module Yaya.Fold where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Comonad
import Control.Comonad.Cofree
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Env
import Control.Lens hiding ((:<))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Either.Combinators
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Functor.Classes
import Data.Functor.Day
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Void
import Numeric.Natural

import Yaya.Fold.Common
import Yaya.Functor
import Yaya.Pattern

type Algebra c f a = f a `c` a
type GAlgebra c w f a = f (w a) `c` a
type ElgotAlgebra c w f a = w (f a) `c` a
type AlgebraM c m f a = f a `c` m a
type GAlgebraM c m w f a = f (w a) `c` m a
type ElgotAlgebraM c m w f a = w (f a) `c` m a

type Coalgebra c f a = a `c` f a
type GCoalgebra c m f a = a `c` f (m a)
type ElgotCoalgebra c m f a = a `c` m (f a)
-- | Note that using a `CoalgebraM` “directly” is partial (e.g., with
--  `Yaya.Unsafe.Fold.anaM`). However, @ana . Compose@ can accept a `CoalgebraM`
--   and produce something like an effectful stream.
type CoalgebraM c m f a = a `c` m (f a)
type GCoalgebraM c m n f a = a `c` m (f (n a))

-- | This type class is lawless on its own, but there exist types that can’t
--   implement the corresponding `embed` operation. Laws are induced by
--   implementing either `Steppable` (which extends this) or `Corecursive`
--  (which doesn’t).
class Projectable c t f | t -> f where
  project :: Coalgebra c f t

-- | Structures you can walk through step-by-step.
class Projectable c t f => Steppable c t f | t -> f where
  embed :: Algebra c f t

-- | Inductive structures that can be reasoned about in the way we usually do –
--   with pattern matching.
class Recursive c t f | t -> f where
  cata :: Algebra c f a -> t `c` a

-- | Coinductive (potentially-infinite) structures that guarantee _productivity_
--   rather than termination.
class Corecursive c t f | t -> f where
  ana :: Coalgebra c f a -> a `c` t

-- | An implementation of `Eq` for any `Recursive` instance. Note that this is
--   actually more general than `Eq`, as it can compare between different
--   fixed-point representations of the same functor.
  :: (Recursive (->) t f, Steppable (->) u f, Functor f, Foldable f, Eq1 f)
  => t -> u -> Bool
recursiveEq = cata2 equal

-- | An implementation of `Show` for any `Recursive` instance.
recursiveShowsPrec :: (Recursive (->) t f, Show1 f) => Int -> t -> ShowS
recursiveShowsPrec prec =
  cata (showParen True . liftShowsPrec (const id) (foldMap id) prec)

-- | A fixed-point operator for inductive / finite data structures.
--  *NB*: This is only guaranteed to be finite when @f a@ is strict in @a@
--       (having strict functors won't prevent `Nu` from being lazy). Using
--       @-XStrictData@ can help with this a lot.
data Mu f = Mu (forall a. Algebra (->) f a -> a)

instance Functor f => Projectable (->) (Mu f) f where
  project = lambek

instance Functor f => Steppable (->) (Mu f) f where
  embed m = Mu (\f -> f (fmap (cata f) m))

instance Recursive (->) (Mu f) f where
  cata φ (Mu f) = f φ

instance DFunctor Mu where
 dmap f (Mu run) = Mu (\φ -> run (φ . f))

instance Show1 f => Show (Mu f) where
  showsPrec = recursiveShowsPrec

instance (Functor f, Foldable f, Eq1 f) => Eq (Mu f) where
  (==) = recursiveEq

-- | A fixed-point operator for coinductive / potentially-infinite data
--   structures.
data Nu f where Nu :: Coalgebra (->) f a -> a -> Nu f

instance Functor f => Projectable (->) (Nu f) f where
  project (Nu f a) = Nu f <$> f a

instance Functor f => Steppable (->) (Nu f) f where
  embed = colambek

instance Corecursive (->) (Nu f) f where
  ana = Nu

instance DFunctor Nu where
  dmap f (Nu φ a) = Nu (f . φ) a

instance Projectable (->) [a] (XNor a) where
  project []      = Neither
  project (h : t) = Both h t

instance Steppable (->) [a] (XNor a) where
  embed Neither    = []
  embed (Both h t) = h : t

instance Projectable (->) (NonEmpty a) (AndMaybe a) where
  project (a :| [])     = Only a
  project (a :| b : bs) = Indeed a (b :| bs)

instance Steppable (->) (NonEmpty a) (AndMaybe a) where
  embed (Only a)     = a :| []
  embed (Indeed a b) = a :| toList b

instance Projectable (->) Natural Maybe where
  project 0 = Nothing
  project n = Just (pred n)

