yesod-auth-0.7.2: Authentication for Yesod.





A yesod-auth AuthPlugin designed to look users up in Persist where their user id's and a salted SHA1 hash of their password is stored.

Example usage:

 -- import the function
 import Auth.HashDB

 -- make sure you have an auth route
 mkYesodData "MyApp" [$parseRoutes|
 / RootR GET
 /auth AuthR Auth getAuth

 -- make your app an instance of YesodAuth using this plugin
 instance YesodAuth MyApp where
    type AuthId MyApp = UserId

    loginDest _  = RootR
    logoutDest _ = RootR
    getAuthId    = getAuthIdHashDB AuthR (Just . UniqueUser)
    authPlugins  = [authHashDB (Just . UniqueUser)]

 -- include the migration function in site startup
 withServer :: (Application -> IO a) -> IO a
 withServer f = withConnectionPool $ \p -> do
     runSqlPool (runMigration migrateUsers) p
     let h = DevSite p

Note that function which converts username to unique identifier must be same.

Your app must be an instance of YesodPersist. and the username, salt and hashed-passwords should be added to the database.

 echo -n 'MySaltMyPassword' | sha1sum

can be used to get the hash from the commandline.



class HashDBUser user whereSource

Interface for data type which holds user info. It's just a collection of getters and setters


userPasswordHash :: user -> Maybe TextSource

Retrieve password hash from user data

userPasswordSalt :: user -> Maybe TextSource

Retrieve salt for password



:: Text


-> Text

Password hash

-> user 
-> user 

Set hash and password


setPassword :: (MonadIO m, HashDBUser user) => Text -> user -> m userSource

Set password for user. This function should be used for setting passwords. It generates random salt and calculates proper hashes.




:: (YesodPersist yesod, b ~ YesodPersistBackend yesod, PersistBackend b (GGHandler sub yesod IO), PersistEntity user, HashDBUser user) 
=> Unique user b

User unique identifier

-> Text

Password in plaint-text

-> GHandler sub yesod Bool 

Given a user ID and password in plaintext, validate them against the database values.

authHashDB :: (YesodAuth m, YesodPersist m, HashDBUser user, PersistEntity user, b ~ YesodPersistBackend m, PersistBackend b (GGHandler Auth m IO)) => (Text -> Maybe (Unique user b)) -> AuthPlugin mSource

Prompt for username and password, validate that against a database which holds the username and a hash of the password



:: (YesodAuth master, YesodPersist master, HashDBUser user, PersistEntity user, Key b user ~ AuthId master, b ~ YesodPersistBackend master, PersistBackend b (GGHandler sub master IO)) 
=> (AuthRoute -> Route master)

your site's Auth Route

-> (Text -> Maybe (Unique user b))

gets user ID

-> Creds master

the creds argument

-> GHandler sub master (Maybe (AuthId master)) 

A drop in for the getAuthId method of your YesodAuth instance which can be used if authHashDB is the only plugin in use.

Predefined data type

data UserGeneric backend Source

Generate data base instances for a valid user




Eq (UserGeneric backend) 
Read (UserGeneric backend) 
Show (UserGeneric backend) 
PersistEntity (UserGeneric backend) 
HashDBUser (UserGeneric backend) 
Eq (Unique (UserGeneric backend) backend2) 
Read (Unique (UserGeneric backend) backend2) 
Show (Unique (UserGeneric backend) backend2)