-- Copyright 2019, Advise-Me project team. This file is distributed under 
-- the terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files
-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.
-- |
-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)

module Recognize.Parsing.Interpretation
   ( InterpretationParser, toStep, interpret, addWildcardConstraint
   , pStepEq, (>/<), (>*<), (>-<), (>+<), (>^<)
   , (>>*<<), (>>+<<), (>>/<<), withModulo
   , pNamedStep, inLiberalEquationMode, Interpretation
   , getMatchEnvironment, getWildcard, pStepIneq, pStep
   , clearWildcard, pStepStrongIneq', defaultModulo, squared
   , sum'', sum', initialState
   ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Domain.Math.Data.MultivariatePolynomial
import Domain.Math.Data.Relation
import Domain.Math.Expr
import Domain.Math.Numeric.Views
import Ideas.Common.Id
import Ideas.Common.Rewriting
import Ideas.Common.View
import Ideas.Utils.Uniplate
import Recognize.Data.Attribute
import Recognize.Data.Math
import Recognize.Data.Diagnosis
import Recognize.Data.Step
import Recognize.Data.Definition
import Recognize.Expr.Functions
import Recognize.Expr.Normalform
import Recognize.Expr.Symbols hiding (wildcard)
import Recognize.Parsing.Derived
import Recognize.Parsing.Parse
import Recognize.Parsing.MathParser
import Recognize.Data.MathParserOptions
import Recognize.Parsing.Parser
import Util.Expr
import Util.List
import qualified Data.Map as M

data ExprParseState = ExprParseState
 { getEnvironment :: M.Map String Expr -- ^ The environment contains variables the user defined
 , getMatchEnvironment :: M.Map String Expr -- ^ the match environment contains matches for wildcards
 , getPredicateEnvironment :: M.Map String (Expr -> Bool) -- ^ the predicate environment contains predicates for wildcards
 , getEquality :: Expr -> Expr -> State (M.Map String Expr, M.Map String (Expr -> Bool)) Bool -- ^ The equality function used. We can actually think of this as a unification function due to the wildcards
 , isInLiberalEquationMode :: Bool -- ^ liberal equation mode allows you to parse any equation a = b  as long as b - a is equivalent to what you expect
 , isInLiberalParenthesesMode :: Bool
 , isNormalized :: Expr -> Bool -- ^ a function to determine whether an expression is normalized

initialState :: ExprParseState
initialState =
 { getEnvironment = mempty
 , getMatchEnvironment = mempty
 , getPredicateEnvironment = mempty
 , getEquality = moduloToEquality defaultModulo
 , isInLiberalEquationMode = False
 , isInLiberalParenthesesMode = True
 , isNormalized = defaultIsNormalized

-- The interpretation parser is a state monad transformer over a regular parser.
-- It contains an environment for the user to define variables and keeps an equality function
-- that specifies how liberal matching on expressions should be.
type InterpretationParser = ParserT ExprParseState Math Identity

-- we model possible inputs a student might have for a given concept as an interpretation.
-- We can assign attributes to such interpretation (e.g. erroneous, misconception, common, far-fetched)
type Interpretation = [(Expr,[Attribute])]

-- | @interpret e@ represents the correct interpretation of @e@ without any attributes assigned
interpret :: Expr -> Interpretation
interpret e = [(e,[])]

-- Equality

--Parses with the given Equality function.
withEquality :: (Expr -> Expr -> State (M.Map String Expr, M.Map String (Expr -> Bool)) Bool) -> InterpretationParser a -> InterpretationParser a
withEquality e p = do
   oldEq <- state $ \st -> (getEquality st, st { getEquality = e })
   x <- p
   modify $ \st -> st { getEquality = oldEq }
   return x

--Turns a Expr -> Expr function f (called a modulo) into an Equality function.
--What this means is that the Equality function generated will treat two expressions that are equal under the effect of the function f as equal.
moduloToEquality :: (Expr -> Expr) -> Expr -> Expr -> State (M.Map String Expr, M.Map String (Expr -> Bool)) Bool
moduloToEquality f x y = do
   r <- eqComAssoc f x y -- same problem here with normalization of wildcards....
   if r then return r
        else eqComAssoc f (f x) (f y)

--Takes a function Expr -> Expr f and parses with the added condition that two expressions are equal if they are equal under the effect of f.
withModulo :: (Expr -> Expr) -> InterpretationParser a -> InterpretationParser a
withModulo = withEquality . moduloToEquality

