{-# LANGUAGE Strict                #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StrictData            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}

-- | This module has the functions that perform sort-checking, and related
-- operations on Fixpoint expressions and predicates.

module Language.Fixpoint.SortCheck  (
  -- * Sort Substitutions
  , Env
  , mkSearchEnv

  -- * Checking Well-Formedness
  , checkSorted
  , checkSortedReft
  , checkSortedReftFull
  , checkSortFull
  , pruneUnsortedReft

  -- * Sort inference
  , sortExpr
  , checkSortExpr
  , exprSort
  , exprSort_maybe

  -- * Unify
  , unifyFast
  , unifySorts
  , unifyTo1

  -- * Apply Substitution
  , apply

  -- * Exported Sorts
  , boolSort
  , strSort

  -- * Sort-Directed Transformations
  , Elaborate (..)
  , applySorts
  , unApplyAt
  , toInt

  -- * Predicates on Sorts
  , isFirstOrder
  , isMono
  ) where

--  import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.Except      -- (MonadError(..))
import           Control.Monad.State.Strict

import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict       as M
import qualified Data.List                 as L
import           Data.Maybe                (mapMaybe, fromMaybe, catMaybes, isJust)
import           Data.Semigroup            (Semigroup (..))

import           Language.Fixpoint.Types.PrettyPrint
import           Language.Fixpoint.Misc
import           Language.Fixpoint.Types hiding   (subst)
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Types.Visitor  as Vis
import qualified Language.Fixpoint.Smt.Theories   as Thy
import           Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ.Compat
import           Text.Printf

-- import Debug.Trace

-- | Predicates on Sorts -------------------------------------------------------
isMono :: Sort -> Bool
isMono             = null . Vis.foldSort fv []
    fv vs (FVar i) = i : vs
    fv vs _        = vs

-- | Elaborate: make polymorphic instantiation explicit via casts,
--   make applications monomorphic for SMTLIB. This deals with
--   polymorphism by `elaborate`-ing all refinements except for
--   KVars. THIS IS NOW MANDATORY as sort-variables can be
--   instantiated to `int` and `bool`.
class Elaborate a where
  elaborate :: Located String -> SymEnv -> a -> a

instance (Loc a) => Elaborate (SInfo a) where
  elaborate x senv si = si
    { cm      = elaborate x senv <$> cm      si
    , bs      = elaborate x senv  $  bs      si
    , asserts = elaborate x senv <$> asserts si

instance (Elaborate e) => (Elaborate (Triggered e)) where
  elaborate x env t = fmap (elaborate x env) t

instance (Elaborate a) => (Elaborate (Maybe a)) where
  elaborate x env t = fmap (elaborate x env) t

instance Elaborate Sort where
  elaborate _ _ = go
      go s | isString s = strSort
      go (FAbs i s)    = FAbs i   (go s)
      go (FFunc s1 s2) = funSort (go s1) (go s2)
      go (FApp s1 s2)  = FApp    (go s1) (go s2)
      go s             = s
      funSort :: Sort -> Sort -> Sort
      funSort = FApp . FApp funcSort

instance Elaborate AxiomEnv where
  elaborate msg env ae = ae
    { aenvEqs   = elaborate msg env (aenvEqs ae)
    -- MISSING SORTS OOPS, aenvSimpl = elaborate msg env (aenvSimpl ae) 

instance Elaborate Rewrite where
  elaborate msg env rw = rw { smBody = skipElabExpr msg env' (smBody rw) }
      env' = insertsSymEnv env undefined

instance Elaborate Equation where
  elaborate msg env eq = eq { eqBody = skipElabExpr msg env' (eqBody eq) }
      env' = insertsSymEnv env (eqArgs eq)

instance Elaborate Expr where
  elaborate msg env = elabNumeric . elabApply env . elabExpr msg env

skipElabExpr :: Located String -> SymEnv -> Expr -> Expr
skipElabExpr msg env e = case elabExprE msg env e of
  Left _   -> e
  Right e' ->  elabNumeric . elabApply env $ e'

instance Elaborate (Symbol, Sort) where
  elaborate msg env (x, s) = (x, elaborate msg env s)

instance Elaborate a => Elaborate [a]  where
  elaborate msg env xs = elaborate msg env <$> xs

elabNumeric :: Expr -> Expr
elabNumeric = Vis.mapExpr go
    go (ETimes e1 e2)
      | exprSort "txn1" e1 == FReal
      , exprSort "txn2" e2 == FReal
      = ERTimes e1 e2
    go (EDiv   e1 e2)
      | exprSort ("txn3: " ++ showpp e1) e1 == FReal
      , exprSort "txn4" e2 == FReal
      = ERDiv   e1 e2
    go e
      = e

instance Elaborate SortedReft where
  elaborate x env (RR s (Reft (v, e))) = RR s (Reft (v, e'))
      e'   = elaborate x env' e
      env' = insertSymEnv v s env

instance Elaborate BindEnv where
  elaborate z env = mapBindEnv (\i (x, sr) -> (x, elaborate (z' i x sr) env sr))
      z' i  x sr  = z { val = (val z) ++ msg i x sr }
      msg i x sr  = unwords [" elabBE",  show i, show x, show sr]

instance (Loc a) => Elaborate (SimpC a) where
  elaborate msg env c = c {_crhs = elaborate msg' env (_crhs c) }
    where msg'        = atLoc c (val msg)
-- | 'elabExpr' adds "casts" to decorate polymorphic instantiation sites.
elabExpr :: Located String -> SymEnv -> Expr -> Expr
elabExpr msg env e = case elabExprE msg env e of
  Left ex  -> die ex
  Right e' -> e'

elabExprE :: Located String -> SymEnv -> Expr -> Either Error Expr
elabExprE msg env e =
  case runCM0 (srcSpan msg) (elab (env, f) e) of
    Left e   -> Left  $ err (srcSpan e) (d (val e))
    Right s  -> Right (fst s)
    sEnv = seSort env
    f    = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` sEnv)
    d m  = vcat [ "elaborate" <+> text (val msg) <+> "failed on:"
                , nest 4 (pprint e)
                , "with error"
                , nest 4 (text m)
                , "in environment"
                , nest 4 (pprint $ subEnv sEnv e)

