{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables,
             ViewPatterns #-}
-- | Implement the logic of CPP directives (commands prefixed with an
-- octothorpe).
module Hpp.Directive (directive, macroExpansion) where
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (StateT)
import Hpp.Conditional (dropBranch, takeBranch)
import Hpp.Config (curFileName, curFileNameF)
import Hpp.Env (lookupKey, deleteKey, insertPair)
import Hpp.Expansion (expandLineState)
import Hpp.Expr (evalExpr, parseExpr)
import Hpp.Macro (parseDefinition)
import Hpp.Preprocessing (prepareInput)
import Hpp.StringSig (unquote, toChars)
import Hpp.Tokens (newLine, notImportant, trimUnimportant, detokenize, isImportant, Token(..))
import Hpp.Types
import Hpp.Parser (replace, await, insertInputSegment, takingWhile, droppingWhile, onInputSegment, evalParse, onElements, awaitJust, ParserT, Parser)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Prelude hiding (String)

-- | Returns everything up to the next newline. The newline character
-- itself is consumed.
takeLine :: (Monad m, HasError m, HasHppState m) => Parser m [TOKEN] [TOKEN]
takeLine = (onElements $ do
              ln <- takingWhile (not . newLine)
              eat <- awaitJust "takeLine" -- Eat the newline character
              case eat of
                Other "\n" -> return ()
                wat -> error $ "Expected newline: "++show wat++" after "++show ln
              return ln)
           <* (lineNum %= (+1))

dropLine :: (Monad m, HasError m, HasHppState m) => Parser m [TOKEN] ()
dropLine = do onElements $ do
                droppingWhile (not . newLine)
                eat <- awaitJust "dropLine" -- Eat the newline character
                case eat of
                  Other "\n" -> return ()
                  wat -> error $ "Expected dropped newline: "++show wat
              lineNum %= (+1)

droppingSpaces ::(Monad m) => ParserT m src TOKEN ()
droppingSpaces = droppingWhile notImportant

-- | Run a Stream with a configuration for a new file.
streamNewFile :: (Monad m, HasHppState m)
              => FilePath -> [[TOKEN]] -> Parser m [TOKEN] ()
streamNewFile fp s =
  do (oldCfg,oldLine) <- do st <- getState
                            let cfg = hppConfig st
                                cfg' = cfg { curFileNameF = pure fp }
                                ln = hppLineNum st
                            -- NOTE: We should *NOT* use a the config lens here
                            --       because it will mutate the directory which
                            --       we *don't* want in this instance.
                            setState (st {hppConfig = cfg', hppLineNum = 1})
                            return (cfg, ln)
       s (getState >>= setState . setL lineNum oldLine . setL config oldCfg)

