-- | Item definitions.
module Content.ItemKind
  ( content, items, otherItemContent
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import Content.ItemKindActor
import Content.ItemKindBlast
import Content.ItemKindEmbed
import Content.ItemKindOrgan
import Content.ItemKindTemporary
import Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Dice
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Ability
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs
import Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Flavour

content :: [ItemKind]
content = items ++ otherItemContent

otherItemContent :: [ItemKind]
otherItemContent = embeds ++ actors ++ organs ++ blasts ++ temporaries

items :: [ItemKind]
items =
  [sandstoneRock, dart, spike, spike2, slingStone, slingBullet, paralizingProj, harpoon, harpoon2, net, light1, light2, light3, blanket, flaskTemplate, flask1, flask2, flask3, flask4, flask5, flask6, flask7, flask8, flask9, flask10, flask11, flask12, flask13, flask14, flask15, flask16, flask17, potionTemplate, potion1, potion2, potion3, potion4, potion5, potion6, potion7, potion8, potion9, potion10, potion11, potion12, fragmentationBomb, concussionBomb, flashBomb, firecrackerBomb, ediblePlantTemplate, ediblePlant1, ediblePlant2, ediblePlant3, ediblePlant4, ediblePlant5, ediblePlant6, ediblePlant7, scrollTemplate, scroll1, scroll2, scroll3, scroll4, scroll5, scroll6, scroll7, scroll8, scroll9, scroll10, scroll11, scroll12, scroll13, jumpingPole, sharpeningTool, seeingItem, motionScanner, gorget, necklaceTemplate, necklace1, necklace2, necklace3, necklace4, necklace5, necklace6, necklace7, necklace8, necklace9, necklace10, imageItensifier, sightSharpening, ringTemplate, ring1, ring2, ring3, ring4, ring5, ring6, ring7, ring8, armorLeather, armorMail, gloveFencing, gloveGauntlet, gloveJousting, hatUshanka, capReinforced, helmArmored, buckler, shield, shield2, shield3, dagger, daggerDropBestWeapon, hammerTemplate, hammer1, hammer2, hammer3, hammerParalyze, hammerSpark, sword, swordImpress, swordNullify, halberd, halberd2, halberd3, halberdPushActor, wandTemplate, wand1, gemTemplate, gem1, gem2, gem3, gem4, gem5, currencyTemplate, currency, smokingJacket]

sandstoneRock,    dart, spike, spike2, slingStone, slingBullet, paralizingProj, harpoon, harpoon2, net, light1, light2, light3, blanket, flaskTemplate, flask1, flask2, flask3, flask4, flask5, flask6, flask7, flask8, flask9, flask10, flask11, flask12, flask13, flask14, flask15, flask16, flask17, potionTemplate, potion1, potion2, potion3, potion4, potion5, potion6, potion7, potion8, potion9, potion10, potion11, potion12, fragmentationBomb, concussionBomb, flashBomb, firecrackerBomb, ediblePlantTemplate, ediblePlant1, ediblePlant2, ediblePlant3, ediblePlant4, ediblePlant5, ediblePlant6, ediblePlant7, scrollTemplate, scroll1, scroll2, scroll3, scroll4, scroll5, scroll6, scroll7, scroll8, scroll9, scroll10, scroll11, scroll12, scroll13, jumpingPole, sharpeningTool, seeingItem, motionScanner, gorget, necklaceTemplate, necklace1, necklace2, necklace3, necklace4, necklace5, necklace6, necklace7, necklace8, necklace9, necklace10, imageItensifier, sightSharpening, ringTemplate, ring1, ring2, ring3, ring4, ring5, ring6, ring7, ring8, armorLeather, armorMail, gloveFencing, gloveGauntlet, gloveJousting, hatUshanka, capReinforced, helmArmored, buckler, shield, shield2, shield3, dagger, daggerDropBestWeapon, hammerTemplate, hammer1, hammer2, hammer3, hammerParalyze, hammerSpark, sword, swordImpress, swordNullify, halberd, halberd2, halberd3, halberdPushActor, wandTemplate, wand1, gemTemplate, gem1, gem2, gem3, gem4, gem5, currencyTemplate, currency, smokingJacket :: ItemKind

-- Keep the dice rolls and sides in aspects small so that not too many
-- distinct items are generated (for display in item lore and for narrative
-- impact ("oh, I found the more powerful of the two variants of the item!",
-- instead of "hmm, I found one of the countless variants, a decent one").
-- In particular, for unique items, unless they inherit aspects from
-- a standard item, permit only a couple possible variants.
-- This is especially important if an item kind has multiple random aspects.
-- Instead multiply dice results, e.g., (1 `d` 3) * 5 instead of 1 `d` 15.
-- Beware of non-periodic non-weapon durable items with beneficial effects
-- and low timeout -- AI will starve applying such an item incessantly.

-- * Item group symbols, partially from Nethack

symbolProjectile, _symbolLauncher, symbolLight, symbolTool, symbolSpecial, symbolGold, symbolNecklace, symbolRing, symbolPotion, symbolFlask, symbolScroll, symbolTorsoArmor, symbolMiscArmor, symbolClothes, symbolShield, symbolPolearm, symbolEdged, symbolHafted, symbolWand, _symbolStaff, symbolFood :: Char

symbolProjectile = rsymbolProjectile standardRules  -- '|'
_symbolLauncher  = '}'
symbolLight      = '('
symbolTool       = '('
symbolSpecial    = '*'  -- don't overuse, because it clashes with projectiles
symbolGold       = '$'  -- also gems
symbolNecklace   = '"'
symbolRing       = '='
symbolPotion     = '!'  -- concoction, bottle, jar, vial, canister
symbolFlask      = '!'
symbolScroll     = '?'  -- book, note, tablet, remote, chip, card
symbolTorsoArmor = '['
symbolMiscArmor  = '['
symbolClothes    = '['
symbolShield     = ']'
symbolPolearm    = ')'
symbolEdged      = ')'
symbolHafted     = ')'
symbolWand       = '/'  -- magical rod, transmitter, pistol, rifle, instrument
_symbolStaff     = '_'  -- scanner
symbolFood       = ','  -- also body part; distinct from floor: not middle dot

