{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
    Module      :  Numeric.MixedType.AddSub
    Description :  Bottom-up typed addition and subtraction
    Copyright   :  (c) Michal Konecny
    License     :  BSD3

    Maintainer  :  mikkonecny@gmail.com
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable


module Numeric.MixedTypes.AddSub
    -- * Addition
    CanAdd, CanAddAsymmetric(..), CanAddThis, CanAddSameType
    , (+), sum
  -- ** Tests
    , specCanAdd, specCanAddNotMixed, specCanAddSameType
    -- * Subtraction
    , CanSub(..), CanSubThis, CanSubSameType
    , (-)
  -- ** Tests
    , specCanSub, specCanSubNotMixed

import Utils.TH.DeclForTypes

import Numeric.MixedTypes.PreludeHiding
import qualified Prelude as P
import Text.Printf

import qualified Data.List as List

import Test.Hspec
import Test.QuickCheck

-- import Numeric.CollectErrors
import Control.CollectErrors

import Numeric.MixedTypes.Literals
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Bool
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Eq
import Numeric.MixedTypes.Ord
import Numeric.MixedTypes.MinMaxAbs ()

{---- Addition -----}

type CanAdd t1 t2 =
  (CanAddAsymmetric t1 t2, CanAddAsymmetric t2 t1,
   AddType t1 t2 ~ AddType t2 t1)

  A replacement for Prelude's `P.+`.  If @t1 = t2@ and @Num t1@,
  then one can use the default implementation to mirror Prelude's @+@.
class CanAddAsymmetric t1 t2 where
  type AddType t1 t2
  type AddType t1 t2 = t1 -- default
  add :: t1 -> t2 -> AddType t1 t2
  default add :: (AddType t1 t2 ~ t1, t1~t2, P.Num t1) => t1 -> t2 -> AddType t1 t2
  add = (P.+)

infixl 6  +, -

(+) :: (CanAddAsymmetric t1 t2) => t1 -> t2 -> AddType t1 t2
(+) = add

(-) :: (CanSub t1 t2) => t1 -> t2 -> SubType t1 t2
(-) = sub

type CanAddThis t1 t2 =
  (CanAdd t1 t2, AddType t1 t2 ~ t1)
type CanAddSameType t =
  CanAddThis t t

sum :: (CanAddSameType t, ConvertibleExactly Integer t) => [t] -> t
sum xs = List.foldl' add (convertExactly 0) xs

