LambdaHack- A game engine library for tactical squad ASCII roguelike dungeon crawlers

Safe HaskellNone



General content types and operations.



data ContentData c Source #

Verified and preprocessed content data of a particular kind.

data COps Source #

Operations for all content types, gathered together.

Eq COps Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind


(==) :: COps -> COps -> Bool #

(/=) :: COps -> COps -> Bool #

Show COps Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind


showsPrec :: Int -> COps -> ShowS #

show :: COps -> String #

showList :: [COps] -> ShowS #

data ItemSpeedup Source #

Map from an item kind identifier to the mean aspect value for the kind.

newtype Tab a Source #

A map morally indexed by ContentId TileKind.


Tab (Vector a) 

okind :: ContentData a -> ContentId a -> a Source #

Content element at given id.

ouniqGroup :: Show a => ContentData a -> GroupName a -> ContentId a Source #

The id of the unique member of a singleton content group.

opick :: Show a => ContentData a -> GroupName a -> (a -> Bool) -> Rnd (Maybe (ContentId a)) Source #

Pick a random id belonging to a group and satisfying a predicate.

ofoldlWithKey' :: ContentData a -> (b -> ContentId a -> a -> b) -> b -> b Source #

Fold strictly over all content a.

ofoldlGroup' :: ContentData a -> GroupName a -> (b -> Int -> ContentId a -> a -> b) -> b -> b Source #

Fold over the given group only.

omapVector :: ContentData a -> (a -> b) -> Vector b Source #

oimapVector :: ContentData a -> (ContentId a -> a -> b) -> Vector b Source #

olength :: ContentData a -> Int Source #

Size of content a.