-- * Generic items, for any epoch

-- ** Thrown weapons

sandstoneRock = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "sandstone rock"
  , ifreq    = [ ("sandstone rock", 1)
               , ("unreported inventory", 1) ]  -- too weak to spam
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Green]
  , icount   = 1 + 1 `d` 2  -- > 1, to let AI ignore sole pieces
  , irarity  = [(1, 50), (10, 1)]
  , iverbHit = "hit"
  , iweight  = 300
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ -16 * 5
               , SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 70 ] -- not dense, irregular
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A lump of brittle sandstone rock."
  , ikit     = []
dart = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "dart"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any arrow", 50), ("weak arrow", 50)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrRed]
  , icount   = 1 + 4 `dL` 5
  , irarity  = [(1, 15), (10, 5)]
  , iverbHit = "prick"
  , iweight  = 40
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-15 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5]
                 -- only good against leather
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A sharp delicate dart with fins."
  , ikit     = []
spike = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "spike"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any arrow", 50), ("weak arrow", 50)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Cyan]
  , icount   = 1 + 4 `dL` 5
  , irarity  = [(1, 10), (10, 8)]
  , iverbHit = "nick"
  , iweight  = 150
  , idamage  = 2 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-10 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5
                   -- heavy vs armor
               , SetFlag MinorEffects
               , toVelocity 70 ]  -- hitting with tip costs speed
  , ieffects = [ Explode "single spark"  -- when hitting enemy
               , OnSmash (Explode "single spark") ]  -- at wall hit
      -- this results in a wordy item synopsis, but it's OK, the spark really
      -- is useful in some situations, not just a flavour
  , idesc    = "A cruel long nail with small head."  -- "Much inferior to arrows though, especially given the contravariance problems."  -- funny, but destroy the suspension of disbelief; this is supposed to be a Lovecraftian horror and any hilarity must ensue from the failures in making it so and not from actively trying to be funny; also, mundane objects are not supposed to be scary or transcendental; the scare is in horrors from the abstract dimension visiting our ordinary reality; without the contrast there's no horror and no wonder, so also the magical items must be contrasted with ordinary XIX century and antique items
  , ikit     = []
spike2 = spike
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 2), ("any arrow", 1), ("weak arrow", 1)]
  , icount   = 6 `dL` 5
  , iverbHit = "penetrate"
  , iweight  = 200
  , idamage = 4 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-10 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5
               , SetFlag MinorEffects
               , Odds (10 * 1 `dL` 10) [] [toVelocity 70] ]
                   -- at deep levels sometimes even don't limit velocity
  , idesc    = "A jagged skewer of rusty metal."
slingStone = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "sling stone"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 5), ("any arrow", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Blue]
  , icount   = 1 + 3 `dL` 4
  , irarity  = [(1, 1), (10, 20)]
  , iverbHit = "batter"
  , iweight  = 200
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-10 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5
                   -- heavy, to bludgeon through armor
               , SetFlag MinorEffects
               , toVelocity 150 ]
  , ieffects = [ Explode "single spark"  -- when hitting enemy
               , OnSmash (Explode "single spark") ]  -- at wall hit
  , idesc    = "A round stone, carefully sized and smoothed to fit the pouch of a standard string and cloth sling."
  , ikit     = []
slingBullet = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "sling bullet"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 5), ("any arrow", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrBlack]
  , icount   = 1 + 6 `dL` 4
  , irarity  = [(1, 1), (10, 15)]
  , iverbHit = "slug"
  , iweight  = 28
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-17 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5
                   -- not too good against armor
               , ToThrow $ ThrowMod 200 100 2 ]  -- piercing
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Small almond-shaped leaden projectile that weighs more than the sling used to tie the bag. It doesn't drop out of the sling's pouch when swung and doesn't snag when released. Known to pierce through flesh, at least at maximum speed."  -- we lie, it doesn't slow down in our model; but it stops piercing alright
  , ikit     = []

-- ** Exotic thrown weapons

-- Identified, because shape (and name) says it all. Detailed aspects id by use.
-- This is an extremely large value for @Paralyze@. Normally for such values
-- we should instead use condition that disables (almost) all stats,
-- except @SkWait@, so that the player can switch leader and not be
-- helpless nor experience instadeath (unless his party is 1-person
-- or the actor is isolated, but that's usually player's fault).
paralizingProj = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "bolas set"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrGreen]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 4
  , irarity  = [(5, 5), (10, 5)]
  , iverbHit = "entangle"
  , iweight  = 500
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ -14 * 5]
  , ieffects = [Paralyze 15, DropBestWeapon]
  , idesc    = "Wood balls tied with hemp rope. The target enemy is tripped and bound to drop the main weapon, while fighting for balance."
  , ikit     = []
harpoon = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "harpoon"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("harpoon", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Brown]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 5
  , irarity  = [(10, 10)]
  , iverbHit = "hook"
  , iweight  = 750
  , idamage  = 5 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-10 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5]
  , ieffects = [ PullActor (ThrowMod 200 50 1)  -- 1 step, fast
               , Yell ]  -- yell, because brutal
  , idesc    = "The cruel, barbed head lodges in its victim so painfully that the weakest tug of the thin line sends the victim flying."
  , ikit     = []
harpoon2 = harpoon
  { iname    = "whaling harpoon"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 5), ("harpoon", 2)]
  , icount   = 2 `dL` 5
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 10 `d` 1
  , idesc    = "With a brittle, barbed head and thick cord, this ancient weapon is designed for formidable prey."
net = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "net"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrGreen]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 3
  , irarity  = [(5, 5), (10, 7)]
  , iverbHit = "entangle"
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 2 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ -14 * 5]
  , ieffects = [ toOrganBad "slowed" (3 + 1 `d` 3)
               , DropItem maxBound 1 CEqp "torso armor"
                   -- only one of each kind is dropped, because no rubbish
                   -- in this group and so no risk of exploit
               , SendFlying (ThrowMod 100 50 1) ]  -- 1 step; painful
  , idesc    = "A wide net with weights along the edges. Entangles armor and restricts movement."
  , ikit     = []

-- ** Lights

light1 = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolLight
  , iname    = "wooden torch"
  , ifreq    = [ ("common item", 100), ("light source", 100)
               , ("wooden torch", 1) ]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Brown]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 4
  , irarity  = [(1, 40), (4, 1)]
  , iverbHit = "scorch"
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkShine 3, AddSkill SkSight (-2)
                   -- not only flashes, but also sparks,
                   -- so unused by AI due to the mixed blessing
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotShine ]
                   -- not Fragile; reusable flare
  , ieffects = [Burn 1]
  , idesc    = "A heavy smoking wooden torch, improvised using a cloth soaked in tar, burning in an unsteady glow."
  , ikit     = []
light2 = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolLight
  , iname    = "oil lamp"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("light source", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 2
  , irarity  = [(4, 10)]
  , iverbHit = "burn"
  , iweight  = 1500
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkShine 3, AddSkill SkSight (-1)
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotShine ]
  , ieffects = [ Burn 1
               , toOrganBad "pacified" (2 + 1 `d` 2)
               , OnSmash (Explode "burning oil 2") ]
  , idesc    = "A clay lamp filled with plant oil feeding a tiny wick."
  , ikit     = []
light3 = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolLight
  , iname    = "brass lantern"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("light source", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Red]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 6)]
  , iverbHit = "burn"
  , iweight  = 3000
  , idamage  = 2 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkShine 4, AddSkill SkSight (-1)
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotShine ]
  , ieffects = [ Burn 1
               , toOrganBad "pacified" (4 + 1 `d` 2)
               , OnSmash (Explode "burning oil 4") ]
  , idesc    = "Very bright and very heavy brass lantern."
  , ikit     = []
blanket = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolLight
  , iname    = "wool blanket"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("light source", 100), ("blanket", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrBlack]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 1)]  -- not every playthrough needs one
  , iverbHit = "swoosh"
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkShine (-10)
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 2, AddSkill SkMaxCalm 5
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Equipable ]
                   -- not Fragile; reusable douse implement;
                   -- douses torch, lamp and lantern in one action,
                   -- both in equipment and when thrown at the floor
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Warm, comforting, and concealing, woven from soft wool."
  , ikit     = []

-- ** Exploding consumables, often intended to be thrown.

