- lexModuleArgument :: String -> Parse (Token, String)
- data ParseError
- readType :: String -> Either ParseError Type
- readMaybeType :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeType
- readMaybeTypeSize :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeTypeSize
- readTypeSizeField :: String -> Either ParseError TypeSizeField
- readLikeType :: String -> Either ParseError LikeType
- readMaybeSwitchExpression :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeSwitchExpression
- readCasePair :: String -> Either ParseError CasePair
- readEscape :: String -> Either ParseError Escape
- readElse :: String -> Either ParseError Else
- readExpression :: String -> Either ParseError Expression
- readMaybeUnique :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeUnique
- readMaybeIfNotExists :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeIfNotExists
- readMaybeIfExists :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeIfExists
- readMaybeForEachRow :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeForEachRow
- readMaybeTemporary :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeTemporary
- readMaybeCollation :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeCollation
- readMaybeAscDesc :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeAscDesc
- readMaybeAutoincrement :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeAutoincrement
- readMaybeSign :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeSign
- readMaybeColumn :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeColumn
- readAlterTableBody :: String -> Either ParseError AlterTableBody
- readColumnDefinition :: String -> Either ParseError ColumnDefinition
- readDefaultValue :: String -> Either ParseError DefaultValue
- readIndexedColumn :: String -> Either ParseError IndexedColumn
- readColumnConstraint :: String -> Either ParseError ColumnConstraint
- readTableConstraint :: String -> Either ParseError TableConstraint
- readMaybeConstraintName :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeConstraintName
- readTriggerTime :: String -> Either ParseError TriggerTime
- readTriggerCondition :: String -> Either ParseError TriggerCondition
- readModuleArgument :: String -> Either ParseError ModuleArgument
- readTriggerStatement :: String -> Either ParseError TriggerStatement
- readQualifiedTableName :: String -> Either ParseError QualifiedTableName
- readOrderingTerm :: String -> Either ParseError OrderingTerm
- readPragmaBody :: String -> Either ParseError PragmaBody
- readPragmaValue :: String -> Either ParseError PragmaValue
- readCreateTableBody :: String -> Either ParseError CreateTableBody
- readInsertHead :: String -> Either ParseError InsertHead
- readInsertBody :: String -> Either ParseError InsertBody
- readUpdateHead :: String -> Either ParseError UpdateHead
- readDistinctness :: String -> Either ParseError Distinctness
- readMaybeHaving :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeHaving
- readMaybeAs :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeAs
- readCompoundOperator :: String -> Either ParseError CompoundOperator
- readSelectCore :: String -> Either ParseError SelectCore
- readResultColumn :: String -> Either ParseError ResultColumn
- readJoinSource :: String -> Either ParseError JoinSource
- readSingleSource :: String -> Either ParseError SingleSource
- readJoinOperation :: String -> Either ParseError JoinOperation
- readJoinConstraint :: String -> Either ParseError JoinConstraint
- readMaybeIndexedBy :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeIndexedBy
- readFromClause :: String -> Either ParseError FromClause
- readWhereClause :: String -> Either ParseError WhereClause
- readGroupClause :: String -> Either ParseError GroupClause
- readOrderClause :: String -> Either ParseError OrderClause
- readLimitClause :: String -> Either ParseError LimitClause
- readWhenClause :: String -> Either ParseError WhenClause
- readConflictClause :: String -> Either ParseError ConflictClause
- readForeignKeyClause :: String -> Either ParseError ForeignKeyClause
- readForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart :: String -> Either ParseError ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart
- readForeignKeyClauseActionPart :: String -> Either ParseError ForeignKeyClauseActionPart
- readMaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart
- readMaybeInitialDeferralStatus :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeInitialDeferralStatus
- readCommitHead :: String -> Either ParseError CommitHead
- readMaybeTransaction :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeTransaction
- readMaybeTransactionType :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeTransactionType
- readMaybeDatabase :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeDatabase
- readMaybeSavepoint :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeSavepoint
- readMaybeReleaseSavepoint :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeReleaseSavepoint
- readStatementList :: String -> Either ParseError StatementList
- readAnyStatement :: String -> Either ParseError AnyStatement
- readExplainableStatement :: String -> Either ParseError ExplainableStatement
- readExplain :: String -> Either ParseError Explain
- readExplainQueryPlan :: String -> Either ParseError ExplainQueryPlan
- readAlterTable :: String -> Either ParseError AlterTable
- readAnalyze :: String -> Either ParseError Analyze
- readAttach :: String -> Either ParseError Attach
