-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.

-- Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE file in the project root for full license information.

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

Copyright   : (c) Microsoft
License     : MIT
Maintainer  : adamsap@microsoft.com
Stability   : provisional
Portability : portable

This module provides functionality necessary to parse Bond
<https://microsoft.github.io/bond/manual/compiler.html#idl-syntax schema definition language>.

module Language.Bond.Parser

    ( -- * Parser


    , ImportResolver



import Control.Applicative hiding (some)

import Control.Monad.Reader

import Control.Monad.State.Lazy

import Data.Function

import Data.Int

import Data.List

import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)

import Data.Ord

import Data.Void (Void)

import Data.Word

import Language.Bond.Lexer

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Internal

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Types

import Language.Bond.Syntax.Util

import Prelude

import Text.Megaparsec hiding (many, optional, (<|>))

import Text.Megaparsec.Char (char)

-- | Parses content of a schema definition file.

parseBond ::

    String                              -- ^ source name, used only for error messages

 -> String                              -- ^ content of a schema file to parse

 -> FilePath                            -- ^ path of the file being parsed, used to resolve relative import paths

 -> ImportResolver                      -- ^ function to resolve and load imported files

 -> IO (Either (ParseError Char Void) Bond)         -- ^ function returns 'Bond' which represents the parsed abstract syntax tree

                                        --   or 'ParserError' if parsing failed

parseBond s c f r = runReaderT (runParserT (evalStateT bond (Symbols [] [])) s c) (Environment [] [] f r)

-- parser for .bond files

bond :: Parser Bond

bond = do


    imports <- many import_

    namespaces <- some namespace

    local (with namespaces) $ Bond imports namespaces <$> many declaration <* eof


    with namespaces e = e { currentNamespaces = namespaces }

import_ :: Parser Import

import_ = do

    i <- Import <$ keyword "import" <*> unescapedStringLiteral <* optional semi <?> "import statement"

    src <- getInput

    pos <- getPosition

    processImport i

    setInput src

    setPosition pos

    return i

processImport :: Import -> Parser()

processImport (Import file) = do

    Environment { currentFile = currentFile, resolveImport = resolveImport } <- ask

    (path, content) <- liftIO $ resolveImport currentFile file

    Symbols { imports = imports } <- get

    if path `elem` imports then return () else do

            modify (\u -> u { imports = path:imports } )

            setInput content

            setPosition $ initialPos path

            void $ local (\e -> e { currentFile = path }) bond

-- parser for struct, enum or type alias declaration/definition

declaration :: Parser Declaration

declaration = do

    -- When adding a new Declaration parser, order matters in the following command.

    -- Parsers must fail to consume ANY token for the next parser to be able to successfully work

    -- unless the parser is encapsulated in a try statement. For more info on try and <|> see:

    -- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/megaparsec-6.2.0/docs/Text-Megaparsec.html#v:try

    decl <- try forward

        <|> alias

        <|> (attributes >>= \a -> (service a <|> enum a <|> structDeclaration a))

    updateSymbols decl <?> "declaration"

    return decl

structDeclaration :: [Attribute] -> Parser Declaration

structDeclaration attr = do

    name <- keyword "struct" *> identifier <?> "struct or struct view definition"

    decl <- view attr name <|> struct attr name

    return decl

updateSymbols :: Declaration -> Parser ()

updateSymbols decl = do

    (previous, symbols) <- partition (duplicateDeclaration decl) <$> symbols <$> get

    case reconcile previous decl of

        (False, _) -> fail $ "The " ++ showPretty decl ++ " has been previously defined as " ++ showPretty (head previous)

        (True, f) -> modify (f symbols)


    reconcile [x@Forward {}] y@Struct {} = (paramsMatch x y, add y)

    reconcile [x@Forward {}] y@Forward {} = (paramsMatch x y, const id)

    reconcile [x@Struct {}] y@Forward {} = (paramsMatch x y, add y)

    reconcile [] x = (True, add x)

