Safe Haskell | Safe-Infered |
This module defines some common suspension functors for use with the Control.Monad.Coroutine module.
- data Yield x y = Yield x y
- newtype Await x y = Await (x -> y)
- data Request request response x = Request request (response -> x)
- data ParseRequest x z
- data EitherFunctor l r x
- eitherFunctor :: (l x -> y) -> (r x -> y) -> EitherFunctor l r x -> y
- yield :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Yield x) m ()
- await :: Monad m => Coroutine (Await x) m x
- request :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Request x y) m y
- requestParse :: (Monad m, MonoidNull y) => Parser a [x] y -> Coroutine (ParseRequest x) m (y, Maybe (Parser a [x] y))
- concatYields :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Yield (f x)) m r -> Coroutine (Yield x) m r
- concatAwaits :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Await x) m r -> Coroutine (Await (f x)) m r
- awaitYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await x) (Yield x) s1 s2
- awaitMaybeYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await (Maybe x)) (Yield x) s1 s2
- awaitYieldChunkResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2
- requestsResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request x y) (Request y x) s1 s2
- tickerYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x])
- tickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x])
- lazyTickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x])
- parserRequestResolver :: Monoid y => SeesawResolver (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x])
- lazyParserRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x]) (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x])
- liftedTickerYieldResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Yield [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2
- liftedTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2
- liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2
- liftedParserRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2, Monoid y) => (forall b. Request (Parser a [x] y) y b -> s1 b) -> (forall b. Request [x] [x] b -> s2 b) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2
- nestedLazyParserRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => SeesawResolver (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x]) (EitherFunctor s1 (ParseRequest x)) (EitherFunctor s2 (Request [x] [x]))
Suspension functors
data ParseRequest x z Source
Functor (ParseRequest x) |
data EitherFunctor l r x Source
Combines two alternative functors into one, applying one or the other. Used for nested coroutines.
(Functor l, Functor r) => Functor (EitherFunctor l r) | |
(Functor p, Functor s) => ChildFunctor (EitherFunctor p s) |
eitherFunctor :: (l x -> y) -> (r x -> y) -> EitherFunctor l r x -> ySource
Like either
for the EitherFunctor data type.
yield :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Yield x) m ()Source
Suspend the current coroutine yielding a value.
await :: Monad m => Coroutine (Await x) m xSource
Suspend the current coroutine until a value is provided.
request :: Monad m => x -> Coroutine (Request x y) m ySource
Suspend yielding a request and awaiting the response.
requestParse :: (Monad m, MonoidNull y) => Parser a [x] y -> Coroutine (ParseRequest x) m (y, Maybe (Parser a [x] y))Source
Suspend yielding a request and awaiting the response.
Utility functions
concatYields :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Yield (f x)) m r -> Coroutine (Yield x) m rSource
Converts a coroutine yielding collections of values into one yielding single values.
concatAwaits :: (Monad m, Foldable f) => Coroutine (Await x) m r -> Coroutine (Await (f x)) m rSource
Converts a coroutine awaiting single values into one awaiting collections of values.
Resolvers for running pairs of coroutines
awaitYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await x) (Yield x) s1 s2Source
A SeesawResolver
for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which await
s values while the other yield
them. The yielding coroutine must not terminate before the other one.
awaitMaybeYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await (Maybe x)) (Yield x) s1 s2Source
A SeesawResolver
for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which await
s values while the other yield
them. If the yielding coroutine terminates before the awaiting one, the latter will receive Nothing
awaitYieldChunkResolver :: SeesawResolver (Await [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2Source
A SeesawResolver
for running two coroutines in parallel, one of which await
s non-empty lists of values while
the other yield
s them. If the yielding coroutine dies, the awaiting coroutine receives empty lists.
requestsResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request x y) (Request y x) s1 s2Source
A SeesawResolver
for running two request
ing coroutines in parallel. One coroutine's request becomes the other's
response, and vice versa.
tickerYieldResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x])Source
A SeesawResolver
for running two coroutines in parallel. One coroutine produces data in chunks, the other
consumes data in chunks. The boundaries of the two kinds of chunks need not be the same, as the consumed chunks
are determined by a Ticker
provided by the consumer's input request.
tickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x])Source
Like tickerYieldResolver
, the only difference being that the producing coroutine sends its chunks using request
rather than yield
. The feedback received from request
is the unconsumed remainder of the chunk, which lets the
coroutine know when its sibling terminates.
lazyTickerRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x])Source
Like tickerRequestResolver
, except the consuming coroutine requests receive both the selected prefix of the input
chunk and a peek at either the next unconsumed input item, if any, or the final Ticker
value. Chunks sent by the
producing coroutine never get combined for the consuming coroutine. This allows better synchronization between the
two coroutines. It also leaks the information about the produced chunk boundaries into the consuming coroutine, so
this resolver should be used with caution.
parserRequestResolver :: Monoid y => SeesawResolver (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x]) (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x])Source
lazyParserRequestResolver :: SeesawResolver (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x]) (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x])Source
Like parserRequestResolver
, except the consuming coroutine requests receive both the selected prefix of the input
chunk and a peek at either the next unconsumed input item, if any, or the final Parser
value. Chunks sent by the
producing coroutine never get combined for the consuming coroutine. This allows better synchronization between the
two coroutines. It also leaks the information about the produced chunk boundaries into the consuming coroutine, so
this resolver should be used with caution.
liftedTickerYieldResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Yield [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Yield [x]) s1 s2Source
A generic version of tickerYieldResolver
, allowing coroutines with Request
and Yield
functors embedded in
other functors.
liftedTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request (Ticker x) [x] a -> s1 a) -> (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) [x]) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2Source
A generic version of tickerRequestResolver
, allowing coroutines with Request
functors embedded in other
liftedLazyTickerRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => (forall a. Request [x] [x] a -> s2 a) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Ticker x) ([x], Either x (Ticker x))) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2Source
A generic version of lazyTickerRequestResolver
, allowing coroutines with Request
functors embedded in other
liftedParserRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2, Monoid y) => (forall b. Request (Parser a [x] y) y b -> s1 b) -> (forall b. Request [x] [x] b -> s2 b) -> SeesawResolver (Request (Parser a [x] y) y) (Request [x] [x]) s1 s2Source
A generic version of parserRequestResolver
, allowing coroutines with Request
functors embedded in other
nestedLazyParserRequestResolver :: (Functor s1, Functor s2) => SeesawResolver (ParseRequest x) (Request [x] [x]) (EitherFunctor s1 (ParseRequest x)) (EitherFunctor s2 (Request [x] [x]))Source
A generic version of lazyParserRequestResolver
, allowing coroutines with Request
functors embedded in other