ad-3.1.1: Automatic Differentiation

PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone



Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation using a single tape.

This version uses Data.Reflection to find and update the tape

This is asymptotically faster than using Reverse, which is forced to reify and topologically sort the graph, but it requires a fairly expensive rendezvous during construction.



data Chain s a whereSource


Zero :: Chain s a 
Lift :: a -> Chain s a 
Chain :: !Int -> a -> Chain s a 


Typeable2 Chain 
(Reifies s Tape, Lifted (Chain s)) => Jacobian (Chain s) 
Primal (Chain s) 
(Reifies s Tape, Lifted (Chain s)) => Mode (Chain s) 
Reifies s Tape => Lifted (Chain s) 
Var (Chain s) 
Show a => Show (Chain s a) 

newtype Tape Source




getTape :: IORef Head

data Head Source


Head !Int Cells 

data Cells whereSource


Nil :: Cells 
Unary :: !Int -> a -> Cells -> Cells 
Binary :: !Int -> !Int -> a -> a -> Cells -> Cells 

reifyTape :: Int -> (forall s. Reifies s Tape => Proxy s -> r) -> rSource

Construct a tape that starts with n variables.

partials :: forall s a. (Reifies s Tape, Num a) => AD (Chain s) a -> [a]Source

Extract the partials from the current chain for a given AD variable.

partialArrayOf :: (Reifies s Tape, Num a) => Proxy s -> (Int, Int) -> AD (Chain s) a -> Array Int aSource

Return an Array of partials given bounds for the variable IDs.

partialMapOf :: (Reifies s Tape, Num a) => Proxy s -> AD (Chain s) a -> IntMap aSource

Return an IntMap of sparse partials

derivativeOf :: (Reifies s Tape, Num a) => Proxy s -> AD (Chain s) a -> aSource

Helper that extracts the derivative of a chain when the chain was constructed with one variable.

derivativeOf' :: (Reifies s Tape, Num a) => Proxy s -> AD (Chain s) a -> (a, a)Source

Helper that extracts both the primal and derivative of a chain when the chain was constructed with one variable.