs because Haddock doesn't support associated family constructors.

See source of Data.Yarr.Repr.Delayed module.


data L Source

Linear load type index. UArrays with L load type index define linearIndex and linearWrite and leave index and write functions defined by default.


DefaultFusion D D L 
DefaultFusion FS D L 
DefaultFusion F D L 
DefaultFusion MB D L 
DefaultFusion B D L 
Fusion r D L 
(Shape sh, Storable e) => UTarget FS L sh e 
(Shape sh, Storable a) => UTarget F L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => UTarget MB L sh a 
Shape sh => USource D L sh a 
(Shape sh, Storable e) => USource FS L sh e 
(Shape sh, Storable a) => USource F L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => USource MB L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => USource B L sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D L sh a 
Shape sh => Regular FS L sh e 
Shape sh => Regular F L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => Regular MB L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => Regular B L sh a 
(Shape sh, Storable a) => Manifest F F L sh a 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => Manifest B MB L sh a 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, Storable e) => UVecTarget F FS L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, Storable e) => UVecSource F FS L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, Storable e) => VecRegular F FS L sh v e 
(USource r L sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => RangeLoad r L tr SH sh a 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr L sh a) => RangeLoad r SH tr L sh a 
(USource r L sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => Load r L tr SH sh a 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr L sh a) => Load r SH tr L sh a 
(USource r L sh a, UTarget tr L sh a) => Load r L tr L sh a 
(UVecSource r slr L sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr L tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad r slr L tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr L sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr L sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad r slr SH tr tslr L sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr L sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr L tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr L tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr L sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr L sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr SH tr tslr L sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr L sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr L sh v2 e, Load slr L tslr L sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr L tr tslr L sh v v2 e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, Storable e) => UVecSource (SE F) F L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, NFData e) => UVecSource (SE MB) MB L sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e, NFData e) => UVecSource (SE B) B L sh v e 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D L sh a) 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray FS L sh e) 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray F L sh a) 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => NFData (UArray MB L sh a) 
(Shape sh, NFData a) => NFData (UArray B L sh a) 

data SH Source

General shape load type index. UArrays with SH load type index specialize index and write and leave linearIndex and linearWrite functions defined by default.

Type-level distinction between Linear and SHaped arrays is aimed to avoid integral division operations while looping through composite (Dim2, Dim3) indices.

Integral division is very expensive operation even on modern CPUs.


DefaultFusion D D SH 
Fusion r D SH 
Shape sh => UTarget DT SH sh a 
Shape sh => USource D SH sh a 
Shape sh => Regular DT SH sh a 
Shape sh => Regular D SH sh a 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => UVecSource D D SH sh v e 
(Shape sh, Vector v e) => VecRegular D D SH sh v e 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => RangeLoad r SH tr SH sh a 
(USource r L sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => RangeLoad r L tr SH sh a 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr L sh a) => RangeLoad r SH tr L sh a 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => Load r SH tr SH sh a 
(USource r L sh a, UTarget tr SH sh a) => Load r L tr SH sh a 
(USource r SH sh a, UTarget tr L sh a) => Load r SH tr L sh a 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad r slr SH tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr L sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr L tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad r slr L tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr L sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr L sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => RangeVecLoad r slr SH tr tslr L sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr SH tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr L sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr SH sh v2 e, Load slr L tslr SH sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr L tr tslr SH sh v v2 e 
(UVecSource r slr SH sh v e, UVecTarget tr tslr L sh v2 e, Load slr SH tslr L sh e, ~ * (Dim v) (Dim v2)) => VecLoad r slr SH tr tslr L sh v v2 e 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray DT SH sh a) 
Shape sh => NFData (UArray D SH sh a) 

delay :: (USource r l sh a, USource D l sh a, Fusion r D l) => UArray r l sh a -> UArray D l sh aSource

Load type preserving wrapping arbirtary array into Delayed representation.

delayShaped :: USource r l sh a => UArray r l sh a -> UArray D SH sh aSource

Wraps (index arr) into Delayed representation. Normally you shouldn't need to use this function. It may be dangerous for performance, because preferred Loading type of source array is ignored.