
-- Copyright 2018, Ideas project team. This file is distributed under the

-- terms of the Apache License 2.0. For more information, see the files

-- "LICENSE.txt" and "NOTICE.txt", which are included in the distribution.


-- |

-- Maintainer  :  bastiaan.heeren@ou.nl

-- Stability   :  provisional

-- Portability :  portable (depends on ghc)


-- Simple parser for feedback scripts



module Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Parser

   ( parseScript, parseScriptSafe, Script

   ) where

import Control.Exception hiding (try)

import Control.Monad

import Data.Char

import Data.List

import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))

import Data.Semigroup

import Ideas.Common.Id

import Ideas.Service.FeedbackScript.Syntax

import Ideas.Utils.Parsing

import System.Directory

import System.FilePath

-- returns the empty script if something goes wrong

parseScriptSafe :: FilePath -> IO Script

parseScriptSafe file = parseScript file `catch` handler


   handler :: SomeException -> IO Script

   handler _ = return mempty

-- chases all included script files

parseScript :: FilePath -> IO Script

parseScript file = rec [] [file]


   rec _ [] = return mempty

   rec hist (a:as)

      | a `elem` hist = rec hist as

      | otherwise = do

           s1 <- parseOneScriptFile a

           let new = map (replaceFileName file) (includes s1)

           s2 <- rec (a:hist) (new++as) -- depth-first

           return (s1 <> s2) -- included parts are inserted at the end

parseOneScriptFile :: FilePath -> IO Script

parseOneScriptFile file = do

   result <- parseFromFile script file `catch` handler

   case result of

      Left e   -> print e >> return mempty

      Right xs -> return xs


   -- on failure, visit scripts directory (if this directory exists)

   handler :: IOException -> IO (Either ParseError Script)

   handler io = do

      b <- doesDirectoryExist "scripts"

      if b && not ("scripts" `isPrefixOf` file)

         then parseFromFile script ("scripts/" ++ file)

         else throw io

script :: Parser Script

script = makeScript <$> complete decls

decls :: Parser [Decl]

decls = many $ do

   pos <- getPosition

   guard (sourceColumn pos == 1)


decl :: Parser Decl

decl = do

   dt <- declType

   a  <- identifiers

   f  <- simpleDecl <|> guardedDecl

   return (f dt a)


   NameSpace <$ lexString "namespace" <*>  identifiers


   Supports <$ lexString "supports" <*> identifiers


   Include <$ lexString "include" <*> filenames

 <?> "declaration"

simpleDecl, guardedDecl :: Parser (DeclType -> [Id] -> Decl)

simpleDecl  =  (\t dt a -> Simple dt a t)

           <$> text

guardedDecl =  (\xs dt a -> Guarded dt a xs)

           <$> many1 ((,) <$> (lexChar '|' *> condition) <*> text)

declType :: Parser DeclType

declType =  (TextForId  <$ lexString "text")

        <|> (StringDecl <$ lexString "string")

        <|> (Feedback   <$ lexString "feedback")

condition :: Parser Condition

condition = choice

   [ CondRef         <$> lexeme attribute

   , RecognizedIs    <$  lexString "recognize" <*> identifier

   , MotivationIs    <$  lexString "motivation" <*> identifier

   , CondConst True  <$  lexString "true"

   , CondConst False <$  lexString "false"

   , CondNot         <$  lexString "not" <*> condition


text :: Parser Text

text = lexChar '=' *> (singleLineText <|> multiLineText)

singleLineText :: Parser Text

singleLineText =

   mconcat <$> manyTill textItem (lexeme (skip newline <|> comment))

multiLineText :: Parser Text

multiLineText =

   mconcat <$  char '{'

           <*> manyTill (textItem <|> (mempty <$ newline)) (lexChar '}')

textItem :: Parser Text

textItem = makeText <$> many1 (noneOf "@#{}\n" <|> try escaped)

       <|> TextRef  <$> attribute


   escaped = char '@' *> satisfy (not . isAlphaNum)

identifiers :: Parser [Id]

identifiers = sepBy1 identifier (lexChar ',')

-- Lexical units

identifier :: Parser Id

identifier = lexeme (mconcat . map newId <$> idPart `sepBy1` char '.')

 <?> "identifier"


   idPart   = many1 idLetter

   idLetter = alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_"

attribute :: Parser Id

attribute = newId <$ skip (char '@') <*>  many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "-_")

   <?> "attribute"

filenames :: Parser [FilePath]

filenames = sepBy1 filename (lexChar ',')

filename :: Parser FilePath

filename = lexeme $ many1 (alphaNum <|> oneOf "+-_./\\:;|")

lexChar :: Char -> Parser ()

lexChar = skip . lexeme . char

lexString :: String -> Parser ()

lexString s = skip (lexeme (try (string s))) <?> "string " ++ show s

comment :: Parser ()

comment = char '#' *> many (satisfy (/= '\n')) *> (skip newline <|> eof)

-- parse white space and comments afterwards

lexeme :: Parser a -> Parser a

lexeme p = p <* skipMany (skip space <|> comment)