AWin32Console: A binding to a part of the ANSI escape code for the console

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ANSI escape code

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  • System
    • Win32
      • System.Win32.AWin32Console


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Versions [RSS] 1.1
Dependencies base (>=4 && <5), regex-compat, Win32 [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Author Harald Wolfsgruber
Maintainer Harald Wolfsgruber
Category System
Uploaded by HaraldWolfsgruber at 2010-01-24T23:44:07Z
Distributions NixOS:1.1
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 1442 total (9 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2016-10-24 [all 15 reports]

Readme for AWin32Console-1.1

[back to package description]
Name:                AWin32Console
Version:             1.1
Description:         ANSI escape code 
License:             BSD3
License-file:        LICENSE
Author:              Harald Wolfsgruber

-- Library Files -------------


-- Functions -----------------

  aPutStr   :: String -> IO ()
  aPutStrLn :: String -> IO ()

-- Usage ---------------------

  aPutStrLn "\ESC[1;32mTest\ESC[0m"

-- Documentation -------------


  ESC[#;...;#m set display attributes
  ESC[0m reset display attributes

  ESC[0J erase from cursor to end of display
  ESC[1J erase from start to cursor
  ESC[2J cls and cursor to (1,1)

  ESC[0K delete to end of line
  ESC[1K delete from start of line to cursor
  ESC[2K delete whole line

  ESC[#L insert # blank lines
  ESC[#@ insert # blank characters
  ESC[#M delete # lines
  ESC[#P delete # characters

  ESC[#A moves cursor up # lines
  ESC[#B moves cursor down # lines
  ESC[#C moves cursor forward # lines
  ESC[#D moves cursor back # lines
  ESC[#E moves cursor down # lines column 1
  ESC[#F moves cursor up # lines column 1
  ESC[#G moves cursor to column #

  ESC[#;#H moves cursor to line #, column #
  ESC[#;#f moves cursor to line #, column #

  ESC[s saves the cursor position
  ESC[u restores the cursor position