--The default modulo function.
defaultModulo :: Expr -> Expr
defaultModulo = restoreWildcards . simplify (multivariatePolynomialViewWith rationalApproxView) . normalizePow . normalizeSqrt . wildcardsToVars
  where normalizeSqrt = transform f
        f (Sym s [Sqrt e, Nat 2]) | isPowerSymbol s = e
        f (Sym s [Sym w [e, Nat 1 :/: Nat 2], Nat 2]) | isPowerSymbol s , isPowerSymbol w = e
        f (Sqrt a :*: Sqrt b) | a == b = a -- werkt nu natuurlijk niet in product view..  (sqrt(2)*3*sqrt(2))
        f e = e
        normalizePow = transform h
        h (Sym s [e, Nat i]) | isPowerSymbol s
                            , i > 0 && i < 5 = foldr1 (.*.) (replicate (fromInteger i) e)
        h e = e

-- Normalization

--The default normailization function. (Notice that this is the only normalization function used in the InterpretationParser as of now.)
defaultIsNormalized :: Expr -> Bool
defaultIsNormalized p = sumEqual (sumList p) (sumList n)
   n = simplify (multivariatePolynomialViewWith rationalView) (nf p)
   sumList (a1 :+: a2) = sumList a1 ++ sumList a2
   sumList (a1 :-: a2) = sumList a1 ++ map Negate (sumList a2)
   sumList a = [a]
   sumEqual (x : xs) ys = sumEqual xs (removeFirst x [] ys)
   sumEqual [] [] = True
   sumEqual [] _ = False
   removeFirst x as (b:bs) | eqNorm x b = as ++ bs
                           | otherwise  = removeFirst x (as++[b]) bs
   removeFirst _ as [] = as
   eqNorm (Sym s1 _) (Sym s2 _) | isWildcardSymbol s1  && isWildcardSymbol s2 = False
   eqNorm (Nat a) (Nat b) = a == b
   eqNorm (Number a) (Number b) = a == b
   eqNorm (Nat a1 :/: Nat a2) (Number b) = fromIntegral a1 / fromIntegral a2 == b
   eqNorm (Number a) (Nat b1 :/: Nat b2) = fromIntegral b1 / fromIntegral b2 == a
   eqNorm (Var a) (Var b) = a == b
   eqNorm (a1 :*: a2) (b1 :*: b2) = (eqNorm a1 b1 && eqNorm a2 b2) || (eqNorm a1 b2 && eqNorm a2 b1)
   eqNorm a@(_ :+: _) b@(_ :+: _) = sumEqual (sumList a) (sumList b)
   eqNorm a@(_ :-: _) b@(_ :-: _) = sumEqual (sumList a) (sumList b)
   eqNorm a@(_ :-: _) b@(_ :+: _) = sumEqual (sumList a) (sumList b)
   eqNorm a@(_ :+: _) b@(_ :-: _) = sumEqual (sumList a) (sumList b)
   eqNorm (a1 :/: a2) (b1 :/: b2) = eqNorm a1 b1 && eqNorm a2 b2
   eqNorm (Sqrt a) (Sqrt b)       = eqNorm a b
   eqNorm (Negate a) (Negate b)   = eqNorm a b
   eqNorm (Sym sa as) (Sym sb bs) | sa == sb
          = as == bs
   eqNorm _ _ = False

-- Liberal equation mode
-- Liberal equation mode interprets an equation a = b as an expression by subtracting the rhs from the lhs: a - b (=0).
-- This allows to parse a broad set of equations from a single expression (e.g. 7).
inLiberalEquationMode :: InterpretationParser a -> InterpretationParser a
inLiberalEquationMode p = do
   st <- get
   let old = isInLiberalEquationMode st
   put st { isInLiberalEquationMode = True }
   x <- p
   put st { isInLiberalEquationMode = old }
   return x

-- Wildcards
clearWildcard :: String -> InterpretationParser ()
clearWildcard s = modify $ \st ->
   st { getMatchEnvironment = M.delete s (getMatchEnvironment st) }

getWildcard :: String -> InterpretationParser (Maybe Expr)
getWildcard s = gets (M.lookup s . getMatchEnvironment)

setWildcards :: M.Map String Expr -> InterpretationParser ()
setWildcards me = state (\s -> ((), s {getMatchEnvironment = me}))

addWildcardConstraint :: String -> (Expr -> Bool) -> InterpretationParser ()
addWildcardConstraint v p = state (\s -> ((), s {getPredicateEnvironment = M.insert v (p . toExpr) (getPredicateEnvironment s)}))

