Safe Haskell | None |
This module defines the Form
type, its instances, core manipulation functions, and a bunch of helper utilities.
- data Proved proofs a = Proved {}
- unitProved :: FormId -> Proved () ()
- type FormState m input = ReaderT (Environment m input) (StateT FormRange m)
- data Value a
- getFormInput :: Monad m => FormState m input (Value input)
- getFormInput' :: Monad m => FormId -> FormState m input (Value input)
- getFormRange :: Monad m => FormState m i FormRange
- data Environment m input
- = Environment (FormId -> m (Value input))
- | NoEnvironment
- getFormId :: Monad m => FormState m i FormId
- incFormId :: Monad m => FormState m i ()
- newtype View error v = View {}
- newtype Form m input error view proof a = Form {}
- bracketState :: Monad m => FormState m input a -> FormState m input a
- runForm :: Monad m => Environment m input -> Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m (View error view, m (Result error (Proved proof a)))
- runForm' :: Monad m => Environment m input -> Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m (view, Maybe a)
- viewForm :: Monad m => Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m view
- eitherForm :: Monad m => Environment m input -> Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m (Either view a)
- view :: Monad m => view -> Form m input error view () ()
- (++>) :: (Monad m, Monoid view) => Form m input error view () () -> Form m input error view proof a -> Form m input error view proof a
- (<++) :: (Monad m, Monoid view) => Form m input error view proof a -> Form m input error view () () -> Form m input error view proof a
- mapView :: (Monad m, Functor m) => (view -> view') -> Form m input error view proof a -> Form m input error view' proof a
- mkOk :: Monad m => FormId -> view -> a -> FormState m input (View error view, m (Result error (Proved () a)))
Proved records a value, the location that value came from, and something that was proved about the value.
unitProved :: FormId -> Proved () ()Source
Utility Function: trivially prove nothing about ()
type FormState m input = ReaderT (Environment m input) (StateT FormRange m)Source
inner state used by Form
used to represent whether a value was found in the form submission data, missing from the form submission data, or expected that the default value should be used
getFormInput :: Monad m => FormState m input (Value input)Source
Utility function: Get the current input
getFormInput' :: Monad m => FormId -> FormState m input (Value input)Source
Utility function: Gets the input of an arbitrary FormId
getFormRange :: Monad m => FormState m i FormRangeSource
Utility function: Get the current range
data Environment m input Source
The environment is where you get the actual input per form.
The NoEnvironment
constructor is typically used when generating a
view for a GET request, where no data has yet been submitted. This
will cause the input elements to use their supplied default values.
Note that NoEnviroment
is different than supplying an empty environment.
Environment (FormId -> m (Value input)) | |
NoEnvironment |
(Monoid input, Monad m) => Monoid (Environment m input) | Not quite sure when this is useful and so hard to say if the rules for combining things with Missing/Default are correct |
getFormId :: Monad m => FormState m i FormIdSource
Utility function: returns the current FormId
. This will only make sense
if the form is not composed
A view represents a visual representation of a form. It is composed of a function which takes a list of all errors and then produces a new view
newtype Form m input error view proof a Source
a Form
contains a View
combined with a validation function
which will attempt to extract a value from submitted form data.
It is highly parameterized, allowing it work in a wide variety of different configurations. You will likely want to make a type alias that is specific to your application to make type signatures more manageable.
- A monad which can be used by the validator
- A framework specific type for representing the raw key/value pairs from the form data
- A application specific type for error messages
- The type of data being generated for the view (HSP, Blaze Html, Heist, etc)
- A type which names what has been proved about the return value.
means nothing has been proved. a
- Value return by form when it is successfully decoded, validated, etc.
This type is very similar to the Form
type from
digestive-functors <= 0.2
. If proof
is ()
, then Form
is an
applicative functor and can be used almost exactly like
digestive-functors <= 0.2
Form | |
(Monoid view, Monad m) => IndexedApplicative (Form m input error view) | |
Monad m => IndexedFunctor (Form m input view error) | |
Functor m => Functor (Form m input error view ()) | |
(Functor m, Monoid view, Monad m) => Applicative (Form m input error view ()) |
bracketState :: Monad m => FormState m input a -> FormState m input aSource
Ways to evaluate a Form
runForm :: Monad m => Environment m input -> Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m (View error view, m (Result error (Proved proof a)))Source
Run a form
runForm' :: Monad m => Environment m input -> Text -> Form m input error view proof a -> m (view, Maybe a)Source
Run a form
Just evaluate the form to a view. This usually maps to a GET request in the browser.
:: Monad m | |
=> Environment m input | Input environment |
-> Text | Identifier for the form |
-> Form m input error view proof a | Form to run |
-> m (Either view a) | Result |
Evaluate a form
Left view
- on failure. The
will have already been applied to the errors. Right a
- on success.
(++>) :: (Monad m, Monoid view) => Form m input error view () () -> Form m input error view proof a -> Form m input error view proof aSource
Append a unit form to the left. This is useful for adding labels or error fields.
The Forms
on the left and right hand side will share the same
. This is useful for elements like <label
, which need to refer to the id of another
(<++) :: (Monad m, Monoid view) => Form m input error view proof a -> Form m input error view () () -> Form m input error view proof aSource
Append a unit form to the right. See ++>