-- Not identified, because they are perfect for the id-by-use fun,
-- due to effects. They are fragile and upon hitting the ground explode
-- for effects roughly corresponding to their normal effects.
-- Whether to hit with them or explode them close to the target
-- is intended to be an interesting tactical decision.
-- Flasks are often not natural; maths, magic, distillery.
-- In fact, they just cover all conditions, except those for stats.
-- There is no flask nor condition of Calm depletion,
-- because Calm reduced often via combat, etc.

flaskTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolFlask
  , iname    = "flask"
  , ifreq    = [("flask unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipGlassPlain darkCol ++ zipGlassFancy darkCol
               ++ zipLiquid darkCol
                 -- ++ zipPlain darkCol ++ zipFancy darkCol
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 3
  , irarity  = [(1, 7), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "splash"
  , iweight  = 500
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "flask unknown", SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- oily, bad grip
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A flask of oily liquid of a suspect color. Something seems to be moving inside. Double dose causes twice longer effect."
  , ikit     = []
flask1 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 5
  , irarity  = [(10, 10)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of strength renewal brew"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "strengthened" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganNoTimer "regenerating"
               , OnSmash (Explode "dense shower") ]
flask2 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of weakness brew"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganBad "weakened" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "sparse shower") ]
flask3 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of melee protective balm"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "protected from melee" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "melee protective balm") ]
flask4 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of ranged protective balm"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "protected from ranged" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "ranged protective balm") ]
flask5 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of PhD defense questions"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganBad "defenseless" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , Impress
               , Detect DetectExit 20
               , OnSmash (Explode "PhD defense question") ]
flask6 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 1)]  -- not every playthrough needs one
  , iaspects = ELabel "of resolution"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "resolute" (500 + 1 `d` 200)  -- long, for scouting
               , RefillCalm 60  -- not to make it a drawback, via @calmEnough@
               , OnSmash (Explode "resolution dust") ]
flask7 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1  -- too powerful en masse
  , iaspects = ELabel "of haste brew"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "hasted" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "haste spray") ]
flask8 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of eye drops"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "far-sighted" (40 + 1 `d` 10)
               , OnSmash (Explode "eye drop") ]
flask9 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 2)]  -- not very useful right now
  , iaspects = ELabel "of smelly concoction"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "keen-smelling" (40 + 1 `d` 10)
               , Detect DetectActor 10  -- make it at least slightly useful
               , OnSmash (Explode "smelly droplet") ]
flask10 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 2)]  -- not very useful right now
  , iaspects = ELabel "of cat tears"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "shiny-eyed" (40 + 1 `d` 10)
               , OnSmash (Explode "eye shine") ]
flask11 = flaskTemplate
  { iname    = "bottle"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1 `d` 3  -- the only one sometimes giving away its identity
  , iaspects = ELabel "of whiskey"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "drunk" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , Burn 1, RefillHP 3, Yell
               , OnSmash (Explode "whiskey spray") ]
flask12 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1
  , iaspects = ELabel "of bait cocktail"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "drunk" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , Burn 1, RefillHP 3  -- risky exploit possible, good
               , Summon "mobile animal" 1
               , OnSmash (Summon "mobile animal" 1)
               , OnSmash Impress  -- mildly useful when thrown
               , OnSmash (Explode "waste") ]
-- The player has full control over throwing the flask at his party,
-- so he can milk the explosion, so it has to be much weaker, so a weak
-- healing effect is enough. OTOH, throwing a harmful flask at many enemies
-- at once is not easy to arrange, so these explosions can stay powerful.
flask13 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 2), (10, 12)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of regeneration brew"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "rose-smelling" (80 + 1 `d` 20)
               , toOrganNoTimer "regenerating"
               , toOrganNoTimer "regenerating"  -- x2
               , OnSmash (Explode "youth sprinkle") ]
flask14 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of poison"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganNoTimer "poisoned", toOrganNoTimer "poisoned"  -- x2
               , OnSmash (Explode "poison cloud") ]
flask15 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 4)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of slow resistance"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganNoTimer "slow resistant"
               , OnSmash (Explode "anti-slow mist") ]
flask16 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 4)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of poison resistance"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganNoTimer "poison resistant"
               , OnSmash (Explode "antidote mist") ]
flask17 = flaskTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of calamity"
               : iaspects flaskTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganNoTimer "poisoned"
               , toOrganBad "weakened" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "defenseless" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "glass hail") ]  -- enough glass to cause that

-- Potions are often natural, including natural stats.
-- They appear deeper than most flasks. Various configurations of effects.
-- A different class of effects is on scrolls and mechanical items.
-- Some are shared.

potionTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolPotion
  , iname    = "potion"
  , ifreq    = [("potion unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipLiquid brightCol ++ zipPlain brightCol ++ zipFancy brightCol
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 3
  , irarity  = [(1, 10), (10, 6)]
  , iverbHit = "splash"
  , iweight  = 200
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "potion unknown", SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- oily, bad grip
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A vial of bright, frothing concoction. The best that nature has to offer."
  , ikit     = []
potion1 = potionTemplate
  { iname    = "vial"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1  -- very useful, despite appearances
  , iaspects = ELabel "of rose water"
               : iaspects potionTemplate
  , ieffects = [ Impress, toOrganGood "rose-smelling" (80 + 1 `d` 20)
               , OnSmash ApplyPerfume, OnSmash (Explode "fragrance") ]
potion2 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 8), (10, 8)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Attraction"
               , SetFlag Precious, SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- identified
  , ieffects = [ Dominate
               , toOrganGood "hasted" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "pheromone")
               , OnSmash (Explode "haste spray") ]
  , idesc    = "The liquid fizzes with energy."
potion3 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , ieffects = [ RefillHP 5, DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "poisoned"
               , OnSmash (Explode "healing mist") ]
potion4 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 6), (10, 10)]
  , ieffects = [ RefillHP 10, DropItem maxBound maxBound COrgan "condition"
               , OnSmash (Explode "healing mist 2") ]
potion5 = potionTemplate
  -- needs to be common to show at least a portion of effects
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1  -- always as many as possible on this level
                         -- without giving away potion identity
  , irarity  = [(1, 12)]
  , ieffects = [ OneOf [ RefillHP 10, RefillHP 5, Burn 5
                       , DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "poisoned"
                       , toOrganGood "strengthened" (20 + 1 `d` 5) ]
               , OnSmash (OneOf [ Explode "dense shower"
                                , Explode "sparse shower"
                                , Explode "melee protective balm"
                                , Explode "ranged protective balm"
                                , Explode "PhD defense question" ]) ]
potion6 = potionTemplate
  -- needs to be common to show at least a portion of effects
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 10)]
  , ieffects = [ Impress
               , OneOf [ RefillHP 20, RefillHP 10, Burn 10
                       , DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "poisoned"
                       , toOrganGood "hasted" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
                       , toOrganBad "impatient" (2 + 1 `d` 2) ]
               , OnSmash (OneOf [ Explode "healing mist 2"
                                , Explode "wounding mist"
                                , Explode "distressing odor"
                                , Explode "impatient mist"
                                , Explode "haste spray"
                                , Explode "slowness mist"
                                , Explode "fragrance"
                                , Explode "violent flash" ]) ]
potion7 = potionTemplate
  { iname    = "ampoule"  -- probably filled with nitroglycerine, but let's
                          -- not mix fantasy with too much technical jargon
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1
  , ieffects = [ DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "condition"
               , OnSmash (Explode "violent concussion") ]
      -- not fragmentation nor glass hail, because not enough glass
potion8 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 5)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Love"
               , SetFlag Precious, SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- identified
  , ieffects = [ RefillHP 60, RefillCalm (-60)
               , toOrganGood "rose-smelling" (80 + 1 `d` 20)
               , OnSmash (Explode "healing mist 2")
               , OnSmash (Explode "distressing odor") ]
  , idesc    = "Perplexing swirls of intense, compelling colour."
potion9 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 5)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of grenadier focus"
               : iaspects potionTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "more projecting" (40 + 1 `d` 10)
               , toOrganBad "pacified" (5 + 1 `d` 3)
                   -- the malus has to be weak, or would be too good
                   -- when thrown at foes
               , OnSmash (Explode "more projecting dew")
               , OnSmash (Explode "pacified mist") ]
  , idesc    = "Thick, sluggish fluid with violently-bursting bubbles."
potion10 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 8)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of frenzy"
               : iaspects potionTemplate
  , ieffects = [ Yell
               , toOrganGood "strengthened" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "retaining" (5 + 1 `d` 3)
               , toOrganBad "frenzied" (40 + 1 `d` 10)
               , OnSmash (Explode "dense shower")
               , OnSmash (Explode "retaining mist")
               , OnSmash (Explode "retaining mist") ]
potion11 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 8)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of panic"
               : iaspects potionTemplate
  , ieffects = [ RefillCalm (-30)
               , toOrganGood "hasted" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "weakened" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "withholding" (10 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "haste spray")
               , OnSmash (Explode "sparse shower")
               , OnSmash (Explode "withholding mist") ]
potion12 = potionTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("potion", 100), ("any vial", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 8)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of quicksilver"
               : iaspects potionTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganGood "hasted" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "blind" (10 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganBad "immobile" (5 + 1 `d` 5)
               , OnSmash (Explode "haste spray")
               , OnSmash (Explode "iron filing")
               , OnSmash (Explode "immobile mist") ]