-- | 'elabApply' replaces all direct function calls indirect calls via `apply`
elabApply :: SymEnv -> Expr -> Expr
elabApply env = go
    go e                  = case splitArgs e of
                             (e', []) -> step e'
                             (f , es) -> defuncEApp env (go f) (mapFst go <$> es)
    step (PAnd [])        = PTrue
    step (POr [])         = PFalse
    step (ENeg e)         = ENeg (go  e)
    step (EBin o e1 e2)   = EBin o (go e1) (go e2)
    step (EIte e1 e2 e3)  = EIte (go e1) (go e2) (go e3)
    step (ECst e t)       = ECst (go e) t
    step (PAnd ps)        = PAnd (go <$> ps)
    step (POr ps)         = POr  (go <$> ps)
    step (PNot p)         = PNot (go p)
    step (PImp p q)       = PImp (go p) (go q)
    step (PIff p q)       = PIff (go p) (go q)
    step (PExist bs p)    = PExist bs (go p)
    step (PAll   bs p)    = PAll   bs (go p)
    step (PAtom r e1 e2)  = PAtom r (go e1) (go e2)
    step e@(EApp {})      = go e
    step (ELam b e)       = ELam b       (go e)
    step (ECoerc a t e)   = ECoerc a t   (go e)
    step (PGrad k su i e) = PGrad k su i (go e)
    step e@(PKVar {})     = e
    step e@(ESym {})      = e
    step e@(ECon {})      = e
    step e@(EVar {})      = e
    -- ETApp, ETAbs, PAll, PExist
    step e                = error $ "TODO elabApply: " ++ showpp e

-- | Sort Inference ------------------------------------------------------------
sortExpr :: SrcSpan -> SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Sort
sortExpr l γ e = case runCM0 l (checkExpr f e) of
    Left  e -> die $ err l (d (val e))
    Right s -> s
    f   = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)
    d m = vcat [ "sortExpr failed on expression:"
               , nest 4 (pprint e)
               , "with error:"
               , nest 4 (text m)
               , "in environment"
               , nest 4 (pprint γ)

checkSortExpr :: SrcSpan -> SEnv Sort -> Expr -> Maybe Sort
checkSortExpr sp γ e = case runCM0 sp (checkExpr f e) of
    Left _   -> Nothing
    Right s  -> Just s
    f x  = case lookupSEnv x γ of
            Just z  -> Found z
            Nothing -> Alts []

subEnv :: (Subable e) => SEnv a -> e -> SEnv a
subEnv g e = intersectWithSEnv (\t _ -> t) g g'
    g' = fromListSEnv $ (, ()) <$> syms e

-- | Checking Refinements ------------------------------------------------------

-- | Types used throughout checker
type CheckM   = StateT ChState (Either ChError)
type ChError  = Located String
data ChState  = ChS { chCount :: Int, chSpan :: SrcSpan }

type Env      = Symbol -> SESearch Sort
type ElabEnv  = (SymEnv, Env)

mkSearchEnv :: SEnv a -> Symbol -> SESearch a
mkSearchEnv env x = lookupSEnvWithDistance x env

-- withError :: CheckM a -> ChError -> CheckM a
-- act `withError` e' = act `catchError` (\e -> throwError (atLoc e (val e ++ "\n  because\n" ++ val e')))

withError :: CheckM a -> String -> CheckM a
act `withError` msg = act `catchError` (\e -> throwError (atLoc e (val e ++ "\n  because\n" ++ msg)))

runCM0 :: SrcSpan -> CheckM a -> Either ChError a
runCM0 sp act = fst <$> runStateT act (ChS 42 sp)

fresh :: CheckM Int
fresh = do
  !n <- gets chCount
  modify $ \s -> s { chCount = 1 + chCount s }
  return n

-- | Checking Refinements ------------------------------------------------------
checkSortedReft :: SEnv SortedReft -> [Symbol] -> SortedReft -> Maybe Doc
checkSortedReft env xs sr = applyNonNull Nothing oops unknowns
    oops                  = Just . (text "Unknown symbols:" <+>) . toFix
    unknowns              = [ x | x <- syms sr, x `notElem` v : xs, not (x `memberSEnv` env)]
    Reft (v,_)            = sr_reft sr

checkSortedReftFull :: Checkable a => SrcSpan -> SEnv SortedReft -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSortedReftFull sp γ t =
  case runCM0 sp (check γ' t) of
    Left e  -> Just (text (val e))
    Right _ -> Nothing
    γ' = sr_sort <$> γ

checkSortFull :: Checkable a => SrcSpan -> SEnv SortedReft -> Sort -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSortFull sp γ s t =
  case runCM0 sp (checkSort γ' s t) of
    Left e  -> Just (text (val e))
    Right _ -> Nothing
      γ' = sr_sort <$> γ

checkSorted :: Checkable a => SrcSpan -> SEnv Sort -> a -> Maybe Doc
checkSorted sp γ t =
  case runCM0 sp (check γ t) of
    Left e   -> Just (text (val e))
    Right _  -> Nothing