- readBegin :: String -> Either ParseError Begin
- readCommit :: String -> Either ParseError Commit
- readCreateIndex :: String -> Either ParseError CreateIndex
- readCreateTable :: String -> Either ParseError CreateTable
- readCreateTrigger :: String -> Either ParseError CreateTrigger
- readCreateView :: String -> Either ParseError CreateView
- readCreateVirtualTable :: String -> Either ParseError CreateVirtualTable
- readDelete :: String -> Either ParseError Delete
- readDeleteLimited :: String -> Either ParseError DeleteLimited
- readDeleteOrDeleteLimited :: String -> Either ParseError AnyStatement
- readDetach :: String -> Either ParseError Detach
- readDropIndex :: String -> Either ParseError DropIndex
- readDropTable :: String -> Either ParseError DropTable
- readDropTrigger :: String -> Either ParseError DropTrigger
- readDropView :: String -> Either ParseError DropView
- readInsert :: String -> Either ParseError Insert
- readPragma :: String -> Either ParseError Pragma
- readReindex :: String -> Either ParseError Reindex
- readRelease :: String -> Either ParseError Release
- readRollback :: String -> Either ParseError Rollback
- readSavepoint :: String -> Either ParseError Savepoint
- readSelect :: String -> Either ParseError Select
- readUpdate :: String -> Either ParseError Update
- readUpdateLimited :: String -> Either ParseError UpdateLimited
- readUpdateOrUpdateLimited :: String -> Either ParseError AnyStatement
- readVacuum :: String -> Either ParseError Vacuum
- readUnqualifiedIdentifier :: String -> Either ParseError UnqualifiedIdentifier
- readSinglyQualifiedIdentifier :: String -> Either ParseError SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
- readDoublyQualifiedIdentifier :: String -> Either ParseError DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
- class ShowTokens a where
- showTokens :: a -> [Token]
- data OneOrMore a
- mkOneOrMore :: [a] -> Maybe (OneOrMore a)
- fromOneOrMore :: OneOrMore a -> [a]
- data NonnegativeDouble
- mkNonnegativeDouble :: Double -> Maybe NonnegativeDouble
- fromNonnegativeDouble :: NonnegativeDouble -> Double
- class Identifier a where
- identifierProperName :: a -> String
- identifierParentName :: a -> Maybe String
- identifierGrandparentName :: a -> Maybe String
- toDoublyQualifiedIdentifier :: Identifier a => a -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
- data UnqualifiedIdentifier = UnqualifiedIdentifier String
- data SinglyQualifiedIdentifier = SinglyQualifiedIdentifier (Maybe String) String
- data DoublyQualifiedIdentifier = DoublyQualifiedIdentifier (Maybe (String, Maybe String)) String
- data Token
- = EndOfInputToken
- | Identifier String
- | LiteralInteger Word64
- | LiteralFloat NonnegativeDouble
- | LiteralString String
- | LiteralBlob ByteString
- | Variable
- | VariableN Word64
- | VariableNamed String
- | ModuleArgumentToken String
- | PunctuationBarBar
- | PunctuationStar
- | PunctuationSlash
- | PunctuationPercent
- | PunctuationPlus
- | PunctuationMinus
- | PunctuationLessLess
- | PunctuationGreaterGreater
- | PunctuationAmpersand
- | PunctuationBar
- | PunctuationLess
- | PunctuationLessEquals
- | PunctuationGreater
- | PunctuationGreaterEquals
- | PunctuationEquals
- | PunctuationEqualsEquals
- | PunctuationBangEquals
- | PunctuationLessGreater
- | PunctuationTilde
- | PunctuationLeftParenthesis
- | PunctuationRightParenthesis
- | PunctuationComma
- | PunctuationDot
- | PunctuationSemicolon
- | KeywordAbort
- | KeywordAction
- | KeywordAdd
- | KeywordAfter
- | KeywordAll
- | KeywordAlter
- | KeywordAnalyze
- | KeywordAnd
- | KeywordAs
- | KeywordAsc
- | KeywordAttach
- | KeywordAutoincrement
- | KeywordBefore
- | KeywordBegin
- | KeywordBetween
- | KeywordBy
- | KeywordCascade
- | KeywordCase
- | KeywordCast
- | KeywordCheck
- | KeywordCollate
- | KeywordColumn
- | KeywordCommit
- | KeywordConflict
- | KeywordConstraint
- | KeywordCreate
- | KeywordCross
- | KeywordCurrentDate
- | KeywordCurrentTime
- | KeywordCurrentTimestamp
- | KeywordDatabase
- | KeywordDefault
- | KeywordDeferrable
- | KeywordDeferred
- | KeywordDelete
- | KeywordDesc
- | KeywordDetach
- | KeywordDistinct
- | KeywordDrop
- | KeywordEach
- | KeywordElse
- | KeywordEnd
- | KeywordEscape
- | KeywordExcept
- | KeywordExclusive
- | KeywordExists
- | KeywordExplain
- | KeywordFail
- | KeywordFor
- | KeywordForeign
- | KeywordFrom
- | KeywordFull
- | KeywordGlob
- | KeywordGroup
- | KeywordHaving
- | KeywordIf
- | KeywordIgnore
- | KeywordImmediate
- | KeywordIn
- | KeywordIndex
- | KeywordIndexed
- | KeywordInitially
- | KeywordInner
- | KeywordInsert
- | KeywordInstead
- | KeywordIntersect
- | KeywordInto
- | KeywordIs
- | KeywordIsnull
- | KeywordJoin
- | KeywordKey
- | KeywordLeft
- | KeywordLike
- | KeywordLimit
- | KeywordMatch
- | KeywordNatural
- | KeywordNo
- | KeywordNot
- | KeywordNotnull
- | KeywordNull
- | KeywordOf
- | KeywordOffset
- | KeywordOn
- | KeywordOr
- | KeywordOrder
- | KeywordOuter
- | KeywordPlan
- | KeywordPragma
- | KeywordPrimary
- | KeywordQuery
- | KeywordRaise
- | KeywordReferences
- | KeywordRegexp
- | KeywordReindex
- | KeywordRelease
- | KeywordRename
- | KeywordReplace
- | KeywordRestrict
- | KeywordRight
- | KeywordRollback
- | KeywordRow
- | KeywordSavepoint
- | KeywordSelect
- | KeywordSet
- | KeywordTable
- | KeywordTemp
- | KeywordTemporary
- | KeywordThen
- | KeywordTo
- | KeywordTransaction
- | KeywordTrigger
- | KeywordUnion
- | KeywordUnique
- | KeywordUpdate
- | KeywordUsing
- | KeywordVacuum
- | KeywordValues
- | KeywordView
