OpenVG: OpenVG (shivag-0.2.1) binding

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A Haskell binding for the OpenVG vector graphics API version 1.0.1 specifically the shivavg-0.2.1 implementation. *** Windows users - use version 1.0 and ShivaVG-0.2.0. ***

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  • Graphics
    • Rendering
      • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG
        • Util
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.Util.Colors
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.Util.PathCommands
        • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.BasicTypes
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Blending
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.DrawingContext
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Extending
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Images
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Paint
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Parameters
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Paths
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.RenderingQuality
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Scissoring
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.ShivaExtensions
        • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VGU
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VGU.Errors
          • Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VGU.VGU


Maintainer's Corner

Package maintainers

For package maintainers and hackage trustees


Versions [RSS] 0.1, 0.2, 0.2.1, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 0.7.0
Change log NEWS
Dependencies base (<5), GLUT (>=, OpenGL (>=2.2) [details]
License BSD-3-Clause
Copyright Stephen Tetley <>
Maintainer Stephen Tetley <>
Category Graphics
Home page
Uploaded by StephenTetley at 2009-07-07T14:46:55Z
Reverse Dependencies 1 direct, 0 indirect [details]
Downloads 7217 total (26 in the last 30 days)
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Status Docs not available [build log]
All reported builds failed as of 2016-12-31 [all 8 reports]

Readme for OpenVG-0.2

[back to package description]
Haskell bindings to ShivaVG (OpenVG implementation).

Haskell OpenVG 0.1 binds to ShivaVG-0.2.0
Haskell OpenVG 0.2 binds to ShivaVG-0.2.1

I've tested the bindings on both Windows XP (MinGW/Msys) 
and MacOSX Leopard.

On MacOSX both the 0.2 and 0.1 bindings seem work on 
their respective libraries.

On Windows I've not been able to get the 0.2 bindings to work,
so go with Haskell OpenVG 0.1 and ShivaVG-0.2.0.


MacOSX - runhaskell / GHCi freeze the shell when you try to run
the example TestVgu.hs. You will have to compile it first.

Windows - running the test through GHCi kills the GHCi session
when you close the display window. Its better to run through 

Shiva-VG (the C Library) should install quite easily on MacOSX - 
I installed it with the usual `configure`, `make` % `make install`.
I would imagine Linux is easy too. Windows isn't at all easy - but
there are instructions in the file `InstallWindows.txt`.

On all platforms you will need OpenGL and GLUT and the Haskell
bindings to OpenGL and GLUT installed and working.