pruneUnsortedReft :: SEnv Sort -> Templates -> SortedReft -> SortedReft
pruneUnsortedReft _ t r
  | isEmptyTemplates t
  = r
pruneUnsortedReft γ t (RR s (Reft (v, p)))
  | isAnyTemplates t
  -- this is the old code that checks everything 
  = RR s (Reft (v, tx filterAny p))
  | otherwise
  = RR s (Reft (v, tx (filter filterWithTemplate) p))
    filterAny = mapMaybe (checkPred' f)
    filterWithTemplate e =  not (matchesTemplates t e) || isJust (checkPred' f e)
    tx f = pAnd . f . conjuncts
    f    = (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ')
    γ'   = insertSEnv v s γ
    -- wmsg t r = "WARNING: prune unsorted reft:\n" ++ showFix r ++ "\n" ++ t

checkPred' :: Env -> Expr -> Maybe Expr
checkPred' f p = res -- traceFix ("checkPred: p = " ++ showFix p) $ res
    res        = case runCM0 dummySpan (checkPred f p) of
                   Left _err -> notracepp ("Removing" ++ showpp p) Nothing
                   Right _   -> Just p

class Checkable a where
  check     :: SEnv Sort -> a -> CheckM ()
  checkSort :: SEnv Sort -> Sort -> a -> CheckM ()

  checkSort γ _ = check γ

instance Checkable Expr where
  check γ e = void $ checkExpr f e
   where f =  (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)

  checkSort γ s e = void $ checkExpr f (ECst e s)
      f           =  (`lookupSEnvWithDistance` γ)

instance Checkable SortedReft where
  check γ (RR s (Reft (v, ra))) = check γ' ra
     γ' = insertSEnv v s γ

-- | Checking Expressions ------------------------------------------------------
checkExpr                  :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkExpr _ (ESym _)       = return strSort
checkExpr _ (ECon (I _))   = return FInt
checkExpr _ (ECon (R _))   = return FReal
checkExpr _ (ECon (L _ s)) = return s
checkExpr f (EVar x)       = checkSym f x
checkExpr f (ENeg e)       = checkNeg f e
checkExpr f (EBin o e1 e2) = checkOp f e1 o e2
checkExpr f (EIte p e1 e2) = checkIte f p e1 e2
checkExpr f (ECst e t)     = checkCst f t e
checkExpr f (EApp g e)     = checkApp f Nothing g e
checkExpr f (PNot p)       = checkPred f p >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PImp p p')    = mapM_ (checkPred f) [p, p'] >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PIff p p')    = mapM_ (checkPred f) [p, p'] >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PAnd ps)      = mapM_ (checkPred f) ps >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (POr ps)       = mapM_ (checkPred f) ps >> return boolSort
checkExpr f (PAtom r e e') = checkRel f r e e' >> return boolSort
checkExpr _ (PKVar {})     = return boolSort
checkExpr f (PGrad _ _ _ e)  = checkPred f e >> return boolSort

checkExpr f (PAll  bs e )  = checkExpr (addEnv f bs) e
checkExpr f (PExist bs e)  = checkExpr (addEnv f bs) e
checkExpr f (ELam (x,t) e) = FFunc t <$> checkExpr (addEnv f [(x,t)]) e
checkExpr f (ECoerc s t e) = checkExpr f (ECst e s) >> return t
checkExpr _ (ETApp _ _)    = error "SortCheck.checkExpr: TODO: implement ETApp"
checkExpr _ (ETAbs _ _)    = error "SortCheck.checkExpr: TODO: implement ETAbs"

addEnv :: Eq a => (a -> SESearch b) -> [(a, b)] -> a -> SESearch b
addEnv f bs x
  = case L.lookup x bs of
      Just s  -> Found s
      Nothing -> f x

-- | Elaborate expressions with types to make polymorphic instantiation explicit.
elab :: ElabEnv -> Expr -> CheckM (Expr, Sort)
elab f@(_, g) e@(EBin o e1 e2) = do
  (e1', s1) <- elab f e1
  (e2', s2) <- elab f e2
  s <- checkOpTy g e s1 s2
  return (EBin o (ECst e1' s1) (ECst e2' s2), s)

elab f (EApp e1@(EApp _ _) e2) = do
  (e1', _, e2', s2, s) <- notracepp "ELAB-EAPP" <$> elabEApp f e1 e2
  let e = eAppC s e1' (ECst e2' s2)
  let θ = unifyExpr (snd f) e
  return (applyExpr θ e, maybe s (`apply` s) θ)

elab f (EApp e1 e2) = do
  (e1', s1, e2', s2, s) <- elabEApp f e1 e2
  let e = eAppC s (ECst e1' s1) (ECst e2' s2)
  let θ = unifyExpr (snd f) e
  return (applyExpr θ e, maybe s (`apply` s) θ)

elab _ e@(ESym _) =
  return (e, strSort)

elab _ e@(ECon (I _)) =
  return (e, FInt)

elab _ e@(ECon (R _)) =
  return (e, FReal)

elab _ e@(ECon (L _ s)) =
  return (e, s)

elab _ e@(PKVar _ _) =
  return (e, boolSort)

elab f (PGrad k su i e) =
  ((, boolSort) . PGrad k su i . fst) <$> elab f e

elab (_, f) e@(EVar x) =
  (e,) <$> checkSym f x

elab f (ENeg e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab f e
  return (ENeg e', s)

elab f@(_,g) (EIte p e1 e2) = do
  (p', _)   <- elab f p
  (e1', s1) <- elab f e1
  (e2', s2) <- elab f e2
  s         <- checkIteTy g p e1' e2' s1 s2
  return (EIte p' (cast e1' s) (cast e2' s), s)

elab f (ECst e t) = do
  (e', _) <- elab f e
  return (ECst e' t, t)