-- Definitions
addDefinition :: Definition Expr -> InterpretationParser ()
addDefinition (v, x) = state (\e@ExprParseState {getEnvironment = env} -> ((), e { getEnvironment = M.insert v x env }))

filterParenthesis :: String -> String
filterParenthesis = filter (`notElem` " {}()[]")

-- Parsing of Interpretations of expressions and equations

-- | @toStep p@ parses @p@ and captures @Math@ and returns a @Step@
toStep :: Id -> InterpretationParser [Attribute] -> InterpretationParser Step
toStep i p = pWithMath $ \m -> p >>= \ats -> pure $ smallStep i (m,nub ats)

toBigStep :: InterpretationParser [Step] -> InterpretationParser Step
toBigStep p = do steps <- p
                 case safeHead steps of
                   Nothing -> empty
                   Just s@(Step i (v,_) _) -> if length steps == 1 then return s
                                        else return (bigStep i (v,sort $ nub $ concatMap (\(Step _ (_,ats) _) -> ats) steps) steps)

-- | @pNamedStep n a@ represents an Interpretation that can be named (L = ..), but still requires the concept
-- to be explicitly written down. (e.g. @pNamedStep (interpret (Var "L")) (interpret (3+1)) succeeds on "3+1", "L=3+1", "L=4" but not on "L"
pNamedStep :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pNamedStep i a xs = pStepEq i a xs
                 |> pStepEq i xs a
                 |> pStep i xs

-- | @pStep a i@ parses interpretation @i@ and assigns attribute @a@ (as identifier)
-- We first try to see if we can match an equation e = e
-- then we try to see if we can match a single expression e
-- otherwise we try to see if we can match an equation * = e, or e = * where * is a wildcard
pStep :: Id -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStep i xs = toBigStep $ many1'
    (   toStep i (pSingleEquation xs xs)
     |> toStep i (snd <$> pSingleExpression xs)
     |> toStep i (matchEquation (interpret $ wildcard "_step") xs)
     |> toStep i (matchEquation xs (interpret $ wildcard "_step"))
    matchEquation as bs = do
      x <- pSingleEquation as bs
      mExpr <- getWildcard "_step"
      clearWildcard "_step"
      case mExpr of
         Just e -> return (PartialMatch e : x)
         _ -> return x

-- | @pStepRel i1 i2 xs ys@ parses an (in)equality @xs@ is assumed to be at most as big as @ys@.
-- if we match on an equality we use @i1@ as step id, otherwise @i2@
pStepRel :: Id -> Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStepRel i1 i2 xs ys = pStepEq i1 xs ys
                    |> pStepWeakIneq i2 xs ys
                    |> pStepStrongIneq i2 xs ys

-- | @pStepEq@ parses a (chained) equation.
pStepEq :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStepEq i xs ys = toBigStep $
     (:) <$> toStep i (pSingleEquation xs ys) <*> many' (toStep i (pSingleEquation ys ys))
  |> (:) <$> toStep i (pSingleEquation ys xs) <*> many' (toStep i (pSingleEquation xs xs))

pStepWeakIneq :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStepWeakIneq i = stepIneq i pSingleWeakInequation

pStepStrongIneq :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStepStrongIneq i = stepIneq i pSingleStrongInequation

pStepStrongIneq' :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
pStepStrongIneq' i = stepIneq i pSingleStrongInequation'

pStepIneq :: Id -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser (RelationType, Step)
pStepIneq i xs ys = (,) LessThanOrEqualTo <$> pStepWeakIneq i xs ys
                 |> (,) GreaterThanOrEqualTo <$> pStepWeakIneq i ys xs
                 |> (,) LessThan <$> pStepStrongIneq i xs ys
                 |> (,) GreaterThan <$> pStepStrongIneq i ys xs

-- TODO Hier gaat iets niet goed!    xs == xs < ys == ys |> ys == ys < xs == xs
-- Wat gaat niet goed: Als we relatie x < y willen herkennen
-- we herkennen dan als juist:  x < y
-- dan herkennen we ook x = x' < y' = y
-- we herkennen ook y < x  als incorrect
-- maar we herkennen niet y = y' < x' = x   als incorrect.
-- Komt verder niet echt in data set voor dus voor nu laten zitten.
stepIneq :: Id -> (Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Attribute]) -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser Step
stepIneq i pSingleIneq xs ys = toBigStep (combine xs ys {- TODO HIER BUG:  |> combine ys xs) -})
   combine :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Step]
   combine xs ys = do
     as <- many' (toStep i (pSingleEquation xs xs))
     b <- toStep i (pSingleIneq xs ys)
     cs <- many' (toStep i (pSingleEquation ys ys))
     return (as ++ [b] ++ cs)

pSingleStrongInequation :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Attribute]
pSingleStrongInequation xs ys = snd <$> (
      pExplicitRel [(LessThan,[],xs,ys)]
   |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThan,[],ys,xs)])

