clay-0.10.1: CSS preprocessor as embedded Haskell.

Safe HaskellNone




Rendering stylesheets to CSS.

render :: Css -> Text Source

Render a stylesheet with the default configuration. The pretty printer is used by default.

renderWith :: Config -> [App] -> Css -> Text Source

Render a stylesheet with a custom configuration and an optional outer scope.

putCss :: Css -> IO () Source

Render to CSS using the default configuration (pretty) and directly print to the standard output.

pretty :: Config Source

Configuration to print to a pretty human readable CSS output.

compact :: Config Source

Configuration to print to a compacted unreadable CSS output.

renderSelector :: Selector -> Text Source

Render a single CSS Selector.

The Css monad for collecting style rules.

type Css = StyleM () Source

The Css context is used to collect style rules which are mappings from selectors to style properties. The Css type is a computation in the StyleM monad that just collects and doesn't return anything.

(?) :: Selector -> Css -> Css infixr 5 Source

Assign a stylesheet to a selector. When the selector is nested inside an outer scope it will be composed with deep.

(<?) :: Selector -> Css -> Css infixr 5 Source

Assign a stylesheet to a selector. When the selector is nested inside an outer scope it will be composed with |>.

(&) :: Refinement -> Css -> Css infixr 5 Source

Assign a stylesheet to a filter selector. When the selector is nested inside an outer scope it will be composed with the with selector.

root :: Selector -> Css -> Css Source

Root is used to add style rules to the top scope.

pop :: Int -> Css -> Css Source

Pop is used to add style rules to selectors defined in an outer scope. The counter specifies how far up the scope stack we want to add the rules.

(-:) :: Key Text -> Text -> Css infix 4 Source

The colon operator can be used to add style rules to the current context for which there is no embedded version available. Both the key and the value are plain text values and rendered as is to the output CSS.

The selector language.

Elements selectors.

star :: Selector Source

The star selector applies to all elements. Maps to * in CSS.

element :: Text -> Selector Source

Select elements by name. The preferred syntax is to enable OverloadedStrings and actually just use "element-name" or use one of the predefined elements from Clay.Elements.

(**) :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector Source

The deep selector composer. Maps to sel1 sel2 in CSS.

(|>) :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector Source

The child selector composer. Maps to sel1 > sel2 in CSS.

(#) :: Selector -> Refinement -> Selector Source

The filter selector composer, adds a filter to a selector. Maps to something like sel#filter or sel.filter in CSS, depending on the filter.

(|+) :: Selector -> Selector -> Selector Source

The adjacent selector composer. Maps to sel1 + sel2 in CSS.

Refining selectors.

byId :: Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements by id. The preferred syntax is to enable OverloadedStrings and use "#id-name".

byClass :: Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements by class. The preferred syntax is to enable OverloadedStrings and use ".class-name".

pseudo :: Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements by pseudo selector or pseudo class. The preferred syntax is to enable OverloadedStrings and use ":pseudo-selector" or use one of the predefined ones from Clay.Pseudo.

func :: Text -> [Text] -> Refinement Source

Filter elements by pseudo selector functions. The preferred way is to use one of the predefined functions from Clay.Pseudo.

Attribute based refining.

attr :: Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute. The preferred syntax is to enable OverloadedStrings and use "@attr" or use one of the predefined ones from Clay.Attributes.

(@=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute with the specified value.

(^=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that begins with the selected value.

($=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that ends with the specified value.

(*=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that contains the specified value as a substring.

(~=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that have the specified value contained in a space separated list.

(|=) :: Text -> Text -> Refinement Source

Filter elements based on the presence of a certain attribute that have the specified value contained in a hyphen separated list.

Apply media queries.

Because a large part of the names export by Clay.Media clash with names export by other modules we don't re-export it here and recommend you to import the module qualified.

query :: MediaType -> [Feature] -> Css -> Css Source

Apply a set of style rules when the media type and feature queries apply.

queryNot :: MediaType -> [Feature] -> Css -> Css Source

Apply a set of style rules when the media type and feature queries do not apply.

queryOnly :: MediaType -> [Feature] -> Css -> Css Source

Apply a set of style rules only when the media type and feature queries apply.

Apply key-frame animation.

Define font-faces.

fontFace :: Css -> Css Source

Define a new font-face.

importUrl :: Text -> Css Source

Import a CSS file from a URL

Pseudo elements and classes.

HTML5 attribute and element names.

Commonly used value types.

module Clay.Size

module Clay.Color

module Clay.Time

Values shared between multiple properties.

Embedded style properties.

module Clay.Box

module Clay.Font

module Clay.List

module Clay.Text

module Clay.Mask

Writing your own properties.