Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data Action
- emptyAction :: Action
- type Interact ev a = I ev Action a
- type KeymapM a = Interact Event a
- type Keymap = KeymapM ()
- type KeymapEndo = Keymap -> Keymap
- type KeymapProcess = P Event Action
- data KeymapSet = KeymapSet {}
- topKeymapA :: Lens' KeymapSet Keymap
- startInsertKeymapA :: Lens' KeymapSet Keymap
- insertKeymapA :: Lens' KeymapSet Keymap
- startTopKeymapA :: Lens' KeymapSet Keymap
- extractTopKeymap :: KeymapSet -> Keymap
- modelessKeymapSet :: Keymap -> KeymapSet
- newtype YiM a = YiM {}
- withUI :: (UI -> IO a) -> YiM a
- unsafeWithEditor :: Config -> MVar YiVar -> EditorM a -> IO a
- withGivenBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferRef -> BufferM a -> m a
- withBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferM a -> m a
- readEditor :: MonadEditor m => (Editor -> a) -> m a
- catchDynE :: Exception exception => YiM a -> (exception -> YiM a) -> YiM a
- catchJustE :: Exception e => (e -> Maybe b) -> YiM a -> (b -> YiM a) -> YiM a
- handleJustE :: Exception e => (e -> Maybe b) -> (b -> YiM a) -> YiM a -> YiM a
- shutdown :: YiM ()
- class YiAction a x | a -> x where
- makeAction :: Show x => a -> Action
- data Yi = Yi {}
- data YiVar = YiVar {
- yiEditor :: !Editor
- threads :: ![ThreadId]
- yiSubprocessIdSupply :: !SubprocessId
- yiSubprocesses :: !(Map SubprocessId SubprocessInfo)
- write :: (MonadInteract m Action ev, YiAction a x, Show x) => a -> m ()
- withModeY :: (forall syntax. Mode syntax -> YiM ()) -> YiM ()
type KeymapEndo = Keymap -> Keymap Source
type KeymapProcess = P Event Action Source
KeymapSet | |
The type of user-bindable functions TODO: doc how these are actually user-bindable are they?
withGivenBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferRef -> BufferM a -> m a Source
withBuffer :: MonadEditor m => BufferM a -> m a Source
readEditor :: MonadEditor m => (Editor -> a) -> m a Source
YiVar | |