-- | Operations for starting and restarting the game.
module Game.LambdaHack.Server.StartM
  ( gameReset, reinitGame, updatePer, initPer, applyDebug
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude

import Control.Arrow (first)
import qualified Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as St
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as IM
import Data.Key (mapWithKeyM_)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Ord
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Tuple (swap)
import qualified NLP.Miniutter.English as MU
import qualified System.Random as R

import Game.LambdaHack.Atomic
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ClientOptions
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Color as Color
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Flavour
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.HighScore as HighScore
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Perception
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Random
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind as IK
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.CommonM
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Server.DungeonGen as DungeonGen
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.Fov
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.ItemM
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.ItemRev
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.MonadServer
import Game.LambdaHack.Server.State

initPer :: MonadServer m => m ()
initPer = do
  discoAspect <- getsServer sdiscoAspect
  ( sactorAspect, sfovLitLid, sfovClearLid, sfovLucidLid
   ,sperValidFid, sperCacheFid, sperFid )
    <- getsState $ perFidInDungeon discoAspect
  modifyServer $ \ser ->
    ser { sactorAspect, sfovLitLid, sfovClearLid, sfovLucidLid
        , sperValidFid, sperCacheFid, sperFid }

reinitGame :: (MonadAtomic m, MonadServer m) => m ()
reinitGame = do
  Kind.COps{coitem=Kind.Ops{okind}} <- getsState scops
  pers <- getsServer sperFid
  DebugModeSer{scurChalSer, sknowMap, sdebugCli} <- getsServer sdebugSer
  -- This state is quite small, fit for transmition to the client.
  -- The biggest part is content, which needs to be updated
  -- at this point to keep clients in sync with server improvements.
  s <- getState
  let defLocal | sknowMap = s
               | otherwise = localFromGlobal s
  discoS <- getsServer sdiscoKind
  let sdiscoKind =
        let f KindMean{kmKind} = IK.Identified `elem` IK.ifeature (okind kmKind)
        in EM.filter f discoS
      updRestart fid = UpdRestart fid sdiscoKind (pers EM.! fid) defLocal
                                  scurChalSer sdebugCli
  factionD <- getsState sfactionD
  mapWithKeyM_ (\fid _ -> execUpdAtomic $ updRestart fid) factionD
  dungeon <- getsState sdungeon
  let sactorTime = EM.map (const (EM.map (const EM.empty) dungeon)) factionD
  modifyServer $ \ser -> ser {sactorTime}
  mapM_ (\fid -> mapM_ (updatePer fid) (EM.keys dungeon))
        (EM.keys factionD)
  execUpdAtomic $ UpdMsgAll "SortSlots"  -- hack

updatePer :: (MonadAtomic m, MonadServer m) => FactionId -> LevelId -> m ()
{-# INLINE updatePer #-}
updatePer fid lid = do
  modifyServer $ \ser ->
    ser {sperValidFid = EM.adjust (EM.insert lid True) fid $ sperValidFid ser}
  sperFidOld <- getsServer sperFid
  let perOld = sperFidOld EM.! fid EM.! lid
  knowEvents <- getsServer $ sknowEvents . sdebugSer
  -- Performed in the State after action, e.g., with a new actor.
  perNew <- recomputeCachePer fid lid
  let inPer = diffPer perNew perOld
      outPer = diffPer perOld perNew
  unless (nullPer outPer && nullPer inPer) $
    unless knowEvents $  -- inconsistencies would quickly manifest
      execSendPer fid lid outPer inPer perNew

mapFromFuns :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Ord b) => [a -> b] -> M.Map b a
mapFromFuns =
  let fromFun f m1 =
        let invAssocs = map (\c -> (f c, c)) [minBound..maxBound]
            m2 = M.fromList invAssocs
        in m2 `M.union` m1
  in foldr fromFun M.empty

