{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections   #-}

{-| This module implements a /reservation/ multi-map.

Each insert is indexed by a key; many inserts (of the same or different items)
may be performed on the same key.

A /reservation/ data structure is one that allows multiple inserts of the same
item, by returning a unique handle for each insert operation that must be given
to the delete operation.

__This API is experimental at the moment, and parts of it may change.__
module Data.Rsv.RMMap
  ( RMMap(..)
  , _handles
  , _content
  , Delete
  , checkValidity
  , checkHandle
  , empty
  -- * Read operations
  , isEmpty
  , (!)
  , toList
  -- * Write operations
  , enqueue
  , unqueue
  , dequeue

-- external
import           Control.Lens    (Iso, anon, at, iso, makeLensesFor, (%%~),
                                  (%~), (&))
import           Data.Bifunctor  (first)
import qualified Data.Foldable   as F (toList)
import           Data.Maybe      (mapMaybe)
import           Data.Text       (Text, pack)
import           GHC.Generics    (Generic)

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import           Data.Sequence   (Seq (..))

-- internal
import           Data.Rsv.Common hiding (checkHandle)
import qualified Data.Rsv.Common as R (checkHandle)

type Entries a = Seq (RHandle, a)

data RMMap k a = RMMap {
  handles :: !RHandles,
  content :: !(M.Map k (Entries a))
} deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq)
makeLensesFor ((\x -> (x, "_" <> x)) <$> ["handles", "content"]) ''RMMap

data Delete k a = Delete !k !RHandle
  deriving (Show, Read, Generic, Eq, Ord)

  :: Iso
       (RMMap k0 a0)
       (RMMap k1 a1)
       (RHandles, M.Map k0 (Entries a0))
       (RHandles, M.Map k1 (Entries a1))
toPair = iso (\(RMMap x y) -> (x, y)) (uncurry RMMap)

-- | Check the map that its internal invariants all hold.
-- You must run this on every instance obtained not via the API functions here.
-- For example, you must run this on instances obtained via deserialisation,
-- which in general cannot check the complex invariants maintained by the API
-- functions. Also, for all handles you obtain via a similarly non-standard
-- method, including by deserialisation of a parent data structure, you must
-- run @'checkHandle' map handle@.
-- 'Nothing' means the check passed; @'Just' errmsg@ gives a failure reason.
-- Note: this does not guard against all malicious behaviour, but it does guard
-- against violation (either malicious or accidental) of the runtime invariants
-- assumed by this data structure.
checkValidity :: RMMap k a -> Maybe Text
checkValidity (RMMap handles' content') =
  let res = flip mapMaybe (M.toList content') $ \(k, hh) -> do
        if not (all (R.checkHandle handles' . fst) hh) then Just k else Nothing
  in  case res of
        [] -> Nothing
        e  -> Just $ pack "some handles were reused in the input"

-- | Check that an existing handle is consistent with the current state of the
-- structure, i.e. it is not a handle that could be generated in the future.
checkHandle :: RMMap k a -> Delete k a -> Bool
checkHandle (RMMap handles' _) (Delete _ h) = R.checkHandle handles' h

empty :: RMMap k a
empty = RMMap { handles = newHandles, content = M.empty }

isEmpty :: RMMap k a -> Bool
isEmpty sm = M.null m || all null m where m = content sm

(!) :: Ord k => RMMap k a -> k -> Seq a
m ! k = case M.lookup k $ content m of
  Just l  -> snd <$> l
  Nothing -> mempty

toList :: RMMap k a -> [Delete k a]
toList (RMMap _ content') =
  M.toList content' >>= \(k, hh) -> F.toList hh & fmap (Delete k . fst)

-- | Append an item on a key, returning a handle to remove it with.
-- The same item may be added twice, in which case it will occupy multiple
-- positions in the map, and the handles distinguish these occurences.
enqueue :: Ord k => (k, a) -> RMMap k a -> (Delete k a, RMMap k a)
enqueue i@(k, _) m = m & toPair %%~ withHandle enq i & first (Delete k)
    :: Ord k => (RHandle, (k, a)) -> M.Map k (Entries a) -> M.Map k (Entries a)
  enq (h', (k', v')) m' = m' & at k' . anon mempty null %~ sEnqueue (h', v')

req :: (a -> b) -> (Maybe a, c) -> (Maybe b, c)
req = first . fmap

-- | Delete an item corresponding to a given handle.
-- If the item was already removed, 'Nothing' is returned instead.
unqueue :: Ord k => Delete k a -> RMMap k a -> (Maybe (k, a), RMMap k a)
unqueue (Delete k idx) m =
  m & _content . at k . anon mempty null %%~ sUnqueue idx & req (k, )

-- | Remove an item from a key, from the front. Return Nothing if key is empty.
dequeue :: Ord k => k -> RMMap k a -> (Maybe (Delete k a, a), RMMap k a)
dequeue k m =
  m & _content . at k . anon mempty null %%~ sDequeue & req (first (Delete k))