elab f (PNot p) = do
  (e', _) <- elab f p
  return (PNot e', boolSort)

elab f (PImp p1 p2) = do
  (p1', _) <- elab f p1
  (p2', _) <- elab f p2
  return (PImp p1' p2', boolSort)

elab f (PIff p1 p2) = do
  (p1', _) <- elab f p1
  (p2', _) <- elab f p2
  return (PIff p1' p2', boolSort)

elab f (PAnd ps) = do
  ps' <- mapM (elab f) ps
  return (PAnd (fst <$> ps'), boolSort)

elab f (POr ps) = do
  ps' <- mapM (elab f) ps
  return (POr (fst <$> ps'), boolSort)

elab f@(_,g) e@(PAtom eq e1 e2) | eq == Eq || eq == Ne = do
  t1        <- checkExpr g e1
  t2        <- checkExpr g e2
  (t1',t2') <- unite g e  t1 t2 `withError` (errElabExpr e)
  e1'       <- elabAs f t1' e1
  e2'       <- elabAs f t2' e2
  return (PAtom eq (ECst e1' t1') (ECst e2' t2') , boolSort)

elab f (PAtom r e1 e2)
  | r == Ueq || r == Une = do
  (e1', _) <- elab f e1
  (e2', _) <- elab f e2
  return (PAtom r e1' e2', boolSort)

elab f@(env,_) (PAtom r e1 e2) = do
  e1' <- uncurry (toInt env) <$> elab f e1
  e2' <- uncurry (toInt env) <$> elab f e2
  return (PAtom r e1' e2', boolSort)

elab f (PExist bs e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (elabAddEnv f bs) e
  let bs' = elaborate "PExist Args" mempty bs
  return (PExist bs' e', s)

elab f (PAll bs e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (elabAddEnv f bs) e
  let bs' = elaborate "PAll Args" mempty bs
  return (PAll bs' e', s)

elab f (ELam (x,t) e) = do
  (e', s) <- elab (elabAddEnv f [(x, t)]) e
  let t' = elaborate "ELam Arg" mempty t
  return (ELam (x, t') (ECst e' s), FFunc t s)

elab f (ECoerc s t e) = do
  (e', _) <- elab f e
  return     (ECoerc s t e', t)

elab _ (ETApp _ _) =
  error "SortCheck.elab: TODO: implement ETApp"
elab _ (ETAbs _ _) =
  error "SortCheck.elab: TODO: implement ETAbs"

elabAddEnv :: Eq a => (t, a -> SESearch b) -> [(a, b)] -> (t, a -> SESearch b)
elabAddEnv (g, f) bs = (g, addEnv f bs)

cast :: Expr -> Sort -> Expr
cast (ECst e _) t = ECst e t
cast e          t = ECst e t

elabAs :: ElabEnv -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Expr
elabAs f t e = notracepp _msg <$>  go e
    _msg  = "elabAs: t = " ++ showpp t ++ " e = " ++ showpp e
    go (EApp e1 e2)   = elabAppAs f t e1 e2
    -- go (EIte b e1 e2) = EIte b <$> go e1 <*> go e2
    go e              = fst    <$> elab f e

-- DUPLICATION with `checkApp'`
elabAppAs :: ElabEnv -> Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Expr
elabAppAs env@(_, f) t g e = do
  gT       <- checkExpr f g
  eT       <- checkExpr f e
  (iT, oT, isu) <- checkFunSort gT
  let ge    = Just (EApp g e)
  su       <- unifyMany f ge isu [oT, iT] [t, eT]
  let tg    = apply su gT
  g'       <- elabAs env tg g
  let te    = apply su eT
  e'       <- elabAs env te e
  return    $ EApp (ECst g' tg) (ECst e' te)

elabEApp  :: ElabEnv -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM (Expr, Sort, Expr, Sort, Sort)
elabEApp f@(_, g) e1 e2 = do
  (e1', s1)     <- notracepp ("elabEApp1: e1 = " ++ showpp e1) <$> elab f e1
  (e2', s2)     <- elab f e2
  (s1', s2', s) <- elabAppSort g e1 e2 s1 s2
  return           (e1', s1', e2', s2', s)

elabAppSort :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM (Sort, Sort, Sort)
elabAppSort f e1 e2 s1 s2 = do
  let e            = Just (EApp e1 e2)
  (sIn, sOut, su) <- checkFunSort s1
  su'             <- unify1 f e su sIn s2
  return           $ (apply su' s1, apply su' s2, apply su' sOut)

-- | defuncEApp monomorphizes function applications.
defuncEApp :: SymEnv -> Expr -> [(Expr, Sort)] -> Expr
defuncEApp env e es = L.foldl' makeApplication e' es'
    (e', es')       = takeArgs (seTheory env) e es

takeArgs :: SEnv TheorySymbol -> Expr -> [(Expr, a)] -> (Expr, [(Expr, a)])
takeArgs env e es =
  case Thy.isSmt2App env (Vis.stripCasts e) of
    Just n  -> let (es1, es2) = splitAt n es
               in (eApps e (fst <$> es1), es2)
    Nothing -> (e, es)

-- 'e1' is the function, 'e2' is the argument, 's' is the OUTPUT TYPE
makeApplication :: Expr -> (Expr, Sort) -> Expr
makeApplication e1 (e2, s) = ECst (EApp (EApp f e1) e2) s
    f                      = {- notracepp ("makeApplication: " ++ showpp (e2, t2)) $ -} applyAt t2 s
    t2                     = exprSort "makeAppl" e2

applyAt :: Sort -> Sort -> Expr
applyAt s t = ECst (EVar applyName) (FFunc s t)

-- JUST make "toInt" call "makeApplication" also, so they are wrapped in apply
-- MAY CAUSE CRASH (apply-on-apply) so rig `isSmt2App` to treat `apply` as SPECIAL.