- | KeywordVirtual
- | KeywordWhen
- | KeywordWhere
- data AlterTableBody
- data CasePair = WhenThen Expression Expression
- data ColumnConstraint
- = ColumnPrimaryKey MaybeConstraintName MaybeAscDesc (Maybe ConflictClause) MaybeAutoincrement
- | ColumnNotNull MaybeConstraintName (Maybe ConflictClause)
- | ColumnUnique MaybeConstraintName (Maybe ConflictClause)
- | ColumnCheck MaybeConstraintName Expression
- | ColumnDefault MaybeConstraintName DefaultValue
- | ColumnCollate MaybeConstraintName UnqualifiedIdentifier
- | ColumnForeignKey MaybeConstraintName ForeignKeyClause
- data ColumnDefinition = ColumnDefinition UnqualifiedIdentifier MaybeType [ColumnConstraint]
- data CommitHead
- data CompoundOperator
- data ConflictClause
- data DefaultValue
- = DefaultValueSignedInteger MaybeSign Word64
- | DefaultValueSignedFloat MaybeSign NonnegativeDouble
- | DefaultValueLiteralString String
- | DefaultValueLiteralBlob ByteString
- | DefaultValueLiteralNull
- | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTime
- | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentDate
- | DefaultValueLiteralCurrentTimestamp
- | DefaultValueExpression Expression
- data Distinctness
- = NoDistinctness
- | Distinct
- | All
- data CreateTableBody
- data Else
- = NoElse
- | Else Expression
- data Escape
- = NoEscape
- | Escape Expression
- data ForeignKeyClause = References UnqualifiedIdentifier [UnqualifiedIdentifier] [ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart] MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart
- data ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart
- data ForeignKeyClauseActionPart
- = SetNull
- | SetDefault
- | Cascade
- | Restrict
- | NoAction
- data FromClause = From JoinSource
- data GroupClause = GroupBy (OneOrMore OrderingTerm) MaybeHaving
- data IndexedColumn = IndexedColumn UnqualifiedIdentifier MaybeCollation MaybeAscDesc
- data InsertBody
- data InsertHead
- data JoinConstraint
- data JoinOperation
- = Comma
- | Join
- | OuterJoin
- | LeftJoin
- | LeftOuterJoin
- | InnerJoin
- | CrossJoin
- | NaturalJoin
- | NaturalOuterJoin
- | NaturalLeftJoin
- | NaturalLeftOuterJoin
- | NaturalInnerJoin
- | NaturalCrossJoin
- data JoinSource = JoinSource SingleSource [(JoinOperation, SingleSource, JoinConstraint)]
- data LikeType
- data LimitClause
- data MaybeAs
- data MaybeAscDesc
- data MaybeAutoincrement
- data MaybeCollation
- data MaybeColumn
- = ElidedColumn
- | Column
- data MaybeConstraintName
- data MaybeDatabase
- data MaybeForEachRow
- data MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart
- data MaybeHaving
- = NoHaving
- | Having Expression
- data MaybeIfExists
- = NoIfExists
- | IfExists
- data MaybeIfNotExists
- data MaybeIndexedBy
- data MaybeInitialDeferralStatus
- data MaybeReleaseSavepoint
- data MaybeSavepoint
- data MaybeSign
- = NoSign
- | PositiveSign
- | NegativeSign
- data MaybeSwitchExpression
- = NoSwitch
- | Switch Expression
- data MaybeTemporary
- = NoTemporary
- | Temp
- | Temporary
- data MaybeTransaction
- data MaybeTransactionType
- = NoTransactionType
- | Deferred
- | Immediate
- | Exclusive
- data MaybeType
- data MaybeTypeSize
- data MaybeUnique
- data ModuleArgument = ModuleArgument String
- data OrderClause = OrderBy (OneOrMore OrderingTerm)
- data OrderingTerm = OrderingTerm Expression MaybeCollation MaybeAscDesc
- data PragmaBody
- data PragmaValue
- data QualifiedTableName
- data ResultColumn
- data SelectCore = SelectCore Distinctness (OneOrMore ResultColumn) (Maybe FromClause) (Maybe WhereClause) (Maybe GroupClause)
- data SingleSource
- data StatementList = StatementList [AnyStatement]
- data TableConstraint
- = TablePrimaryKey MaybeConstraintName (OneOrMore IndexedColumn) (Maybe ConflictClause)
- | TableUnique MaybeConstraintName (OneOrMore IndexedColumn) (Maybe ConflictClause)
- | TableCheck MaybeConstraintName Expression
- | TableForeignKey MaybeConstraintName (OneOrMore UnqualifiedIdentifier) ForeignKeyClause
- data TriggerCondition
- data TriggerTime
- data Type = Type UnqualifiedIdentifier MaybeTypeSize
- data TypeSizeField
- data UpdateHead
- data WhenClause = When Expression
- data WhereClause = Where Expression
- data Expression
- = ExpressionLiteralInteger Word64
- | ExpressionLiteralFloat NonnegativeDouble
- | ExpressionLiteralString String
- | ExpressionLiteralBlob ByteString
- | ExpressionLiteralNull
- | ExpressionLiteralCurrentTime
- | ExpressionLiteralCurrentDate
- | ExpressionLiteralCurrentTimestamp
- | ExpressionVariable
- | ExpressionVariableN Word64
- | ExpressionVariableNamed String
- | ExpressionIdentifier DoublyQualifiedIdentifier
- | ExpressionUnaryNegative Expression
- | ExpressionUnaryPositive Expression
- | ExpressionUnaryBitwiseNot Expression
- | ExpressionUnaryLogicalNot Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryConcatenate Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryMultiply Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryDivide Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryModulus Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryAdd Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinarySubtract Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLeftShift Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryRightShift Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryBitwiseAnd Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryBitwiseOr Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLess Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLessEquals Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryGreater Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryGreaterEquals Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryEquals Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryEqualsEquals Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryNotEquals Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLessGreater Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLogicalAnd Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBinaryLogicalOr Expression Expression
