yi: The Haskell-Scriptable Editor
Yi is a text editor written in Haskell and extensible in Haskell. The goal of the Yi project is to provide a flexible, powerful, and correct editor for haskell hacking.
- Yi
- Yi.Boot
- Yi.Buffer
- Yi.Buffer.Basic
- Yi.Buffer.HighLevel
- Yi.Buffer.Indent
- Yi.Buffer.Misc
- Yi.Buffer.Normal
- Yi.Buffer.Region
- Yi.Buffer.TextUnit
- Yi.Buffer.Undo
- Char
- Yi.Char.Unicode
- Yi.Command
- Yi.Completion
- Yi.Config
- Yi.Config.Default
- Yi.Config.Misc
- Yi.Config.Simple
- Yi.Config.Simple.Types
- Yi.Core
- Yi.Debug
- Yi.Dired
- Yi.Dynamic
- Yi.Editor
- Yi.Eval
- Yi.Event
- Yi.File
- Yi.History
- Yi.Hoogle
- Yi.Hooks
- Yi.IReader
- Yi.IncrementalParse
- Yi.Interact
- Yi.JumpList
- Yi.Keymap
- Yi.Keymap.Completion
- Yi.Keymap.Cua
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.KillRing
- Yi.Keymap.Emacs.Utils
- Yi.Keymap.Keys
- Yi.Keymap.Readline
- Yi.Keymap.Vim
- Yi.Keymap.Vim.TagStack
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Common
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Digraph
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Eval
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.EventUtils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex
- Commands
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Buffer
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.BufferDelete
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Buffers
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Cabal
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Common
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Delete
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Edit
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Global
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.GotoLine
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Nohl
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Paste
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Quit
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Reload
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Substitute
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Write
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Commands.Yi
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Eval
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Ex.Types
- Commands
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.ExMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.InsertMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.MatchResult
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Motion
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.NormalMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.NormalOperatorPendingMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Operator
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.ReplaceMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.ReplaceSingleCharMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Search
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.SearchMotionMap
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.StateUtils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.StyledRegion
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.TextObject
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.Utils
- Yi.Keymap.Vim2.VisualMap
- Yi.KillRing
- Yi.Layout
- Lexer
- Yi.Lexer.Abella
- Yi.Lexer.Alex
- Yi.Lexer.C
- Yi.Lexer.Cabal
- Yi.Lexer.Compilation
- Yi.Lexer.Cplusplus
- Yi.Lexer.GNUMake
- Yi.Lexer.GitCommit
- Yi.Lexer.Haskell
- Yi.Lexer.JSON
- Yi.Lexer.Java
- Yi.Lexer.JavaScript
- Yi.Lexer.Latex
- Yi.Lexer.LiterateHaskell
- Yi.Lexer.OCaml
- Yi.Lexer.ObjectiveC
- Yi.Lexer.Ott
- Yi.Lexer.Perl
- Yi.Lexer.Python
- Yi.Lexer.Ruby
- Yi.Lexer.SVNCommit
- Yi.Lexer.Srmc
- Yi.Lexer.Whitespace
- Yi.Main
- Yi.MiniBuffer
- Yi.Misc
- Mode