-- TODO: proper toInt
toInt :: SymEnv -> Expr -> Sort -> Expr
toInt env e s
  | isSmtInt  = e
  | otherwise = ECst (EApp f (ECst e s)) FInt
    isSmtInt  = isInt env s
    f         = toIntAt s

isInt :: SymEnv -> Sort -> Bool
isInt env s = case sortSmtSort False (seData env) s of
  SInt    -> True
  SString -> True
  SReal   -> True
  _       -> False

toIntAt :: Sort -> Expr
toIntAt s = ECst (EVar toIntName) (FFunc s FInt)

unApplyAt :: Expr -> Maybe Sort
unApplyAt (ECst (EVar f) t@(FFunc {}))
  | f == applyName = Just t
unApplyAt _        = Nothing

splitArgs :: Expr -> (Expr, [(Expr, Sort)])
splitArgs = go []
    go acc (ECst (EApp e1 e) s) = go ((e, s) : acc) e1
    go _   e@EApp{}             = errorstar $ "UNEXPECTED: splitArgs: EApp without output type: " ++ showpp e
    go acc e                    = (e, acc)

{- | [NOTE:apply-monomorphization]

     Because SMTLIB does not support higher-order functions,
     all _non-theory_ function applications

        EApp e1 e2

     are represented, in SMTLIB, as

        (Eapp (EApp apply e1) e2)

     where 'apply' is 'ECst (EVar "apply") t' and
           't'     is 'FFunc a b'
           'a','b' are the sorts of 'e2' and 'e1 e2' respectively.

     Note that *all polymorphism* goes through this machinery.

     Just before sending to the SMT solver, we use the cast 't'
     to generate a special 'apply_at_t' symbol.

     To let us do the above, we populate 'SymEnv' with the _set_
     of all sorts at which 'apply' is used, computed by 'applySorts'.

{- | [NOTE:coerce-apply] -- related to [NOTE:apply-monomorphism]

Haskell's GADTs cause a peculiar problem illustrated below:

data Field a where
  FInt  :: Field Int
  FBool :: Field Bool

{-@ reflect proj @-}
proj :: Field a -> a -> a
proj fld x = case fld of
               FInt  -> 1 + x
               FBool -> not b  

## The Problem

The problem is you cannot encode the body of `proj` as a well-sorted refinement:
    if is$FInt fld
        then (1 + (coerce (a ~ Int)  x))
        else (not (coerce (a ~ Bool) x))

The catch is that `x` is being used BOTH as `Int` and as `Bool` 
which is not supported in SMTLIB.

## Approach: Uninterpreted Functions

We encode `coerce` as an explicit **uninterpreted function**:

    if is$FInt fld
        then (1 + (coerce@(a -> int)  x))
        else (not (coerce@(a -> bool) x))

where we define, extra constants in the style of `apply` 

   constant coerce@(a -> int ) :: a -> int
   constant coerce@(a -> bool) :: a -> int

However, it would not let us verify:

{-@ reflect unwrap @-}
unwrap :: Field a -> a -> a
unwrap fld x = proj fld x

{-@ test :: _ -> TT @-}
test =  unwrap FInt  4    == 5
     && unwrap FBool True == False

because we'd get

  unwrap FInt 4 :: { if is$FInt FInt then (1 + coerce_int_int 4) else ...  }

and the UIF nature of `coerce_int_int` renders the VC invalid.

## Solution: Eliminate Trivial Coercions

HOWEVER, the solution here, may simply be to use UIFs when the
coercion is non-trivial (e.g. `a ~ int`) but to eschew them when
they are trivial. That is we would encode:

| Expr                   | SMTLIB             |
| `coerce (a ~ int) x`   | `coerce_a_int x`   |
| `coerce (int ~ int) x` | `x`                |

which, I imagine is what happens _somewhere_ inside GHC too?


applySorts :: Vis.Visitable t => t -> [Sort]
applySorts = {- tracepp "applySorts" . -} (defs ++) . Vis.fold vis () []
    defs   = [FFunc t1 t2 | t1 <- basicSorts, t2 <- basicSorts]
    vis    = (Vis.defaultVisitor :: Vis.Visitor [KVar] t) { Vis.accExpr = go }
    go _ (EApp (ECst (EVar f) t) _)   -- get types needed for [NOTE:apply-monomorphism]
           | f == applyName
           = [t]
    go _ (ECoerc t1 t2 _)             -- get types needed for [NOTE:coerce-apply]
           = [FFunc t1 t2]
    go _ _ = []

-- | Expressions sort  ---------------------------------------------------------
exprSort :: String -> Expr -> Sort
exprSort msg e = fromMaybe (panic err) (exprSort_maybe e)
    err        = printf "exprSort [%s] on unexpected expression %s" msg (show e)

exprSort_maybe :: Expr -> Maybe Sort
exprSort_maybe = go
    go (ECst _ s) = Just s
    go (ELam (_, sx) e) = FFunc sx <$> go e
    go (EApp e ex)
      | Just (FFunc sx s) <- genSort <$> go e
      = maybe s (`apply` s) <$> ((`unifySorts` sx) <$> go ex)
    go _ = Nothing

genSort :: Sort -> Sort
genSort (FAbs _ t) = genSort t
genSort t          = t

unite :: Env -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM (Sort, Sort)
unite f e t1 t2 = do
  su <- unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2]
  return (apply su t1, apply su t2)

throwErrorAt :: String -> CheckM a
throwErrorAt err = do
  sp <- gets chSpan
  throwError (atLoc sp err)