    -- This allows identical duplicate definitions, which is how parsing the

    -- same import multiple times is handled. Ideally we would avoid parsing

    -- imports multiple times but that would have to depend on canonical file

    -- paths which are unreliable.

    reconcile [x] y = (x == y, const id)

    reconcile _   _ = error "updateSymbols/reconcile: impossible happened."

    paramsMatch = (==) `on` (map paramConstraint . declParams)

    add x xs u = u { symbols = x:xs }

    duplicateDeclaration left right =

        (declName left == declName right)

     && not (null $ intersect (declNamespaces left) (declNamespaces right))

findSymbol :: QualifiedName -> Parser Declaration

findSymbol name = doFind <?> "qualified name"


    doFind = do

        namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces

        Symbols { symbols = symbols } <- get

        case find (declMatching namespaces name) symbols of

            Just decl -> return decl

            Nothing -> fail $ "Unknown symbol: " ++ showQualifiedName name

    declMatching namespaces [unqualifiedName] decl =

        unqualifiedName == declName decl

     && (not $ null $ intersectBy nsMatching namespaces (declNamespaces decl))

    declMatching _ qualifiedName' decl =

        takeName qualifiedName' == declName decl

     && any ((takeNamespace qualifiedName' ==) . nsName) (declNamespaces decl)

    nsMatching ns1 ns2 =

        nsName ns1 == nsName ns2 && (lang1 == lang2 || lang1 == Nothing || lang2 == Nothing)


        lang1 = nsLanguage ns1

        lang2 = nsLanguage ns2

findStruct :: QualifiedName -> Parser Declaration

findStruct name = doFind <?> "qualified struct name"


    doFind = do

        symb <- findSymbol name

        case symb of

            Struct {..} -> return symb

            _ -> fail $ "The " ++ showPretty symb ++ " is invalid in this context. Expected a struct."

-- namespace

namespace :: Parser Namespace

namespace = Namespace <$ keyword "namespace" <*> language <*> qualifiedName <* optional semi <?> "namespace declaration"


    language = optional (keyword "cpp" *> pure Cpp

                     <|> keyword "csharp" *> pure Cs

                     <|> keyword "cs" *> pure Cs

                     <|> keyword "java" *> pure Java)

-- identifier optionally qualified with namespace

qualifiedName :: Parser QualifiedName

qualifiedName = sepBy1 namespaceIdentifier (char '.') <?> "qualified name"

-- type parameters

parameters :: Parser [TypeParam]

parameters = option [] (angles $ commaSep1 param) <?> "type parameters"


    param = TypeParam <$> identifier <*> constraint

    constraint = optional (colon *> keyword "value" *> pure Value)

-- type alias

alias :: Parser Declaration

alias = do

    name <- try (keyword "using") *> identifier <?> "alias definition"

    params <- parameters

    namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces

    local (with params) $ Alias namespaces name params <$ equal <*> type_ <* semi


    with params e = e { currentParams = params }

-- forward declaration

forward :: Parser Declaration

forward = Forward <$> asks currentNamespaces <*> name <*> parameters <* semi <?> "forward declaration"


    name = keyword "struct" *> identifier

-- attributes parser

attributes :: Parser [Attribute]

attributes = many attribute <?> "attributes"


    attribute = brackets (Attribute <$> qualifiedName <*> parens stringLiteral <?> "attribute")

-- struct view parser

view :: [Attribute] -> String -> Parser Declaration

view attr name = do

    decl <- try (keyword "view_of") *> qualifiedName >>= findStruct <?> "struct view definition"

    fields <- braces $ semiOrCommaSepEnd1 identifier

    namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces

    Struct namespaces attr name (declParams decl) (structBase decl) (viewFields decl fields) <$ optional semi


    viewFields Struct {..} fields = filter ((`elem` fields) . fieldName) structFields

    viewFields _           _      = error "view/viewFields: impossible happened."

