Spock- Another Haskell web framework for rapid development

Safe HaskellNone




This module implements the type safe routing aproach. It should be used by all new Spock powered applications. To learn more about the routing, read the corresponding blog post available at http://www.spock.li/2015/04/19/type-safe_routing.html


Spock's route definition monad

spock :: SpockCfg conn sess st -> SpockM conn sess st () -> IO Middleware Source

Create a spock application using a given db storageLayer and an initial state. Spock works with database libraries that already implement connection pooling and with those that don't come with it out of the box. For more see the PoolOrConn type. Use runSpock to run the app or spockAsApp to create a Wai.Application

type SpockM conn sess st = SpockCtxM () conn sess st Source

type SpockCtxM ctx conn sess st = SpockCtxT ctx (WebStateM conn sess st) Source

spockT :: MonadIO m => (forall a. m a -> IO a) -> SpockT m () -> IO Middleware Source

Create a raw spock application with custom underlying monad Use runSpock to run the app or spockAsApp to create a Wai.Application The first argument is request size limit in bytes. Set to Nothing to disable.

spockLimT :: forall m. MonadIO m => Maybe Word64 -> (forall a. m a -> IO a) -> SpockT m () -> IO Middleware Source

Like spockT, but first argument is request size limit in bytes. Set to Nothing to disable.

data SpockCtxT ctx m a Source

Defining routes

data Path as :: [*] -> *


(~) [*] a ([] *) => IsString (Path a) 

root :: Path ([] *)

The root of a path piece. Use to define a handler for "/"

type Var a = Path ((:) * a ([] *))

var :: (Typeable * a, PathPiece a) => Path ((:) * a ([] *))

A route parameter

static :: String -> Path ([] *)

A static route piece

(<//>) :: Path as -> Path bs -> Path (Append as bs) Source

Combine two path components

Rendering routes

renderRoute :: Path as -> HVectElim as Text Source

Render a route applying path pieces

Hooking routes

subcomponent :: Monad m => Path `[]` -> SpockCtxT ctx m () -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Define a subcomponent. Usage example:

subcomponent "site" $
  do get "home" homeHandler
     get ("misc" <//> var) $ -- ...
subcomponent "admin" $
  do get "home" adminHomeHandler

The request /site/home will be routed to homeHandler and the request /admin/home will be routed to adminHomeHandler

prehook :: forall m ctx ctx'. MonadIO m => ActionCtxT ctx m ctx' -> SpockCtxT ctx' m () -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run before all subroutes. It can modify the requests current context

get :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb GET and the given route match

post :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb POST and the given route match

getpost :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb 'GET'/'POST' and the given route match

head :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb HEAD and the given route match

put :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb PUT and the given route match

delete :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb DELETE and the given route match

patch :: (HasRep xs, MonadIO m) => Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when the HTTP verb PATCH and the given route match

hookRoute :: forall xs ctx m. (HasRep xs, Monad m) => StdMethod -> Path xs -> HVectElim xs (ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when a HTTP verb and the given route match

hookAny :: Monad m => StdMethod -> ([Text] -> ActionCtxT ctx m ()) -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Specify an action that will be run when a HTTP verb matches but no defined route matches. The full path is passed as an argument

data StdMethod :: *

HTTP standard method (as defined by RFC 2616, and PATCH which is defined by RFC 5789).



Adding Wai.Middleware

middleware :: Monad m => Middleware -> SpockCtxT ctx m () Source

Hook wai middleware into Spock

Safe actions

class (Hashable a, Eq a, Typeable a) => SafeAction conn sess st a where Source

SafeActions are actions that need to be protected from csrf attacks


runSafeAction :: a -> SpockAction conn sess st () Source

The body of the safe action. Either GET or POST

safeActionPath :: forall conn sess st a. (SafeAction conn sess st a, HasSpock (SpockAction conn sess st), SpockConn (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ conn, SpockSession (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ sess, SpockState (SpockAction conn sess st) ~ st) => a -> SpockAction conn sess st Text Source

Wire up a safe action: Safe actions are actions that are protected from csrf attacks. Here's a usage example:

newtype DeleteUser = DeleteUser Int deriving (Hashable, Typeable, Eq)

instance SafeAction Connection () () DeleteUser where
   runSafeAction (DeleteUser i) =
      do runQuery $ deleteUserFromDb i
         redirect "/user-list"

get ("user-details" <//> var) $ \userId ->
  do deleteUrl <- safeActionPath (DeleteUser userId)
     html $ "Click <a href='" <> deleteUrl <> "'>here</a> to delete user!"

Note that safeActions currently only support GET and POST requests.