{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
module Darcs.Patch.V2.RepoPatch
( RepoPatchV2(..)
, isConsistent
, isForward
, isDuplicate
, mergeUnravelled
) where
import Prelude ()
import Darcs.Prelude hiding ( (*>) )
import Control.Monad ( mplus, liftM )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC ( ByteString, pack )
import Data.Maybe ( fromMaybe )
import Data.List ( partition, nub )
import Data.List.Ordered ( nubSort )
import Darcs.Patch.Annotate ( Annotate(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( commuteFL, commuteFLorComplain, commuteRL
, commuteRLFL, Commute(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Conflict ( Conflict(..), CommuteNoConflicts(..)
, IsConflictedPrim(..), ConflictState(..)
, mangleUnravelled )
import Darcs.Patch.Debug
import Darcs.Patch.Effect ( Effect(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.FileHunk ( IsHunk(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Format ( PatchListFormat(..), ListFormat(ListFormatV2) )
import Darcs.Patch.Invert ( invertFL, invertRL, Invert(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Merge ( Merge(..), naturalMerge )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( FromPrim(..), ToFromPrim(..)
, PrimPatchBase(..), PrimPatch )
import Darcs.Patch.Read ( bracketedFL, ReadPatch(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.ReadMonads ( skipSpace, string, choice )
import Darcs.Patch.Repair ( mapMaybeSnd, RepairToFL(..), Check(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( Apply(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Inspect ( PatchInspect(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( commuteWhatWeCanFL, commuteWhatWeCanRL
, genCommuteWhatWeCanRL, removeRL, removeFL
, removeSubsequenceFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Show
( ShowPatch(..), ShowPatchBasic(..), ShowContextPatch(..), ShowPatchFor(..)
, displayPatch )
import Darcs.Patch.Summary ( plainSummary )
import Darcs.Patch.V2.Non ( Non(..), Nonable(..), unNon, showNons, showNon
, readNons, readNon, commutePrimsOrAddToCtx
, commuteOrAddToCtx, commuteOrAddToCtxRL
, commuteOrRemFromCtx, commuteOrRemFromCtxFL
, remNons, (*>), (>*), (*>>), (>>*) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Eq ( Eq2(..), EqCheck(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
( FL(..), RL(..), (:>)(..), (+>+), (+<+)
, mapFL, mapFL_FL, reverseFL, (:\/:)(..), (:/\:)(..)
, reverseRL, lengthFL, lengthRL, nullFL, initsFL )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed
( FlippedSeal(..), Sealed(Sealed), mapSeal
, unseal )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Show
( Show1(..), Show2(..), ShowDict(..)
, showsPrec2, appPrec
import Darcs.Util.Printer.Color ( errorDoc, assertDoc )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, blueText, redText, (<+>), ($$), vcat )
data RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY where
Duplicate :: Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> RepoPatchV2 prim wX wX
Etacilpud :: Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> RepoPatchV2 prim wX wX
Normal :: prim wX wY -> RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY
Conflictor :: [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> FL prim wX wY
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> RepoPatchV2 prim wY wX
InvConflictor :: [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> FL prim wX wY
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY
instance PrimPatch prim => PrimPatchBase (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
type PrimOf (RepoPatchV2 prim) = prim
isDuplicate :: RepoPatchV2 prim wS wY -> Bool
isDuplicate (Duplicate _) = True
isDuplicate (Etacilpud _) = True
isDuplicate _ = False
isForward :: PrimPatch prim => RepoPatchV2 prim wS wY -> Maybe Doc
isForward p = case p of