-- | Helper for checking symbol occurrences
checkSym :: Env -> Symbol -> CheckM Sort
checkSym f x = case f x of
  Found s -> instantiate s
  Alts xs -> throwErrorAt (errUnboundAlts x xs)

-- | Helper for checking if-then-else expressions
checkIte :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkIte f p e1 e2 = do
  checkPred f p
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  checkIteTy f p e1 e2 t1 t2

checkIteTy :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM Sort
checkIteTy f p e1 e2 t1 t2
  = ((`apply` t1) <$> unifys f e' [t1] [t2]) `withError` (errIte e1 e2 t1 t2)
    e' = Just (EIte p e1 e2)

-- | Helper for checking cast expressions
checkCst :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkCst f t (EApp g e)
  = checkApp f (Just t) g e
checkCst f t e
  = do t' <- checkExpr f e
       ((`apply` t) <$> unifys f (Just e) [t] [t']) `withError` (errCast e t' t)

checkApp :: Env -> Maybe Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkApp f to g es
  = snd <$> checkApp' f to g es

checkExprAs :: Env -> Sort -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkExprAs f t (EApp g e)
  = checkApp f (Just t) g e
checkExprAs f t e
  = do t' <- checkExpr f e
       θ  <- unifys f (Just e) [t'] [t]
       return $ apply θ t

-- | Helper for checking uninterpreted function applications
-- | Checking function application should be curried, e.g.
-- | fromJust :: Maybe a -> a, f :: Maybe (b -> b), x: c |- fromJust f x
--   RJ: The above comment makes no sense to me :(

-- DUPLICATION with 'elabAppAs'
checkApp' :: Env -> Maybe Sort -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM (TVSubst, Sort)
checkApp' f to g e = do
  gt       <- checkExpr f g
  et       <- checkExpr f e
  (it, ot, isu) <- checkFunSort gt
  let ge    = Just (EApp g e)
  su        <- unifyMany f ge isu [it] [et]
  let t     = apply su ot
  case to of
    Nothing    -> return (su, t)
    Just t'    -> do θ' <- unifyMany f ge su [t] [t']
                     let ti = apply θ' et
                     _ <- checkExprAs f ti e
                     return (θ', apply θ' t)

-- | Helper for checking binary (numeric) operations
checkNeg :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkNeg f e = do
  t <- checkExpr f e
  checkNumeric f t >> return t

checkOp :: Env -> Expr -> Bop -> Expr -> CheckM Sort
checkOp f e1 o e2
  = do t1 <- checkExpr f e1
       t2 <- checkExpr f e2
       checkOpTy f (EBin o e1 e2) t1 t2

checkOpTy :: Env -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM Sort
checkOpTy _ _ FInt FInt
  = return FInt

checkOpTy _ _ FReal FReal
  = return FReal
-- Coercing int to real is somewhat suspicious, but z3 seems
-- to be ok with it
checkOpTy _ _ FInt  FReal
  = return FReal
checkOpTy _ _ FReal FInt
  = return FReal

checkOpTy f _ t t'
  | t == t'
  = checkNumeric f t >> return t

checkOpTy _ e t t'
  = throwErrorAt (errOp e t t')

checkFractional :: Env -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkFractional f s@(FObj l)
  = do t <- checkSym f l
       unless (t == FFrac) $ throwErrorAt (errNonFractional s)
checkFractional _ s
  = unless (isReal s) $ throwErrorAt (errNonFractional s)

checkNumeric :: Env -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkNumeric f s@(FObj l)
  = do t <- checkSym f l
       unless (t `elem` [FNum, FFrac, intSort, FInt]) (throwErrorAt $ errNonNumeric s)
checkNumeric _ s
  = unless (isNumeric s) (throwErrorAt $ errNonNumeric s)

checkEqConstr :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> Symbol -> Sort -> CheckM TVSubst
checkEqConstr _ _  θ a (FObj b)
  | a == b
  = return θ
checkEqConstr f e θ a t = do
  case f a of
    Found tA -> unify1 f e θ tA t
    _        -> throwErrorAt $ errUnifyMsg (Just "ceq2") e (FObj a) t

-- | Checking Predicates -------------------------------------------------------
checkPred                  :: Env -> Expr -> CheckM ()
checkPred f e = checkExpr f e >>= checkBoolSort e

checkBoolSort :: Expr -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkBoolSort e s
  | s == boolSort = return ()
  | otherwise     = throwErrorAt (errBoolSort e s)

-- | Checking Relations
checkRel :: Env -> Brel -> Expr -> Expr -> CheckM ()
checkRel f Eq e1 e2 = do
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  su <- (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2]) `withError` (errRel e t1 t2)
  _  <- checkExprAs f (apply su t1) e1
  _  <- checkExprAs f (apply su t2) e2
  checkRelTy f e Eq t1 t2
    e = PAtom Eq e1 e2

checkRel f r  e1 e2 = do
  t1 <- checkExpr f e1
  t2 <- checkExpr f e2
  checkRelTy f (PAtom r e1 e2) r t1 t2

checkRelTy :: Env -> Expr -> Brel -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkRelTy _ e Ueq s1 s2     = checkURel e s1 s2
checkRelTy _ e Une s1 s2     = checkURel e s1 s2
checkRelTy f _ _ s1@(FObj l) s2@(FObj l') | l /= l'
                             = (checkNumeric f s1 >> checkNumeric f s2) `withError` (errNonNumerics l l')
checkRelTy _ _ _ FReal FReal = return ()
checkRelTy _ _ _ FInt  FReal = return ()
checkRelTy _ _ _ FReal FInt  = return ()
checkRelTy f _ _ FInt  s2    = checkNumeric    f s2 `withError` (errNonNumeric s2)
checkRelTy f _ _ s1    FInt  = checkNumeric    f s1 `withError` (errNonNumeric s1)
checkRelTy f _ _ FReal s2    = checkFractional f s2 `withError` (errNonFractional s2)
checkRelTy f _ _ s1    FReal = checkFractional f s1 `withError` (errNonFractional s1)
checkRelTy f e Eq t1 t2      = void (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2] `withError` (errRel e t1 t2))
checkRelTy f e Ne t1 t2      = void (unifys f (Just e) [t1] [t2] `withError` (errRel e t1 t2))
checkRelTy _ e _  t1 t2      = unless (t1 == t2) (throwErrorAt $ errRel e t1 t2)

checkURel :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM ()
checkURel e s1 s2 = unless (b1 == b2) (throwErrorAt $ errRel e s1 s2)
    b1            = s1 == boolSort
    b2            = s2 == boolSort