-- struct definition parser

struct :: [Attribute] -> String -> Parser Declaration

struct attr name = do

    params <- parameters

    namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces

    updateSymbols $ Forward namespaces name params

    local (with params) $ Struct namespaces attr name params <$> base <*> fields <* optional semi


    base = optional (colon *> userType <?> "base struct")

    fields = sortFields $ unique $ braces $ many (field <* semi)

    with params e = e { currentParams = params }

    sortFields p = do

        fields' <- p

        return $ sortBy (comparing fieldOrdinal) fields'

    unique p = do

        fields' <- p

        case findDuplicatesBy fieldOrdinal fields' ++ findDuplicatesBy fieldName fields' of

            [] -> return fields'

            Field {..}:_ -> fail $ "Duplicate definition of the field with ordinal " ++ show fieldOrdinal ++

                " and name " ++ show fieldName

-- field definition parser

field :: Parser Field

field = do

    mf <- makeField <$> attributes <*> ordinal <*> modifier <*> ftype <*> identifier <*> optional default_

    case mf of

      Left e -> fail e

      Right f -> return f


    ordinal = word16 <* colon <?> "field ordinal"


        word16 = do

            i <- integer

            if isInBounds i (0::Word16)

                then return (fromInteger i)

                else fail "Field ordinal must be within the range 0-65535"

    modifier = option Optional

                    (keyword "optional" *> pure Optional

                 <|> keyword "required_optional" *> pure RequiredOptional

                 <|> keyword "required" *> pure Required)

    default_ = equal *>

                    (keyword "true" *> pure (DefaultBool True)

                 <|> keyword "false" *> pure (DefaultBool False)

                 <|> keyword "nothing" *> pure DefaultNothing

                 <|> DefaultString <$> try (optional (char 'L') *> stringLiteral)

                 <|> DefaultEnum <$> identifier

                 <|> DefaultFloat <$> try float

                 <|> DefaultInteger <$> fromIntegral <$> integer)

    makeField a o m t n d@(Just DefaultNothing)

        | isStruct t = Left "Struct field can't have default value of 'nothing'"

        | otherwise  = Right $ Field a o m (BT_Maybe t) n d

    makeField a o m t n d

        | d == Nothing && isEnum t = Left "Enum field must have a default value"

        | otherwise                = if validDefaultType t d

                                        then Right $ Field a o m t n d

                                        else Left "Invalid default value for field"

-- enum definition parser

enum :: [Attribute] -> Parser Declaration

enum attr = Enum <$> asks currentNamespaces <*> pure attr <*> name <*> consts <* optional semi <?> "enum definition"


    name = try (keyword "enum") *> identifier <?> "enum identifier"

    consts = braces (semiOrCommaSepEnd1 constant <?> "enum constant")

    constant = Constant <$> identifier <*> optional value

    value = equal *> (fromIntegral <$> integer)

-- basic types parser

basicType :: Parser Type

basicType =

        keyword "int8" *> pure BT_Int8

    <|> keyword "int16" *> pure BT_Int16

    <|> keyword "int32" *> pure BT_Int32

    <|> keyword "int64" *> pure BT_Int64

    <|> keyword "uint8" *> pure BT_UInt8

    <|> keyword "uint16" *> pure BT_UInt16

    <|> keyword "uint32" *> pure BT_UInt32

    <|> keyword "uint64" *> pure BT_UInt64

    <|> keyword "float" *> pure BT_Float

    <|> keyword "double" *> pure BT_Double

    <|> keyword "wstring" *> pure BT_WString

    <|> keyword "string" *> pure BT_String

    <|> keyword "bool" *> pure BT_Bool

-- containers parser

complexType :: Parser Type

complexType =

        keyword "list" *> angles (BT_List <$> type_)

    <|> keyword "blob" *> pure BT_Blob

    <|> keyword "vector" *> angles (BT_Vector <$> type_)

