{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}

{-| Utility functions based on 'Data.Text.Template' to offer @ $var @ variable
    expansion in string throughout a B9 artifact. -}
module B9.Artifact.Content.StringTemplate
  ( subst
  , substE
  , substEB
  , substFile
  , substPath
  , readTemplateFile
  , SourceFile(..)
  , SourceFileConversion(..)
  ) where
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative
import B9.Environment
import B9.QCUtil
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import Control.Monad.Reader (runReaderT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Identity ()
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.ByteString as Strict
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
import Data.Data
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LazyT
import qualified Data.Text      as StrictT
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding       as StrictE
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding  as LazyE
import Data.Text.Template (render, renderA, templateSafe)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import System.IO.B9Extras
import Test.QuickCheck
import Text.Printf

-- | A wrapper around a file path and a flag indicating if template variable
-- expansion should be performed when reading the file contents.
data SourceFile =
  Source SourceFileConversion
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable SourceFile

instance Binary SourceFile

instance NFData SourceFile

data SourceFileConversion
  = NoConversion
  | ExpandVariables
  deriving (Read, Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable SourceFileConversion

instance Binary SourceFileConversion

instance NFData SourceFileConversion

readTemplateFile :: (MonadIO m, MonadEnvironment m) => SourceFile -> m Lazy.ByteString
readTemplateFile (Source conv f') = do
  env <- askEnvironment
  case substE env f' of
    Left e ->
           "Failed to substitute templates in source \
                    \file name '%s'/\nError: %s\n"
    Right f -> do
      c <- liftIO (Lazy.readFile f)
      convert f c
    convert f c =
      case conv of
        NoConversion -> return c
        ExpandVariables -> do
          env <- askEnvironment
          case substEB env c of
            Left e -> error (printf "readTemplateFile '%s' failed: \n%s\n" f e)
            Right c' -> return c'

-- String template substitution via dollar
subst :: Environment -> String -> String
subst env templateStr =
  case substE env templateStr of
    Left e -> error e
    Right r -> r

-- String template substitution via dollar
substE :: Environment -> String -> Either String String
substE env templateStr = second (LazyT.unpack . LazyE.decodeUtf8) (substEB env (LazyE.encodeUtf8 (LazyT.pack templateStr)))

-- String template substitution via dollar
substEB :: Environment -> Lazy.ByteString -> Either String Lazy.ByteString
substEB env templateStr = do
  t <- template'
  res <- renderA t env'
  return (LazyE.encodeUtf8 res)
    env' t =
      case lookupEither (LazyT.fromStrict t) env of
        Right v -> Right (LazyT.toStrict v)
        Left e -> Left (show e ++ "\nIn template: \"" ++ show templateStr ++ "\"\n")
    template' =
      case templateSafe (LazyT.toStrict (LazyE.decodeUtf8 templateStr)) of
        Left (row, col) ->
            ("Invalid template, error at row: " ++ show row ++ ", col: " ++ show col ++ " in: \"" ++ show templateStr)
        Right t -> Right t

substFile :: MonadIO m => Environment -> FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
substFile env src dest = do
  templateBs <- liftIO (Strict.readFile src)
  let t = templateSafe (StrictE.decodeUtf8 templateBs)
  case t of
    Left (r, c) ->
      let badLine = unlines (take r (lines (StrictT.unpack (StrictE.decodeUtf8 templateBs))))
          colMarker = replicate (c - 1) '-' ++ "^"
       in error (printf "Template error in file '%s' line %i:\n\n%s\n%s\n" src r badLine colMarker)
    Right template' -> do
      let out = LazyE.encodeUtf8 (render template' envLookup)
      liftIO (Lazy.writeFile dest out)
      return ()
    envLookup :: StrictT.Text -> StrictT.Text
    envLookup x = either err LazyT.toStrict (runReaderT (lookupOrThrow (LazyT.fromStrict x)) env)
        err :: SomeException -> a
        err e = error (show e ++ "\nIn file: \'" ++ src ++ "\'\n")

substPath :: Environment -> SystemPath -> SystemPath
substPath env src =
  case src of
    Path p -> Path (subst env p)
    InHomeDir p -> InHomeDir (subst env p)
    InB9UserDir p -> InB9UserDir (subst env p)
    InTempDir p -> InTempDir (subst env p)

instance Arbitrary SourceFile where
  arbitrary = Source <$> elements [NoConversion, ExpandVariables] <*> smaller arbitraryFilePath