-- | A module providing program building capabilities for both ground and
-- non-ground programs.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Clingo.ProgramBuilding
    Node (..),
    ExternalType (..),
    HeuristicType (..),


    -- * Ground Programs

    -- * Non-Ground Programs
    -- | See 'Clingo.AST' for the abstract syntax tree to build 'Statement's.

import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Catch
import Data.Foldable

import Foreign
import Numeric.Natural

import qualified Clingo.Raw as Raw

import Clingo.AST (Statement)
import Clingo.Internal.AST (rawStatement, freeStatement)
import Clingo.Internal.Types
import Clingo.Internal.Utils

newtype Node = Node { unNode :: Int }

-- | A 'GroundStatement' is a statement built from ground atoms. Because the
-- atoms are only valid within the context of clingo, they may not leave this
-- context. They can be added to the current program using the
-- 'addGroundStatements' function.
newtype GroundStatement s = 
    GStmt { addGStmt :: forall m. (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) 
                     => Backend s -> m () }

-- | Build an edge directive.
acycEdge :: Foldable t
         => Node -> Node -> t (Literal s) -> GroundStatement s
acycEdge a b lits = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawLiteral . toList $ lits) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.backendAcycEdge h (fromIntegral $ unNode a) 
            (fromIntegral $ unNode b) arr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Obtain a fresh atom to be used in aspif directives.
atom :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m)
     => Backend s -> m (Atom s)
atom (Backend h) = Atom <$> marshall1 (Raw.backendAddAtom h)

-- | Use an Atom as a positive AspifLiteral
atomAspifLiteral :: Atom s -> AspifLiteral s
atomAspifLiteral (Atom x) = AspifLiteral (fromIntegral x)

negateAspifLiteral :: AspifLiteral s -> AspifLiteral s
negateAspifLiteral (AspifLiteral x) = AspifLiteral (negate x)

-- | Add an assumption directive.
assume :: Foldable t
       => t (AspifLiteral s) -> GroundStatement s
assume lits = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $ 
    withArrayLen (map rawAspifLiteral . toList $ lits) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.backendAssume h arr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Build an external statement.
external :: Atom s -> ExternalType -> GroundStatement s
external a t = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    Raw.backendExternal h (rawAtom a) (rawExtT t)

-- | Build a heuristic directive.
heuristic :: (Foldable t)
          => Atom s 
          -> HeuristicType 
          -> Int                    -- ^ Bias
          -> Natural                -- ^ Priority
          -> t (AspifLiteral s)     -- ^ Condition
          -> GroundStatement s
heuristic a t bias pri cs = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawAspifLiteral . toList $ cs) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.backendHeuristic h (rawAtom a) (rawHeuT t) 
            (fromIntegral bias) (fromIntegral pri) arr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Build a minimize constraint (or weak constraint).
minimize :: Foldable t
         => Integer                 -- ^ Priority
         -> t (WeightedLiteral s)   -- ^ Literals to minimize
         -> GroundStatement s
minimize priority lits = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawWeightedLiteral . toList $ lits) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.backendMinimize h (fromIntegral priority) arr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Build a rule.
rule :: Foldable t
     => Bool                 -- ^ Is a choice rule?
     -> t (Atom s)           -- ^ Head
     -> t (AspifLiteral s)   -- ^ Body
     -> GroundStatement s
rule choice hd bd = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawAtom . toList $ hd) $ \hlen harr ->
        withArrayLen (map rawAspifLiteral . toList $ bd) $ \blen barr ->
            Raw.backendRule h (fromBool choice) harr (fromIntegral hlen) 
                                                barr (fromIntegral blen)

-- | Build a weighted rule.
weightedRule :: Foldable t
             => Bool                    -- ^ Is a choice rule?
             -> t (Atom s)              -- ^ Head
             -> Natural                 -- ^ Lower Bound
             -> t (WeightedLiteral s)   -- ^ Body
             -> GroundStatement s
weightedRule choice hd weight bd = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawAtom . toList $ hd) $ \hlen harr ->
        withArrayLen (map rawWeightedLiteral . toList $ bd) $ \blen barr ->
            Raw.backendWeightRule h (fromBool choice) harr (fromIntegral hlen) 
                                    (fromIntegral weight)
                                    barr (fromIntegral blen)

-- | Build a projection directive
project :: Foldable t
        => t (Atom s) -> GroundStatement s
project atoms = GStmt $ \(Backend h) -> marshall0 $
    withArrayLen (map rawAtom . toList $ atoms) $ \len arr ->
        Raw.backendProject h arr (fromIntegral len)

-- | Add a collection of 'GroundStatement' to the program via a 'Backend'
-- handle.
addGroundStatements :: Foldable t
                    => Backend s 
                    -> t (GroundStatement s) 
                    -> Clingo s ()
addGroundStatements b xs = mapM_ (`addGStmt` b) (toList xs)

-- | Add a collection of non-ground statements to the solver.
addStatements :: Traversable t
              => ProgramBuilder s 
              -> t (Statement (Symbol s) (Signature s)) 
              -> Clingo s ()
addStatements (ProgramBuilder b) stmts = do
    marshall0 (Raw.programBuilderBegin b)
    mapM_ go stmts `finally` marshall0 (Raw.programBuilderEnd b)

    where go stmt = do
              stmt' <- liftIO (rawStatement stmt)
              marshall0 $
                  with stmt' $ \ptr ->
                      Raw.programBuilderAdd b ptr
              liftIO (freeStatement stmt')