    <|> keyword "nullable" *> angles (BT_Nullable <$> type_)

    <|> keyword "set" *> angles (BT_Set <$> keyType)

    <|> keyword "map" *> angles (BT_Map <$> keyType <* comma <*> type_)

    <|> keyword "bonded" *> angles (BT_Bonded <$> userStructRef)


    keyType = try (basicType <|> checkUserType isValidKeyType) <?> "scalar, string or enum"

    isValidKeyType t = isScalar t || isString t

-- parser for user defined type (struct, enum, alias or type parameter)

userType :: Parser Type

userType = do

    symbol_ <- userSymbol

    case symbol_ of

        Left param -> return $ BT_TypeParam param

        Right (Service {..}, _) -> fail $ "Unexpected service " ++ declName ++ ". Expected struct, enum or alias."

        Right (decl, args) -> return $ BT_UserDefined decl args

-- parser for service type

serviceType :: Parser Type

serviceType = do

    symbol_ <- userSymbol

    case symbol_ of

        Right (decl@Service{}, args) -> return $ BT_UserDefined decl args

        Right (decl, _) -> fail $ "Unexpected type " ++ (declName decl) ++ ". Expected a service."

        Left param -> fail $ "Unexpected type parameter " ++ (paramName param) ++ ". Expected a service."

userSymbol :: Parser (Either TypeParam (Declaration, [Type]))

userSymbol = do

    name <- qualifiedName

    params <- asks currentParams

    case find (isParam name) params of

        Just param -> return $ Left param

        Nothing -> do

            decl <- findSymbol name

            args <- option [] (angles $ commaSep1 arg)

            if length args /= paramsCount decl then

                fail $ declName decl ++

                    if paramsCount decl /= 0 then

                        " requires " ++ show (paramsCount decl) ++ " type argument(s)"


                        " is not a generic type"


                    return $ Right (decl, args)


            paramsCount Enum{} = 0

            paramsCount decl   = length $ declParams decl

            arg = type_ <|> BT_IntTypeArg <$> (fromIntegral <$> integer)


    isParam [name] = (name ==) . paramName

    isParam _      = const False

-- type parser

type_ :: Parser Type

type_ = (try basicType) <|> (try complexType) <|> (try userType)

-- field type parser

ftype :: Parser Type

ftype = keyword "bond_meta::name" *> pure BT_MetaName

    <|> keyword "bond_meta::full_name" *> pure BT_MetaFullName

    <|> type_

-- service definition parser

service :: [Attribute] -> Parser Declaration

service attr = do

    name <- try (keyword "service") *> identifier <?> "service definition"

    params <- parameters

    namespaces <- asks currentNamespaces

    local (with params) $ Service namespaces attr name params <$> base <*> methods <* optional semi


    base = optional (colon *> serviceType <?> "base service")

    with params e = e { currentParams = params }

    methods = checkUniqueMethodNames $ braces $ semiEnd method

    checkUniqueMethodNames p = do

        methods' <- p

        case findDuplicatesBy methodName methods' of

            [] -> return methods'

            Function {..}:_ -> fail $ "Duplicate definition of the function with name " ++ show methodName

            Event {..}:_ -> fail $ "Duplicate definition of the event with name " ++ show methodName

method :: Parser Method

method = attributes >>= \a -> ((lookAhead (keyword "nothing") *> event a) <|> function a)

function :: [Attribute] -> Parser Method

function attr = Function attr <$> functionResultType <*> identifier <*> input

  where functionResultType = methodTypeVoid  <|> methodResultTypeStreaming <|> methodTypeUnary

event :: [Attribute] -> Parser Method

event attr = do

  _ <- keyword "nothing"

  methodName <- identifier

  methodInput <- input

  case methodInput of

    (Streaming _) -> fail $ "Incompatible nothing return and streaming input in method " ++ show methodName

    _ -> return (Event attr methodName methodInput)

input :: Parser MethodType

input = parens methodInputType

  where methodInputType = (fromMaybe Void) <$> optional (methodTypeVoid <|> methodInputTypeStreaming <|> methodTypeUnary)

methodTypeVoid :: Parser MethodType

methodTypeVoid = try (keyword "void" *> pure Void) <?> "void method type"

-- Whether the method type is streaming or is unary can be determined based on

-- context, but the context is different for result and input types.