resetFactions :: FactionDict -> Kind.Id ModeKind -> Int -> AbsDepth -> Roster
              -> Rnd FactionDict
resetFactions factionDold gameModeIdOld curDiffSerOld totalDepth players = do
  let rawCreate (gplayer@Player{..}, initialActors) = do
        let castInitialActors (ln, d, actorGroup) = do
              n <- castDice (AbsDepth $ abs ln) totalDepth d
              return (ln, n, actorGroup)
        ginitial <- mapM castInitialActors initialActors
        let cmap =
              mapFromFuns [colorToTeamName, colorToPlainName, colorToFancyName]
            colorName = T.toLower $ head $ T.words fname
            prefix = case fleaderMode of
              LeaderNull -> "Loose"
              LeaderAI _ -> "Autonomous"
              LeaderUI _ -> "Controlled"
            gnameNew = prefix <+> if fhasGender
                                  then makePhrase [MU.Ws $ MU.Text fname]
                                  else fname
            gcolor = M.findWithDefault Color.BrWhite colorName cmap
            gvictimsDnew = case find (\fact -> gname fact == gnameNew)
                                $ EM.elems factionDold of
              Nothing -> EM.empty
              Just fact ->
                let sing = IM.singleton curDiffSerOld (gvictims fact)
                    f = IM.unionWith (EM.unionWith (+))
                in EM.insertWith f gameModeIdOld sing $ gvictimsD fact
        let gname = gnameNew
            gdipl = EM.empty  -- fixed below
            gquit = Nothing
            _gleader = Nothing
            gvictims = EM.empty
            gvictimsD = gvictimsDnew
            gsha = EM.empty
        return $! Faction{..}
  lUI <- mapM rawCreate $ filter (fhasUI . fst) $ rosterList players
  let !_A = assert (length lUI <= 1
                    `blame` "currently, at most one faction may have a UI"
                    `swith` lUI) ()
  lnoUI <- mapM rawCreate $ filter (not . fhasUI . fst) $ rosterList players
  let lFs = reverse (zip [toEnum (-1), toEnum (-2)..] lnoUI)  -- sorted
            ++ zip [toEnum 1..] lUI
      swapIx l =
        let findPlayerName name = find ((name ==) . fname . gplayer . snd)
            f (name1, name2) =
              case (findPlayerName name1 lFs, findPlayerName name2 lFs) of
                (Just (ix1, _), Just (ix2, _)) -> (ix1, ix2)
                _ -> error $ "unknown faction"
                             `showFailure` ((name1, name2), lFs)
            ixs = map f l
        -- Only symmetry is ensured, everything else is permitted, e.g.,
        -- a faction in alliance with two others that are at war.
        in ixs ++ map swap ixs
      mkDipl diplMode =
        let f (ix1, ix2) =
              let adj fact = fact {gdipl = EM.insert ix2 diplMode (gdipl fact)}
              in EM.adjust adj ix1
        in foldr f
      rawFs = EM.fromDistinctAscList lFs
      -- War overrides alliance, so 'warFs' second.
      allianceFs = mkDipl Alliance rawFs (swapIx (rosterAlly players))
      warFs = mkDipl War allianceFs (swapIx (rosterEnemy players))
  return $! warFs