-- | Sort Unification on Expressions

unifyExpr :: Env -> Expr -> Maybe TVSubst
unifyExpr f (EApp e1 e2) = Just $ mconcat $ catMaybes [θ1, θ2, θ]
   θ1 = unifyExpr f e1
   θ2 = unifyExpr f e2
   θ  = unifyExprApp f e1 e2
unifyExpr f (ECst e _)
  = unifyExpr f e
unifyExpr _ _
  = Nothing

unifyExprApp :: Env -> Expr -> Expr -> Maybe TVSubst
unifyExprApp f e1 e2 = do
  t1 <- getArg $ exprSort_maybe e1
  t2 <- exprSort_maybe e2
  unify f (Just $ EApp e1 e2) t1 t2
    getArg (Just (FFunc t1 _)) = Just t1
    getArg _                   = Nothing

-- | Sort Unification
unify :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unify f e t1 t2
  = case runCM0 dummySpan (unify1 f e emptySubst t1 t2) of
      Left _   -> Nothing
      Right su -> Just su

unifyTo1 :: Env -> [Sort] -> Maybe Sort
unifyTo1 f ts
  = case runCM0 dummySpan (unifyTo1M f ts) of
      Left _  -> Nothing
      Right t -> Just t

unifyTo1M :: Env -> [Sort] -> CheckM Sort
unifyTo1M _ []     = panic "unifyTo1: empty list"
unifyTo1M f (t0:ts) = snd <$> foldM step (emptySubst, t0) ts
    step :: (TVSubst, Sort) -> Sort -> CheckM (TVSubst, Sort)
    step (su, t) t' = do
      su' <- unify1 f Nothing su t t'
      return (su', apply su' t)

unifySorts :: Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unifySorts   = unifyFast False emptyEnv
    emptyEnv = const $ die $ err dummySpan "SortChecl: lookup in Empty Env "

-- | Fast Unification; `unifyFast True` is just equality
unifyFast :: Bool -> Env -> Sort -> Sort -> Maybe TVSubst
unifyFast False f = unify f Nothing
unifyFast True  _ = uMono
    uMono t1 t2
     | t1 == t2   = Just emptySubst
     | otherwise  = Nothing

unifys :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> [Sort] -> [Sort] -> CheckM TVSubst
unifys f e = unifyMany f e emptySubst

unifyMany :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> [Sort] -> [Sort] -> CheckM TVSubst
unifyMany f e θ ts ts'
  | length ts == length ts' = foldM (uncurry . unify1 f e) θ $ zip ts ts'
  | otherwise               = throwErrorAt (errUnifyMany ts ts')

unify1 :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> Sort -> Sort -> CheckM TVSubst
unify1 f e !θ (FVar !i) !t
  = unifyVar f e θ i t
unify1 f e !θ !t (FVar !i)
  = unifyVar f e θ i t
unify1 f e !θ (FApp !t1 !t2) (FApp !t1' !t2')
  = unifyMany f e θ [t1, t2] [t1', t2']
unify1 _ _ !θ (FTC !l1) (FTC !l2)
  | isListTC l1 && isListTC l2
  = return θ
unify1 f e !θ !t1@(FAbs _ _) !t2 = do
  !t1' <- instantiate t1
  unifyMany f e θ [t1'] [t2]
unify1 f e !θ !t1 t2@(FAbs _ _) = do
  !t2' <- instantiate t2
  unifyMany f e θ [t1] [t2']
unify1 _ _ !θ !s1 !s2
  | isString s1, isString s2
  = return θ
unify1 _ _ !θ !FInt  !FReal = return θ

unify1 _ _ !θ !FReal !FInt  = return θ

unify1 f e !θ !t FInt = do
  checkNumeric f t `withError` (errUnify e t FInt)
  return θ

unify1 f e !θ !FInt !t = do
  checkNumeric f t `withError` (errUnify e FInt t)
  return θ

unify1 f e !θ (FFunc !t1 !t2) (FFunc !t1' !t2') = do
  unifyMany f e θ [t1, t2] [t1', t2']

unify1 f e θ (FObj a) !t =
  checkEqConstr f e θ a t

unify1 f e θ !t (FObj a) =
  checkEqConstr f e θ a t

unify1 _ e θ !t1 !t2
  | t1 == t2
  = return θ
  | otherwise
  = throwErrorAt (errUnify e t1 t2)

subst :: Int -> Sort -> Sort -> Sort
subst !j !tj !t@(FVar !i)
  | i == j                  = tj
  | otherwise               = t

subst !j !tj (FApp !t1 !t2)  = FApp t1' t2'
    !t1'                    = subst j tj t1
    !t2'                    = subst j tj t2

