{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-incomplete-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Yi.Syntax.Strokes.Haskell
-- License     :  GPL-2
-- Maintainer  :  yi-devel@googlegroups.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Produces 'Stroke's from a tree of tokens, used by some of the
-- Haskell modes.

module Yi.Syntax.Strokes.Haskell (getStrokes, tokenToAnnot) where

import           Prelude           hiding (any, error, exp)

import           Data.Foldable     (any)
import           Data.Monoid       (Endo (..), (<>))
import           Yi.Debug          (error, trace)
import           Yi.Lexer.Alex     (Posn (posnOfs), Stroke, Tok (tokPosn, tokT), tokToSpan)
import           Yi.Lexer.Haskell
import           Yi.String         (showT)
import           Yi.Style
import           Yi.Syntax         (Point, Span)
import           Yi.Syntax.Haskell
import           Yi.Syntax.Tree    (subtrees)

-- TODO: (optimization) make sure we take in account the begin, so we
-- don't return useless strokes
getStrokes :: Point -> Point -> Point -> Tree TT -> [Stroke]
getStrokes point begin _end t0 = trace (showT t0) result
    where result = appEndo (getStr tkDConst point begin _end t0) []

-- | Get strokes Module for module
getStrokeMod :: Point -> Point -> Point -> PModuleDecl TT -> Endo [Stroke]
getStrokeMod point begin _end tm@(PModuleDecl m na e w)
    = pKW tm m <> getStr tkImport point begin _end na
   <> getStrokes' e <> getStrokes' w
        where getStrokes' = getStr tkDConst point begin _end
              pKW b word | isErrN b = paintAtom errorStyle word
                         | otherwise = getStrokes' word

-- | Get strokes for Imports
getStrokeImp ::  Point -> Point -> Point -> PImport TT -> Endo [Stroke]
getStrokeImp point begin _end imp@(PImport m qu na t t')
    = pKW imp m <> paintQu qu
   <> getStr tkImport point begin _end na <> paintAs t  <> paintHi t'
    where getStrokes' = getStr tkDConst point begin _end
          paintAs (Opt (Just (Bin (PAtom n c) tw)))
              = one ((fmap (const keywordStyle) . tokToSpan) n) <> com c
             <> getStr tkImport point begin _end tw
          paintAs a = getStrokes' a
          paintQu (Opt (Just (PAtom n c))) = one ((fmap (const keywordStyle) . tokToSpan) n) <> com c
          paintQu a = getStrokes' a
          paintHi (TC (Bin (Bin (PAtom n c) tw) r)) = one ((fmap (const keywordStyle) . tokToSpan) n)
                                             <> com c <> getStr tkImport point begin _end tw
                                             <> getStrokes' r
          paintHi a = getStrokes' a
          pKW b word | isErrN b = paintAtom errorStyle word
                     | otherwise = getStrokes' word

-- | Get strokes for expressions and declarations
getStr :: (TT -> Endo [Stroke]) -> Point -> Point -> Point -> Exp TT
          -> Endo [Stroke]
getStr tk point begin _end = getStrokes'
    where getStrokes' :: Exp TT -> Endo [Stroke]
          getStrokes' t@(PImport {}) = getStrokeImp point begin _end t
          getStrokes' t@(PModuleDecl {}) = getStrokeMod point begin _end t
          getStrokes' (PModule c m) = com c <> foldMap getStrokes' m
          getStrokes' (PAtom t c) = tk t <> com c
          getStrokes' (TS col ts') = tk col <> foldMap (getStr tkTConst point begin _end) ts'
          getStrokes' (Modid t c) = tkImport t <> com c
          getStrokes' (Paren (PAtom l c) g (PAtom r c'))
              | isErr r = errStyle l <> getStrokesL g
              -- left paren wasn't matched: paint it in red.
              -- note that testing this on the "Paren" node actually forces the parsing of the
              -- right paren, undermining online behaviour.
              | posnOfs (tokPosn l) ==
                    point || posnOfs (tokPosn r) == point - 1
               = pStyle hintStyle l <> com c <> getStrokesL g
                      <> pStyle hintStyle r <> com c'
              | otherwise  = tk l <> com c <> getStrokesL g
                                  <> tk r <> com c'
          getStrokes' (PError t _ c) = errStyle t <> com c
          getStrokes' da@(PData kw na exp eq)
               = pKW da kw <> getStrokes' na
              <> getStrokes' exp <> getStrokes' eq
          getStrokes' (PIn t l) = tk t <> getStrokesL l
          getStrokes' (TC l) = getStr tkTConst point begin _end l
          getStrokes' (DC (PAtom l c)) = tkDConst l <> com c
          getStrokes' (DC r) = getStrokes' r -- do not color operator dc
          getStrokes' g@(PGuard' t e t')
              = pKW g t <> getStrokes' e <> getStrokes' t'
          getStrokes' cl@(PClass e e' exp)
              = pKW cl e <> getStrokes' e'
             <> getStrokes' exp
          getStrokes' t = foldMap getStrokes' (subtrees t) -- by default deal with subtrees
          getStrokesL = foldMap getStrokes'
          pKW b word | isErrN b = paintAtom errorStyle word
                     | otherwise = getStrokes' word

-- Stroke helpers follows

tokenToAnnot :: TT -> Maybe (Span String)
tokenToAnnot = sequenceA . tokToSpan . fmap tokenToText

ts :: TT -> Stroke
ts = tokenToStroke

pStyle :: StyleName -> TT -> Endo [Stroke]
pStyle style = one . modStroke style . ts

one :: Stroke -> Endo [Stroke]
one x = Endo (x :)

paintAtom :: StyleName -> Exp TT -> Endo [Stroke]
paintAtom col (PAtom a c) = pStyle col a <> com c
paintAtom _ _ = error "wrong usage of paintAtom"

isErr :: TT -> Bool
isErr = isErrorTok . tokT

isErrN :: (Foldable v) => v TT -> Bool
isErrN = any isErr
--         || not $ null $ isError' t

errStyle :: TT -> Endo [Stroke]
errStyle = pStyle errorStyle

tokenToStroke :: TT -> Stroke
tokenToStroke = fmap tokenToStyle . tokToSpan

modStroke :: StyleName -> Stroke -> Stroke
modStroke f = fmap (f `mappend`)

com :: [TT] -> Endo [Stroke]
com = foldMap tkDConst

tk' :: (TT -> Bool) -> (TT -> Endo [Stroke]) -> TT -> Endo [Stroke]
tk' f s t | isErr t = errStyle t
          | tokT t `elem` fmap Reserved [As, Qualified, Hiding]
            = one $ (fmap (const variableStyle) . tokToSpan) t
          | f t = s t
          | otherwise = one (ts t)

tkTConst :: TT -> Endo [Stroke]
tkTConst = tk' (const False) (const (Endo id))

tkDConst :: TT -> Endo [Stroke]
tkDConst = tk' ((== ConsIdent) . tokT) (pStyle dataConstructorStyle)

tkImport :: TT -> Endo [Stroke]
tkImport = tk' ((== ConsIdent) . tokT) (pStyle importStyle)