- | ExpressionFunctionCall UnqualifiedIdentifier [Expression]
- | ExpressionFunctionCallDistinct UnqualifiedIdentifier (OneOrMore Expression)
- | ExpressionFunctionCallStar UnqualifiedIdentifier
- | ExpressionCast Expression Type
- | ExpressionCollate Expression UnqualifiedIdentifier
- | ExpressionLike Expression LikeType Expression Escape
- | ExpressionIsnull Expression
- | ExpressionNotnull Expression
- | ExpressionNotNull Expression
- | ExpressionIs Expression Expression
- | ExpressionIsNot Expression Expression
- | ExpressionBetween Expression Expression Expression
- | ExpressionNotBetween Expression Expression Expression
- | ExpressionInSelect Expression Select
- | ExpressionNotInSelect Expression Select
- | ExpressionInList Expression [Expression]
- | ExpressionNotInList Expression [Expression]
- | ExpressionInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
- | ExpressionNotInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier
- | ExpressionSubquery Select
- | ExpressionExistsSubquery Select
- | ExpressionNotExistsSubquery Select
- | ExpressionCase MaybeSwitchExpression (OneOrMore CasePair) Else
- | ExpressionRaiseIgnore
- | ExpressionRaiseRollback String
- | ExpressionRaiseAbort String
- | ExpressionRaiseFail String
- | ExpressionParenthesized Expression
- data AnyStatement = forall l t v w . Statement (Statement l t v w)
- fromAnyStatement :: StatementClass a => AnyStatement -> a
- data ExplainableStatement = forall t v w . ExplainableStatement (Statement L0 t v w)
- fromExplainableStatement :: StatementClass a => ExplainableStatement -> a
- data TriggerStatement = forall l v w . TriggerStatement (Statement l T v w)
- fromTriggerStatement :: StatementClass a => TriggerStatement -> a
- data Statement level triggerable valueReturning which where
- Explain :: ExplainableStatement -> Statement L1 NT NS Explain'
- ExplainQueryPlan :: ExplainableStatement -> Statement L1 NT NS ExplainQueryPlan'
- AlterTable :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> AlterTableBody -> Statement L0 NT NS AlterTable'
- Analyze :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Analyze'
- Attach :: MaybeDatabase -> String -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Attach'
- Begin :: MaybeTransactionType -> MaybeTransaction -> Statement L0 NT NS Begin'
- Commit :: CommitHead -> MaybeTransaction -> Statement L0 NT NS Commit'
- CreateIndex :: MaybeUnique -> MaybeIfNotExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> OneOrMore IndexedColumn -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateIndex'
- CreateTable :: MaybeTemporary -> MaybeIfNotExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> CreateTableBody -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateTable'
- CreateTrigger :: MaybeTemporary -> MaybeIfNotExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> TriggerTime -> TriggerCondition -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> MaybeForEachRow -> Maybe WhenClause -> OneOrMore TriggerStatement -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateTrigger'
- CreateView :: MaybeTemporary -> MaybeIfNotExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 T S Select' -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateView'
- CreateVirtualTable :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> [ModuleArgument] -> Statement L0 NT NS CreateVirtualTable'
- Delete :: QualifiedTableName -> Maybe WhereClause -> Statement L0 T NS Delete'
- DeleteLimited :: QualifiedTableName -> Maybe WhereClause -> Maybe OrderClause -> LimitClause -> Statement L0 NT NS DeleteLimited'
- Detach :: MaybeDatabase -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Detach'
- DropIndex :: MaybeIfExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS DropIndex'
- DropTable :: MaybeIfExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS DropTable'
- DropTrigger :: MaybeIfExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS DropTrigger'
- DropView :: MaybeIfExists -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS DropView'
- Insert :: InsertHead -> SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> InsertBody -> Statement L0 T NS Insert'
- Pragma :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> PragmaBody -> Statement L0 NT NS Pragma'
- Reindex :: SinglyQualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Reindex'
- Release :: MaybeReleaseSavepoint -> UnqualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Release'
- Rollback :: MaybeTransaction -> MaybeSavepoint -> Statement L0 NT NS Rollback'
- Savepoint :: UnqualifiedIdentifier -> Statement L0 NT NS Savepoint'
- Select :: SelectCore -> [(CompoundOperator, SelectCore)] -> Maybe OrderClause -> Maybe LimitClause -> Statement L0 T S Select'
- Update :: UpdateHead -> QualifiedTableName -> OneOrMore (UnqualifiedIdentifier, Expression) -> Maybe WhereClause -> Statement L0 T NS Update'