-- todo: make nicer (Have Interpretation (Relation Expr))
pSingleStrongInequation' :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Attribute]
pSingleStrongInequation' xs ys =
  snd <$> (
     pExplicitRel [(LessThan,[],xs,ys)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThan,[],ys,xs)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(LessThan,[AsymmetricRelation],ys,xs)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThan,[AsymmetricRelation],xs,ys)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(LessThanOrEqualTo,[InequalityStrictness],xs,ys)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThanOrEqualTo,[InequalityStrictness],ys,xs)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(LessThanOrEqualTo,[InequalityStrictness,AsymmetricRelation],ys,xs)]
  |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThanOrEqualTo,[InequalityStrictness,AsymmetricRelation],xs,ys)]

pSingleWeakInequation :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Attribute]
pSingleWeakInequation xs ys = snd <$> (
      pExplicitRel [(LessThanOrEqualTo,[],xs,ys)]
   |> pExplicitRel [(GreaterThanOrEqualTo,[],ys,xs)])

pSingleExpression :: Interpretation -> InterpretationParser (Expr, [Attribute])
pSingleExpression xs = do
   st <- get
     [ pExprWithWildcard e ats
       do d@(_,p) <- pDefinition' e
          addDefinition d
          return (p, [ Normalized | isNormalized st p ] ++ ats)
     | (e,ats) <- xs

pSingleEquation :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> InterpretationParser [Attribute]
pSingleEquation a b = snd <$> pExplicitRel [(EqualTo,[],a,b)]

pDefinition' :: Expr -> InterpretationParser (Definition Expr)
pDefinition' x = do
   st <- get
   (d,me) <- satisfyWith (\m ->
      case getEq m of
        Just (d :==: y) -> do
          let (b,(me,_)) = runState ((getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) x y) (getMatchEnvironment st, getPredicateEnvironment st)
          guard b
          case getVariable d of
            Just v -> return ((v, y),me)
            _ -> Nothing
        Nothing -> Nothing)
   setWildcards me
   return d

pExplicitRel :: [(RelationType,[Attribute],Interpretation,Interpretation)] -> InterpretationParser (Relation Expr, [Attribute])
pExplicitRel rs = choice' [ do
   st <- get
   mE <- safePeek
   m <- return $
                  do e <- mE
                     r <- getRelation e
                     guard (relationType r == rT)
                     if isInLiberalEquationMode st && relationType r == EqualTo
                        ((_,(me2,_)),as) <- find (fst.fst) $ map (first (flip runState (getMatchEnvironment st,getPredicateEnvironment st) . (getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) (leftHandSide r :-: rightHandSide r))) (xs >-< ys <|> interpret (Negate 1) >*< (xs >-< ys))
                        let me3 = M.map toExpr me2
                        return (r , [ Normalized | checkNormalized st r ] ++ rAts ++ as, me3)
                        ((_,(me2,_)),as) <- find (fst.fst) $ map (first (flip runState (getMatchEnvironment st, getPredicateEnvironment st) . (getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) (leftHandSide r))) xs
                        ((_,(me3,_)),bs) <- find (fst.fst) $ map (first (flip runState (me2, getPredicateEnvironment st) . (getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) (rightHandSide r))) ys
                        return (r , [ Normalized | checkNormalized st r ] ++ rAts ++ as ++ bs, me3)
   case m of
    Just (r,ats,me) -> do _ <- skip
                          setWildcards me
                          when (relationType r == EqualTo) (mapM_ addDefinition (match definitionView r))
                          return (r, ats)
    _ -> empty
 | (rT,rAts,xs,ys) <- rs ]
 where checkNormalized st r | nf (rightHandSide r) == nf (leftHandSide r) = isNormalized st (rightHandSide r) || isNormalized st (leftHandSide r)
                            | isFunctionDefinition (leftHandSide r)       = isNormalized st (rightHandSide r)
                            | isFunctionDefinition (rightHandSide r)      = isNormalized st (leftHandSide r)
                            | isVar (leftHandSide r)                      = isNormalized st (rightHandSide r)
                            | isVar (rightHandSide r)                     = isNormalized st (leftHandSide r)
                            | otherwise                                   = isNormalized st (rightHandSide r :-: leftHandSide r)

