OpenVG: OpenVG (ShivaVG-0.2.1) binding
A Haskell binding for the OpenVG vector graphics API version 1.0.1, specifically the ShivaVG-0.2.1 implementation.
This version (0.4.0) is NOT compatible with the Haskell Platform (2009.2.0.2) - it uses the split OpenGL packages (RAW, StateVar, etc.).
** WARNING - the module Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Paths
seems flawed in hindsight, as it ammalgamates the OpenVG
and VGPathCommand
data types into one Haskell
type. The binding is thus likely to change in the next major
revision in what is perhaps the worst place. **.
3.0 to 0.4.0
LinearGradient type changed to be Vector4 VGfloat.
RadialGradient changed to (Vector4 VGfloat, VGfloat).
Removed Marshal and Unmarshal type classes, marshallBool and unmarshalBool moved out of the BasicTypes module.
Type change for colorRampStops.
Name change - maxStops changed to maxColorRampStops.
PathType(..) changed to PathAbsRel(..).
Substantial changes to Haddock docs.
Error handling in VGU redone - the original code in ErrorsInternal was taken wholesale from Sven Panne's OpenGL binding to help me bootstrap the OpenVG binding. Regrettably I forgot to replace it or attribute it - I've now replaced it. Sincere apologies to Sven Panne.
[Skip to Readme]
- Graphics
- Rendering
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG
- Util
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.Util.Colors
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.Util.PathCommands
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.BasicTypes
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Blending
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.DrawingContext
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Extending
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Images
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Paint
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Parameters
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Paths
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.RenderingQuality
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.Scissoring
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VG.ShivaExtensions
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VGU
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG.VGU.VGU
- Util
- Graphics.Rendering.OpenVG
- Rendering
- OpenVG-0.4.0.tar.gz [browse] (Cabal source package)
- Package description (as included in the package)
Maintainer's Corner
For package maintainers and hackage trustees
Versions [RSS] | 0.1, 0.2, 0.2.1, 0.3.0, 0.4.0, 0.5.0, 0.6.0, 0.7.0 |
Change log | Changes |
Dependencies | base (<5), GLUT (>=2.2 && <2.3), OpenGL (>=2.4 && <2.5), OpenGLRaw (>= && <2), StateVar (>= && <2), Tensor (>= && <2) [details] |
License | BSD-3-Clause |
Copyright | Stephen Tetley <> |
Author | |
Maintainer | Stephen Tetley <> |
Category | Graphics |
Home page | |
Uploaded | by StephenTetley at 2009-12-13T17:01:19Z |
Distributions | |
Reverse Dependencies | 1 direct, 0 indirect [details] |
Downloads | 7225 total (15 in the last 30 days) |
Rating | (no votes yet) [estimated by Bayesian average] |
Your Rating | |
Status | Docs not available [build log] All reported builds failed as of 2016-12-30 [all 8 reports] |