- UpdateLimited :: UpdateHead -> QualifiedTableName -> OneOrMore (UnqualifiedIdentifier, Expression) -> Maybe WhereClause -> Maybe OrderClause -> LimitClause -> Statement L0 NT NS UpdateLimited'
- Vacuum :: Statement L0 NT NS Vacuum'
- type AlterTable = Statement L0 NT NS AlterTable'
- type Analyze = Statement L0 NT NS Analyze'
- type Attach = Statement L0 NT NS Attach'
- type Begin = Statement L0 NT NS Begin'
- type Commit = Statement L0 NT NS Commit'
- type CreateIndex = Statement L0 NT NS CreateIndex'
- type CreateTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTable'
- type CreateTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTrigger'
- type CreateView = Statement L0 NT NS CreateView'
- type CreateVirtualTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateVirtualTable'
- type Delete = Statement L0 T NS Delete'
- type DeleteLimited = Statement L0 NT NS DeleteLimited'
- type Detach = Statement L0 NT NS Detach'
- type DropIndex = Statement L0 NT NS DropIndex'
- type DropTable = Statement L0 NT NS DropTable'
- type DropTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS DropTrigger'
- type DropView = Statement L0 NT NS DropView'
- type Explain = Statement L1 NT NS Explain'
- type ExplainQueryPlan = Statement L1 NT NS ExplainQueryPlan'
- type Insert = Statement L0 T NS Insert'
- type Pragma = Statement L0 NT NS Pragma'
- type Reindex = Statement L0 NT NS Reindex'
- type Release = Statement L0 NT NS Release'
- type Rollback = Statement L0 NT NS Rollback'
- type Savepoint = Statement L0 NT NS Savepoint'
- type Select = Statement L0 T S Select'
- type Update = Statement L0 T NS Update'
- type UpdateLimited = Statement L0 NT NS UpdateLimited'
- type Vacuum = Statement L0 NT NS Vacuum'
lexModuleArgument :: String -> Parse (Token, String)Source
readForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart :: String -> Either ParseError ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPartSource
readMaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart :: String -> Either ParseError MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePartSource
Building blocks
class ShowTokens a whereSource
A class implemented by every node of the AST; converts the node and its children into a list of tokens which correspond to the SQL representation of the node.
showTokens :: a -> [Token]Source
A class with hidden implementation so as to enforce the constraint that it is a nonempty homogeneous list of items.
mkOneOrMore :: [a] -> Maybe (OneOrMore a)Source
fromOneOrMore :: OneOrMore a -> [a]Source
The accessor for OneOrMore
. Returns [a]
data NonnegativeDouble Source
A class with hidden implementation so as to enforce the constraint that it is a nonnegative double.
mkNonnegativeDouble :: Double -> Maybe NonnegativeDoubleSource
The constructor for NonnegativeDouble
. Returns Nothing
if the double it's
given is negative, or Just
if it is not.
fromNonnegativeDouble :: NonnegativeDouble -> DoubleSource
The accessor for NonnegativeDouble
. Returns a double.
class Identifier a whereSource
A class implemented by all identifiers regardless of how many levels of qualification they allow.
identifierProperName :: a -> StringSource
Returns the final, proper name component of an identifier. In an identifier
which names a column, this is the column name. In an identifier which names
a table, this is the table name. All identifiers
have this component, so it is a String
and not a Maybe
identifierParentName :: a -> Maybe StringSource
Returns the parent name component of an identifier, if it exists. In an identifier which names a column, this is the table name. In an identifier which names a table or other database-level object, this is the database name.
identifierGrandparentName :: a -> Maybe StringSource
Returns the grandparent name component of an identifier, if it exists. In an identifier which names a column, this is the database name.
toDoublyQualifiedIdentifier :: Identifier a => a -> DoublyQualifiedIdentifierSource
Converts an identifier to be doubly-qualified. This does not actually synthesize
any missing components, merely provides Nothing
for them.
data UnqualifiedIdentifier Source
An identifier which does not allow any levels of qualification. This is typically a database name.
data SinglyQualifiedIdentifier Source
An identifier which allows a single level of qualification. This is typically the name of a table or other database-level object.
data DoublyQualifiedIdentifier Source
An identifier which allows two levels of qualification. This is typically a column name.
Not an AST node but a token which corresponds to a primitive of SQL syntax.
Has an instance of Show
which prints a list of them as syntactically-valid
SQL with no line wrapping.
Abstract syntax tree nodes
There are a great many types of nodes in the abstract syntax tree. They are loosely divided into statements (commands to possibly be executed), expressions (algebraic expressions to possibly be evaluated), clauses (major portions of a statement or expression which have very complicated grammatical structure), subclauses (portions of clauses which still have some grammatical structure), qualifiers (things which have minimal grammatical structure of their own, but can be present and cause some change in semantics if they are), keywords (things which have minimal grammatical structure of their own, and no semantic meaning either, but can be present), heads (within a statement, groups of multiple clauses which include the verb of the statement), and bodies (within a statement, groups of multiple clauses which do not include the verb of the statement).
