{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-cse #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Agda.Interaction.Base where

import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TChan
import           Control.Concurrent.STM.TVar
import           Control.Monad.Identity
import           Control.Monad.State

import qualified Data.List                    as List
import           Data.Map                     (Map)
import qualified Data.Map                     as Map
import           Data.Maybe                   (listToMaybe)

import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.TypeChecking.Monad.Base (HighlightingLevel,
                                                    HighlightingMethod, TCM)

import           Agda.Syntax.Common           (InteractionId (..))
import           Agda.Syntax.Position
import           Agda.Syntax.Scope.Base       (ScopeInfo)

import {-# SOURCE #-} Agda.Interaction.BasicOps    (UseForce)
import {-# SOURCE #-} qualified Agda.Interaction.BasicOps    as B
import           Agda.Interaction.Options     (CommandLineOptions,

import           Agda.Utils.Except            (ExceptT, MonadError (throwError),
import           Agda.Utils.FileName          (AbsolutePath, mkAbsolute)
import           Agda.Utils.Time              (ClockTime)

-- The CommandM monad

-- | Auxiliary state of an interactive computation.

data CommandState = CommandState
  { theInteractionPoints :: [InteractionId]
    -- ^ The interaction points of the buffer, in the order in which
    --   they appear in the buffer. The interaction points are
    --   recorded in 'theTCState', but when new interaction points are
    --   added by give or refine Agda does not ensure that the ranges
    --   of later interaction points are updated.
  , theCurrentFile       :: Maybe (AbsolutePath, ClockTime)
    -- ^ The file which the state applies to. Only stored if the
    -- module was successfully type checked (potentially with
    -- warnings). The 'ClockTime' is the modification time stamp of
    -- the file when it was last loaded.
  , optionsOnReload      :: CommandLineOptions
    -- ^ Reset the options on each reload to these.
  , oldInteractionScopes :: !OldInteractionScopes
    -- ^ We remember (the scope of) old interaction points to make it
    --   possible to parse and compute highlighting information for the
    --   expression that it got replaced by.
  , commandQueue         :: !CommandQueue
    -- ^ The command queue.
    -- This queue should only be manipulated by
    -- 'initialiseCommandQueue' and 'maybeAbort'.

type OldInteractionScopes = Map InteractionId ScopeInfo

-- | Initial auxiliary interaction state

initCommandState :: CommandQueue -> CommandState
initCommandState commandQueue =
    { theInteractionPoints = []
    , theCurrentFile       = Nothing
    , optionsOnReload      = defaultOptions
    , oldInteractionScopes = Map.empty
    , commandQueue         = commandQueue

-- | Monad for computing answers to interactive commands.
--   'CommandM' is 'TCM' extended with state 'CommandState'.

type CommandM = StateT CommandState TCM

-- Command queues

-- | A generalised command type.

data Command' a
  = Command !a
    -- ^ A command.
  | Done
    -- ^ Stop processing commands.
  | Error String
    -- ^ An error message for a command that could not be parsed.
  deriving Show

-- | IOTCM commands.

type Command = Command' IOTCM

-- | Command queues.

data CommandQueue = CommandQueue
  { commands :: !(TChan (Integer, Command))
    -- ^ Commands that should be processed, in the order in which they
    -- should be processed. Each command is associated with a number,
    -- and the numbers are strictly increasing. Abort commands are not
    -- put on this queue.
  , abort    :: !(TVar (Maybe Integer))
    -- ^ When this variable is set to @Just n@ an attempt is made to
    -- abort all commands with a command number that is at most @n@.

-- | An interactive computation.

type Interaction = Interaction' Range

data Interaction' range
    -- | @cmd_load m argv@ loads the module in file @m@, using
    -- @argv@ as the command-line options.
  = Cmd_load            FilePath [String]

    -- | @cmd_compile b m argv@ compiles the module in file @m@ using
    -- the backend @b@, using @argv@ as the command-line options.
  | Cmd_compile         CompilerBackend FilePath [String]

  | Cmd_constraints

    -- | Show unsolved metas. If there are no unsolved metas but unsolved constraints
    -- show those instead.
  | Cmd_metas

    -- | Shows all the top-level names in the given module, along with
    -- their types. Uses the top-level scope.
  | Cmd_show_module_contents_toplevel

    -- | Shows all the top-level names in scope which mention all the given
    -- identifiers in their type.
  | Cmd_search_about_toplevel B.Rewrite String

    -- | Solve (all goals / the goal at point) whose values are determined by
    -- the constraints.
  | Cmd_solveAll B.Rewrite
  | Cmd_solveOne B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

    -- | Solve (all goals / the goal at point) by using Auto.
  | Cmd_autoOne            InteractionId range String
  | Cmd_autoAll

    -- | Parse the given expression (as if it were defined at the
    -- top-level of the current module) and infer its type.
  | Cmd_infer_toplevel  B.Rewrite  -- Normalise the type?

