Build #1 for zsh-battery-0.2
Package | zsh-battery-0.2 |
Install | BuildFailed |
Docs | NotTried |
Tests | NotTried |
Time submitted | unknown |
Compiler | ghc-7.6.3 |
OS | linux |
Arch | x86_64 |
Dependencies | mtl-2.1.2, filepath-, directory-, base- |
Flags | none |
Code Coverage
No Code Coverage was submitted for this report.
Build log
[view raw]
Resolving dependencies... Downloading zsh-battery-0.2... Configuring zsh-battery-0.2... Building zsh-battery-0.2... Preprocessing executable 'zsh-battery' for zsh-battery-0.2... Battery.hs:31:8: Could not find module `Files' Use -v to see a list of the files searched for. Failed to install zsh-battery-0.2 cabal: Error: some packages failed to install: zsh-battery-0.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was: ExitFailure 1
Test log
No test log was submitted for this report.