p@(InvConflictor{}) -> justRedP "An inverse conflictor" p
p@(Etacilpud _) -> justRedP "An inverse duplicate" p
_ -> Nothing
justRedP msg p = Just $ redText msg $$ displayPatch p
mergeUnravelled :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed ((FL prim) wX)]
-> Maybe (FlippedSeal (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX)
mergeUnravelled [] = Nothing
mergeUnravelled [_] = Nothing
mergeUnravelled ws =
case mergeUnravelled_private ws of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just NilRL -> bug "found no patches in mergeUnravelled"
Just (_ :<: z) -> Just $ FlippedSeal z
notNullS :: Sealed ((FL prim) wX) -> Bool
notNullS (Sealed NilFL) = False
notNullS _ = True
mergeUnravelled_private :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed (FL prim wX)]
-> Maybe (RL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX)
mergeUnravelled_private xs = let nonNullXs = filter notNullS xs in
reverseFL `fmap` mergeConflictingNons (map sealed2non nonNullXs)
sealed2non :: Sealed ((FL prim) wX) -> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
sealed2non (Sealed xs) =
case reverseFL xs of
ys :<: y -> Non (mapFL_FL fromPrim $ reverseRL ys) y
NilRL -> bug "NilFL encountered in sealed2non"
mergeConflictingNons :: PrimPatch prim => [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX]
-> Maybe (FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX)
mergeConflictingNons ns = mcn $ map unNon ns
where mcn :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed (FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX)]
-> Maybe (FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX)
mcn [] = Just NilFL
mcn [Sealed p] = case joinEffects p of
NilFL -> Just p
_ -> Nothing
mcn (Sealed p1:Sealed p2:zs) =
case pullCommon p1 p2 of
Common c ps qs ->
case merge (ps :\/: qs) of
qs' :/\: _ -> mcn (Sealed (c +>+ ps +>+ qs'):zs)
joinEffects :: forall p wX wY . (Effect p, Invert (PrimOf p),
Commute (PrimOf p), Eq2 (PrimOf p)) => p wX wY
-> FL (PrimOf p) wX wY
joinEffects = joinInverses . effect
where joinInverses :: FL (PrimOf p) wA wB -> FL (PrimOf p) wA wB
joinInverses NilFL = NilFL
joinInverses (p :>: ps) =
let ps' = joinInverses ps in
fromMaybe (p :>: ps') $ removeFL (invert p) ps'
assertConsistent :: PrimPatch prim => RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY
-> RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY
assertConsistent x = flip assertDoc x $ do
e <- isConsistent x
Just (redText "Inconsistent patch:" $$ displayPatch x $$ e)
mergeAfterConflicting :: PrimPatch prim => FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX
-> FL prim wX wY -> Maybe ( FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX
, FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY)
mergeAfterConflicting xxx yyy = mac (reverseFL xxx) yyy NilFL
mac :: PrimPatch prim
=> RL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> FL prim wY wZ
-> FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wZ wA
-> Maybe (FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wX, FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wA)
mac NilRL xs goneby = case joinEffects goneby of
NilFL -> Just (NilFL, mapFL_FL Normal xs)
_ -> Nothing
mac (ps :<: p) xs goneby =
case commuteFLorComplain (p :> mapFL_FL Normal xs) of
Left _ ->
case genCommuteWhatWeCanRL commuteNoConflicts (ps :> p) of
a :> p' :> b ->
do (b', xs') <- mac b xs goneby
let pa = joinEffects $ a :<: p'
NilFL <- return pa
return (reverseRL (a :<: p') +>+ b', xs')
do NilFL <- return goneby
NilFL <- return $ joinEffects (ps :<: p)
return (reverseRL (ps :<: p), mapFL_FL Normal xs)
Right (l :> p'') ->
case allNormal l of
Just xs'' -> mac ps xs'' (p'' :>: goneby)
Nothing ->
case genCommuteWhatWeCanRL commuteNoConflicts (ps :> p) of
a :> p' :> b ->
do (b', xs') <- mac b xs goneby
let pa = joinEffects $ a :<: p'