The guiding principle behind the selection of
which things to give their own node-types to is
that it should be possible to parse SQL and
print it back out identically except for
whitespace. This means for example that !=
and are distinct in the AST, as are
, and is the rationale
behind the inclusion of the keywords category
which has no semantic meaning. A likely use of
this library is to implement a system which allows
the same queries to be edited both as plaintext
SQL and as some graphical form, and if a user
edits as SQL, he expects these things to be
preserved, as they can be important to
When a qualifier is omitted, it's prefixed with
as in NoIfNotExists
. When a keyword is
omitted, it's prefixed with Elided
as in
. This is to remind you that
an omitted qualifier has some sensible default
semantic, whereas an omitted keyword has the
same semantics as if it were present.
There is a great deal of sharing of structure, so I have made no attempt in this documentation to organize the exports by category, except to give expressions and statements their own sections; instead, please enjoy this alphabetical index!
data AlterTableBody Source
The AST node corresponding to the body of an AlterTable
Used by AlterTable
The AST node corresponding to each WHEN
pair of subexpressions in a
expression. Used by ExpressionCase
data ColumnConstraint Source
The AST node corresponding to a column constraint subclause. Used by
data ColumnDefinition Source
The AST node corresponding to a column-definition subclause. Used by
and CreateTableBody
data CommitHead Source
The AST node corresponding to the head of a COMMIT
statement. Used by
data CompoundOperator Source
The AST node corresponding to a compound operator in a SELECT
Used by Select
data ConflictClause Source
The AST node corresponding to an ON CONFLICT
clause. Used by
and TableConstraint
data DefaultValue Source
The AST node corresponding to a default-value subclause. Used by
data Distinctness Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional DISTINCT
or ALL
Used by SelectCore
data CreateTableBody Source
The AST node corresponding to a create-table body. Used by CreateTable
The AST node corresponding to the optional ELSE
subclause in a CASE
Used by ExpressionCase
The AST node corresponding to the ESCAPE
subclause of a textual comparison
expression. Used by ExpressionLike
data ForeignKeyClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a FOREIGN KEY
clause. Used by
and TableConstraint
data ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart Source
The AST node corresponding to the first partial body of a FOREIGN KEY
Used by ForeignKeyClause
data ForeignKeyClauseActionPart Source
The AST node corresponding to an action subclause in the first partial body of
clause. Used by ForeignKeyClauseActionOrMatchPart
data FromClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a FROM
clause. Used by SelectCore
data GroupClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a GROUP BY
clause. Used by SelectCore
data IndexedColumn Source
The AST node corresponding to an indexed-column subclause. Used by
and CreateIndex
data InsertBody Source
The AST node corresponding to an insert body. Used by Insert
data InsertHead Source
The AST node corresponding to an insert head. Used by Insert
data JoinConstraint Source
The AST node corresponding to a join constraint, a qualifier in the FROM
clause of a SELECT
statement. Used by JoinSource
data JoinOperation Source
The AST node corresponding to a join operation, a conjunction in the FROM
clause of a SELECT
statement. Used by JoinSource
data JoinSource Source
The AST node corresponding to a source from which to join columns in a SELECT
statement, which may be the head of the statement's FROM
clause, or, in the
case of a subjoin, only part of it. Used by FromClause
and SingleSource
The AST node corresponding to a textual comparison operator in an expression.
Used by ExpressionLike
data LimitClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a LIMIT
clause. Used by Select
, and UpdateLimited
The AST node corresponding to an optional AS
subclause, possibly with the
actual keyword elided. Used by ResultColumn
and SingleSource
data MaybeAscDesc Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional ASC
qualifier. Used by
, ColumnConstraint
, and OrderingTerm
data MaybeAutoincrement Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional AUTOINCREMENT
qualifier. Used by
data MaybeCollation Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional COLLATE
subclause. Used by
and OrderingTerm
data MaybeColumn Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional COLUMN
Used by AlterTableBody
data MaybeConstraintName Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional constraint name subclause. Used by
and 'Table Constraint'.
