Data types for DNS Query and Response. For more information, see
- type Domain = String
- data TYPE
- intToType :: Int -> TYPE
- typeToInt :: TYPE -> Int
- toType :: String -> TYPE
- data DNSFormat
- header :: DNSFormat -> DNSHeader
- question :: DNSFormat -> [Question]
- answer :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]
- authority :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]
- additional :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]
- data DNSHeader
- identifier :: DNSHeader -> Int
- flags :: DNSHeader -> DNSFlags
- qdCount :: DNSHeader -> Int
- anCount :: DNSHeader -> Int
- nsCount :: DNSHeader -> Int
- arCount :: DNSHeader -> Int
- data DNSFlags
- qOrR :: DNSFlags -> QorR
- opcode :: DNSFlags -> OPCODE
- authAnswer :: DNSFlags -> Bool
- trunCation :: DNSFlags -> Bool
- recDesired :: DNSFlags -> Bool
- recAvailable :: DNSFlags -> Bool
- rcode :: DNSFlags -> RCODE
- data QorR
- = QR_Query
- | QR_Response
- data OPCODE
- data RCODE
- data ResourceRecord
- rrname :: ResourceRecord -> Domain
- rrtype :: ResourceRecord -> TYPE
- rrttl :: ResourceRecord -> Int
- rdlen :: ResourceRecord -> Int
- rdata :: ResourceRecord -> RDATA
- data Question
- qname :: Question -> Domain
- qtype :: Question -> TYPE
- makeQuestion :: Domain -> TYPE -> Question
- data RDATA
Types for resource records.
answer :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]Source
authority :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]Source
additional :: DNSFormat -> [ResourceRecord]Source
Raw data format for the header of DNS Query and Response.
identifier :: DNSHeader -> IntSource
Raw data format for the flags of DNS Query and Response.
authAnswer :: DNSFlags -> BoolSource
trunCation :: DNSFlags -> BoolSource
recDesired :: DNSFlags -> BoolSource
recAvailable :: DNSFlags -> BoolSource
data ResourceRecord Source
Raw data format for resource records.
rrname :: ResourceRecord -> DomainSource
rrtype :: ResourceRecord -> TYPESource
rrttl :: ResourceRecord -> IntSource
rdlen :: ResourceRecord -> IntSource
rdata :: ResourceRecord -> RDATASource