NilFL <- return pa
return (reverseRL (a :<: p') +>+ b', xs')
geteff :: PrimPatch prim => [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> FL prim wX wY
-> ([Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX], FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY)
geteff _ NilFL = ([], NilFL)
geteff ix (x :>: xs) | Just ix' <- mapM (commuteOrRemFromCtx (Normal x)) ix =
case geteff ix' xs of
(ns, xs') -> ( non (Normal x) : map (commuteOrAddToCtx (Normal x)) ns
, Normal x :>: xs')
geteff ix xx =
case mergeConflictingNons ix of
Nothing -> errorDoc $
redText "mergeConflictingNons failed in geteff: ix" $$
displayNons ix $$ redText "xx" $$ displayPatch xx
Just rix ->
case mergeAfterConflicting rix xx of
Just (a, x) ->
( map (commuteOrAddToCtxRL (reverseFL a)) $ toNons x
, a +>+ x)
Nothing ->
errorDoc $
redText "mergeAfterConflicting failed in geteff" $$
redText "where ix" $$ displayNons ix $$
redText "and xx" $$ displayPatch xx $$
redText "and rix" $$ displayPatch rix
xx2nons :: PrimPatch prim => [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> FL prim wX wY
-> [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX]
xx2nons ix xx = fst $ geteff ix xx
xx2patches :: PrimPatch prim => [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> FL prim wX wY
-> FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY
xx2patches ix xx = snd $ geteff ix xx
allNormal :: FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> Maybe (FL prim wX wY)
allNormal (Normal x :>: xs) = (x :>: ) `fmap` allNormal xs
allNormal NilFL = Just NilFL
allNormal _ = Nothing
isConsistent :: PrimPatch prim => RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY -> Maybe Doc
isConsistent (Normal _) = Nothing
isConsistent (Duplicate _) = Nothing
isConsistent (Etacilpud _) = Nothing
isConsistent c@(InvConflictor{}) = isConsistent (invert c)
isConsistent (Conflictor im mm m@(Non deps _))
| not $ everyoneConflicts im =
Just $ redText "Someone doesn't conflict in im in isConsistent"
| Just _ <- commuteOrRemFromCtxFL rmm m, _ :>: _ <- mm =
Just $ redText "m doesn't conflict with mm in isConsistent"
| any (\x -> any (x `conflictsWith`) nmm) im =
Just $ redText "mm conflicts with im in isConsistent where nmm is" $$
displayNons nmm
| Nothing <- (nmm ++ im) `minus` toNons deps =
Just $ redText "dependencies not in conflict:" $$
displayNons (toNons deps) $$
redText "compared with deps itself:" $$
displayPatch deps
| otherwise =
case allConflictsWith m im of
(im1, []) | im1 `eqSet` im -> Nothing
(_, imnc) -> Just $ redText ("m doesn't conflict with im in "
++ "isConsistent. unconflicting:") $$
displayNons imnc
where (nmm, rmm) = geteff im mm
everyoneConflicts :: PrimPatch prim => [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> Bool
everyoneConflicts [] = True
everyoneConflicts (x : xs) = case allConflictsWith x xs of
([], _) -> False
(_, xs') -> everyoneConflicts xs'
instance PatchDebug prim => PatchDebug (RepoPatchV2 prim)
mergeWith :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX] -> Sealed (FL prim wX)
mergeWith p [] = effect `mapSeal` unNon p
mergeWith p xs =
mergeall . map unNon . (p :) . unconflicting_of $ nonDependsOrConflictsP xs
nonDependsOrConflictsP =
filter (\x -> not ((p `dependsUpon` x) || (p `conflictsWith` x)))
mergeall :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed (FL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX)]
-> Sealed (FL prim wX)
mergeall [Sealed x] = Sealed $ effect x
mergeall [] = Sealed NilFL
mergeall (Sealed x : Sealed y : rest) =
case merge (x :\/: y) of
y' :/\: _ -> mergeall (Sealed (x +>+ y') : rest)
unconflicting_of [] = []
unconflicting_of (q : qs) = case allConflictsWith q qs of
([], _) -> q : qs
(_, nc) -> unconflicting_of nc
instance PrimPatch prim => Conflict (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