-- ** Explosives, with the only effect being @Explode@

fragmentationBomb = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolProjectile
  , iname    = "clay pot"
      -- clay pot filled with black powder; fragmentation comes from the clay
      -- shards, so it's not obvious if it's a weapon or just storage method;
      -- deflagration, not detonation, so large mass and hard container
      -- required not to burn harmlessly; improvised short fuze
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("explosive", 200)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Red]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 5  -- many, because not very intricate
  , irarity  = [(5, 8), (10, 5)]
  , iverbHit = "thud"
  , iweight  = 3000  -- low velocity due to weight
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1  -- heavy and hard
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of black powder"
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile ]
  , ieffects = [ Explode "focused fragmentation"
               , OnSmash (Explode "violent fragmentation") ]
  , idesc    = "The practical application of science."
  , ikit     = []
concussionBomb = fragmentationBomb
  { iname    = "satchel"
      -- slightly stabilized nitroglycerine in a soft satchel, hence
      -- no fragmentation, but huge shock wave despite small size and lack of
      -- strong container to build up pressure (hence only mild hearing loss);
      -- indoors helps the shock wave; unstable enough that no fuze required
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Magenta]
  , iverbHit = "flap"
  , iweight  = 400
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of mining charges"
               , SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 70 ]  -- flappy and so slow
  , ieffects = [ Explode "focused concussion"
               , OnSmash (Explode "violent concussion") ]
  , idesc    = "Avoid sudden movements."
-- Not flashbang, because powerful bang without fragmentation is harder
-- to manufacture (requires an oxidizer and steel canister with holes).
-- The bang would also paralyze and/or lower the movement skill
-- (out of balance due to ear trauma).
flashBomb = fragmentationBomb
  { iname    = "magnesium ribbon"  -- filled with magnesium flash powder
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]  -- avoid @BrWhite@; looks wrong in dark
  , iverbHit = "flash"
  , iweight  = 400
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile
               , toVelocity 70 ]  -- bad shape for throwing
  , ieffects = [Explode "focused flash", OnSmash (Explode "violent flash")]
  , idesc    = "For dramatic entrances and urgent exits."
firecrackerBomb = fragmentationBomb
  { iname = "roll"  -- not fireworks, as they require outdoors
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrMagenta]
  , irarity  = [(1, 5), (5, 6)]  -- a toy, if deadly
  , iverbHit = "crack"  -- a pun, matches the verb from "ItemKindBlast"
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Lobable, SetFlag Fragile]
  , ieffects = [Explode "firecracker", OnSmash (Explode "firecracker")]
  , idesc    = "String and paper, concealing a deadly surprise."

-- ** Non-exploding consumables, not specifically designed for throwing

-- Foods require only minimal apply skill to consume. Many animals can eat them.

ediblePlantTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolFood
  , iname    = "edible plant"
  , ifreq    = [("edible plant unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain stdCol
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 5
  , irarity  = [(1, 12), (10, 6)]  -- let's feed the animals
  , iverbHit = "thump"
  , iweight  = 50
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "edible plant unknown"
               , toVelocity 30 ]  -- low density, often falling apart
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Withered but fragrant bits of a colorful plant. Taste tolerably and break down easily, but only eating may reveal the full effects."
  , ikit     = []
ediblePlant1 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "overripe berry"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [RefillHP 1, toOrganBad "immobile" (5 + 1 `d` 5)]
ediblePlant2 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "frayed fungus"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [toOrganNoTimer "poisoned"]
ediblePlant3 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "thick leaf"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "poisoned"]
ediblePlant4 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "shrunk fruit"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [toOrganBad "blind" (10 + 1 `d` 10)]
ediblePlant5 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "fragrant herb"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 9
  , irarity  = [(1, 12), (10, 5)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of lethargy"
               : iaspects ediblePlantTemplate
  , ieffects = [ toOrganBad "slowed" (20 + 1 `d` 5)
               , toOrganNoTimer "regenerating"
               , toOrganNoTimer "regenerating"  -- x2
               , RefillCalm 5 ]
ediblePlant6 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "dull flower"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [PutToSleep]
ediblePlant7 = ediblePlantTemplate
  { iname    = "spicy bark"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("edible plant", 100)]
  , ieffects = [InsertMove 20, toOrganBad "frenzied" (40 + 1 `d` 10)]

-- These require high apply skill to consume.

scrollTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolScroll
  , iname    = "scroll"
  , ifreq    = [("scroll unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy stdCol ++ zipPlain stdCol
  , icount   = 1 `dL` 3
  , irarity  = [(1, 14), (10, 7)]
  , iverbHit = "thump"
  , iweight  = 50
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "scroll unknown"
               , toVelocity 30 ]  -- bad shape, even rolled up
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Scraps of haphazardly scribbled mysteries from beyond. Is this equation an alchemical recipe? Is this diagram an extradimensional map? Is this formula a secret call sign?"
  , ikit     = []
scroll1 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 9), (10, 9)]  -- mixed blessing, so found early for a unique
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Reckless Beacon"]
               ++ iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [Summon "hero" 1, Summon "mobile animal" (2 + 1 `d` 2)]
  , idesc    = "The bright flame and sweet-smelling smoke of this heavily infused scroll should attract natural creatures inhabiting the area, including human survivors, if any."
scroll2 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 6), (10, 2)]
  , ieffects = [Ascend False]
scroll3 = scrollTemplate
  -- needs to be common to show at least a portion of effects
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 14)]
  , ieffects = [OneOf [ Teleport 5, Paralyze 10, InsertMove 30
                      , Detect DetectEmbed 12, Detect DetectHidden 20 ]]
scroll4 = scrollTemplate
  -- needs to be common to show at least a portion of effects
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 14)]
  , ieffects = [ Impress
               , OneOf [ Teleport 20, Ascend False, Ascend True
                       , Summon "hero" 1, Summon "mobile animal" $ 1 `d` 2
                       , Detect DetectLoot 20  -- the most useful of detections
                       , CreateItem CGround "common item" timerNone ] ]
scroll5 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 6)]  -- powerful, but low counts at the depths it appears on
  , ieffects = [InsertMove $ 20 + 1 `dL` 20]
scroll6 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , icount   = 3 `dL` 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 20)]  -- uncommon deep down, where all is known
  , iaspects = ELabel "of scientific explanation"
               : iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [Composite [Identify, RefillCalm 10]]
  , idesc    = "The most pressing existential concerns are met with a deeply satisfying scientific answer."
scroll7 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 20)]  -- at endgame a crucial item may be missing
  , iaspects = ELabel "of transmutation"
               : iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [Composite [PolyItem, Explode "firecracker"]]
scroll8 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 12)]
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Rescue Proclamation"]
               ++ iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [Summon "hero" 1]
  , idesc    = "A survivor of past exploration missions is found that enjoys, apparently, complete physiological integrity. We can pronounce him a comrade in arms and let him join our party."
scroll9 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 4)]  -- powerful, even if not ideal; scares newbies
  , ieffects = [Detect DetectAll 20]
scroll10 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of cue interpretation"
               : iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [Detect DetectActor 20]
scroll11 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 11)]
  , ieffects = [PushActor (ThrowMod 400 200 1)]  -- 8 steps, 4 turns
scroll12 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 15)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of similarity"
               : iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [DupItem]
scroll13 = scrollTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any scroll", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 15)]
  , iaspects = ELabel "of transfiguration"
               : iaspects scrollTemplate
  , ieffects = [RerollItem]