data MaybeDatabase Source
data MaybeForEachRow Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional FOR EACH ROW
qualifier. Used by
data MaybeForeignKeyClauseDeferrablePart Source
The AST node corresponding to the second partial body of a FOREIGN KEY
Used by ForeignKeyClause
data MaybeHaving Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional HAVING
subclause. Used by
data MaybeIfExists Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional IF EXISTS
qualifier. Used by
, DropTable
, DropTrigger
, and DropView
data MaybeIfNotExists Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional IF NOT EXISTS
qualifier. Used by
, CreateTable
, CreateTrigger
, and CreateView
data MaybeIndexedBy Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional INDEXED BY
Used by SingleSource
data MaybeInitialDeferralStatus Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional INITIALLY DEFERRED
qualifier in a FOREIGN KEY
clause. Used by
data MaybeReleaseSavepoint Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional RELEASE SAVEPOINT
Used by Release
data MaybeSavepoint Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional TO SAVEPOINT
qualifier. Used by
The AST node corresponding to an optional +
or -
sign. Used by
, DefaultValue
, and PragmaValue
data MaybeSwitchExpression Source
The AST node corresponding to the optional first subexpression in a CASE
expression. Used by ExpressionCase
data MaybeTemporary Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional TEMP
qualifier. Used
by CreateTable
, CreateTrigger
, and CreateView
data MaybeTransaction Source
data MaybeTransactionType Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional transaction-type qualifier. Used
by Begin
The AST node corresponding to an optional column type. Used by ColumnDefinition
data MaybeTypeSize Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional size annotation on a column or value
type. Used by Type
data MaybeUnique Source
The AST node corresponding to an optional UNIQUE
qualifier. Used by
data ModuleArgument Source
The AST node corresponding to a module argument. Used by CreateVirtualTable
data OrderClause Source
The AST node corresponding to an ORDER BY
clause. Used by Select
, and UpdateLimited
data OrderingTerm Source
The AST node corresponding to an ordering term subclause. Used by
and OrderClause
data PragmaBody Source
The AST node corresponding to a pragma body. Used by Pragma
data PragmaValue Source
The AST node corresponding to a pragma value subclause. Used by PragmaBody
data QualifiedTableName Source
The AST node corresponding to a qualified table name subclause. Used by
, DeleteLimited
, Update
, and UpdateLimited
data ResultColumn Source
The AST node corresponding to a result column in a SELECT
statement. Used by
data SelectCore Source
The AST node corresponding to the core part of a SELECT
statement, which may
be the head of the overall statement, or, in the case of a compound SELECT
only part of it. Used by Select
data SingleSource Source
The AST node corresponding to a primitive source from which to join columns in
statement, which is a body of the statement's FROM
clause. Used by
data StatementList Source
The AST node corresponding to a semicolon-separated list of statements. Used at the top level of an SQL file.
data TableConstraint Source
The AST node corresponding to a table-constraint subclause. Used by
data TriggerCondition Source
The AST node corresponding to a trigger-condition subclause. Used by
data TriggerTime Source
The AST node corresponding to a trigger-time qualifier. Used by CreateTrigger
The AST node corresponding to a column or value type. Used by MaybeType
is used by ColumnDefinition
, and by ExpressionCast
data TypeSizeField Source
The AST node corresponding to one of zero to two fields annotating a column or
value type with size limits. Used by MaybeTypeSize
data UpdateHead Source
The AST node corresponding to an update head. Used by Update
data WhenClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a WHEN
clause. Used by CreateTrigger
data WhereClause Source
The AST node corresponding to a WHERE
clause. Used by SelectCore
, DeleteLimited
, Update
, and UpdateLimited
Abstract syntax tree nodes - Expressions
data Expression Source
The AST node corresponding to an expression. Used by DefaultValue
, TableConstraint
, OrderingTerm
, InsertBody
, ResultColumn
, JoinConstraint
, WhereClause
, WhenClause
, and UpdateLimited
. Also useful at top level.
ExpressionLiteralInteger Word64 | Represents a literal integer expression. |
ExpressionLiteralFloat NonnegativeDouble | Represents a literal floating-point expression. |
ExpressionLiteralString String | Represents a literal string expression. |
ExpressionLiteralBlob ByteString | Represents a literal blob (binary large object) expression. |
ExpressionLiteralNull | Represents a literal |
ExpressionLiteralCurrentTime | Represents a literal |
ExpressionLiteralCurrentDate | Represents a literal |
ExpressionLiteralCurrentTimestamp | Represents a literal |
ExpressionVariable | Represents a positional-variable expression, written in SQL as |
ExpressionVariableN Word64 | Represents a numbered positional variable expression, written in
SQL as |
ExpressionVariableNamed String | Represents a named positional variable expression, written in
SQL as |
ExpressionIdentifier DoublyQualifiedIdentifier | Represents a column-name expression, optionally qualified by a table name and further by a database name. |
ExpressionUnaryNegative Expression | Represents a unary negation expression. |
ExpressionUnaryPositive Expression | Represents a unary positive-sign expression. Yes, this is an nop. |
ExpressionUnaryBitwiseNot Expression | Represents a unary bitwise negation expression. |
ExpressionUnaryLogicalNot Expression | Represents a unary logical negation expression. |
ExpressionBinaryConcatenate Expression Expression | Represents a binary string-concatenation expression. |
ExpressionBinaryMultiply Expression Expression | Represents a binary multiplication expression. |
ExpressionBinaryDivide Expression Expression | Represents a binary division expression. |
ExpressionBinaryModulus Expression Expression | Represents a binary modulus expression. |
ExpressionBinaryAdd Expression Expression | Represents a binary addition expression. |
ExpressionBinarySubtract Expression Expression | Represents a binary subtraction expression. |
ExpressionBinaryLeftShift Expression Expression | Represents a binary left-shift expression. |
ExpressionBinaryRightShift Expression Expression | Represents a binary right-shift expression. |
ExpressionBinaryBitwiseAnd Expression Expression | Represents a binary bitwise-and expression. |
ExpressionBinaryBitwiseOr Expression Expression | Represents a binary bitwise-or expression. |
ExpressionBinaryLess Expression Expression | Represents a binary less-than comparison expression. |
ExpressionBinaryLessEquals Expression Expression | Represents a binary less-than-or-equal-to comparison expression. |
ExpressionBinaryGreater Expression Expression | Represents a binary greater-than comparison expression. |
