tnet-0.0.1: Library for encoding/decoding TNET strings for PGI

Safe HaskellNone




TNET is a library that implements the TNET serialization protocol to be used for PGI ( applications. The TNET protocol ( is designed to be simple to implement in any language, please look at the README for the changes to the original tnetstrings spec.


TNET Parser


class TNET a whereSource

The TNET typeclass represents types that can be encoded and decoded in the TNET format. An example instance:

 data Person = Person {
                 name :: String
               , age  :: Integer
 instance TNET Person where
   toTNET (Person n a) = dict [ "name" .= n
                              , "age"  .= a
   fromTNET tval = do
     n <- tval .: "name"
     a <- tval .: "age"
     return $ Person n a



data TValue Source

A TValue represents a raw TNET object. TNET values are one of the following types:

  • a string of bytes
  • a UTF-8 encoded string
  • an integer
  • a floating point number
  • a boolean
  • null
  • a dictionary type
  • a list of TValues

TNET serialization functions

decode :: TNET a => ByteString -> Maybe aSource

Decode a TNET format bytestring into a Haskell value. An explicit type annotation may be needed if the type of the decoded value can not be determined:

>>> decode "0:~" :: Maybe ()
Just ()
>>> decode "0:~" :: Maybe (Maybe String)
Just Nothing
>>> decode "1:5#" :: Maybe Integer
Just 5
 let x = decode "4:true!" in
 case x of
   Just True  -> putStrLn "got true!"
   Just False -> putStrLn "got false!"
   Nothing    -> putStrLn "error decoding"

encode :: TNET a => a -> ByteStringSource

Encode a Haskell value into the TNET format. Some examples:

>>> encode 5
>>> encode "Hello"
>>> encode (-12.3)
>>> encode ()

Helpers for defining TNET datatypes

dict :: [(String, TValue)] -> TValueSource

Used to create a TNET dictionary from TNET values. Meant to be used with the .= operator as in the following example:

 myDict = dict [ "a" .= 5
               , "is_dict" .= True

(.=) :: TNET a => String -> a -> (String, TValue)Source

(.:) :: TNET a => TValue -> String -> Maybe aSource

Helper function to extract TNET values from a TNET dictionary. Meant to be used as in the following example:

 data Person = Person {
                 name :: String
               , age  :: Integer
 personFromDict :: TValue -> Maybe Person
 personFromDict tdict = do
   name <- tdict .: "name"
   age  <- tdict .: "age"
   return $ Person name age