-- ** Assorted tools

jumpingPole = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolWand
  , iname    = "jumping pole"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [White]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "prod"
  , iweight  = 10000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ Timeout $ (2 + 1 `d` 2 - 1 `dL` 2) * 5
               , SetFlag Durable ]
  , ieffects = [toOrganGood "hasted" 1]
                 -- safe for AI, because it speeds up, so when AI applies it
                 -- again and again, it gets its time back and is not stuck;
                 -- in total, the explorations speed is unchanged,
                 -- but it's useful when fleeing in the dark to make distance
                 -- and when initiating combat, so it's OK that AI uses it
  , idesc    = "Makes you vulnerable at take-off, but then you are free like a bird."
  , ikit     = []
sharpeningTool = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolTool
  , iname    = "whetstone"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Blue]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 10)]
  , iverbHit = "smack"
  , iweight  = 400
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (1 `dL` 7) * 5
               , SetFlag Equipable, EqpSlot EqpSlotHurtMelee ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A portable sharpening stone for keeping your weapons keen and true, without the need to set up camp, fish out tools and assemble a proper sharpening workshop."
  , ikit     = []
seeingItem = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolFood
  , iname    = "giant pupil"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Red]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 2)]
  , iverbHit = "gaze at"
  , iweight  = 100
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ Timeout 3
               , AddSkill SkSight 10  -- a spyglass for quick wields
               , AddSkill SkMaxCalm 30  -- to diminish clipping sight by Calm
               , AddSkill SkShine 2  -- to lit corridors when flying
               , SetFlag Periodic ]
  , ieffects = [ Detect DetectActor 20  -- rare enough
               , toOrganNoTimer "poisoned"  -- really can't be worn
               , Summon "mobile monster" 1 ]
  , idesc    = "A slimy, dilated green pupil torn out from some giant eye. Clear and focused, as if still alive."
  , ikit     = []
motionScanner = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolTool
  , iname    = "draft detector"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("add nocto 1", 20)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrRed]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 2)]
  , iverbHit = "jingle"
  , iweight  = 300
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkNocto 1
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee (-15 + (1 `dL` 3) * 5)
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged (-15 + (1 `dL` 3) * 5)
               , SetFlag Equipable, EqpSlot EqpSlotMiscBonus ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A silk flag with a bell for detecting sudden draft changes. May indicate a nearby corridor crossing or a fast enemy approaching in the dark. Is also very noisy."
  , ikit     = []

-- ** Periodic jewelry

-- Morally these are the aspects, but we also need to add a fake @Timeout@,
-- to let clients know that the not identified item is periodic jewelry.
iaspects_necklaceTemplate :: [Aspect]
iaspects_necklaceTemplate =
  [ HideAs "necklace unknown"
  , SetFlag Periodic, SetFlag Precious, SetFlag Equipable
  , toVelocity 50 ]  -- not dense enough
gorget = necklaceTemplate
  { iname    = "Old Gorget"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 25), ("treasure", 25)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy [BrCyan]  -- looks exactly the same as one of necklaces,
                                  -- but it's OK, it's an artifact
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique
               , Timeout $ 5 - 1 `dL` 4
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 3, AddSkill SkArmorRanged 2
               , SetFlag Durable ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [RefillCalm 1]
  , idesc    = "Highly ornamental, cold, large, steel medallion on a chain. Unlikely to offer much protection as an armor piece, but the old, worn engraving reassures you."
-- Not identified, because id by use, e.g., via periodic activations. Fun.
necklaceTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolNecklace
  , iname    = "necklace"
  , ifreq    = [("necklace unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy stdCol ++ zipPlain brightCol
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(4, 3), (10, 6)]
  , iverbHit = "whip"
  , iweight  = 30
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = Timeout 1000000
                 -- fake, needed to display "charging"; the timeout itself
                 -- won't be displayed thanks to periodic; as a side-effect,
                 -- it can't be activated until identified, which is better
                 -- than letting the player try to activate before the real
                 -- cooldown is over and waste turn
               : iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Menacing Greek symbols shimmer with increasing speeds along a chain of fine encrusted links. After a tense build-up, a prismatic arc shoots towards the ground and the iridescence subdues, becomes ordered and resembles a harmless ornament again, for a time."
  , ikit     = []
necklace1 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 3)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Aromata"
               , Timeout $ (4 - 1 `dL` 3) * 10
                   -- priceless, so worth the long wait
               , SetFlag Durable ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [RefillHP 1]
  , idesc    = "A cord of freshly dried herbs and healing berries."
necklace2 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
      -- too nasty to call it just a "common item"
  , irarity  = [(10, 3)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Live Bait"
               , Timeout 30
               , AddSkill SkOdor 2
               , SetFlag Durable ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [ DropItem 1 1 COrgan "condition"  -- mildly useful when applied
               , Impress
               , Summon "mobile animal" $ 1 `dL` 2
               , Explode "waste" ]
  , idesc    = "A cord hung with lumps of decaying meat. It's better not to think about the source."
necklace3 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of fearful listening"
               , Timeout ((1 + 1 `d` 2) * 10)
               , AddSkill SkHearing 2 ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [ Detect DetectActor 10  -- can be applied; destroys the item
               , RefillCalm (-40) ]
necklace4 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = Timeout ((3 + 1 `d` 3 - 1 `dL` 3) * 2)
               : iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [Teleport $ 3 `d` 2]
necklace5 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of escape"
               , Timeout $ (7 - 1 `dL` 5) * 10 ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [ Teleport $ 14 + 3 `d` 3  -- can be applied; destroys the item
               , Detect DetectExit 20
               , Yell ]  -- drawback when used for quick exploring
  , idesc    = "A supple chain that slips through your fingers."
necklace6 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = Timeout (1 + (1 `d` 3) * 2)
               : iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [PushActor (ThrowMod 100 50 1)]  -- 1 step, slow
                  -- the @50@ is only for the case of very light actor, etc.
necklace7 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 1)]  -- different gameplay for the actor that wears it
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Overdrive"
               , Timeout 4
               , AddSkill SkMaxHP 25  -- give incentive to cope with impatience
               , SetFlag Durable ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [ InsertMove $ 9 + 1 `d` 11  -- unpredictable
               , toOrganBad "impatient" 4]
                 -- The same duration as timeout, to avoid spurious messages
                 -- as well as unlimited accumulation of the duration.
  , idesc    = "A string of beads in various colours, with no discernable pattern."
necklace8 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(4, 3)]  -- entirely optional
  , iaspects = Timeout ((1 + 1 `d` 3) * 5)
               : iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [Explode "spark"]
necklace9 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = Timeout ((1 + 1 `d` 3) * 5)
               : iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [Explode "fragrance"]
necklace10 = necklaceTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of greed"
               , Timeout ((2 + 1 `d` 3) * 10) ]
               ++ iaspects_necklaceTemplate
  , ieffects = [ Detect DetectLoot 20
               , Teleport 40  -- risky
               , toOrganBad "parsimonious" (5 + 1 `d` 3) ]  -- hard to flee