instance Steppable (->) Natural Maybe where
  embed = maybe 0 succ

instance Projectable (->) Void Identity where
  project = Identity

instance Steppable (->) Void Identity where
  embed = runIdentity

instance Recursive (->) Void Identity where
  cata _ = absurd

instance Projectable (->) (Cofree f a) (EnvT a f) where
  project (a :< ft) = EnvT a ft

instance Steppable (->) (Cofree f a) (EnvT a f) where
  embed (EnvT a ft) = a :< ft

instance Projectable (->) (Free f a) (FreeF f a) where
  project = runFree

instance Steppable (->) (Free f a) (FreeF f a) where
  embed = free

-- | Combines two `Algebra`s with different carriers into a single tupled
--  `Algebra`.
zipAlgebras :: Functor f => Algebra (->) f a -> Algebra (->) f b -> Algebra (->) f (a, b)
zipAlgebras f g = (f . fmap fst &&& g . fmap snd)

-- | Combines two `AlgebraM`s with different carriers into a single tupled
--  `AlgebraM`.
  :: (Applicative m, Functor f)
  => AlgebraM (->) m f a -> AlgebraM (->) m f b -> AlgebraM (->) m f (a, b)
zipAlgebraMs f g = uncurry (liftA2 (,)) . (f . fmap fst &&& g . fmap snd)

-- | Algebras over Day convolution are convenient for binary operations, but
--   aren’t directly handleable by `cata`.
lowerDay :: Projectable (->) t g => Algebra (->) (Day f g) a -> Algebra (->) f (t -> a)
lowerDay φ fta t = φ (Day fta (project t) ($))

-- | By analogy with `liftA2` (which also relies on `Day`, at least
--   conceptually).
cata2 :: (Recursive (->) t f, Projectable (->) u g) => Algebra (->) (Day f g) a -> t -> u -> a
cata2 = cata . lowerDay

-- | Makes it possible to provide a `GAlgebra` to `cata`.
  :: (Functor f, Comonad w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> GAlgebra (->) w f a
  -> Algebra (->) f (w a)
lowerAlgebra k φ = fmap φ . k . fmap duplicate

-- | Makes it possible to provide a `GAlgebraM` to `Yaya.Zoo.cataM`.
  :: (Applicative m, Traversable f, Comonad w, Traversable w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> GAlgebraM (->) m w f a
  -> AlgebraM (->) m f (w a)
lowerAlgebraM k φ = traverse φ . k . fmap duplicate

-- | Makes it possible to provide a `GCoalgebra` to `ana`.
  :: (Functor f, Monad m)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) m f
  -> GCoalgebra (->) m f a
  -> Coalgebra (->) f (m a)
lowerCoalgebra k ψ = fmap join . k . fmap ψ

-- | Makes it possible to provide a `GCoalgebraM` to `Yaya.Unsafe.Fold.anaM`.
  :: (Applicative m, Traversable f, Monad n, Traversable n)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) n f
  -> GCoalgebraM (->) m n f a
  -> CoalgebraM (->) m f (n a)
lowerCoalgebraM k ψ = fmap (fmap join . k) . traverse ψ

  :: (Recursive (->) t f, Functor f, Comonad w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> GAlgebra (->) w f a
  -> t
  -> a
gcata k φ = extract . cata (lowerAlgebra k φ)

  :: (Recursive (->) t f, Functor f, Comonad w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> ElgotAlgebra (->) w f a
  -> t
  -> a
elgotCata k φ = φ . cata (k . fmap (extend φ))

  :: (Monad m, Recursive (->) t f, Traversable f, Comonad w, Traversable w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> GAlgebraM (->) m w f a
  -> t
  -> m a
gcataM w φ = fmap extract . cata (lowerAlgebraM w φ <=< sequenceA)

  :: (Monad m, Recursive (->) t f, Traversable f, Comonad w, Traversable w)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> ElgotAlgebraM (->) m w f a
  -> t
  -> m a
elgotCataM w φ = φ <=< cata (fmap w . traverse (sequence . extend φ) <=< sequenceA)

  :: (Monad m, Recursive (->) t f, Traversable f)
  => AlgebraM (->) m f b
  -> ElgotAlgebraM (->) m ((,) b) f a
  -> t
  -> m a
ezygoM φ' φ =
  fmap snd
  . cata ((\x@(b, _) -> (b,) <$> φ x)
          <=< bisequence . (φ' . fmap fst &&&  pure . fmap snd)
          <=< sequenceA)

  :: (Corecursive (->) t f, Functor f, Monad m)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) m f
  -> GCoalgebra (->) m f a
  -> a
  -> t
gana k ψ = ana (lowerCoalgebra k ψ) . pure

  :: (Corecursive (->) t f, Functor f, Monad m)
  => DistributiveLaw (->) m f
  -> ElgotCoalgebra (->) m f a
  -> a
  -> t
elgotAna k ψ = ana (fmap (>>= ψ) . k) . ψ

lambek :: (Steppable (->) t f, Recursive (->) t f, Functor f) => Coalgebra (->) f t
lambek = cata (fmap embed)

colambek :: (Projectable (->) t f, Corecursive (->) t f, Functor f) => Algebra (->) f t
colambek = ana (fmap project)