conflictedEffect (Duplicate (Non _ x)) = [IsC Duplicated x]
conflictedEffect (Etacilpud _) = impossible
conflictedEffect (Conflictor _ _ (Non _ x)) = [IsC Conflicted x]
conflictedEffect (InvConflictor{}) = impossible
conflictedEffect (Normal x) = [IsC Okay x]
resolveConflicts (Conflictor ix xx x) = [mangledUnravelled : unravelled]
mangledUnravelled = mangleUnravelled unravelled
unravelled = nub $ filter isCons $ map (`mergeWith` xIxNonXX) xIxNonXX
xIxNonXX = x : ix ++ nonxx
nonxx = nonxx_ (reverseFL $ xx2patches ix xx)
nonxx_ :: RL (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY -> [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX]
nonxx_ (qs :<: Normal q) = [Non (reverseRL qs) q]
nonxx_ _ = []
isCons = unseal (not . nullFL)
resolveConflicts _ = []
instance PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
commuteNoConflicts (d1@(Duplicate _) :> d2@(Duplicate _)) = Just (d2 :> d1)
commuteNoConflicts (e@(Etacilpud _) :> d@(Duplicate _)) = Just (d :> e)
commuteNoConflicts (d@(Duplicate _) :> e@(Etacilpud _)) = Just (e :> d)
commuteNoConflicts (e1@(Etacilpud _) :> e2@(Etacilpud _)) = Just (e2 :> e1)
commuteNoConflicts orig@(x :> Duplicate d) =
if d == commuteOrAddToCtx (invert x) (non x)
then Just orig
else do d' <- commuteOrRemFromCtx (invert x) d
return (Duplicate d' :> x)
commuteNoConflicts (Duplicate d :> x) =
Just (x :> Duplicate (commuteOrAddToCtx (invert x) d))
commuteNoConflicts c@(Etacilpud _ :> _) = invertCommuteNC c
commuteNoConflicts c@(_ :> Etacilpud _) = invertCommuteNC c
commuteNoConflicts (Normal x :> Normal y) = do
y' :> x' <- commute (x :> y)
return (Normal y' :> Normal x')
commuteNoConflicts (Normal x :> Conflictor iy yy y) = do
iyy' :> x' <- commuteFL (x :> invert yy)
y' : iy' <- mapM (Normal x' >*) (y : iy)
return (Conflictor iy' (invert iyy') y' :> Normal x')
commuteNoConflicts c@(InvConflictor{} :> Normal _) = invertCommuteNC c
commuteNoConflicts (Conflictor iy yy y :> Normal x) = do
y' : iy' <- mapM (*> Normal x) (y : iy)
x' :> iyy' <- commuteRL (invertFL yy :> x)
return (Normal x' :> Conflictor iy' (invertRL iyy') y')
commuteNoConflicts c@(Normal _ :> InvConflictor{}) = invertCommuteNC c
commuteNoConflicts (Conflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy yy y) = do
xx' :> yy' <- commute (yy :> xx)
x':ix' <- mapM (yy >>*) (x:ix)
y':iy' <- mapM (*>> xx') (y:iy)
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith y) (x':ix')
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith x') iy
return (Conflictor iy' yy' y' :> Conflictor ix' xx' x')
commuteNoConflicts c@(InvConflictor{} :> InvConflictor{}) =
invertCommuteNC c
commuteNoConflicts (InvConflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy yy y) = do
iyy' :> xx' <- commute (xx :> invert yy)
y':iy' <- mapM (xx' >>*) (y:iy)
x':ix' <- mapM (invertFL iyy' >>*) (x:ix)
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith y') (x':ix')
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith x') iy'
return (Conflictor iy' (invert iyy') y' :> InvConflictor ix' xx' x')
commuteNoConflicts (Conflictor iy' yy' y' :> InvConflictor ix' xx' x') = do
xx :> iyy <- commute (invert yy' :> xx')
y:iy <- mapM (*>> xx') (y':iy')
x:ix <- mapM (*>> yy') (x':ix')
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith y') (x':ix')
False <- return $ any (conflictsWith x') iy'
return (InvConflictor ix xx x :> Conflictor iy (invert iyy) y)
instance PrimPatch prim => Check (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
isInconsistent = isConsistent
instance FromPrim (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
fromPrim = Normal
instance ToFromPrim (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
toPrim (Normal p) = Just p
toPrim _ = Nothing
instance PrimPatch prim => Eq2 (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
(Duplicate x) =\/= (Duplicate y) | x == y = IsEq
