A few darcs-specific utility functions. These are used for reading and writing darcs and darcs-compatible hashed trees.
- darcsDecodeWhite :: String -> FilePath
- darcsEncodeWhite :: FilePath -> String
- darcsEncodeWhiteBS :: ByteString -> ByteString
- decodeDarcsHash :: ByteString -> Hash
- decodeDarcsSize :: ByteString -> Maybe Int
- darcsLocation :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> FileSegment
- darcsFormatDir :: Tree m -> Maybe ByteString
- darcsParseDir :: ByteString -> [(ItemType, Name, Maybe Int, Hash)]
- darcsTreeHash :: Tree m -> Hash
- darcsUpdateDirHashes :: Tree m -> Tree m
- darcsUpdateHashes :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Tree m -> m (Tree m)
- darcsAddMissingHashes :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Tree m -> m (Tree m)
- readDarcsHashedDir :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO [(ItemType, Name, Maybe Int, Hash)]
- readDarcsHashed :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO (Tree IO)
- writeDarcsHashed :: Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO Hash
- fsCreateHashedFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> TreeIO ()
- hashedTreeIO :: TreeIO a -> Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO (a, Tree IO)
- readPackedDarcsPristine :: OS -> Hash -> IO (Tree IO)
- writePackedDarcsPristine :: Tree IO -> OS -> IO (OS, Hash)
- storePackedDarcsPristine :: Tree IO -> OS -> IO (OS, Hash)
- darcsPristineRefs :: FileSegment -> IO [Hash]
darcsDecodeWhite :: String -> FilePathSource
interprets the Darcs-specific "encoded" filenames
produced by darcsEncodeWhite
darcsDecodeWhite "hello\32\there" == "hello there" darcsDecodeWhite "hello\92\there" == "hello\there" darcsDecodeWhite "hello\there" == error "malformed filename"
darcsEncodeWhite :: FilePath -> StringSource
translates whitespace in filenames to a darcs-specific
format (backslash followed by numerical representation according to ord
Note that backslashes are also escaped since they are used in the encoding.
darcsEncodeWhite "hello there" == "hello\32\there" darcsEncodeWhite "hello\there" == "hello\92\there"
darcsFormatDir :: Tree m -> Maybe ByteStringSource
darcsParseDir :: ByteString -> [(ItemType, Name, Maybe Int, Hash)]Source
darcsTreeHash :: Tree m -> HashSource
Compute a darcs-compatible hash value for a tree-like structure.
darcsUpdateDirHashes :: Tree m -> Tree mSource
readDarcsHashedDir :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO [(ItemType, Name, Maybe Int, Hash)]Source
Read and parse a darcs-style hashed directory listing from a given dir
and with a given hash
readDarcsHashed :: FilePath -> (Maybe Int, Hash) -> IO (Tree IO)Source
Read in a darcs-style hashed tree. This is mainly useful for reading "pristine.hashed". You need to provide the root hash you are interested in (found in _darcs/hashed_inventory).
writeDarcsHashed :: Tree IO -> FilePath -> IO HashSource
Write a Tree into a darcs-style hashed directory.
fsCreateHashedFile :: FilePath -> ByteString -> TreeIO ()Source
Create a hashed file from a FilePath
and content. In case the file exists
it is kept untouched and is assumed to have the right content. XXX Corrupt
files should be probably renamed out of the way automatically or something
(probably when they are being read though).
Run a TreeIO
in a hashed setting. The initial
tree is assumed
to be fully available from the directory
, and any changes will be written
out to same. Please note that actual filesystem files are never removed.
readPackedDarcsPristine :: OS -> Hash -> IO (Tree IO)Source
Read a Tree in the darcs hashed format from an object storage. This is basically the same as readDarcsHashed from Storage.Hashed, but uses an object storage instead of traditional darcs filesystem layout. Requires the tree root hash as a starting point.
writePackedDarcsPristine :: Tree IO -> OS -> IO (OS, Hash)Source
Write a Tree into an object storage, using the darcs-style directory formatting (and therefore darcs-style hashes). Gives back the object storage and the root hash of the stored Tree. NB. The function expects that the Tree comes equipped with darcs-style hashes already!
darcsPristineRefs :: FileSegment -> IO [Hash]Source