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanAdd should satisfy.
specCanAdd ::
  (Show t1, Show t2, Show t3, Show (AddType t1 t1),
   Show (AddType t1 t2), Show (AddType t2 t1),
   Show (AddType t1 (AddType t2 t3)),
   Show (AddType (AddType t1 t2) t3), Arbitrary t1, Arbitrary t2,
   Arbitrary t3, ConvertibleExactly Integer t1,
     (EqCompareType (AddType t1 t1) t1),
     (EqCompareType (AddType t1 t2) (AddType t2 t1)),
        (AddType t1 (AddType t2 t3)) (AddType (AddType t1 t2) t3)),
     (OrderCompareType (AddType t1 t2) t2),
   HasEqAsymmetric (AddType t1 t1) t1,
   HasEqAsymmetric (AddType t1 t2) (AddType t2 t1),
     (AddType t1 (AddType t2 t3)) (AddType (AddType t1 t2) t3),
   HasOrderAsymmetric (AddType t1 t2) t2, CanTestPosNeg t1,
   CanAddAsymmetric t1 t1, CanAddAsymmetric t1 t2,
   CanAddAsymmetric t1 (AddType t2 t3), CanAddAsymmetric t2 t1,
   CanAddAsymmetric t2 t3, CanAddAsymmetric (AddType t1 t2) t3)
  T t1 -> T t2 -> T t3 -> Spec
specCanAdd (T typeName1 :: T t1) (T typeName2 :: T t2) (T typeName3 :: T t3) =
  describe (printf "CanAdd %s %s, CanAdd %s %s" typeName1 typeName2 typeName2 typeName3) $ do
    it "absorbs 0" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) -> let z = (convertExactly 0 :: t1) in (x + z) ?==?$ x
    it "is commutative" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) -> (x + y) ?==?$ (y + x)
    it "is associative" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) (z :: t3) ->
                      (x + (y + z)) ?==?$ ((x + y) + z)
    it "increases when positive" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) ->
        (isCertainlyPositive x) ==> (x + y) ?>?$ y
    it "decreases when negative" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) ->
        (isCertainlyNegative x) ==> (x + y) ?<?$ y
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)
  (?>?$) :: (HasOrderCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?>?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?>?" (?>?)
  (?<?$) :: (HasOrderCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?<?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?<?" (?<?)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanAdd should satisfy.
specCanAddNotMixed ::
  (Show t, Show (AddType t t), Show (AddType t (AddType t t)),
   Show (AddType (AddType t t) t), Arbitrary t,
   ConvertibleExactly Integer t,
   CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (AddType t t) t),
   CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (AddType t t) (AddType t t)),
        (AddType t (AddType t t)) (AddType (AddType t t) t)),
   CanTestCertainly (OrderCompareType (AddType t t) t),
   HasEqAsymmetric (AddType t t) t,
   HasEqAsymmetric (AddType t t) (AddType t t),
     (AddType t (AddType t t)) (AddType (AddType t t) t),
   HasOrderAsymmetric (AddType t t) t, CanTestPosNeg t,
   CanAddAsymmetric t t, CanAddAsymmetric t (AddType t t),
   CanAddAsymmetric (AddType t t) t)
  T t -> Spec
specCanAddNotMixed (t :: T t) = specCanAdd t t t

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanAddSameType should satisfy.
specCanAddSameType ::
  (ConvertibleExactly Integer t, Show t,
   HasEqCertainly t t, CanAddSameType t)
   T t -> Spec
specCanAddSameType (T typeName :: T t) =
  describe (printf "CanAddSameType %s" typeName) $ do
    it "has sum working over integers" $ do
      property $ \ (xsi :: [Integer]) ->
        (sum $ (map convertExactly xsi :: [t])) ?==?$ (convertExactly (sum xsi) :: t)
    it "has sum [] = 0" $ do
        (sum ([] :: [t])) ?==?$ (convertExactly 0 :: t)
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)

instance CanAddAsymmetric Int Int where
  type AddType Int Int = Integer -- do not risk overflow
  add a b = (integer a) P.+ (integer b)

instance CanAddAsymmetric Integer Integer
instance CanAddAsymmetric Rational Rational
instance CanAddAsymmetric Double Double

instance CanAddAsymmetric Int Integer where
  type AddType Int Integer = Integer
  add = convertFirst add
instance CanAddAsymmetric Integer Int where
  type AddType Integer Int = Integer
  add = convertSecond add

instance CanAddAsymmetric Int Rational where
  type AddType Int Rational = Rational
  add = convertFirst add
instance CanAddAsymmetric Rational Int where
  type AddType Rational Int = Rational
  add = convertSecond add

instance CanAddAsymmetric Integer Rational where
  type AddType Integer Rational = Rational
  add = convertFirst add
instance CanAddAsymmetric Rational Integer where
  type AddType Rational Integer = Rational
  add = convertSecond add

instance CanAddAsymmetric Int Double where
  type AddType Int Double = Double
  add n d = add (double n) d
instance CanAddAsymmetric Double Int where
  type AddType Double Int = Double
  add d n = add d (double n)

instance CanAddAsymmetric Integer Double where
  type AddType Integer Double = Double
  add n d = add (double n) d
instance CanAddAsymmetric Double Integer where
  type AddType Double Integer = Double
  add d n = add d (double n)