-- | There are a number of distributive laws, including
--  `Data.Traversable.sequenceA`, `Data.Distributive.distribute`, and
--  `Data.Align.sequenceL`. Yaya also provides others for specific recursion
--   schemes.
type DistributiveLaw c f g = forall a. f (g a) `c` g (f a)

-- | A less-constrained `distribute` for `Identity`.
distIdentity :: Functor f => DistributiveLaw (->) f Identity
distIdentity = Identity . fmap runIdentity

-- | A less-constrained `sequenceA` for `Identity`.
seqIdentity :: Functor f => DistributiveLaw (->) Identity f
seqIdentity = fmap Identity . runIdentity

distTuple :: Functor f => Algebra (->) f a -> DistributiveLaw (->) f ((,) a)
distTuple φ = φ . fmap fst &&& fmap snd

  :: Functor f
  => Algebra (->) f a
  -> DistributiveLaw (->) f w
  -> DistributiveLaw (->) f (EnvT a w)
distEnvT φ k = uncurry EnvT . (φ . fmap ask &&& k . fmap lowerEnvT)

seqEither :: Functor f => Coalgebra (->) f a -> DistributiveLaw (->) (Either a) f
seqEither ψ = fmap Left . ψ ||| fmap Right

-- | Converts an `Algebra` to one that annotates the tree with the result for
--   each node.
  :: (Steppable (->) t (EnvT a f), Functor f)
  => Algebra (->) f a -> Algebra (->) f t
attributeAlgebra φ ft = embed $ EnvT (φ (fmap (fst . runEnvT . project) ft)) ft

-- | Converts a `Coalgebra` to one that annotates the tree with the seed that
--   generated each node.
attributeCoalgebra :: Coalgebra (->) f a -> Coalgebra (->) (EnvT a f) a
attributeCoalgebra ψ = uncurry EnvT . (id &&& ψ)

-- | This is just a more obvious name for composing `lowerEnvT` with your
--   algebra directly.
ignoringAttribute :: Algebra (->) f a -> Algebra (->) (EnvT b f) a
ignoringAttribute φ = φ . lowerEnvT

-- | It is somewhat common to have a natural transformation that looks like
--  @η :: forall a. f a -> Free g a@. This maps naturally to a `GCoalgebra` (to
--   pass to `Yaya.Zoo.apo`) with @η . project@, but the desired `Algebra` is
--   more likely to be @cata unFree . η@ than @embed . η@. See yaya-streams for
--   some examples of this.
unFree :: Steppable (->) t f => Algebra (->) (FreeF f t) t
unFree = \case
  Pure t  -> t
  Free ft -> embed ft

-- preservingAttribute :: (forall a. f a -> g a) -> EnvT a f b -> EnvT a g b
-- preservingAttribute = cohoist

-- * instances for non-recursive types

constEmbed :: Algebra (->) (Const a) a
constEmbed = getConst

constProject :: Coalgebra (->) (Const a) a
constProject = Const

constCata :: Algebra (->) (Const b) a -> b -> a
constCata φ = φ . Const

constAna :: Coalgebra (->) (Const b) a -> a -> b
constAna ψ = getConst . ψ

instance Projectable (->) (Either a b) (Const (Either a b)) where
  project = constProject

instance Steppable (->) (Either a b) (Const (Either a b)) where
  embed = constEmbed

instance Recursive (->) (Either a b) (Const (Either a b)) where
  cata = constCata

instance Corecursive (->) (Either a b) (Const (Either a b)) where
  ana = constAna

instance Projectable (->) (Maybe a) (Const (Maybe a)) where
  project = constProject

instance Steppable (->) (Maybe a) (Const (Maybe a)) where
  embed = constEmbed

instance Recursive (->) (Maybe a) (Const (Maybe a)) where
  cata = constCata

instance Corecursive (->) (Maybe a) (Const (Maybe a)) where
  ana = constAna

-- * Optics

type BialgebraIso f a = Iso' (f a) a
type AlgebraPrism f a = Prism' (f a) a
type CoalgebraPrism f a = Prism' a (f a)

steppableIso :: Steppable (->) t f => BialgebraIso f t
steppableIso = iso embed project

  :: (Recursive (->) t f, Corecursive (->) t f)
  => BialgebraIso f a
  -> Iso' t a
birecursiveIso alg = iso (cata (view alg)) (ana (review alg))

  :: (Recursive (->) t f, Corecursive (->) t f, Traversable f)
  => AlgebraPrism f a
  -> Prism' t a
recursivePrism alg =
  (ana (review alg))
  (\t -> mapLeft (const t) $ cata (matching alg <=< sequenceA) t)