NaCl- Easy-and-safe-to-use high-level Haskell bindings to NaCl
Safe HaskellNone



Internals of crypto_box.



type SecretKey a = SizedByteArray CRYPTO_BOX_SECRETKEYBYTES a Source #

Secret key that can be used for Box.

This type is parametrised by the actual data type that contains bytes. This can be, for example, a ByteString, but, since this is a secret key, it is better to use ScrubbedBytes.

toSecretKey :: ByteArrayAccess bytes => bytes -> Maybe (SecretKey bytes) Source #

Convert bytes to a secret key.

type PublicKey a = SizedByteArray CRYPTO_BOX_PUBLICKEYBYTES a Source #

Public key that can be used for Box.

This type is parametrised by the actual data type that contains bytes. This can be, for example, a ByteString.

toPublicKey :: ByteArrayAccess bytes => bytes -> Maybe (PublicKey bytes) Source #

Convert bytes to a public key.

keypair :: IO (PublicKey ByteString, SecretKey ScrubbedBytes) Source #

Generate a new SecretKey together with its PublicKey.

Note: this function is not thread-safe (since the underlying C function is not thread-safe both in Sodium and in NaCl)! Either make sure there are no concurrent calls or see Crypto.Init in crypto-sodium to learn how to make this function thread-safe.

type Nonce a = SizedByteArray CRYPTO_BOX_NONCEBYTES a Source #

Nonce that can be used for Box.

This type is parametrised by the actual data type that contains bytes. This can be, for example, a ByteString.

toNonce :: ByteArrayAccess ba => ba -> Maybe (Nonce ba) Source #

Make a Nonce from an arbitrary byte array.

This function returns Just if and only if the byte array has the right length to be used as a nonce with a Box.

create Source #


:: (ByteArrayAccess pkBytes, ByteArrayAccess skBytes, ByteArrayAccess nonce, ByteArrayAccess pt, ByteArray ct) 
=> PublicKey pkBytes

Receiver’s public key

-> SecretKey skBytes

Sender’s secret key

-> Nonce nonce


-> pt

Plaintext message

-> IO ct 

Encrypt a message.

open Source #


:: (ByteArrayAccess skBytes, ByteArrayAccess pkBytes, ByteArrayAccess nonce, ByteArray pt, ByteArrayAccess ct) 
=> SecretKey skBytes

Receiver’s secret key

-> PublicKey pkBytes

Sender’s public key

-> Nonce nonce


-> ct


-> IO (Maybe pt) 

Decrypt a message.