debian-3.17.1: Modules for working with the Debian package systemSource codeContentsIndex
An AptCache represents a local cache of a remote repository. The cached information is usually downloaded by running apt-get update, and appears in /var/lib/apt/lists.
data SourcesChangedAction
= SourcesChangedError
| UpdateSources
| RemoveRelease
aptSourcePackagesSorted :: AptCache t => t -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]
sliceIndexes :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [PackageIndex]
cacheDistDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePath
distDir :: AptCache c => c -> FilePath
aptDir :: AptCache c => c -> String -> FilePath
cacheRootDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> EnvRoot
cacheSourcesPath :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePath
sourcesPath :: AptCache c => c -> FilePath
sourceDir :: AptCache t => t -> String -> FilePath
aptCacheFiles :: AptCache a => a -> SliceList -> [FilePath]
aptCacheFilesOfSlice :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [FilePath]
archFiles :: Arch -> DebSource -> [FilePath]
buildArchOfEnv :: EnvRoot -> IO Arch
buildArchOfRoot :: IO Arch
updateCacheSources :: (AptCache c, CIO m) => SourcesChangedAction -> c -> AptIOT m c
sourcePackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]
binaryPackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [BinaryPackage]
data SourcesChangedAction Source
aptSourcePackagesSorted :: AptCache t => t -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]Source
Return all the named source packages sorted by version
sliceIndexes :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [PackageIndex]Source
Return a list of the index files that contain the packages of a slice.
cacheDistDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePathSource
A directory which will hold all the cached files for this NamedSliceList.
distDir :: AptCache c => c -> FilePathSource
aptDir :: AptCache c => c -> String -> FilePathSource
cacheRootDir :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> EnvRootSource
cacheSourcesPath :: FilePath -> ReleaseName -> FilePathSource
The path where a text of the SliceList is stored.
sourcesPath :: AptCache c => c -> FilePathSource
sourceDir :: AptCache t => t -> String -> FilePathSource
A directory holding all files downloaded by apt-get source for a certain package
aptCacheFiles :: AptCache a => a -> SliceList -> [FilePath]Source
Return the paths in the local cache of the index files of a slice list.
aptCacheFilesOfSlice :: AptCache a => a -> Slice -> [FilePath]Source
Return the paths in the local cache of the index files of a single slice.
archFiles :: Arch -> DebSource -> [FilePath]Source
Return the list of files that apt-get update would write into /var/lib/apt/lists when it processed the given list of DebSource.
buildArchOfEnv :: EnvRoot -> IO ArchSource
buildArchOfRoot :: IO ArchSource
updateCacheSources :: (AptCache c, CIO m) => SourcesChangedAction -> c -> AptIOT m cSource
Change the sources.list of an AptCache object, subject to the value of sourcesChangedAction.
sourcePackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [SourcePackage]Source
Return a sorted list of available source packages, newest version first.
binaryPackages :: AptCache a => a -> [String] -> [BinaryPackage]Source
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