snaplet-actionlog- Generic action log snaplet for the Snap Framework

Safe HaskellNone




Core types and functions

data ActionLog Source

Opaque data type holding any state needed by the action log snaplet.

initActionLog :: (HasActionLog (Handler b b), HasHeist b) => Snaplet (Heist b) -> SnapletInit b ActionLogSource

Initializer for the action log snaplet. It sets up templates, routes, and compiled and interpreted splices.

Includes two built-in top level splices: actionLogListing and actionLogFilterForm

class HasPersistPool m => HasActionLog m whereSource

Type class that must be implemented to have an action log. You do not have to have any custom splices. If you don't need to add splices to what the snaplet provides by default, just have the custom splice functions return an empty list.

One potential use for the custom splices might be if you want to display your own custom information in action log lists. Maybe you want to display a user email address in addition to their name, or maybe instead of displaying raw entity IDs you want to do some DB query to get a different field for display. The custom splices allow you to make any runtime function of a LoggedAction into a splice that can be displayed in action log templates.


alGetTenantId :: m IntSource

Gets a tenant ID for the current user of your application. If your application is not multi-tenanted, then you can just return a constant here.

alGetAuthUserId :: m IntSource

Gets the current user's user ID. Again, if your application does not have the concept of a user, you can return a constant.

alGetTime :: m UTCTimeSource

In latency sensitive applications where time stamps are used frequently, you may want to do the system call once and then cache the results. This function allows you to provide your own cache-aware version of getTime if you choose. Otherwise you can just lift the getCurrentTime function from Data.Time.Clock into your monad.

alGetName :: Int -> m TextSource

Function that takes a user ID and returns the user's name, email, or whatever you want the snaplet to call that user. This function is used to generate the user dropdown box in action log filter controls.

alCustomCSplices :: [(Text, Promise (Entity LoggedAction) -> Splice m)]Source

Complied version of any custom splices that you want to be available inside the actionLogListing splice.

alCustomISplices :: Entity LoggedAction -> [(Text, Splice m)]Source

Interpreted version of any custom splices that you want to be available inside the actionLogListing splice.

data ActionType Source

Enumeration of possible actions in the action log.


Bounded ActionType 
Enum ActionType 
Eq ActionType 
Ord ActionType 
Show ActionType

Use human readable names for the Show instance.

PersistFieldSql ActionType 
PersistField ActionType

We need to derive PersistField so ActionType can be a column in the LoggedAction table.

Readable ActionType

Use human readable names for the Show instance.

PrimSplice ActionType

Create primitive splices using the show instance.

actionToInt :: ActionType -> IntSource

Converts an ActionType into an Int to be stored in the database. We don't want to use fromEnum here because that will make the numbers sensitive to the ordering of the data type and easier to screw up.

intToAction :: Int -> Either Text ActionTypeSource

Converts an Int into an ActionType. Again, we want this to be explicit rather than implied by toEnum.

class CanDelta a whereSource


deltaFields :: [(Text, a -> ByteString)]Source

storeDeltas :: (HasPersistPool m, CanDelta a) => LoggedActionId -> a -> a -> m ()Source

Calculates a list of fields that changed along with ByteString representations of their old and new values.

getDeltas :: CanDelta a => a -> a -> [(Text, ByteString, ByteString)]Source

Calculates a list of fields that changed along with ByteString representations of their old and new values.

Retrieving actions

getLoggedAction :: HasPersistPool m => LoggedActionId -> m (Maybe LoggedAction)Source

Gets the LoggedAction entry for the specified entity and id.

getEntityActions :: HasPersistPool m => Text -> Int -> m [Entity LoggedAction]Source

Gets the LoggedAction entry for the specified entity and id.

getAllActions :: HasPersistPool m => m [Entity LoggedAction]Source

Gets all the actions in the action log. In multi-tenant applications you probably want this to only be accessible by the administrator of the whole site.

getTenantActions :: HasActionLog m => [Filter LoggedAction] -> [SelectOpt LoggedAction] -> m [Entity LoggedAction]Source

Gets all the logged actions for the current tenant.

getTenantEntities :: HasActionLog m => m [Text]Source

Gets a list of all entities for a specific tenant.

getTenantUids :: HasActionLog m => m [Int]Source

Gets a list of all uids for a specific tenant.

Storing actions

These functions provide a nice API for logging actions based on database operations. Typically you should be able to simply substitute the loggedInsert, loggedUpdate, etc functions in the place of your existing calls to insert, update, etc from the persistent library.



:: HasActionLog m 
=> Text

Entity name. If you are logging database modifications, then this might be the name of the table being operated on.

-> Int

Entity ID. This is the primary key for the affected row.

-> ActionType

Type of action, such as create, update, or delete.

-> m (Key LoggedAction) 

Low level function for logging an action. Usually you will want to use one of the other functions like loggedInsert. But when those aren't sufficient, this function provides you maximum control to log actions as you see fit.

loggedInsert :: (PersistEntity a, HasActionLog m, PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend) => a -> m (Key a)Source

Performs a logged insert into the database. Just about everything should be inserted using this function instead of runPersist' . insert

loggedReplace :: (PersistEntity a, CanDelta a, HasActionLog m, PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend) => Key a -> a -> m ()Source

Performs a logged replace of a database record.

loggedUpdate :: (PersistEntity a, CanDelta a, HasActionLog m, PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend) => Key a -> [Update a] -> m ()Source

Performs a logged update of a database record.

loggedDelete :: forall m a. (HasActionLog m, PersistEntity a, PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend) => Entity a -> m ()Source

Performs a logged delete of an entity in the database.

loggedDeleteKey :: (PersistEntity a, HasActionLog m, PersistEntityBackend a ~ SqlBackend) => Key a -> m ()Source

Performs a logged delete of a key in the database.


actionLogEntityDefs :: [EntityDef SqlType]Source

The list of entity definitions this snaplet exposes. You need them so that you can append to your application's list of entity definitions and perform the migration in one block.

Here's an example of how to combine your app's own entity definitions and the action log's in one migration block:

 share [mkMigrate "migrateAll"] $
    actionLogEntityDefs ++
    $(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "schema.txt")