-- ** Non-periodic jewelry

imageItensifier = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolRing
  , iname    = "light cone"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("add nocto 1", 80)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy [BrYellow]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 2)]
  , iverbHit = "bang"
  , iweight  = 500
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkNocto 1, AddSkill SkSight (-1)
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (-1 + 1 `dL` 6) * 3
               , SetFlag Precious, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotMiscBonus ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Contraption of lenses and mirrors on a polished brass headband for capturing and strengthening light in dark environment. Hampers vision in daylight. Stackable."
  , ikit     = []
sightSharpening = ringTemplate  -- small and round, so mistaken for a ring
  { iname    = "sharp monocle"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20), ("add sight", 1)]
      -- it's has to be very rare, because it's powerful and not unique,
      -- and also because it looks exactly as one of necklaces, so it would
      -- be misleading when seen on the map
  , irarity  = [(7, 1), (10, 12)]  -- low @ifreq@
  , iweight  = 50  -- heavier that it looks, due to glass
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkSight $ 1 + 1 `dL` 2
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-1 + 1 `d` 3) * 3
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotSight ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
  , idesc    = "Lets you better focus your weaker eye."
-- Don't add standard effects to rings, because they go in and out
-- of eqp and so activating them would require UI tedium: looking for
-- them in eqp and inv or even activating a wrong item by mistake.
-- By general mechanisms, due to not having effects that could identify
-- them by observing the effect, rings are identified on pickup.
-- That's unlike necklaces, which provide the fun of id-by-use, because they
-- have effects and when the effects are triggered, they get identified.
ringTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolRing
  , iname    = "ring"
  , ifreq    = [("ring unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain stdCol ++ zipFancy darkCol
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(10, 2)]  -- the default very low
  , iverbHit = "knock"
  , iweight  = 15
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [HideAs "ring unknown", SetFlag Precious, SetFlag Equipable]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "It looks like an ordinary object, but it's in fact a generator of exceptional effects: adding to some of your natural qualities and subtracting from others."
  , ikit     = []
ring1 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(8, 4)]
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkSpeed $ 1 `dL` 3, AddSkill SkMaxHP (-10)
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotSpeed ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
ring2 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique, ELabel "of Rush"
               , AddSkill SkSpeed $ (1 + 1 `dL` 2) * 2
               , AddSkill SkMaxCalm (-40), AddSkill SkMaxHP (-20)
               , SetFlag Durable, EqpSlot EqpSlotSpeed ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
  , idesc    = "Roughly-shaped metal with shallow scratches marking it."
ring3 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 8)]
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkMaxHP $ 5 + (1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 2) * 5
               , AddSkill SkMaxCalm $ -30 + (1 `dL` 3) * 5
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotMaxHP ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
ring4 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(5, 1), (10, 9)]  -- needed after other rings drop Calm
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkMaxCalm $ 20 + (1 `dL` 4) * 5
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotMiscBonus ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
  , idesc    = "Cold, solid to the touch, perfectly round, engraved with solemn, strangely comforting, worn out words."
ring5 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(3, 4), (10, 8)]
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (2 + 1 `d` 2 + (1 `dL` 2) * 2 ) * 3
               , AddSkill SkMaxHP $ (-3 + 1 `dL` 3) * 10
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotHurtMelee ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
ring6 = ringTemplate  -- weak skill per eqp slot, so can be without drawbacks
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)]
  , irarity  = [(10, 3)]
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkShine 1
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotShine ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
  , idesc    = "A sturdy ring with a large, shining stone."
ring7 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("ring of opportunity sniper", 1) ]  -- only for scenarios
  , irarity  = [(1, 1)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of opportunity sniper"
               , AddSkill SkProject 8
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotProject ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate
ring8 = ringTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("ring of opportunity grenadier", 1) ]  -- only for scenarios
  , irarity  = [(1, 1)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of opportunity grenadier"
               , AddSkill SkProject 11
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotProject ]
               ++ iaspects ringTemplate

-- ** Armor

armorLeather = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolTorsoArmor
  , iname    = "leather armor"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("torso armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Brown]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "thud"
  , iweight  = 7000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee (-2)
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (2 + 1 `dL` 4) * 5
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged $ (1 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A stiff jacket formed from leather boiled in bee wax, padded linen and horse hair. Protects from anything that is not too sharp. Smells much better than the rest of your garment."
  , ikit     = []
armorMail = armorLeather
  { iname    = "ring armor"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("torso armor", 1), ("armor ranged", 50)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Cyan]
  , irarity  = [(6, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iweight  = 12000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee (-3)
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (2 + 1 `dL` 4) * 5
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged $ (4 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3
               , AddSkill SkOdor 2
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorRanged ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A long shirt with tiny iron rings sewn into it. Discourages foes from attacking your torso, especially with ranged weapons, which can't pierce the rings nor aim between them. The stiff fabric is hard to wash, though."
gloveFencing = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolMiscArmor
  , iname    = "leather glove"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1), ("armor ranged", 50)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [White]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 9), (10, 9)]
  , iverbHit = "flap"
  , iweight  = 100
  , idamage  = 1 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (2 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged $ (1 `dL` 2) * 3
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotHurtMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- flaps and flutters
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A fencing glove from rough leather ensuring a good grip. Also quite effective in deflecting or even catching slow projectiles."
  , ikit     = []
gloveGauntlet = gloveFencing
  { iname    = "steel gauntlet"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrCyan]
  , irarity  = [(1, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iweight  = 300
  , idamage  = 2 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (1 + 1 `dL` 4) * 5
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- flaps and flutters
  , idesc    = "Long leather gauntlet covered in overlapping steel plates."
gloveJousting = gloveFencing
  { iname    = "Tournament Gauntlet"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy [BrRed]
  , irarity  = [(1, 3), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "rasp"
  , iweight  = 3000
  , idamage  = 3 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-7 + 1 `dL` 5) * 3
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (2 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 2) * 5
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged $ (1 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3
                 -- very random on purpose and can even be good on occasion
                 -- or when ItemRerolled enough times
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- flaps and flutters
  , idesc    = "Rigid, steel jousting handgear. If only you had a lance. And a horse to carry it all."
hatUshanka = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolMiscArmor
  , iname    = "ushanka hat"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Brown]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 6), (10, 1)]
  , iverbHit = "tickle"
  , iweight  = 500
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ Timeout $ (2 + 1 `d` 2) * 3
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 5, AddSkill SkHearing (-10)
               , SetFlag Periodic, SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- flaps and flutters
  , ieffects = [RefillCalm 1]
  , idesc    = "Soft and warm fur. It keeps your ears warm."
  , ikit     = []
capReinforced = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolMiscArmor
  , iname    = "leather cap"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(6, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "cut"
  , iweight  = 1000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (1 `d` 2) * 5
               , AddSkill SkProject 1
                   -- the brim shields against blinding by light sources, etc.
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotProject ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Boiled leather with a wide brim. It might soften a blow."
  , ikit     = []
helmArmored = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolMiscArmor
  , iname    = "bucket helm"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc armor", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrCyan]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(6, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "bounce"
  , iweight  = 2000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (1 + 1 `dL` 4) * 5
               , AddSkill SkArmorRanged $ (2 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3  -- headshot
               , AddSkill SkHearing (-7), AddSkill SkSight (-1)
               , AddSkill SkSmell (-5)
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorRanged ]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Blocks out everything, including your senses."
  , ikit     = []