(Etacilpud x) =\/= (Etacilpud y) | x == y = IsEq
(Normal x) =\/= (Normal y) = x =\/= y
(Conflictor cx xx x) =\/= (Conflictor cy yy y)
| map commuteOrAddIXX cx `eqSet` map commuteOrAddIYY cy
&& commuteOrAddIXX x == commuteOrAddIYY y = xx =/\= yy
commuteOrAddIXX = commutePrimsOrAddToCtx (invertFL xx)
commuteOrAddIYY = commutePrimsOrAddToCtx (invertFL yy)
(InvConflictor cx xx x) =\/= (InvConflictor cy yy y)
| cx `eqSet` cy && x == y = xx =\/= yy
_ =\/= _ = NotEq
eqSet :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
eqSet [] [] = True
eqSet (x:xs) xys | Just ys <- remove1 x xys = eqSet xs ys
eqSet _ _ = False
remove1 :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
remove1 x (y : ys) = if x == y then Just ys else (y :) `fmap` remove1 x ys
remove1 _ [] = Nothing
minus :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
minus xs [] = Just xs
minus xs (y:ys) = do xs' <- remove1 y xs
xs' `minus` ys
invertNon :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
invertNon (Non c x)
| Just rc' <- removeRL nix (reverseFL c) = Non (reverseRL rc') (invert x)
| otherwise = commuteOrAddToCtxRL (reverseFL c :<: Normal x) $ non nix
nix = Normal $ invert x
nonTouches :: PatchInspect prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> [FilePath]
nonTouches (Non c x) = listTouchedFiles (c +>+ fromPrim x :>: NilFL)
nonHunkMatches :: PatchInspect prim => (BC.ByteString -> Bool)
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> Bool
nonHunkMatches f (Non c x) = hunkMatches f c || hunkMatches f x
toNons :: forall p wX wY . (Commute p, PatchListFormat p,
Nonable p, ShowPatchBasic (PrimOf p), ShowPatchBasic p)
=> FL p wX wY -> [Non p wX]
toNons xs = map lastNon $ initsFL xs
where lastNon :: Sealed ((p :> FL p) wX) -> Non p wX
lastNon (Sealed xxx) =
case lastNon_aux xxx of
deps :> p :> _ ->
case non p of
Non NilFL pp -> Non (reverseRL deps) pp
Non ds pp ->
errorDoc $ redText "Weird case in toNons" $$
redText "please report this bug!" $$
(case xxx of
z :> zs -> displayPatch (z :>: zs)) $$
redText "ds are" $$ displayPatch ds $$
redText "pp is" $$ displayPatch pp
reverseFoo :: (p :> FL p) wX wZ -> (RL p :> p) wX wZ
reverseFoo (p :> ps) = rf NilRL p ps
rf :: RL p wA wB -> p wB wC -> FL p wC wD
-> (RL p :> p) wA wD
rf rs l NilFL = rs :> l
rf rs x (y :>: ys) = rf (rs :<: x) y ys
lastNon_aux :: (p :> FL p) wX wZ -> (RL p :> p :> RL p) wX wZ
lastNon_aux = commuteWhatWeCanRL . reverseFoo
filterConflictsFL :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> FL prim wX wY -> (FL prim :> FL prim) wX wY
filterConflictsFL _ NilFL = NilFL :> NilFL
filterConflictsFL n (p :>: ps)
| Just n' <- commuteOrRemFromCtx (fromPrim p) n =
case filterConflictsFL n' ps of
p1 :> p2 -> p :>: p1 :> p2
| otherwise = case commuteWhatWeCanFL (p :> ps) of
p1 :> p' :> p2 ->
case filterConflictsFL n p1 of
p1a :> p1b -> p1a :> p1b +>+ p' :>: p2
instance Invert prim => Invert (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
invert (Duplicate d) = Etacilpud d
invert (Etacilpud d) = Duplicate d
invert (Normal p) = Normal (invert p)
invert (Conflictor x c p) = InvConflictor x c p
invert (InvConflictor x c p) = Conflictor x c p
instance PrimPatch prim => Commute (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
commute (x :> y) | Just (y' :> x') <-
commuteNoConflicts (assertConsistent x :> assertConsistent y) =
Just (y' :> x')
commute (Normal x :> Conflictor a1'nop2 n1'x p1')
| Just rn1' <- removeRL x (reverseFL n1'x) = do
let p2 : n1nons = reverse $ xx2nons a1'nop2 $ reverseRL (rn1' :<: x)
a2 = p1' : a1'nop2 ++ n1nons
case (a1'nop2, reverseRL rn1', p1') of
([], NilFL, Non c y) | NilFL <- joinEffects c ->
Just (Normal y :> Conflictor a1'nop2 (y :>: NilFL) p2)
(a1, n1, _) ->
Just (Conflictor a1 n1 p1' :> Conflictor a2 NilFL p2)
commute c@(InvConflictor{} :> Normal _) = invertCommute c
commute (Conflictor a1 n1 p1 :> Conflictor a2 n2 p2)