instance CanAddAsymmetric Rational Double where
  type AddType Rational Double = Double
  add n d = add (double n) d
instance CanAddAsymmetric Double Rational where
  type AddType Double Rational = Double
  add d n = add d (double n)

instance (CanAddAsymmetric a b) => CanAddAsymmetric [a] [b] where
  type AddType [a] [b] = [AddType a b]
  add (x:xs) (y:ys) = (add x y) : (add xs ys)
  add _ _ = []

instance (CanAddAsymmetric a b) => CanAddAsymmetric (Maybe a) (Maybe b) where
  type AddType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = Maybe (AddType a b)
  add (Just x) (Just y) = Just (add x y)
  add _ _ = Nothing

  (CanAddAsymmetric a b
  , CanEnsureCE es a, CanEnsureCE es b
  , CanEnsureCE es (AddType a b)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanAddAsymmetric (CollectErrors es a) (CollectErrors es  b)
  type AddType (CollectErrors es a) (CollectErrors es b) =
    EnsureCE es (AddType a b)
  add = lift2CE add

-- TH for ground type instances at is the end of the file due to a bug in TH

{---- Subtraction -----}

  A replacement for Prelude's binary `P.-`.

  If @CanNeg t2@ and @CanAdd t1 (NegType t2)@,
  then one can use the default implementation
  via @a-b = a + (-b)@.
class CanSub t1 t2 where
  type SubType t1 t2
  type SubType t1 t2 = AddType t1 (NegType t2) -- default
  sub :: t1 -> t2 -> SubType t1 t2
  default sub ::
    (SubType t1 t2 ~ AddType t1 (NegType t2),
    CanNeg t2, CanAdd t1 (NegType t2))
    t1 -> t2 -> SubType t1 t2
  a `sub` b = a + (negate b)

type CanSubThis t1 t2 =
  (CanSub t1 t2, SubType t1 t2 ~ t1)
type CanSubSameType t =
  CanSubThis t t

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanSub should satisfy.
specCanSub ::
  (Show t1, Show t2, Show (SubType t1 t1), Show (SubType t1 t2),
   Show (AddType t1 (NegType t2)), Arbitrary t1, Arbitrary t2,
   ConvertibleExactly Integer t1,
   CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (SubType t1 t1) t1),
     (EqCompareType (SubType t1 t2) (AddType t1 (NegType t2))),
   CanNeg t2, HasEqAsymmetric (SubType t1 t1) t1,
   HasEqAsymmetric (SubType t1 t2) (AddType t1 (NegType t2)),
   CanSub t1 t1, CanSub t1 t2, CanAddAsymmetric t1 (NegType t2))
  T t1 -> T t2 -> Spec
specCanSub (T typeName1 :: T t1) (T typeName2 :: T t2) =
  describe (printf "CanSub %s %s" typeName1 typeName2) $ do
    it "x-0 = x" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) -> let z = (convertExactly 0 :: t1) in (x - z) ?==?$ x
    it "x-x = 0" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) -> let z = (convertExactly 0 :: t1) in (x - x) ?==?$ z
    it "x-y = x+(-y)" $ do
      property $ \ (x :: t1) (y :: t2) ->
        (x - y) ?==?$ (x + (negate y))
  (?==?$) :: (HasEqCertainlyAsymmetric a b, Show a, Show b) => a -> b -> Property
  (?==?$) = printArgsIfFails2 "?==?" (?==?)

