yesod-0.6.3: Creation of type-safe, RESTful web applications.




Serve static files from a Yesod app.

This is most useful for standalone testing. When running on a production server (like Apache), just let the server do the static serving.

In fact, in an ideal setup you'll serve your static files from a separate domain name to save time on transmitting cookies. In that case, you may wish to use urlRenderOverride to redirect requests to this subsite to a separate domain name.



data Static Source

A function for looking up file contents. For serving from the file system, see fileLookupDir.




staticLookup :: FilePath -> IO (Maybe (Either FilePath Content))
staticTypes :: [(String, ContentType)]

Mapping from file extension to content type. See typeByExt.


Lookup files in filesystem

fileLookupDir :: FilePath -> [(String, ContentType)] -> StaticSource

Lookup files in a specific directory.

If you are just using this in combination with the static subsite (you probably are), the handler itself checks that no unsafe paths are being requested. In particular, no path segments may begin with a single period, so hidden files and parent directories are safe.

For the second argument to this function, you can just use typeByExt.

staticFiles :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]Source

This piece of Template Haskell will find all of the files in the given directory and create Haskell identifiers for them. For example, if you have the files "static/style.css" and "static/js/script.js", it will essentailly create:

 style_css = StaticRoute ["style.css"] []
 js_script_js = StaticRoute ["js/script.js"] []


base64md5 :: ByteString -> StringSource

md5-hashes the given lazy bytestring and returns the hash as base64url-encoded string.

This function returns the first 8 characters of the hash.