module Clingo.Inspection.Ground
    TermId (..),
    ElementId (..),
    AspifStmt (..),

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Data.Text (Text, pack)

import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import Numeric.Natural

import Clingo.ProgramBuilding
import Clingo.Internal.Types
import Clingo.Internal.Utils

import qualified Clingo.Raw as Raw

newtype TermId = TermId { termId :: Raw.Identifier }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

newtype ElementId = ElementId { elementId :: Raw.Identifier }
    deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

data AspifStmt s
    = GRule Bool [Atom s] [Literal s]
    | GWeightedRule Bool [Atom s] Natural [WeightedLiteral s]
    | GMinimize Natural [WeightedLiteral s]
    | GProject [Atom s]
    | GExternal (Atom s) ExternalType
    | GAssume [Literal s]
    | GHeuristic (Atom s) HeuristicType Integer Natural [Literal s]
    | GAcycEdge Node Node [Literal s]
    | GTheoryTermNumber TermId Integer
    | GTheoryTermString TermId Text
    | GTheoryTermTuple TermId [TermId]
    | GTheoryTermSet TermId [TermId]
    | GTheoryTermList TermId [TermId]
    | GTheoryTermFunction TermId TermId [TermId]
    | GTheoryElement ElementId [TermId] [Literal s]
    | GTheoryAtom (Maybe (Atom s)) TermId [ElementId]
    | GTheoryAtomGuard (Maybe (Atom s)) TermId [ElementId] TermId TermId

mkRawGPO :: MonadIO m
         => (Bool -> IOSym s ())
         -> (AspifStmt s -> IOSym s ())
         -> m (Raw.GroundProgramObserver ())
mkRawGPO inf k = liftIO $ Raw.GroundProgramObserver
    <$> Raw.mkGpoInitProgram (\b _ -> reraiseIO (iosym (inf (toBool b))))
    <*> pure nullFunPtr
    <*> pure nullFunPtr
    <*> Raw.mkGpoRule rul
    <*> Raw.mkGpoWeightRule wrule
    <*> Raw.mkGpoMinimize minim
    <*> Raw.mkGpoProject proj
    <*> Raw.mkGpoExternal exter
    <*> Raw.mkGpoAssume assum
    <*> Raw.mkGpoHeuristic heuristi
    <*> Raw.mkGpoAcycEdge acyc
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryTermNum ttnum
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryTermStr ttstr
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryTermCmp ttcomp
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryElement telem
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryAtom tatom
    <*> Raw.mkGpoTheoryAtomGrd tatomg

    where rul b as an ls ln _ = reraiseIO $ do
              as' <- map Atom <$> peekArray (fromIntegral an) as
              ls' <- map Literal <$> peekArray (fromIntegral ln) ls
              iosym (k (GRule (toBool b) as' ls'))
          wrule b as an w ws wn _ = reraiseIO $ do
              as' <- map Atom <$> peekArray (fromIntegral an) as
              ws' <- map fromRawWeightedLiteral <$> 
                        peekArray (fromIntegral wn) ws
              iosym (k (GWeightedRule (toBool b) as' (fromIntegral w) ws'))
          minim w ws wn _ = reraiseIO $ do
              ws' <- map fromRawWeightedLiteral <$>
                        peekArray (fromIntegral wn) ws
              iosym (k (GMinimize (fromIntegral w) ws'))
          proj as an _ = reraiseIO $ do
              as' <- map Atom <$> peekArray (fromIntegral an) as
              iosym (k (GProject as'))
          exter a t _ = reraiseIO $
              iosym (k (GExternal (Atom a) (fromRawExtT t)))
          assum ls n _ = reraiseIO $ do
              ls' <- map Literal <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls
              iosym (k (GAssume ls'))
          heuristi a t c d ls n _ = reraiseIO $ do
              let a' = Atom a
                  t' = fromRawHeuT t
                  c' = fromIntegral c
                  d' = fromIntegral d
              ls' <- map Literal <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls
              iosym (k (GHeuristic a' t' c' d' ls'))
          acyc a b ls n _ = reraiseIO $ do
              let a' = Node . fromIntegral $ a
                  b' = Node . fromIntegral $ b
              ls' <- map Literal <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) ls
              iosym (k (GAcycEdge a' b' ls'))
          ttnum i x _ = reraiseIO $
              iosym (k (GTheoryTermNumber (TermId i) (fromIntegral x)))
          ttstr i t _ = reraiseIO $ do
              t' <- pack <$> peekCString t
              iosym (k (GTheoryTermString (TermId i) t'))
          ttcomp i a is n _ = reraiseIO $ do
              is' <- map TermId <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) is
              case a of
                  (-1) -> iosym (k (GTheoryTermTuple (TermId i) is'))
                  (-2) -> iosym (k (GTheoryTermSet (TermId i) is'))
                  (-3) -> iosym (k (GTheoryTermList (TermId i) is'))
                  a'   -> iosym (k (GTheoryTermFunction (TermId i) 
                                       (TermId (fromIntegral a')) is'))
          telem i is n ls ln _ = reraiseIO $ do
              is' <- map TermId <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) is
              ls' <- map Literal <$> peekArray (fromIntegral ln) ls
              iosym (k (GTheoryElement (ElementId i) is' ls'))
          tatom i t es n = reraiseIO $ do
              let i' = if i == 0 then Nothing else Just (Atom (fromIntegral i))
                  t' = TermId t
              es' <- map ElementId <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) es
              iosym (k (GTheoryAtom i' t' es'))
          tatomg i t es n a b _ = reraiseIO $ do
              let i' = if i == 0 then Nothing else Just (Atom (fromIntegral i))
                  t' = TermId t
                  a' = TermId a
                  b' = TermId b
              es' <- map ElementId <$> peekArray (fromIntegral n) es
              iosym (k (GTheoryAtomGuard i' t' es' a' b'))

registerGroundObserver :: (Bool -> IOSym s ()) 
                       -> (AspifStmt s -> IOSym s ())
                       -> Clingo s ()
registerGroundObserver i k = do
    ctrl <- askC
    gpo  <- mkRawGPO i k
    marshall0 $ with gpo $ \ptr -> Raw.controlRegisterObserver ctrl ptr nullPtr