-- For result types, the keyword stream followed by a struct name AND THEN

-- an identifier indicates a streaming type. Two identifiers are required to

-- distinguish between the unary method "stream stream()" and the streaming

-- method "stream stream stream()".


-- For input types, simply the keyword stream followed by a struct name is

-- enough to distinguish between the unary "foo(stream)" and the streaming

-- "foo(stream stream)".

methodResultTypeStreaming :: Parser MethodType

methodResultTypeStreaming = try (do

                                    _ <- keyword "stream"

                                    resultType <- userStructRef

                                    _ <- lookAhead identifier

                                    return (Streaming resultType)) <?> "streaming method type"

methodInputTypeStreaming :: Parser MethodType

methodInputTypeStreaming = try (Streaming <$ keyword "stream" <*> userStructRef) <?> "streaming method type"

methodTypeUnary :: Parser MethodType

methodTypeUnary = (Unary <$> userStructRef) <?> "unary method type"

-- helper methods

checkUserType :: (Type -> Bool) -> Parser Type

checkUserType check = do

    t <- userType

    if (valid t) then return t else fail "unexpected type"


    valid t = case t of

        BT_TypeParam _ -> True

        _ -> check t

userStructRef :: Parser Type

userStructRef = try (checkUserType isStruct) <?> "user defined struct reference"

findDuplicatesBy :: (Eq b) => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]

findDuplicatesBy accessor xs = deleteFirstsBy ((==) `on` accessor) xs (nubBy ((==) `on` accessor) xs)

-- default type validator (type checking, out-of-range, enforce default type)

validDefaultType :: Type -> Maybe Default -> Bool

validDefaultType (BT_UserDefined a@Alias {} args) d = validDefaultType (resolveAlias a args) d

validDefaultType _ Nothing = True

validDefaultType bondType (Just defaultValue) = validDefaultType' bondType defaultValue

  where validDefaultType' :: Type -> Default -> Bool

        validDefaultType' BT_Int8    (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Int8)

        validDefaultType' BT_Int16   (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Int16)

        validDefaultType' BT_Int32   (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Int32)

        validDefaultType' BT_Int64   (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Int64)

        validDefaultType' BT_UInt8   (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Word8)

        validDefaultType' BT_UInt16  (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Word16)

        validDefaultType' BT_UInt32  (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Word32)

        validDefaultType' BT_UInt64  (DefaultInteger i) = isInBounds i (0::Word64)

        validDefaultType' BT_Float   (DefaultFloat _)   = True

        validDefaultType' BT_Float   (DefaultInteger _) = True

        validDefaultType' BT_Double  (DefaultFloat _)   = True

        validDefaultType' BT_Double  (DefaultInteger _) = True

        validDefaultType' BT_Bool    (DefaultBool _)    = True

        validDefaultType' BT_String  (DefaultString _)  = True

        validDefaultType' BT_WString (DefaultString _)  = True

        validDefaultType' (BT_UserDefined Enum {} _) (DefaultEnum _) = True

        validDefaultType' (BT_TypeParam {}) _           = True

        validDefaultType' _ _                           = False

-- checks whether an Integer is within the bounds of some other Integral and Bounded type.

-- The value of the second parameter is never used: only its type is used.

isInBounds :: forall a. (Integral a, Bounded a) => Integer -> a -> Bool

isInBounds value _ = value >= (toInteger (minBound :: a)) && value <= (toInteger (maxBound :: a))