    -- | Parse and type check the given expression (as if it were defined
    -- at the top-level of the current module) and normalise it.
  | Cmd_compute_toplevel B.ComputeMode

    -- Syntax highlighting

    -- | @cmd_load_highlighting_info source@ loads syntax highlighting
    -- information for the module in @source@, and asks Emacs to apply
    -- highlighting info from this file.
    -- If the module does not exist, or its module name is malformed or
    -- cannot be determined, or the module has not already been visited,
    -- or the cached info is out of date, then no highlighting information
    -- is printed.
    -- This command is used to load syntax highlighting information when a
    -- new file is opened, and it would probably be annoying if jumping to
    -- the definition of an identifier reset the proof state, so this
    -- command tries not to do that. One result of this is that the
    -- command uses the current include directories, whatever they happen
    -- to be.
  | Cmd_load_highlighting_info FilePath

    -- | Tells Agda to compute token-based highlighting information
    -- for the file.
    -- This command works even if the file's module name does not
    -- match its location in the file system, or if the file is not
    -- scope-correct. Furthermore no file names are put in the
    -- generated output. Thus it is fine to put source code into a
    -- temporary file before calling this command. However, the file
    -- extension should be correct.
    -- If the second argument is 'Remove', then the (presumably
    -- temporary) file is removed after it has been read.
  | Cmd_tokenHighlighting FilePath Remove

    -- | Tells Agda to compute highlighting information for the expression just
    --   spliced into an interaction point.
  | Cmd_highlight InteractionId range String

    -- Implicit arguments

    -- | Tells Agda whether or not to show implicit arguments.
  | ShowImplicitArgs    Bool -- Show them?

    -- | Toggle display of implicit arguments.
  | ToggleImplicitArgs

    -- | Goal commands
    -- If the range is 'noRange', then the string comes from the
    -- minibuffer rather than the goal.

  | Cmd_give            UseForce InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_refine          InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_intro           Bool InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_refine_or_intro Bool InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_context         B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_helper_function B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_infer           B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_goal_type       B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  -- | Grabs the current goal's type and checks the expression in the hole
  -- against it. Returns the elaborated term.
  | Cmd_elaborate_give
                        B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

    -- | Displays the current goal and context.
  | Cmd_goal_type_context B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

    -- | Displays the current goal and context /and/ infers the type of an
    -- expression.
  | Cmd_goal_type_context_infer
                        B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  -- | Grabs the current goal's type and checks the expression in the hole
  -- against it.
  | Cmd_goal_type_context_check
                        B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

    -- | Shows all the top-level names in the given module, along with
    -- their types. Uses the scope of the given goal.
  | Cmd_show_module_contents
                        B.Rewrite InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_make_case       InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_compute         B.ComputeMode
                        InteractionId range String

  | Cmd_why_in_scope    InteractionId range String
  | Cmd_why_in_scope_toplevel String
    -- | Displays version of the running Agda
  | Cmd_show_version
  | Cmd_abort
    -- ^ Abort the current computation.
    -- Does nothing if no computation is in progress.
        deriving (Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

type IOTCM = IOTCM' Range
data IOTCM' range
    = IOTCM
         -- -^ The current file. If this file does not match
         -- 'theCurrentFile, and the 'Interaction' is not
         -- \"independent\", then an error is raised.
        (Interaction' range)
         -- -^ What to do
            deriving (Show, Read, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

-- | Used to indicate whether something should be removed or not.

data Remove
  = Remove
  | Keep
  deriving (Show, Read)

-- Read instances

-- | The 'Parse' monad.
--   'StateT' state holds the remaining input.

type Parse a = ExceptT String (StateT String Identity) a

-- | Converter from the type of 'reads' to 'Parse'
--   The first paramter is part of the error message
--   in case the parse fails.

readsToParse :: String -> (String -> Maybe (a, String)) -> Parse a
readsToParse s f = do
  st <- lift get
  case f st of
    Nothing -> throwError s
    Just (a, st) -> do
        lift $ put st
        return a

parseToReadsPrec :: Parse a -> Int -> String -> [(a, String)]
parseToReadsPrec p i s = case runIdentity . flip runStateT s . runExceptT $ parens' p of
  (Right a, s) -> [(a,s)]
  _            -> []

-- | Demand an exact string.

exact :: String -> Parse ()
exact s = readsToParse (show s) $ fmap (\x -> ((),x)) . List.stripPrefix s . dropWhile (==' ')

readParse :: Read a => Parse a
readParse = readsToParse "read failed" $ listToMaybe . reads

parens' :: Parse a -> Parse a
parens' p = do
    exact "("
    x <- p
    exact ")"
    return x

instance Read InteractionId where
    readsPrec = parseToReadsPrec $
        fmap InteractionId readParse

-- | Note that the grammar implemented by this instance does not
-- necessarily match the current representation of ranges.

instance Read a => Read (Range' a) where
    readsPrec = parseToReadsPrec $
      (exact "intervalsToRange" >>
       liftM2 intervalsToRange readParse readParse)
      (exact "noRange" >> return noRange)

instance Read a => Read (Interval' a) where
    readsPrec = parseToReadsPrec $ do
        exact "Interval"
        liftM2 Interval readParse readParse

instance Read AbsolutePath where
    readsPrec = parseToReadsPrec $ do
        exact "mkAbsolute"
        fmap mkAbsolute readParse

instance Read a => Read (Position' a) where
    readsPrec = parseToReadsPrec $ do
        exact "Pn"
        liftM4 Pn readParse readParse readParse readParse

-- | Available backends.

data CompilerBackend = LaTeX | QuickLaTeX | OtherBackend String
    deriving (Eq)

instance Show CompilerBackend where
  show LaTeX            = "LaTeX"
  show QuickLaTeX       = "QuickLaTeX"
  show (OtherBackend s) = s

instance Read CompilerBackend where
  readsPrec _ s = do
    (t, s) <- lex s
    let b = case t of
              "LaTeX"      -> LaTeX
              "QuickLaTeX" -> QuickLaTeX
              _            -> OtherBackend t
    return (b, s)