cabal-pkg-config-version-hook: Make Cabal aware of pkg-config package versions

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A setup hook for Cabal that determines the compile-time version of a pkg-config package and adds CPP macros and enables flags.

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Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), Cabal (>=, lens, process [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright cabal-pkg-config-version-hook contributors
Author Robert Hensing
Category Distribution
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Uploaded by RobertHensing at 2023-06-27T22:50:11Z
Distributions NixOS:
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Readme for cabal-pkg-config-version-hook-

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A Cabal setup hook for pkg-config version info

Cabal doesn't natively give access to version information from pkg-config (yet?). This setup hook gets the version and makes it available via Haskell CPP and C/C++ macros, as well as setting Cabal flags automatically.