gameReset :: MonadServer m
          => Kind.COps -> DebugModeSer -> Maybe (GroupName ModeKind)
          -> Maybe R.StdGen -> m State
gameReset cops@Kind.COps{comode=Kind.Ops{opick, okind}}
          sdebug mGameMode mrandom = do
  -- Dungeon seed generation has to come first, to ensure item boosting
  -- is determined by the dungeon RNG.
  dungeonSeed <- getSetGen $ sdungeonRng sdebug `mplus` mrandom
  srandom <- getSetGen $ smainRng sdebug `mplus` mrandom
  let srngs = RNGs (Just dungeonSeed) (Just srandom)
  when (sdumpInitRngs sdebug) $ dumpRngs srngs
  scoreTable <- if sfrontendNull $ sdebugCli sdebug then
                  return HighScore.empty
                  restoreScore cops
  factionDold <- getsState sfactionD
  gameModeIdOld <- getsState sgameModeId
  curChalSer <- getsServer $ scurChalSer . sdebugSer
  let startingModeGroup = "starting JS"
  let startingModeGroup = "starting"
      gameMode = fromMaybe startingModeGroup
                 $ mGameMode `mplus` sgameMode sdebug
      rnd :: Rnd (FactionDict, FlavourMap, DiscoveryKind, DiscoveryKindRev,
                  DungeonGen.FreshDungeon, Kind.Id ModeKind)
      rnd = do
        modeKindId <- fromMaybe (error $ "" `showFailure` gameMode)
                      <$> opick gameMode (const True)
        let mode = okind modeKindId
            automatePS ps = ps {rosterList =
              map (first $ automatePlayer True) $ rosterList ps}
            players = if sautomateAll sdebug
                      then automatePS $ mroster mode
                      else mroster mode
        sflavour <- dungeonFlavourMap cops
        (sdiscoKind, sdiscoKindRev) <- serverDiscos cops
        freshDng <- DungeonGen.dungeonGen cops $ mcaves mode
        factionD <- resetFactions factionDold gameModeIdOld
                                  (cdiff curChalSer)
                                  (DungeonGen.freshTotalDepth freshDng)
        return ( factionD, sflavour, sdiscoKind
               , sdiscoKindRev, freshDng, modeKindId )
  let ( factionD, sflavour, sdiscoKind
       ,sdiscoKindRev, DungeonGen.FreshDungeon{..}, modeKindId ) =
        St.evalState rnd dungeonSeed
      defState = defStateGlobal freshDungeon freshTotalDepth
                                factionD cops scoreTable modeKindId
      defSer = emptyStateServer { srandom
                                , srngs }
  putServer defSer
  modifyServer $ \ser -> ser {sdiscoKind, sdiscoKindRev, sflavour}
  return $! defState

-- Spawn initial actors. Clients should notice this, to set their leaders.
populateDungeon :: (MonadAtomic m, MonadServer m) => m ()
populateDungeon = do
  cops@Kind.COps{coTileSpeedup} <- getsState scops
  dungeon <- getsState sdungeon
  factionD <- getsState sfactionD
  curChalSer <- getsServer $ scurChalSer . sdebugSer
  let ginitialWolf fact1 = if cwolf curChalSer && fhasUI (gplayer fact1)
                           then case ginitial fact1 of
                             [] -> []
                             (ln, _, grp) : _ -> [(ln, 1, grp)]
                           else ginitial fact1
      (minD, maxD) =
        case (EM.minViewWithKey dungeon, EM.maxViewWithKey dungeon) of
          (Just ((s, _), _), Just ((e, _), _)) -> (s, e)
          _ -> error $ "empty dungeon" `showFailure` dungeon
      -- Players that escape go first to be started over stairs, if possible.
      valuePlayer pl = (not $ fcanEscape pl, fname pl)
      -- Sorting, to keep games from similar game modes mutually reproducible.
      needInitialCrew = sortBy (comparing $ valuePlayer . gplayer . snd)
                        $ filter (not . null . ginitialWolf . snd)
                        $ EM.assocs factionD
      g (ln, _, _) = max minD . min maxD . toEnum $ ln
      getEntryLevels (_, fact) = map g $ ginitialWolf fact
      arenas = ES.toList $ ES.fromList
               $ concatMap getEntryLevels needInitialCrew
      hasActorsOnArena lid (_, fact) =
        any ((== lid) . g) $ ginitialWolf fact
      initialActors lid = do
        lvl <- getLevel lid
        let arenaFactions = filter (hasActorsOnArena lid) needInitialCrew
            indexff (fid, _) = findIndex ((== fid) . fst) arenaFactions
            representsAlliance ff2@(_, fact2) =
              not $ any (\ff3@(fid3, _) ->
                           indexff ff3 < indexff ff2
                           && isAllied fact2 fid3) arenaFactions
            arenaAlliances = filter representsAlliance arenaFactions
            placeAlliance ((fid3, _), ppos, timeOffset) =
              mapM_ (\(fid4, fact4) ->
                      when (isAllied fact4 fid3 || fid4 == fid3) $
                        placeActors lid ((fid4, fact4), ppos, timeOffset))
        entryPoss <- rndToAction
                     $ findEntryPoss cops lid lvl (length arenaAlliances)
        mapM_ placeAlliance $ zip3 arenaAlliances entryPoss [0..]
      placeActors lid ((fid3, fact3), ppos, timeOffset) = do
        localTime <- getsState $ getLocalTime lid
        let clipInTurn = timeTurn `timeFit` timeClip
            nmult = 1 + timeOffset `mod` clipInTurn
            ntime = timeShift localTime (timeDeltaScale (Delta timeClip) nmult)
            validTile t = not $ Tile.isNoActor coTileSpeedup t
            initActors = ginitialWolf fact3
            initGroups = concat [ replicate n actorGroup
                                | ln3@(_, n, actorGroup) <- initActors
                                , g ln3 == lid ]
        psFree <- getsState $ nearbyFreePoints validTile ppos lid
        let ps = zip initGroups psFree
        forM_ ps $ \ (actorGroup, p) -> do
          maid <- addActor actorGroup fid3 p lid id ntime
          case maid of
            Nothing -> error $ "can't spawn initial actors"
                               `showFailure` (lid, (fid3, fact3))
            Just aid -> do
              mleader <- getsState $ _gleader . (EM.! fid3) . sfactionD
              when (isNothing mleader) $ supplantLeader fid3 aid
              return True
  mapM_ initialActors arenas