-- ** Shields

-- Shield doesn't protect against ranged attacks to prevent
-- micromanagement: walking with shield, melee without.
-- Note that AI will pick them up but never wear and will use them at most
-- as a way to push itself (but they won't recharge, not being in eqp).
-- Being @Meleeable@ they will not be use as weapons either.
-- This is OK, using shields smartly is totally beyond AI.
buckler = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolShield
  , iname    = "buckler"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Blue]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(4, 5)]
  , iverbHit = "bash"
  , iweight  = 2000
  , idamage  = 0  -- safe to be used on self
  , iaspects = [ Timeout $ (3 + 1 `d` 3 - 1 `dL` 3) * 2
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 40
                   -- not enough to compensate; won't be in eqp
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee (-30)
                   -- too harmful; won't be wielded as weapon
               , SetFlag MinorEffects, SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- unwieldy to throw
  , ieffects = [PushActor (ThrowMod 200 50 1)]  -- 1 step, fast
  , idesc    = "Heavy and unwieldy. Absorbs a percentage of melee damage, both dealt and sustained. Too small to intercept projectiles with. May serve as a counterweight to suddenly push forth."
  , ikit     = []
shield = buckler
  { iname    = "shield"
  , irarity  = [(8, 4)]  -- the stronger variants add to total probability
  , iflavour = zipPlain [Green]
  , iweight  = 4000
  , idamage  = 4 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ Timeout $ (3 + 1 `d` 3 - 1 `dL` 3) * 4
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 80
                   -- not enough to compensate; won't be in eqp
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee (-70)
                   -- too harmful; won't be wielded as weapon
               , SetFlag MinorEffects, SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotArmorMelee
               , toVelocity 50 ]  -- unwieldy to throw
  , ieffects = [PushActor (ThrowMod 400 50 1)]  -- 2 steps, fast
  , idesc    = "Large and unwieldy. Absorbs a percentage of melee damage, both dealt and sustained. Too heavy to intercept projectiles with. Useful to push foes out of the way."
shield2 = shield
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 3 * 3)]  -- very low base rarity
  , iweight  = 5000
  , idamage  = 8 `d` 1
  , idesc    = "A relic of long-past wars, heavy and with a central spike."
shield3 = shield2
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 1 * 3)]  -- very low base rarity
  , iweight  = 6000
  , idamage  = 12 `d` 1

-- ** Weapons

dagger = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolEdged
  , iname    = "dagger"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("starting weapon", 200)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrCyan]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 40), (4, 1)]
  , iverbHit = "cut"
  , iweight  = 800
  , idamage  = 6 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ Timeout 2
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-1 + 1 `d` 2 + 1 `dL` 2) * 3
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee $ (1 `d` 2) * 5
                   -- very common, so don't make too random
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponFast
               , toVelocity 40 ]  -- ensuring it hits with the tip costs speed
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "A short dagger for thrusting and parrying blows. Does not penetrate deeply, but is quick to move and hard to block. Especially useful in conjunction with a larger weapon."
  , ikit     = []
daggerDropBestWeapon = dagger
  { iname    = "Double Dagger"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , irarity  = [(1, 3), (10, 3)]
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique]
               ++ iaspects dagger
  , ieffects = [DropBestWeapon, Yell]  -- powerful and low timeout, but makes
                                       -- noise and useless against stupid foes
  , idesc    = "A double dagger that a focused fencer can use to catch and twist away an opponent's blade."
hammerTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolHafted
  , iname    = "war hammer"
  , ifreq    = [("hammer unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy [BrMagenta]  -- avoid "pink"
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 20), (8, 1)]
  , iverbHit = "club"
  , iweight  = 1600
  , idamage  = 8 `d` 1  -- we are lying about the dice here, but the dungeon
                        -- is too small and the extra-dice hammers too rare
                        -- to subdivide this identification class by dice
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "hammer unknown"
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , toVelocity 40 ]  -- ensuring it hits with the tip costs speed
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "It may not cause extensive wounds, but neither does it harmlessly glance off heavy armour as blades and polearms tend to. There are so many shapes and types, some looking more like tools than weapons, that at a glance you can't tell what a particular specimen does. It's obvious, though, that any of them requires some time to recover after a swing."  -- if it's really the average kind, the weak kind, the description stays; if not, it's replaced with one of the descriptions below at identification time
  , ikit     = []
hammer1 = hammerTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("starting weapon", 70)]
  , iaspects = [Timeout 5, EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig]
               ++ iaspects hammerTemplate
hammer2 = hammerTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 20), ("starting weapon", 7)]
  , iverbHit = "gouge"
  , iaspects = [Timeout 3, EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponFast]
               ++ iaspects hammerTemplate
  , idesc    = "Upon closer inspection, this hammer turns out particularly handy and well balanced, with one thick and sturdy and two long and sharp points compensating the modest size."
hammer3 = hammerTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("common item", 3), ("starting weapon", 1)]
  , iverbHit = "puncture"
  , iweight  = 2400  -- weight gives it away
  , idamage  = 12 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ Timeout 12  -- balance, or @DupItem@ would break the game
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig]
               ++ delete (HideAs "hammer unknown") (iaspects hammerTemplate)
  , idesc    = "This hammer sports a long metal handle that increases the momentum of the sharpened head's swing, at the cost of long recovery."
hammerParalyze = hammerTemplate
  { iname    = "Brute Hammer"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , irarity  = [(5, 1), (8, 6)]
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique
               , Timeout 5
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig ]
               ++ iaspects hammerTemplate
  , ieffects = [Paralyze 10]
  , idesc    = "A huge shapeless lump of meteorite iron alloy on a sturdy pole. Nobody remains standing when this head connects."
hammerSpark = hammerTemplate
  { iname    = "Grand Smithhammer"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , irarity  = [(5, 1), (8, 6)]
  , iweight  = 2400  -- weight gives it away
  , idamage  = 12 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ SetFlag Unique
               , Timeout 10
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig
               , AddSkill SkShine 3]
               ++ delete (HideAs "hammer unknown") (iaspects hammerTemplate)
  , ieffects = [Explode "spark"]
      -- we can't use a focused explosion, because it would harm the hammer
      -- wielder as well, unlike this one
  , idesc    = "Smiths of old wielded this heavy hammer and its sparks christened many a potent blade."
sword = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolEdged
  , iname    = "sword"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("starting weapon", 30)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrBlue]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(4, 1), (6, 20)]
  , iverbHit = "slash"
  , iweight  = 2000
  , idamage  = 10 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ Timeout 7
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig
               , toVelocity 40 ]  -- ensuring it hits with the tip costs speed
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Difficult to master; deadly when used effectively. The steel is particularly hard and keen, but rusts quickly without regular maintenance."
  , ikit     = []
swordImpress = sword
  { iname    = "Master's Sword"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , irarity  = [(5, 1), (8, 6)]
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique]
               ++ iaspects sword
  , ieffects = [Impress]
  , idesc    = "A particularly well-balance blade, lending itself to impressive shows of fencing skill."
swordNullify = sword
  { iname    = "Gutting Sword"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , iverbHit = "pierce"
  , irarity  = [(5, 1), (8, 6)]
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique, Timeout 3, EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponFast]
               ++ (iaspects sword \\ [Timeout 7, EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig])
  , ieffects = [ DropItem 1 maxBound COrgan "condition"
               , RefillCalm (-10)
               , Yell ]
  , idesc    = "Cold, thin blade that pierces deeply and sends its victim into abrupt, sobering shock."
halberd = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolPolearm
  , iname    = "war scythe"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("starting weapon", 20)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(5, 0), (8, 15)]
  , iverbHit = "impale"
  , iweight  = 3000
  , idamage  = 12 `d` 1
  , iaspects = [ Timeout 10
               , AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-5 + 1 `dL` 3) * 5
                   -- useless against armor at game start
               , AddSkill SkArmorMelee 20
               , SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Meleeable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotWeaponBig
               , toVelocity 20 ]  -- not balanced
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "An improvised weapon made of scythe's blade attached to a long pole. Not often one succeeds in making enough space to swing it freely, but even when stuck between terrain obstacles it blocks approaches effectively and makes using other weapons difficult, both by friends and foes."
  , ikit     = []
halberd2 = halberd
  { iname    = "halberd"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 3 * 2), ("starting weapon", 1)]
  , iweight  = 4000
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-6 + 1 `dL` 4) * 10]
                 -- balance, or @DupItem@ would break the game;
                 -- together with @RerollItem@, it's allowed to, though
               ++ (iaspects halberd
                   \\ [AddSkill SkHurtMelee $ (-6 + 1 `dL` 4) * 5])
  , idamage  = 18 `d` 1
  , idesc    = "A long haft with a sharp blade. Designed and refined for war."
halberd3 = halberd2
  { iname    = "bardiche"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 1 * 2)]  -- compensating for low base rarity
  , iverbHit = "carve"
  , iweight  = 5000
  , idamage  = 24 `d` 1
  , idesc    = "The reach of a spear but the edge of an axe."
halberdPushActor = halberd
  { iname    = "Swiss Halberd"
  , ifreq    = [("treasure", 20)]
  , irarity  = [(7, 0), (9, 15)]
  , iaspects = [SetFlag Unique]
               ++ iaspects halberd
  , ieffects = [PushActor (ThrowMod 200 100 1)]  -- 2 steps, slow
  , idesc    = "A versatile polearm, with great reach and leverage. Foes are held at a distance."