  HSpec properties that each implementation of CanSub should satisfy.
specCanSubNotMixed ::
  (Show t, Show (SubType t t), Show (AddType t (NegType t)),
   Arbitrary t, ConvertibleExactly Integer t,
   CanTestCertainly (EqCompareType (SubType t t) t),
     (EqCompareType (SubType t t) (AddType t (NegType t))),
   CanNeg t, HasEqAsymmetric (SubType t t) t,
   HasEqAsymmetric (SubType t t) (AddType t (NegType t)), CanSub t t,
   CanAddAsymmetric t (NegType t))
  T t -> Spec
specCanSubNotMixed (t :: T t) = specCanSub t t

instance CanSub Int Int where
  type SubType Int Int = Integer -- do not risk overflow
  sub a b = (integer a) P.- (integer b)

instance CanSub Integer Integer
instance CanSub Rational Rational
instance CanSub Double Double

instance CanSub Int Integer where
  type SubType Int Integer = Integer
  sub = convertFirst sub
instance CanSub Integer Int where
  type SubType Integer Int = Integer
  sub = convertSecond sub

instance CanSub Int Rational where
  type SubType Int Rational = Rational
  sub = convertFirst sub
instance CanSub Rational Int where
  type SubType Rational Int = Rational
  sub = convertSecond sub

instance CanSub Integer Rational where
  type SubType Integer Rational = Rational
  sub = convertFirst sub
instance CanSub Rational Integer where
  type SubType Rational Integer = Rational
  sub = convertSecond sub

instance CanSub Int Double where
  type SubType Int Double = Double
  sub n d = sub (double n) d
instance CanSub Double Int where
  type SubType Double Int = Double
  sub d n = sub d (double n)

instance CanSub Integer Double where
  type SubType Integer Double = Double
  sub n d = sub (double n) d
instance CanSub Double Integer where
  type SubType Double Integer = Double
  sub d n = sub d (double n)

instance CanSub Rational Double where
  type SubType Rational Double = Double
  sub n d = sub (double n) d
instance CanSub Double Rational where
  type SubType Double Rational = Double
  sub d n = sub d (double n)

instance (CanSub a b) => CanSub [a] [b] where
  type SubType [a] [b] = [SubType a b]
  sub (x:xs) (y:ys) = (sub x y) : (sub xs ys)
  sub _ _ = []

instance (CanSub a b) => CanSub (Maybe a) (Maybe b) where
  type SubType (Maybe a) (Maybe b) = Maybe (SubType a b)
  sub (Just x) (Just y) = Just (sub x y)
  sub _ _ = Nothing

  (CanSub a b
  , CanEnsureCE es a, CanEnsureCE es b
  , CanEnsureCE es (SubType a b)
  , SuitableForCE es)
  CanSub (CollectErrors es a) (CollectErrors es  b)
  type SubType (CollectErrors es a) (CollectErrors es b) =
    EnsureCE es (SubType a b)
  sub = lift2CE sub

  [[t| Integer |], [t| Int |], [t| Rational |], [t| Double |]]
  (\ t -> [d|

      (CanSub $t b
      , CanEnsureCE es b
      , CanEnsureCE es (SubType $t b)
      , SuitableForCE es)
      CanSub $t (CollectErrors es  b)
      type SubType $t (CollectErrors es  b) =
        EnsureCE es (SubType $t b)
      sub = lift2TLCE sub

      (CanSub a $t
      , CanEnsureCE es a
      , CanEnsureCE es (SubType a $t)
      , SuitableForCE es)
      CanSub (CollectErrors es a) $t
      type SubType (CollectErrors es  a) $t =
        EnsureCE es (SubType a $t)
      sub = lift2TCE sub

      (CanAddAsymmetric $t b
      , CanEnsureCE es b
      , CanEnsureCE es (AddType $t b)
      , SuitableForCE es)
      CanAddAsymmetric $t (CollectErrors es  b)
      type AddType $t (CollectErrors es  b) =
        EnsureCE es (AddType $t b)
      add = lift2TLCE add

      (CanAddAsymmetric a $t
      , CanEnsureCE es a
      , CanEnsureCE es (AddType a $t)
      , SuitableForCE es)
      CanAddAsymmetric (CollectErrors es a) $t
      type AddType (CollectErrors es  a) $t =
        EnsureCE es (AddType a $t)
      add = lift2TCE add