ExpressionBinaryGreaterEquals Expression Expression | Represents a binary greater-than-or-equal-to comparison expression. |
ExpressionBinaryEquals Expression Expression | Represents a binary equal-to comparison expression, written in SQL
as |
ExpressionBinaryEqualsEquals Expression Expression | Represents a binary equal-to comparison expression, written in SQL
as |
ExpressionBinaryNotEquals Expression Expression | Represents a binary not-equal-to comparison expression, written in
SQL as |
ExpressionBinaryLessGreater Expression Expression | Represents a binary not-equal-to comparison expression, written in
SQL as |
ExpressionBinaryLogicalAnd Expression Expression | Represents a binary logical-and expression. |
ExpressionBinaryLogicalOr Expression Expression | Represents a binary logical-or expression. |
ExpressionFunctionCall UnqualifiedIdentifier [Expression] | Represents a call to a built-in function. |
ExpressionFunctionCallDistinct UnqualifiedIdentifier (OneOrMore Expression) | Represents a call to a built-in function, with the |
ExpressionFunctionCallStar UnqualifiedIdentifier | Represents a call to a built-in function, with |
ExpressionCast Expression Type | Represents a type-cast expression. |
ExpressionCollate Expression UnqualifiedIdentifier | Represents a |
ExpressionLike Expression LikeType Expression Escape | Represents a textual comparison expression. |
ExpressionIsnull Expression | Represents an |
ExpressionNotnull Expression | Represents a |
ExpressionNotNull Expression | Represents a |
ExpressionIs Expression Expression | Represents an |
ExpressionIsNot Expression Expression | Represents an |
ExpressionBetween Expression Expression Expression | Represents a |
ExpressionNotBetween Expression Expression Expression | Represents a |
ExpressionInSelect Expression Select | Represents an |
ExpressionNotInSelect Expression Select | Represents a |
ExpressionInList Expression [Expression] | Represents an |
ExpressionNotInList Expression [Expression] | Represents a |
ExpressionInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier | Represents an |
ExpressionNotInTable Expression SinglyQualifiedIdentifier | Represents a |
ExpressionSubquery Select | Represents a subquery |
ExpressionExistsSubquery Select | Represents a subquery |
ExpressionNotExistsSubquery Select | Represents a subquery |
ExpressionCase MaybeSwitchExpression (OneOrMore CasePair) Else | Represents a |
ExpressionRaiseIgnore | Represents a |
ExpressionRaiseRollback String | Represents a |
ExpressionRaiseAbort String | Represents a |
ExpressionRaiseFail String | Represents a |
ExpressionParenthesized Expression | Represents a parenthesized subexpression. |
Abstract syntax tree nodes - Statements
data AnyStatement Source
The AST node corresponding to any statement. Used by StatementList
Also useful at top level.
fromAnyStatement :: StatementClass a => AnyStatement -> aSource
data ExplainableStatement Source
forall t v w . ExplainableStatement (Statement L0 t v w) |
fromExplainableStatement :: StatementClass a => ExplainableStatement -> aSource
data TriggerStatement Source
forall l v w . TriggerStatement (Statement l T v w) |
fromTriggerStatement :: StatementClass a => TriggerStatement -> aSource
data Statement level triggerable valueReturning which whereSource
The AST node which corresponds to a statement. Not directly useful at
top level because it is a generalized algebraic datatype the type parameters
to which are not exported; instead, see the existentially qualified
types AnyStatement
, ExplainableStatement
, and TriggerStatement
, and the
type synonyms such as Select
which correspond to individual statement types.
I apologize for the lack of documentation on these individual entries, but Haddock won't let me do it! At any rate, each of them is an AST node corresponding to an individual statement type.
Note the distinctions between
and DeleteLimited
and Update
and UpdateLimited
: The Limited
have LIMIT
clauses and the others do not. Because SQL imposes stricter
restrictions on where the ones with LIMIT
clauses can occur, these are are
separate types.
type AlterTable = Statement L0 NT NS AlterTable'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Analyze = Statement L0 NT NS Analyze'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Attach = Statement L0 NT NS Attach'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Begin = Statement L0 NT NS Begin'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Commit = Statement L0 NT NS Commit'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type CreateIndex = Statement L0 NT NS CreateIndex'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type CreateTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTable'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type CreateTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS CreateTrigger'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type CreateView = Statement L0 NT NS CreateView'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type CreateVirtualTable = Statement L0 NT NS CreateVirtualTable'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Delete = Statement L0 T NS Delete'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
statement without a LIMIT
Useful at top level.
type DeleteLimited = Statement L0 NT NS DeleteLimited'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
statement with a LIMIT
Useful at top level.
type Detach = Statement L0 NT NS Detach'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type DropIndex = Statement L0 NT NS DropIndex'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type DropTable = Statement L0 NT NS DropTable'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type DropTrigger = Statement L0 NT NS DropTrigger'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type DropView = Statement L0 NT NS DropView'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Explain = Statement L1 NT NS Explain'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type ExplainQueryPlan = Statement L1 NT NS ExplainQueryPlan'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Insert = Statement L0 T NS Insert'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Pragma = Statement L0 NT NS Pragma'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Reindex = Statement L0 NT NS Reindex'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Release = Statement L0 NT NS Release'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Rollback = Statement L0 NT NS Rollback'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Savepoint = Statement L0 NT NS Savepoint'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Select = Statement L0 T S Select'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
Useful at top level.
type Update = Statement L0 T NS Update'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
statement without a LIMIT
Useful at top level.
type UpdateLimited = Statement L0 NT NS UpdateLimited'Source
A type synonym which matches only the AST node corresponding to
statement with a LIMIT
Useful at top level.