| Just a2_minus_p1 <- remove1 p1' a2
, not (p2 `dependsUpon` p1') = do
let n1nons = map (commutePrimsOrAddToCtx n2) $ xx2nons a1 n1
n2nons = xx2nons a2 n2
Just a2_minus_p1n1 = a2_minus_p1 `minus` n1nons
n2n1 = n2 +>+ n1
a1' = map (commutePrimsOrAddToCtx n2) a1
p2ooo = remNons a1' p2
n1' :> n2' <- return $ filterConflictsFL p2ooo n2n1
let n1'n2'nons = xx2nons a2_minus_p1n1 (n1' +>+ n2')
n1'nons = take (lengthFL n1') n1'n2'nons
n2'nons = drop (lengthFL n1') n1'n2'nons
Just a1'nop2 = (a2 ++ n2nons) `minus` (p1' : n1'nons)
Just a2'o =
fst (allConflictsWith p2 $ a2_minus_p1 ++ n2nons)
`minus` n2'nons
Just a2' =
mapM (commuteOrRemFromCtxFL (xx2patches a1'nop2 n1')) a2'o
Just p2' = commuteOrRemFromCtxFL (xx2patches a1'nop2 n1') p2
case (a2', n2', p2') of
([], NilFL, Non c x) ->
case joinEffects c of
NilFL -> let n1'x = n1' +>+ x :>: NilFL in
Just (Normal x :> Conflictor a1'nop2 n1'x p1')
_ -> impossible
_ -> Just (c1 :> c2)
c1 = Conflictor a2' n2' p2'
c2 = Conflictor (p2 : a1'nop2) n1' p1'
where (_, rpn2) = geteff a2 n2
p1' = commuteOrAddToCtxRL (reverseFL rpn2) p1
commute c@(InvConflictor{} :> InvConflictor{}) = invertCommute c
commute _ = Nothing
instance PrimPatch prim => Merge (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
merge (InvConflictor{} :\/: _) = impossible
merge (_ :\/: InvConflictor{}) = impossible
merge (Etacilpud _ :\/: _) = impossible
merge (_ :\/: Etacilpud _) = impossible
merge (Duplicate a :\/: Duplicate b) = Duplicate b :/\: Duplicate a
merge (Duplicate a :\/: b) =
b :/\: Duplicate (commuteOrAddToCtx (invert b) a)
merge m@(_ :\/: Duplicate _) = swapMerge m
merge (x :\/: y)
| Just (y' :/\: x') <-
naturalMerge ((assertConsistent x) :\/: (assertConsistent y))
= assertConsistent y' :/\: assertConsistent x'
| IsEq <- x =\/= y
, n <- commuteOrAddToCtx (invert x) $ non x =
Duplicate n :/\: Duplicate n
merge (nx@(Normal x) :\/: ny@(Normal y)) = cy :/\: cx
cy = Conflictor [] (x :>: NilFL) (non ny)
cx = Conflictor [] (y :>: NilFL) (non nx)
merge (Normal x :\/: Conflictor iy yy y) =
Conflictor iy yyx y :/\: Conflictor (y : iy ++ nyy) NilFL x'
where yyx = yy +>+ x :>: NilFL
(x' : nyy) = reverse $ xx2nons iy yyx
merge m@(Conflictor{} :\/: Normal _) = swapMerge m
merge (Conflictor ix xx x :\/: Conflictor iy yy y) =
case pullCommonRL (reverseFL xx) (reverseFL yy) of
CommonRL rxx1 ryy1 c ->
case commuteRLFL (ryy1 :> invertRL rxx1) of
Just (ixx' :> ryy') ->
let xx' = invert ixx'
yy' = reverseRL ryy'
y' : iy' =
map (commutePrimsOrAddToCtx xx') (y : iy)
x' : ix' =
map (commutePrimsOrAddToCtx ryy') (x : ix)
nyy' = xx2nons iy' yy'
nxx' = xx2nons ix' xx'
icx = drop (lengthRL rxx1) $
xx2nons ix (reverseRL $ rxx1 +<+ c)
ic' = map (commutePrimsOrAddToCtx ryy') icx
ixy' = ic' ++ (iy' +++ ix')
c1 = Conflictor (x' : ixy' ++ nxx') yy' y'
c2 = Conflictor (y' : ixy' ++ nyy') xx' x' in
c1 :/\: c2
Nothing -> impossible
instance PatchInspect prim => PatchInspect (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
listTouchedFiles (Duplicate p) = nonTouches p
listTouchedFiles (Etacilpud p) = nonTouches p
listTouchedFiles (Normal p) = listTouchedFiles p
listTouchedFiles (Conflictor x c p) =
nubSort $ concatMap nonTouches x ++ listTouchedFiles c ++ nonTouches p
listTouchedFiles (InvConflictor x c p) =
nubSort $ concatMap nonTouches x ++ listTouchedFiles c ++ nonTouches p
hunkMatches f (Duplicate p) = nonHunkMatches f p
hunkMatches f (Etacilpud p) = nonHunkMatches f p
hunkMatches f (Normal p) = hunkMatches f p
hunkMatches f (Conflictor x c p) =
any (nonHunkMatches f) x || hunkMatches f c || nonHunkMatches f p
hunkMatches f (InvConflictor x c p) =
any (nonHunkMatches f) x || hunkMatches f c || nonHunkMatches f p
allConflictsWith :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX]
-> ([Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX], [Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX])
