copilot-language-2.1.1: A Haskell-embedded DSL for monitoring hard real-time distributed systems.

Safe HaskellSafe



Bitwise operators.



class Eq a => Bits a where

The Bits class defines bitwise operations over integral types.

  • Bits are numbered from 0 with bit 0 being the least significant bit.

Minimal complete definition: .&., .|., xor, complement, (shift or (shiftL and shiftR)), (rotate or (rotateL and rotateR)), bitSize, isSigned, testBit, bit, and popCount. The latter three can be implemented using testBitDefault, 'bitDefault, and popCountDefault, if a is also an instance of Num.


(.&.) :: a -> a -> a

Bitwise "and"

(.|.) :: a -> a -> a

Bitwise "or"

complement :: a -> a

Reverse all the bits in the argument

(.^.) :: Bits a => a -> a -> aSource

(.<<.) :: (Bits a, Typed a, Typed b, Integral b) => Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream aSource

(.>>.) :: (Bits a, Typed a, Typed b, Integral b) => Stream a -> Stream b -> Stream aSource