HDO: A HAskell Digital Ocean Client

This is a Digital Ocean client written in Haskell. It can be used either as a
library or as command-line utility.
hdo is built with stack, using Stackage LTS-7.7 dependencies. To build, follow the standard instructions:
Install the correct GHC version:
stack setup
Build and install the package locally, possibly making executable docean
available from PATH
stack install
Command-line tool is named docean
. If it's been installed, it should be available in your PATH. Otherwise, you can run it from the source directory using stack exec docean -- <args>
. docean
expects authentication token to be available from environment variable AUTH_TOKEN
, see Digital Ocean API for details on how to get that authentication token.
export AUTH_TOKEN=2342342341234eaf
Available Commands
NOTE: Not all the available APIs from DO are implemented (yet).
Creating a Droplet
This is the most complex command, as creating a droplet can use a lot of different options.
$ docean droplets create -r ams2 -s 1gb -i ubuntu-16-04-x64 -n deploy-test -k '[2436510]'
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 60s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 59s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 58s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 57s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 56s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 55s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 54s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 53s
waiting for droplet deploy-test to become Active: 52s
deploy-test [Active] ams2: Amsterdam 2
1024M/30G/1 cores
IPv4 [Public]
The available parameters are:
: Sets the region where droplet is created, using the region slug
: Sets the size of the droplet, from 512mb
to 96gb
: Name of the newly created droplet
: Slug of the image to use as base image for droplet
: List (in the form readable by Haskell to convert to type [Int]
) of keys to add for accessing the droplet
: Create droplet in the background, returning only the identifier of action to be checked later. If not set, creation is synchronous: The client will check wait for droplet to be up for 60s.
When successfully created, the main characteristics of the droplet are printed to the console.
Other Droplet Operations
Destroy an existing droplet:
$ droplets destroy 30876135
List all created droplets:
$ docean droplets list
droplet-01 [Active] sgp1: Singapore 1
1024M/30G/1 cores
IPv4 [Public]
droplet-02 [Active] sgp1: Singapore 1
512M/20G/1 cores
IPv4 [Public]
droplet-03 [Active] ams2: Amsterdam 2
2048M/40G/2 cores
IPv4 [Public]
Shutdown/startup a droplet:
$ docean droplets power_off 31166171
[163908062] 2016-11-01 21:08:46 UTC -> -
31166171 PowerOff: InProgress
$ docean droplets power_on 31166171
[163908350] 2016-11-01 21:10:16 UTC -> -
31166171 PowerOn: InProgress
Retrieve status of an action initiated on the droplet (usually related to power on/off or snapshots):
$ docean droplets action 31166171 163908062
[163908062] 2016-11-01 21:08:46 UTC -> 2016-11-01 21:08:58 UTC
31166171 PowerOff: Completed
Take a snapshot of an existing droplet (must be powered off):
$ docean droplets snapshot 31166171 mysnapshot
[163908530] 2016-11-01 21:11:19 UTC -> -
31166171 MakeSnapshot: InProgress
List existing snapshots for droplet:
$ docean droplets 31166171 snapshots
20648640 mysnapshot Ubuntu
Connect to the droplet through SSH (can be given a name or a droplet ID):
$ docean droplets ssh 31166171
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 3f:16:4f:f4:25:85:85:77:1e:90:bd:8c:6b:90:48:eb.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
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