allConflictsWith x ys = acw $ partition (conflictsWith x) ys
acw ([], nc) = ([], nc)
acw (c:cs, nc) = case allConflictsWith c nc of
(c1, nc1) -> case acw (cs, nc1) of
(xs', nc') -> (c : c1 ++ xs', nc')
conflictsWith :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> Bool
conflictsWith x y | x `dependsUpon` y || y `dependsUpon` x = False
conflictsWith x (Non cy y) =
case commuteOrRemFromCtxFL cy x of
Just (Non cx' x') ->
let iy = fromPrim $ invert y in
case commuteFLorComplain (iy :> cx' +>+ fromPrim x' :>: NilFL) of
Right _ -> False
Left _ -> True
Nothing -> True
dependsUpon :: PrimPatch prim => Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX
-> Non (RepoPatchV2 prim) wX -> Bool
dependsUpon (Non xs _) (Non ys y) =
case removeSubsequenceFL (ys +>+ fromPrim y :>: NilFL) xs of
Just _ -> True
Nothing -> False
(+++) :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
[] +++ x = x
x +++ [] = x
(x:xs) +++ xys | Just ys <- remove1 x xys = x : (xs +++ ys)
| otherwise = x : (xs +++ xys)
swapMerge :: Merge p => (p :\/: p) wX wY
-> (p :/\: p) wX wY
swapMerge (x :\/: y) = case merge (y :\/: x) of x' :/\: y' -> y' :/\: x'
invertCommute :: (Invert p, Commute p) => (p :> p) wX wY
-> Maybe ((p :> p) wX wY)
invertCommute (x :> y) = do ix' :> iy' <- commute (invert y :> invert x)
return (invert iy' :> invert ix')
invertCommuteNC :: PrimPatch prim => (RepoPatchV2 prim :> RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY
-> Maybe ((RepoPatchV2 prim :> RepoPatchV2 prim) wX wY)
invertCommuteNC (x :> y) = do
ix' :> iy' <- commuteNoConflicts (invert y :> invert x)
return (invert iy' :> invert ix')
pullCommon :: (Commute p, Eq2 p) => FL p wO wX -> FL p wO wY -> Common p wO wX wY
pullCommon NilFL ys = Common NilFL NilFL ys
pullCommon xs NilFL = Common NilFL xs NilFL
pullCommon (x :>: xs) xys | Just ys <- removeFL x xys =
case pullCommon xs ys of
Common c xs' ys' -> Common (x :>: c) xs' ys'
pullCommon (x :>: xs) ys =
case commuteWhatWeCanFL (x :> xs) of
xs1 :> x' :> xs2 -> case pullCommon xs1 ys of
Common c xs1' ys' -> Common c (xs1' +>+ x' :>: xs2) ys'
data Common p wO wX wY where
Common :: FL p wO wI -> FL p wI wX -> FL p wI wY -> Common p wO wX wY
pullCommonRL :: (Commute p, Eq2 p) => RL p wX wO -> RL p wY wO -> CommonRL p wX wY wO
pullCommonRL NilRL ys = CommonRL NilRL ys NilRL
pullCommonRL xs NilRL = CommonRL xs NilRL NilRL
pullCommonRL (xs :<: x) xys | Just ys <- removeRL x xys =
case pullCommonRL xs ys of
CommonRL xs' ys' c -> CommonRL xs' ys' (c :<: x)
pullCommonRL (xs :<: x) ys =
case commuteWhatWeCanRL (xs :> x) of
xs1 :> x' :> xs2 ->
case pullCommonRL xs2 ys of
CommonRL xs2' ys' c -> CommonRL (xs1 :<: x' +<+ xs2') ys' c
data CommonRL p wX wY wF where
CommonRL :: RL p wX wI -> RL p wY wI -> RL p wI wF -> CommonRL p wX wY wF
instance PrimPatch prim => Apply (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
type ApplyState (RepoPatchV2 prim) = ApplyState prim
apply p = apply (effect p)
instance PrimPatch prim => RepairToFL (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
applyAndTryToFixFL (Normal p) =
mapMaybeSnd (mapFL_FL Normal) `liftM` applyAndTryToFixFL p
applyAndTryToFixFL x = do apply x; return Nothing
instance (PrimPatch prim, Annotate prim) => Annotate (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
annotate = annotate . effect
instance PatchListFormat (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
patchListFormat = ListFormatV2
duplicate, etacilpud, conflictor, rotcilfnoc :: String
duplicate = "duplicate"
etacilpud = "etacilpud"
conflictor = "conflictor"
rotcilfnoc = "rotcilfnoc"
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatchBasic (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
showPatch f (Duplicate d) = blueText duplicate $$ showNon f d
showPatch f (Etacilpud d) = blueText etacilpud $$ showNon f d