-- subst _ _  !(FTC l)         = FTC l
subst !j !tj (FFunc !t1 !t2) = FFunc t1' t2'
    !t1'                    = subst j tj $! t1
    !t2'                    = subst j tj $! t2

subst !j !tj (FAbs !i !t)
  | i == j                  = FAbs i t
  | otherwise               = FAbs i t'
    !t'                     = subst j tj t

subst _  _   !s             = s

instantiate :: Sort -> CheckM Sort
instantiate !t = go t
    go (FAbs !i !t) = do
      !t'    <- instantiate t
      !v     <- fresh
      return  $ subst i (FVar v) t'
    go !t =
      return t

unifyVar :: Env -> Maybe Expr -> TVSubst -> Int -> Sort -> CheckM TVSubst
unifyVar _ _ θ !i !t@(FVar !j)
  = case lookupVar i θ of
      Just !t'      -> if t == t' then return θ else return (updateVar j t' θ)
      Nothing       -> return (updateVar i t θ)

unifyVar f e θ !i !t
  = case lookupVar i θ of
      Just (FVar !j) -> return $ updateVar i t $ updateVar j t θ
      Just !t'       -> if t == t' then return θ else unify1 f e θ t t'
      Nothing        -> return (updateVar i t θ)

-- | Applying a Type Substitution ----------------------------------------------
apply :: TVSubst -> Sort -> Sort
apply θ          = Vis.mapSort f
    f t@(FVar i) = fromMaybe t (lookupVar i θ)
    f t          = t

applyExpr :: Maybe TVSubst -> Expr -> Expr
applyExpr Nothing e  = e
applyExpr (Just θ) e = Vis.mapExpr f e
    f (ECst e s) = ECst e (apply θ s)
    f e          = e

_applyCoercion :: Symbol -> Sort -> Sort -> Sort
_applyCoercion a t = Vis.mapSort f
    f (FObj b)
      | a == b    = t
    f s           = s

-- | Deconstruct a function-sort -----------------------------------------------
checkFunSort :: Sort -> CheckM (Sort, Sort, TVSubst)
checkFunSort (FAbs _ t)    = checkFunSort t
checkFunSort (FFunc t1 t2) = return (t1, t2, emptySubst)
checkFunSort (FVar i)      = do j <- fresh
                                k <- fresh
                                return (FVar j, FVar k, updateVar i (FFunc (FVar j) (FVar k)) emptySubst)
checkFunSort t             = throwErrorAt (errNonFunction 1 t)

-- | API for manipulating Sort Substitutions -----------------------------------

newtype TVSubst = Th (M.HashMap Int Sort) deriving (Show)

instance Semigroup TVSubst where
  (Th s1) <> (Th s2) = Th (s1 <> s2)

instance Monoid TVSubst where
  mempty  = Th mempty
  mappend = (<>)

lookupVar :: Int -> TVSubst -> Maybe Sort
lookupVar i (Th m)   = M.lookup i m

updateVar :: Int -> Sort -> TVSubst -> TVSubst
updateVar !i !t (Th m) = Th (M.insert i t m)

emptySubst :: TVSubst
emptySubst = Th M.empty

-- | Error messages ------------------------------------------------------------

errElabExpr   :: Expr -> String
errElabExpr e = printf "Elaborate fails on %s" (showpp e)

errUnifyMsg :: Maybe String -> Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errUnifyMsg msgMb eo t1 t2
  = printf "Cannot unify %s with %s %s %s"
      (showpp t1) {- (show t1) -} (showpp t2) {-(show t2)-} (errUnifyExpr eo) msgStr
      msgStr = case msgMb of { Nothing -> ""; Just s -> "<< " ++ s ++ " >>"}

errUnify :: Maybe Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errUnify = errUnifyMsg Nothing

errUnifyExpr :: Maybe Expr -> String
errUnifyExpr Nothing  = ""
errUnifyExpr (Just e) = "in expression: " ++ showpp e

errUnifyMany :: [Sort] -> [Sort] -> String
errUnifyMany ts ts'  = printf "Cannot unify types with different cardinalities %s and %s"
                         (showpp ts) (showpp ts')

errRel :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errRel e t1 t2       = printf "Invalid Relation %s with operand types %s and %s"
                         (showpp e) (showpp t1) (showpp t2)

errOp :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errOp e t t'
  | t == t'          = printf "Operands have non-numeric types %s in %s"
                         (showpp t) (showpp e)
  | otherwise        = printf "Operands have different types %s and %s in %s"
                         (showpp t) (showpp t') (showpp e)

errIte :: Expr -> Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errIte e1 e2 t1 t2   = printf "Mismatched branches in Ite: then %s : %s, else %s : %s"
                         (showpp e1) (showpp t1) (showpp e2) (showpp t2)

errCast :: Expr -> Sort -> Sort -> String
errCast e t' t       = printf "Cannot cast %s of sort %s to incompatible sort %s"
                         (showpp e) (showpp t') (showpp t)

errUnboundAlts :: Symbol -> [Symbol] -> String
errUnboundAlts x xs  = printf "Unbound symbol %s --- perhaps you meant: %s ?"
                         (showpp x) (L.intercalate ", " (showpp <$> xs))

errNonFunction :: Int -> Sort -> String
errNonFunction i t   = printf "The sort %s is not a function with at least %s arguments\n" (showpp t) (showpp i)

errNonNumeric :: Sort -> String
errNonNumeric  l     = printf "The sort %s is not numeric" (showpp l)

errNonNumerics :: Symbol -> Symbol -> String
errNonNumerics l l'  = printf "FObj sort %s and %s are different and not numeric" (showpp l) (showpp l')

errNonFractional :: Sort -> String
errNonFractional  l  = printf "The sort %s is not fractional" (showpp l)

errBoolSort :: Expr -> Sort -> String
errBoolSort     e s  = printf "Expressions %s should have bool sort, but has %s" (showpp e) (showpp s)