- Yi.Mode.Abella
- Yi.Mode.Buffers
- Yi.Mode.Compilation
- Yi.Mode.GHCi
- Yi.Mode.Haskell
- Yi.Mode.Haskell.Dollarify
- Yi.Mode.IReader
- Yi.Mode.Interactive
- Yi.Mode.JavaScript
- Yi.Mode.Latex
- Yi.Mode.Shim
- Yi.Modes
- Yi.Monad
- Yi.Paths
- Yi.PersistentState
- Yi.Process
- Yi.Rectangle
- Yi.Regex
- Yi.Region
- Yi.Scion
- Yi.Search
- Yi.Snippets
- Yi.Snippets.Haskell
- Yi.String
- Yi.Style
- Yi.Style.Library
- Yi.Syntax
- Yi.Syntax.Driver
- Yi.Syntax.Haskell
- Yi.Syntax.JavaScript
- Yi.Syntax.Latex
- Yi.Syntax.Layout
- Yi.Syntax.OnlineTree
- Yi.Syntax.Paren
- Strokes
- Yi.Syntax.Strokes.Haskell
- Yi.Syntax.Tree
- Yi.Tab
- Yi.Tag
- Yi.TextCompletion
- UI
- Yi.UI.Batch
- Yi.UI.Common
- Yi.UI.Pango
- Yi.UI.Pango.Control
- Yi.UI.TabBar
- Yi.UI.Utils
- Yi.UI.Vty
- Yi.Utils
- Verifier
- Yi.Verifier.JavaScript
- Yi.Window
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
pango | "Build with Pango frontend" | Disabled |
vty | "Build with Vty frontend" | Enabled |
scion | Use the scion library to provide extra commands that interface with GHC (experimental) | Disabled |
ghcapi | Enable linking with GHC API for advanced features. | Disabled |
profiling | Runtime binary will be compiled with profiling and RTS options enabled. | Disabled |
testing | bake-in the self-checks | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info
- yi-0.8.0.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
- CoreyOConnor, DmitryIvanov, JeanPhilippeBernardy, JeffWheeler, MarcelFourne, MateuszKowalczyk, TomMurphy, JaroReinders
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
- No Candidates
Versions [RSS] | 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.4.1, 0.4.3, 0.4.6,,, 0.5.2, 0.6.0, 0.6.1,,,,,,,,, 0.7.0, 0.7.1, 0.7.2, 0.8.0, 0.8.1, 0.8.2, 0.10.0, 0.10.1, 0.11.0, 0.11.1, 0.11.2, 0.12.0, 0.12.1, 0.12.2, 0.12.3, 0.12.4, 0.12.5, 0.12.6, 0.13,,, 0.13.1, 0.13.2, 0.13.3, 0.13.4, 0.13.5, 0.13.6, 0.13.7, 0.14.0, 0.14.1, 0.15.0, 0.17.1, 0.18.0, 0.19.0, 0.19.2, 0.19.3 |
Dependencies | array, base (>=4 && <5), binary (>=0.5), bytestring (>=0.9.1 && <0.11), Cabal (>=1.10 && <1.20), cautious-file (>=1.0.1), concrete-typerep (>= && <0.1.1), containers, data-default, derive (>=2.4 && <2.7), Diff (>=0.1 && <0.4), directory, dlist (>=0.4.1), dyre (>=0.8.11), filepath (>=1.1 && <1.4), fingertree (<0.2), ghc (>=7.6), ghc-paths (>=0.1 && <0.2), ghc-syb-utils, glib (>=0.12 && <0.13), gtk (>=0.12 && <0.13), hashable (>=, hint (>0.3.1), lens (>=3.9), mtl (>=, old-locale, old-time (>=, pango (>=0.12 && <0.13), parsec (>=3.0), pointedlist (>=0.5), process (>=, pureMD5 (>=0.2.3), QuickCheck (>=2.7 && <2.8), random, regex-base (>=0.93 && <0.94), regex-tdfa (>=1.1 && <1.3), rosezipper (>=0.1 && <0.3), safe (>=0.3.4 && <0.4), scion (>=0.1 && <0.2), split (>=0.1 && <0.3), template-haskell (>=2.4), time (>=1.1 && <1.5), transformers-base, uniplate, unix, unix-compat (>=0.1 && <0.5), unordered-containers (>=0.1.3 && <0.3), utf8-string (>=0.3.1), vty (>=4.7.4 && <5), Win32, xdg-basedir (>=0.2.1 && <0.3), yi [details] |
Tested with | ghc ==7.6.3 |
License | LicenseRef-GPL |
Author | AUTHORS |
Maintainer | yi-devel@googlegroups.com |
Category | Development, Editor |
Home page | http://haskell.org/haskellwiki/Yi |
Bug tracker | https://github.com/yi-editor/yi/issues |
Source repo | head: git clone https://github.com/yi-editor/yi.git |
Uploaded | by DmitryIvanov at 2014-04-11T11:00:45Z |
Distributions | Debian:0.19.0, LTSHaskell:0.19.3, NixOS:0.19.2, Stackage:0.19.3 |
Reverse Dependencies | 10 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Executables | yi, parserTest |
Downloads | 41533 total (258 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | 2.25 (votes: 2) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs not available [build log] All reported builds failed as of 2016-12-15 [all 8 reports] |