showPatch f (Normal p) = showPatch f p
showPatch f (Conflictor i NilFL p) =
blueText conflictor <+> showNons f i <+> blueText "[]" $$ showNon f p
showPatch f (Conflictor i cs p) =
blueText conflictor <+> showNons f i <+> blueText "[" $$
showFL f cs $$
blueText "]" $$
showNon f p
showPatch f (InvConflictor i NilFL p) =
blueText rotcilfnoc <+> showNons f i <+> blueText "[]" $$ showNon f p
showPatch f (InvConflictor i cs p) =
blueText rotcilfnoc <+> showNons f i <+> blueText "[" $$
showFL f cs $$
blueText "]" $$
showNon f p
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowContextPatch (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
showContextPatch f (Normal p) = showContextPatch f p
showContextPatch f p = return $ showPatch f p
instance PrimPatch prim => ShowPatch (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
summary = plainSummary
summaryFL = plainSummary
thing _ = "change"
instance PrimPatch prim => ReadPatch (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
readPatch' = do
let str = string . BC.pack
readConflictorPs = do
i <- readNons
ps <- bracketedFL readPatch' '[' ']'
p <- readNon
return (i, ps, p)
choice [ do str duplicate
p <- readNon
return $ Sealed $ Duplicate p
, do str etacilpud
p <- readNon
return $ Sealed $ Etacilpud p
, do str conflictor
(i, Sealed ps, p) <- readConflictorPs
return $ Sealed $ Conflictor i (unsafeCoerceP ps) p
, do str rotcilfnoc
(i, Sealed ps, p) <- readConflictorPs
return $ Sealed $ InvConflictor i ps p
, do Sealed p <- readPatch'
return $ Sealed $ Normal p
instance Show2 prim => Show (RepoPatchV2 prim wX wY) where
showsPrec d (Normal prim) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $ showString "Normal " . showsPrec2 (appPrec + 1) prim
showsPrec d (Duplicate x) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $ showString "Duplicate " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) x
showsPrec d (Etacilpud x) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $ showString "Etacilpud " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) x
showsPrec d (Conflictor ix xx x) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "Conflictor " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) ix .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) xx .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) x
showsPrec d (InvConflictor ix xx x) =
showParen (d > appPrec) $
showString "InvConflictor " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) ix .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) xx .
showString " " . showsPrec (appPrec + 1) x
instance Show2 prim => Show1 (RepoPatchV2 prim wX) where
showDict1 = ShowDictClass
instance Show2 prim => Show2 (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
showDict2 = ShowDictClass
instance PrimPatch prim => Nonable (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
non (Duplicate d) = d
non (Etacilpud d) = invertNon d
non (Normal p) = Non NilFL p
non (Conflictor _ xx x) = commutePrimsOrAddToCtx (invertFL xx) x
non (InvConflictor _ _ n) = invertNon n
instance PrimPatch prim => Effect (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
effect (Duplicate _) = NilFL
effect (Etacilpud _) = NilFL
effect (Normal p) = p :>: NilFL
effect (Conflictor _ e _) = invert e
effect (InvConflictor _ e _) = e
effectRL (Duplicate _) = NilRL
effectRL (Etacilpud _) = NilRL
effectRL (Normal p) = NilRL :<: p
effectRL (Conflictor _ e _) = invertFL e
effectRL (InvConflictor _ e _) = reverseFL e
instance IsHunk prim => IsHunk (RepoPatchV2 prim) where
isHunk rp = do Normal p <- return rp
isHunk p
displayNons :: (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p, PrimPatchBase p) =>
[Non p wX] -> Doc
displayNons p = showNons ForDisplay p
showFL :: ShowPatchBasic p => ShowPatchFor -> FL p wX wY -> Doc
showFL f = vcat . mapFL (showPatch f)