-- ** Wands

wandTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolWand
  , iname    = "wand"
  , ifreq    = [("wand unknown", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy brightCol
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = []
  , iverbHit = "club"
  , iweight  = 300
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ HideAs "wand unknown"
               , AddSkill SkShine 1, AddSkill SkSpeed (-1)
                   -- pulsing with power, distracts
               , SetFlag Durable
               , toVelocity 125 ]  -- magic
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Buzzing with dazzling light that shines even through appendages that handle it."  -- will have math flavour
  , ikit     = []
wand1 = wandTemplate
  { ifreq    = []
  , ieffects = []  -- will be: emit a cone of sound shrapnel that makes enemy cover his ears and so drop '|' and '{'

-- ** Treasure

gemTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolGold
  , iname    = "gem"
  , ifreq    = [("gem unknown", 1), ("valuable", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain $ delete BrYellow brightCol  -- natural, so not fancy
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(3, 0), (10, 24)]
  , iverbHit = "tap"
  , iweight  = 50
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [HideAs "gem unknown", SetFlag Precious]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Useless, and still worth around 100 gold each. Would gems of thought and pearls of artful design be valued that much in our age of Science and Progress!"
  , ikit     = []
gem1 = gemTemplate
  { ifreq    = [ ("treasure", 100), ("gem", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)
               , ("valuable", 100) ]
  , irarity  = [(3, 0), (6, 12), (10, 8)]
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkShine 1, AddSkill SkSpeed (-1)]
                 -- reflects strongly, distracts; so it glows in the dark,
                 -- is visible on dark floor, but not too tempting to wear
               ++ iaspects gemTemplate
gem2 = gem1
  { ifreq    = [ ("treasure", 100), ("gem", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)
               , ("valuable", 100) ]
  , irarity  = [(5, 0), (7, 25), (10, 8)]
gem3 = gem1
  { ifreq    = [ ("treasure", 100), ("gem", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)
               , ("valuable", 100) ]
  , irarity  = [(7, 0), (8, 20), (10, 8)]
gem4 = gem1
  { ifreq    = [ ("treasure", 100), ("gem", 100), ("any jewelry", 100)
               , ("valuable", 100) ]
  , irarity  = [(9, 0), (10, 70)]
gem5 = gem1
  { isymbol  = symbolSpecial
  , iname    = "elixir"
  , ifreq    = [ ("treasure", 100), ("gem", 25), ("any jewelry", 10)
               , ("valuable", 100) ]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]
  , irarity  = [(1, 40), (10, 10)]
  , iaspects = [ ELabel "of youth", SetFlag Precious  -- not hidden
               , AddSkill SkOdor (-1) ]
  , ieffects = [RefillCalm 10, RefillHP 40]
  , idesc    = "A crystal vial of amber liquid, supposedly granting eternal youth and fetching 100 gold per piece. The main effect seems to be mild euphoria, but it admittedly smells good and heals minor ailments rather well."
currencyTemplate = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolGold
  , iname    = "gold piece"
  , ifreq    = [("currency unknown", 1), ("valuable", 1)]
  , iflavour = zipPlain [BrYellow]
  , icount   = 10 + 1 `d` 20 + 1 `dL` 20
  , irarity  = [(1, 25), (10, 10)]
  , iverbHit = "tap"
  , iweight  = 31
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [HideAs "currency unknown", SetFlag Precious]
  , ieffects = []
  , idesc    = "Reliably valuable in every civilized plane of existence."
  , ikit     = []
currency = currencyTemplate
  { ifreq    = [("treasure", 100), ("currency", 100), ("valuable", 1)]
  , iaspects = [AddSkill SkShine 1, AddSkill SkSpeed (-1)]
               ++ iaspects currencyTemplate


-- * LambdaHack-specific items

-- ** Clothing

smokingJacket = ItemKind
  { isymbol  = symbolClothes
  , iname    = "smoking jacket"
  , ifreq    = [("common item", 100), ("misc clothing", 1), ("chic gear", 100)]
  , iflavour = zipFancy [BrGreen]
  , icount   = 1
  , irarity  = [(1, 9), (10, 3)]
  , iverbHit = "stroke"
  , iweight  = 5000
  , idamage  = 0
  , iaspects = [ Timeout $ (1 `d` 2) * 3
               , AddSkill SkSpeed 2
               , AddSkill SkOdor 2
               , SetFlag Periodic, SetFlag Durable, SetFlag Equipable
               , EqpSlot EqpSlotSpeed ]
  , ieffects = [RefillCalm 1]
  , idesc    = "Wearing this velvet jacket, anyone would look dashing."
  , ikit     = []