-- | Handle preprocessor directives (commands prefixed with an octothorpe).
directive :: forall m. (Monad m, HasError m, HasHppState m, HasEnv m)
          => HppT [String] (Parser m [TOKEN]) Bool
directive = lift (onElements (awaitJust "directive")) >>= aux
  where aux :: TOKEN -> HppT [String] (Parser m [TOKEN]) Bool
        aux (Important cmd) = case cmd of
          "pragma" -> True <$ lift dropLine -- Ignored
          "define" -> True <$
                      (lift $ fmap parseDefinition takeLine >>= \case
                        Nothing -> use lineNum >>=
                                   throwError . BadMacroDefinition
                        Just def -> env %= insertPair def)
          "undef" -> do name <- lift . onElements $ do
                          droppingWhile (not . isImportant)
                          Important name <- awaitJust "undef"
                          return name
                        lift dropLine
                        env %= deleteKey name
                        return True
          "include" -> True <$ includeAux hppReadFile
          "include_next" -> True <$ includeAux hppReadNext
          "line" -> do lift (onElements droppingSpaces)
                       toks <- lift (init <$> expandLineState)
                       case toks of
                         Important (toChars -> n):optFile ->
                           case readMaybe n of
                             Nothing -> use lineNum >>=
                                        throwError . flip BadLineArgument n
                             Just ln' -> do
                               unless (null optFile) $ do
                                 let fn = toChars . unquote . detokenize
                                        . dropWhile (not . isImportant)
                                        $ optFile
                                 config %= (\cfg -> cfg { curFileNameF = pure fn })
                               lineNum .= ln'
                               return True
                         _ -> use lineNum >>=
                              . flip BadLineArgument (toChars (detokenize toks))
          "ifdef" ->
            do toks <- lift (onElements droppingSpaces >> takeLine)
               ln <- use lineNum
               case takeWhile isImportant toks of
                 [Important t] ->
                   lookupMacro t >>= \case
                     Nothing ->
                       lift dropBranch
                     Just _ ->
                       lift (onInputSegment (takeBranch ln)) -- (takeBranch ln >>= precede)
                 _ -> throwError . UnknownCommand ln $
                      "ifdef "++ toChars (detokenize toks)
               return True
          "ifndef" ->
            do toks <- lift (onElements droppingSpaces >> takeLine)
               ln <- use lineNum
               case takeWhile isImportant toks of
                 [Important t] ->
                   lookupMacro t >>= \case
                      Nothing -> lift (onInputSegment (takeBranch ln)) -- takeBranch ln >>= precede)
                      Just _ -> lift dropBranch
                 _ -> throwError . UnknownCommand ln $
                      "ifndef "++ toChars (detokenize toks)
               return True
          "else" -> True <$ lift dropLine
          "if" -> True <$ ifAux
          "elif" -> True <$ ifAux
          "endif" -> True <$ lift dropLine
          "error" -> do toks <- lift (onElements droppingSpaces >> takeLine)
                        ln <- subtract 1 <$> use lineNum
                        curFile <- curFileName <$> use config
                        let tokStr = toChars (detokenize toks)
                        throwError $ UserError ln (tokStr++" ("++curFile++")")
          "warning" -> True <$ lift dropLine -- warnings not yet supported
          t -> do toks <- lift takeLine
                  ln <- subtract 1 <$> use lineNum
                  throwError $ UnknownCommand ln
                    (toChars (detokenize (Important t:toks)))
        aux _ = error "Impossible unimportant directive"
        includeAux :: (LineNum -> FilePath -> HppT src (Parser m [TOKEN]) [String])
                   -> HppT src (Parser m [TOKEN]) ()
        includeAux readFun =
          do fileName <- lift (toChars . detokenize . trimUnimportant . init
                               <$> expandLineState)
             ln <- use lineNum
             src <- prepareInput <*> readFun ln fileName
             lineNum .= ln+1
             lift (streamNewFile (unquote fileName) src)
        {- SPECIALIZE includeAux ::
            (LineNum -> FilePath -> HppT [String] (Parser (StateT HppState (ExceptT Error IO)) [TOKEN]) [String])
            -> HppT [String] (Parser (StateT HppState (ExceptT Error IO)) [TOKEN]) () #-}
        ifAux =
          do toks <- lift (onElements droppingSpaces >> takeLine)
             e <- use env
             ln <- use lineNum
             lineNum .= ln - 1 -- takeLine incremented the line count
             ex <- lift (lift (evalParse expandLineState [squashDefines e toks]))
             let res = evalExpr <$> parseExpr (map (fmap toChars) ex)
             lineNum .= ln
             if maybe False (/= 0) res
               then lift (onInputSegment (takeBranch ln)) -- (takeBranch ln >>= precede)
               else lift dropBranch
{-# SPECIALIZE directive ::
    HppT [String] (Parser (StateT HppState (ExceptT Error IO)) [TOKEN]) Bool #-}

-- | We want to expand macros in expressions that must be evaluated
-- for conditionals, but we want to take special care when dealing
-- with the meta @defined@ operator of the expression language that is
-- a predicate on the evaluation environment.
squashDefines :: Env -> [TOKEN] -> [TOKEN]
squashDefines _ [] = []
squashDefines env' (Important "defined" : ts) = go ts
  where go (t@(Other _) : ts') = t : go ts'
        go (t@(Important "(") : ts') = t : go ts'
        go (Important t : ts') =
          case lookupKey t env' of
            Nothing -> Important "0" : squashDefines env' ts'
            -- Just (_,env'') -> Important "1" : squashDefines env'' ts'
            Just _ -> Important "1" : squashDefines env' ts'
        go [] = []
squashDefines env' (t : ts) = t : squashDefines env' ts

-- | Expands an input line producing a stream of output lines.
macroExpansion :: (Monad m, HasHppState m, HasError m, HasEnv m)
               => HppT [String] (Parser m [TOKEN]) (Maybe [TOKEN])
macroExpansion = do
  lift await >>= \case
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just ln ->
      -- when (not (all isSpace (detokenize ln)))
      --      (trace ("macro expand: "++detokenize ln) (return ())) >>
      case dropWhile notImportant ln of
        [] -> Just ln <$ (lineNum %= (+1))
        Important "#":rst -> do lift (replace (dropWhile notImportant rst))
                                processed <- directive
                                if processed
                                then macroExpansion
                                else Just ln <$ lift takeLine
        _ -> lift (replace ln >> (Just <$> expandLineState)) <* (lineNum %= (+1))