pExprWithWildcard :: Expr -> [Attribute] -> InterpretationParser (Expr,[Attribute])
pExprWithWildcard x as = do
   mE <- safePeek
   st <- get
   let m = do e <- mE
              case getResult e of
                 Left _ -> do
                    guard $ isInLiberalParenthesesMode st
                    e' <- safeSingleton (snd $ parseMath mathParserOptions (filterParenthesis (getString e)))
                    x' <- safeSingleton (snd $ parseMath mathParserOptions (filterParenthesis (show x)))
                    x'' <- getExpr x'
                    y <- getExpr e'
                    let stn = (getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) x'' y
                        (b,(me2,_)) = runState stn (getMatchEnvironment st,getPredicateEnvironment st)
                    guard b
                    return (y,me2,NonMatchingParentheses : as)
                 Right y ->
                    let stn = (getEquality st `on` substitute (getEnvironment st)) x y
                        (b,(me2,_)) = runState stn (getMatchEnvironment st,getPredicateEnvironment st)
                    in guard b >> return (y,me2,as)
   case m of
     Just (y,me3,ats) -> do
        _ <- skip
        setWildcards me3
        return (y, [ Normalized | isNormalized st y] ++ ats)
     _ -> empty

pWithMath :: (Math -> InterpretationParser a) -> InterpretationParser a
pWithMath = (peek >>=)

-- Common interpretations for expressions and equations

-- | @binaryop f x y@ applies binary function @f@ for each interpretation of @x@ and @y@.
binaryOp :: (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) -> Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
binaryOp f xs ys = [ (f x y, xa ++ ya)
                 | (x, xa) <- xs
                 , (y, ya) <- ys]

-- | @>+<@ represents the correct interpretation of @+@ regardless of mistakes in the arguments
infixl 5 >+<
(>+<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
(>+<) = binaryOp (+)

-- | @>*<@ represents the correct representation of @*@
infixl 7 >*<
(>*<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
(>*<) = binaryOp (*)

infixl 6 >-<
(>-<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
(>-<) = binaryOp (-)

infixl 7 >/<
(>/<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
(>/<) = binaryOp (/)

infixr 8 >^<
(>^<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
(>^<) = binaryOp (**)

-- | @x >>*<< y@ generates possible interpretations (correct and erroneous) for multiplying an interpretation of x with an interpretation of y,
-- for now we assume the interpretations x and y are monomial or binomial (because specific to Rectangle Area exercise)
infixl 7 >>*<<
(>>*<<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
xs >>*<< ys = xs >*< ys
          <|> concat
                [ (e + to sumView (delete e zs) * y, xa ++ ya ++ [IncorrectDistribution])
                | let zs = from sumView x
                , length zs > 1
                , e <- zs]
                [ (x * to sumView (delete e zs) + e, xa ++ ya ++ [IncorrectDistribution])
                | let zs = from sumView y
                , length zs > 1
                , e <- zs
                [ (a + to sumView (delete a zs) * to sumView (delete b ws) + b, xa ++ ya ++ [IncorrectDistribution])
                | let zs = from sumView x
                , length zs > 1
                , a <- zs
                , let ws = from sumView y
                , length ws > 1
                , b <- ws
              | (x, xa) <- xs
              , (y, ya) <- ys

-- | @x >>/<< y@ generates possible interpretations (correct and erroneous) for division
-- the erroneous interpretation consists of distributing division over multiplication, eg: (a*b/2 <-> a/2*b/2)
infixl 7 >>/<<
(>>/<<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
xs >>/<< ys = xs >/< ys
          <|> [ (to productView (n, [ a / y | a <- zs ]), xa ++ ya ++ [IncorrectDistribution])
              | (x, xa) <- xs
              , (y, ya) <- ys
              , let (n,zs) = from productView x
              , length zs > 1

-- | @x >>+<< y@ represents the correct and erroneous interpretation of @+@.
infixl 5 >>+<<
(>>+<<) :: Interpretation -> Interpretation -> Interpretation
xs >>+<< ys = xs >+< ys
          <|> xs >*< ys <! OperatorMixedUp timesSymbol plusSymbol

-- | @sum' xs@ represents correct interpretation of summation
sum'  :: [Interpretation] -> Interpretation
sum' [] = []
sum' xs = foldr1 (>+<) xs

-- | @sum'' xs@ represents the correct and incorrect representation of sum
sum'' :: [Interpretation] -> Interpretation
sum'' [] = []
sum'' xs = foldr1 (>>+<<) xs

squared :: Interpretation -> Interpretation
squared square = concat [ [(s ** 2 , ss)
                    {-     ,(s * s, ss)-}
                          ,(4 * s, Misconception Perimeter Area : ss)
                        | (s,ss) <- square]