-- | Find starting postions for all factions. Try to make them distant
-- from each other. Place as many of the factions, as possible,
-- over stairs, starting from the end of the list, including placing the last
-- factions over escapes (we assume they are guardians of the escapes).
-- This implies the inital factions (if any) start far from escapes.
findEntryPoss :: Kind.COps -> LevelId -> Level -> Int -> Rnd [Point]
findEntryPoss Kind.COps{coTileSpeedup}
              lid Level{ltile, lxsize, lysize, lstair, lescape} k = do
  let factionDist = max lxsize lysize - 10
      dist poss cmin l _ = all (\pos -> chessDist l pos > cmin) poss
      tryFind _ 0 = return []
      tryFind ps n = do
        let ds = [ dist ps $ factionDist `div` 2
                 , dist ps $ factionDist `div` 3
                 , dist ps $ factionDist `div` 4
                 , dist ps $ factionDist `div` 6
        np <- findPosTry2 1000 ltile  -- try really hard, for skirmish fairness
                (\_ t -> Tile.isWalkable coTileSpeedup t
                         && not (Tile.isNoActor coTileSpeedup t))
                (\_p t -> Tile.isOftenActor coTileSpeedup t)
        nps <- tryFind (np : ps) (n - 1)
        return $! np : nps
      -- Only consider deeper stairs to avoid leaderless spawners that lurk near
      -- their starting stairs ambushing explorers that enter the level,
      -- unless the staircase has both sets of stairs.
      deeperStairs = (if fromEnum lid > 0 then fst else snd) lstair
      middlePos = Point (lxsize `div` 2) (lysize `div` 2)
  let !_A = assert (k > 0 && factionDist > 0) ()
      onStairs = reverse $ take k $ lescape ++ deeperStairs
      nk = k - length onStairs
  -- Starting in the middle is too easy.
  found <- tryFind (middlePos : onStairs) nk
  return $! found ++ onStairs

-- | Apply debug options that don't need a new game.
applyDebug :: MonadServer m => m ()
applyDebug = do
  DebugModeSer{..} <- getsServer sdebugNxt
  modifyServer $ \ser ->
    ser {sdebugSer = (sdebugSer ser) { sniffIn
                                     , sniffOut
                                     , sallClear
                                     , sdbgMsgSer
                                     , snewGameSer
                                     , sdumpInitRngs
                                     , sdebugCli }}